Spirit "Science" and the Galaxy of Lies

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so spirit science one of my subscribers informed me that on March the 16th 2015 you posted this offering on your website Milky Way is three times larger than we thought and it's a Taurus well we've only just hit the title and you've already lied more than once we'll come back to why this is bollocks shortly but since you begin your main text with utter irrelevance let's follow the detour imposed or tenuous grasp on reality and see how you begin to justify your dishonest headline you begin by referring to some pictures which immediately gives us an indication of your mental age and just how superficial your thought processes are apparently these images were based on so-called research by your apparent favorite Swiss crank nassim haramein for some reason you appear to think that the length of time someone has been talking crap is relevant and somehow takes away the stench of their failure before you immediately jump for the stall watered name-dropping Einstein as if some of his credibility would rub off on you we've been talking about this since 2011 when spirit songs started amazing you've been talking about an internet movie that came out in 2011 since 2011 I'm not quite sure why you think this represents some kind of achievement or relevant fact so I'll just repeat the simple points that the length of time someone has been talking does nothing to transform it into shinola before we listen to some more of your name-dropping parasitism less I'd reckon even pythagoras wrote about it somewhere and why would you reckon that unless you're so hopelessly deluded as to think this made-up to roil twaddle is supposedly so obvious that even people in ancient times would have known about it or perhaps you're so delusional that you actually think you're ignorant quantifications on reality are equivalent to intelligent thought unfortunately you have yet to demonstrate any of your claims scientifically which is ironic given your own statements that unless we actually demonstrate that scientifically we're pretty much just throwing darts in the dark here if anyone is already beginning to rich the stench of coming from your web article I'm sure they'll be disappointed to know that you're only just getting started and we're about to kick your random falsehood generator into full swing and so now not a few days ago there was a surge of revelational that swept through the scientific communities of the world there wasn't you're lying again rather than back up this claim you then revert to one of the few tricks you have up your pathetic sleeve by engaging in repetition of your headline in the futile hope that nobody will notice just what a pathetic little git you are the galaxy is three times bigger than we thought and it is in fact a torus since the gullible simpletons that pass for your audience love to claim that you never state anything as fact isn't it interesting that here you are again making an unsubstantiated claim of fact in my last video we on your cartoon streams we saw another example of you claiming something as fact that was Kelsey pries an abject lie establishing that required nothing more than the ability to read which says quite a lot about the amount of effort you have prepared to put into things is the galaxy three times bigger let's follow your link to an article on Science Space and robots and find out it says and I quote this extends the known width of the Milky Way from 100,000 lightyears across to 150,000 light-years perhaps you think that 100,000 times 3 is 150,000 whilst your stupidity is seemingly limitless it is apparently nowhere near as limitless as your ability to openly lie about what your source material actually states and why is it that in the linked article we also find 0 substantiation for your claimed fact that the galaxy is a torus is it because you'll follow more than a backed-up sewer by watching the included video of one of the papers author's discussing their findings we once again find no substantiation for the unmitigated horseshit that you're shoveling as if the future of rose gardens depended on it unperturbed by the chasm between reality and your own mental diarrhea you continue before this the general idea and explanation of this was that the galaxy emanated out in a flat plane a flat disc and it turns out that this is not so almost whilst professor Newberg did say in a statement for the media that we found that the disk of the Milky Way isn't just a disk of stars in a flat plane given your previous labouring of the word flat to mean two-dimensional it's not really fair to Professor Newberg to think that what she means in a press statement by flat matches your simplistic view moving on people may be initially impressed to see you quoting from the original paper before anyone gets too excited by this illusion of integrity it seems only prudent to point out that once again it's got nothing to do with your claims that the galaxy is supposedly three times bigger or that it's a torus how do the authors arrived at such noteworthy conclusions one can be sure that they would have mentioned it in the abstract that you quote from all the video of one of them speaking about their paper and yet they don't why do you think that is are we supposed to believe that they didn't think such findings were worth mentioning at all or is it more likely that this is just another example of you talking out of your ass at the expense of other people's hard work for anyone who may be wondering why you would quote something irrelevant let me prop explanation it's pretty obvious that you didn't understand what it says or what it means and that you simply don't care you're just trying to create a facade that you're reading and presenting science and know full well that just like you your audience don't have a damned clue what it's all about and won't bother to even check the basic claims you're making this is huge this means so much for everyone before you get on to attempting to justify this assertion kindly give the rest of us a moment to make some popcorn and fetch an oven glove for facial impact protection we'll be back in a few moments so spirit science why is this huge and what does it mean for everyone it demonstrates the connection between atoms galaxies in the human body you really are a lying sack of not only does the linked web article make no such claims neither does the abstract of the paper and how do you bothered to read the entire paper you would have found not one scratch of support for your fictitious total unless we can actually demonstrate that scientifically we're pretty much just throwing darts in the dark here unless we can actually demonstrate that scientifically we're pretty much just throwing darts in the dark here we must wonder then just what kind of egregiously dishonest individual thinks nothing of lying about the work of qualified scientists in order to create an air of support for is baseless horseshit remember this little attempt to curry sympathy when you realize that your ideas were subject to scrutiny what it felt like was that all of a sudden I was in a Coliseum with this other guy prepared to take spirit signs and me along with it to its grave boom booth you spots the enormous double standard for the benefit of your obvious ethical retardation allow me to elaborate educated individuals who have pointed out the innumerable falsehoods in your so-called work have not only presented things you find highly inconvenient they call facts also accurately presented your content you on the other hand think absolutely nothing and taking other people's hard work and openly lying about what it says and means so without further ado let's move on to the next turd that flopped its way out of your minds arse it gets ample evidence to vortex mathematics and explaining and doing quantum field equations more lies your link for doing quantum field equations is particularly hilarious it's a link to your own cartoon horseshit for spirit science 24 a post and video in which you do nothing with quantum field equations and lie about key points of black holes whilst myself and others are spotting a trend in your abject failure to do any maths both making claims about maths a more pressing concern is why a filthy weasel like you claims that a paper that has nothing to do with either subject gives ample evidence to both of them if anyone was hoping for an explanation from you they're out of luck apparently you don't think anybody needs to know why this paper gives ample evidence to vortex mathematics in explaining quantum field equations in much the same way as you don't think it might be a good idea to gain an understanding of the subject before you start talking bollocks as if you have some kind of insight on reality and what does this have to do with the size of the Milky Way well nothing of course you've already wandered off track faster than a squirrel on crack but the seemingly limitless flow of Equinix creature from your astral asshole isn't finished yet apparently this paper on the structure of the Milky Way even helps us understand how the human body works more efficiently so that we might actually bring some health back to the world works more efficiently than what if you're going to start a sentence it's usually a good idea to finish it rather than sticking a non-sequitur on the end of it and hoping for the best bring some health back to the world this being the same world that thanks to a scientific approach to medicine and the application of evidence-based medicine allows people to enjoy greater longevity and standards of care than at any other time in human history such an absurdly ignorant Proclamation on the subject of human health only come from the kind of bastard who thinks that operating theaters should have more crystals in them one might have thought that had the authors of the paper made such a discovery about how the size of the Milky Way supposedly affects human health they might have mentioned it themselves in their own paper they didn't the reason is that their work doesn't provide any such understanding whatsoever are you so maxed out on the spirit article laid a unicorn that you think it likely that you somehow managed to identify not just one but multiple conclusions that the authors of the paper apparently didn't think of despite the fact that it was then that did all of the hard work whilst you just sat on your arse and looked at some pictures it seems so as your only attempt to back up this latest claim is another link to more of your own made-up nonsense anyone with a mental capacity above that of a lobotomized rodent should be able to see the fundamental problem of circular reasoning when a delusional buffoon declares his own nonsense to be justification of itself seemingly that's a skill you have yet to acquire all of this data could be extrapolated from looking at all the dots that connect this study to everything else what data what dots are these why don't you unequivocally demonstrate how this could be so using some of the mathematics you claim to be so fond of and that you claim your material contains when it does not instead of just stating that unspecified connections exist well we all know the answer to this it's because you're utterly incapable of doing so and no it couldn't be extrapolated to everything else unless you're either systematically dishonest or utterly mentally defective but there's this nagging problem I'm feeling is it the nagging feeling that lying about the hard work of educated qualified individuals is wrong is it the nagging feeling of guilt due to knowing that what you're stating as fact doesn't even pass the most cursory comparisons to reality or the source materials no of course not that'd be asking for scruples the nagging feeling isn't guilt at your own incessant dishonesty even the temporary blockage of your minds art no it's more delusional tightness nobody else is connecting these dots when you make up the dots and pull them out of your backside with no more cognitive dexterity than a creationist you've got to be a complete half-wit to be surprised that nobody else is connecting them to and were to earlier stating that this paper caused a surge of revelation that swept through the scientific communities of the world yes you were so are you now suggesting that the world scientists somehow failed to spot and connect dots that an uneducated managed by trying and failing to play snap with the pictures had that surge of revelation not been a man dashes fabrication on your part it would utterly contradict this latest claim of yours demonstrating not only your monumental delusion of your own capabilities but your utter failure to retain some internal consistency if we cut out all the padding from your article and leave just the material that you wrote we see that this spectacular failure occurs within just three paragraphs I don't see the news reports or the science journals relating the shapes of galaxies to human health which journals have you checked none but let me save you some time there is no connection between the shapes of galaxies and human health to any normal person the fact that real scientists who know what they're talking about aren't talking about the drivel that simpletons like you come out with would be a clue that said simpletons are barking up the wrong tree so imagine my surprise when rather than take the hint from reality around you you chose to disappear even further up your own arse but just for the record here's the data no that's just a link to the same web page describing the findings of the paper a web article isn't data in the sense you're using it and there is nothing on record and substantiate a claim that you just made up whilst lying about a scientific paper all you're putting on record where is the litany of your own breathtaking dishonesty and disdain for pesky details called facts it's no longer in question it's no longer pseudoscience what manner of mental retardation are you afflicted with when you take an article and demonstrate that you haven't even understood the basics of what it says then your limited claims are not only in question but so are the preposterous conclusions you draw from your misrepresentations of it when you claim that your galaxy is a Taurus when it isn't and that it's three times bigger than previously thought when it isn't your claims are not only in question that so is your ability to read and understand English and do maths to a level that even a child is capable of given your utter failure to substantiate even the headline of your article it's pretty obvious that your thought process didn't get any more sophisticated than who waves or muth picture would look a bit like the wave the Move picture so everything that seemed Herriman says is true because look the pictures look similar a conclusion of such breathtaking eree that it's hard to believe that someone presenting it is old enough to use play-doh unsupervised let alone grow facial hair the implicit comparison of images is where you start this so-called article and in the absence of any real content it only gets more tenuous from there remember when we stripped out all the pictures and filler material that you are added and left just the scraps that you actually wrote good let's break out the highlighter of horseshit and see how much of it wasn't horseshit that's a lie that's a lie well you almost managed three complete sentences at the beginning unfortunately the rest of that is fallacious horseshit that's irrelevant that's pointless that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie that's just irrelevant rambling so it all by default that wasn't data so that's a lie and that's a peptic filthy lie and lack picture is irrelevant or too so a clear pattern emerges the overwhelming majority of everything you wrote is horseshit half of the sentences you wrote were lies and every statement you make about the content and meaning of the scientific paper was a lie but making up is just so much easier than undergoing the inconvenience of having to understand what your source material states and having to actually think isn't it wake up everyone it's time to do something of grand in war the thing of grand important that you could do would be to find the scrap of integrity from somewhere and stop abusing work of real scientists to pretend it lends credibility to your made-up childish nonsense and the thing of grand imports that the rest of us can do is call out miserable charlatans like you for what they are parasites parasites who are as quick to lie about the vast wealth of knowledge that intelligent people have painstakingly assembled over centuries as they are to run and play victims soon as someone spots they're spending more time spreading than they are doing the decent thing and checking the drivel they so proudly espouse as if it were either useful or meaningful to ascertain just how meaningful the bills you post on your various outlets is we need only compare the breathtaking track record of achievements from following the scientific method to the detail free hand waving inanity of make-believe pizzle from woo tarts and charlatans who throughout history have understood and contributed precisely bugger-all if you can't find it within yourself to go back to elementary school and start your education again I'd invite you to try and resemble a decent human being or not lying about the work of people who actually have an education and do the hard work that you can't be bothered to you
Channel: CoolHardLogic
Views: 502,401
Rating: 3.6093071 out of 5
Keywords: CHL, CoolHardLogic, Science, Spirit Science, new age, woo, Milky Way, Rings, Radial Waves, debunk, spirit, spirituality, galaxy, health, atoms, quantum mechanics, consciousness, energy, truth, physics, Jordan, Pearce, Highlighter of Horseshit
Id: _B1qgJaenFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2015
Reddit Comments

Ooh! Thanks for the heads up! CHL is one of my favorite Youtube channels. I think his series on geocentrism taught me more about astronomy and astrophysics than anything I ever learned in school... Which probably isn't saying much, as the only physics class I ever took was in high school.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/brieoncrackers 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2015 🗫︎ replies

Perfect timing. My friend was just complaining to me that his GF keeps trying to push this spirit science garbage on him.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/blazeofgloreee 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2015 🗫︎ replies
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