Spirit Science: A New Age Cult (Part 2)

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okay I just want to mention something before we get into the video YouTube demonetised all my videos so now I have to censor everything I put out god it anyways that's where we're at now the watchtower society and spirit science in the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints are allowed to push this spit out all they want but they're shutting my down because I'm challenging them what the is happening by the way I have a patreon Twitter and Facebook follow me on those okay part two of spirit science secrets of the Moon get ready for more garbage here we go [Music] you know I think I've only ever seen one side of the moon I wonder why it doesn't spin like other planets that's a good question that is an interesting question I'll tell you why because it's tidally locked that means it's orbital period matches its rotational period so as it spins around the earth that continues to face it on that topic - have you ever noticed that the size and position of the moon is exactly in the right place to create a perfect solar eclipse that's so intense ok ok ok I can't take this boat anymore that's not true people are always saying this to prove fine-tuning but it just isn't true I can see why people would think it was so precise if there was a 1 foot line straight down the United States where it was visible but there's a path of full totality about 70 miles wide not to mention how far the path was for the partial eclipse the only way we would get any Clips like this is if the moon was roughly a hundred times bigger than it is now the moon could be thousands of times smaller than it is and we would still get a full Eclipse they make it out like it's exactly the right size it isn't it's just a tiny little shadow moving all over the place if it casts any shadow at all on the earth somebody is going to get any clips that's the nature of an eclipse I hope I've debunked this for good the moon isn't exactly the right size or distance it could be way bigger or way smaller and still give us an eclipse you know the moon actually holds the earth in a sideways tilt if we didn't have the moon we wouldn't have the same length of days or nights or experience the four seasons like we do it also intimately controls the tides intimately controls the tides you're right and just like the tides have even bends the water in our bodies that's why our nights of the full moon there's always an increase in violent crimes and probably passionate love it used to be a legal defense to say that one was moonstruck according to the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1998 link in the description no significant relationship was found between total violence and aggression or level of violence and aggression and phase of the moon that's a complete myth and regarding bending the water in our bodies no the moon's gravity is constant it doesn't change one night every month or so to pull really hard on us and then release after it's not full anymore so how would a full moon be a factor in anything at all the moon's gravitational effect on us is minuscule you might feel the same change in gravity as if you went up Mount Everest or even a high-rise building moving on do you think these things were deliberately introduced to the earth maybe for a purpose it's a possibility what do you think that purpose could be well they say that the beings who put it there we're trying to bring a new frequency to the planet or maybe even provide us with some sort of resonation or gravitational wave that was vital for our survival I've read that the earth isn't even in the right place in the solar system anymore it's a possibility he's accepting his premise without questioning it at all this is ridiculous and what resonation does the moon provide what does that even mean it sounds like nonsense and what is the right place in the solar system where did he read that and why did he believe it without question there is a very small area in which the earth could be to support life we're in it feels like we're in the right place to me the story goes that at one point the earth used to exist between Mars and Jupiter and may have even been slightly larger than it is today but it was hit and who off-course creating the asteroid belt which is mostly frozen water and rock debris and wound up in a new orbit right here but because of the impact of what happened this planet was going to die and it needed some help to keep it spinning and keep its orbit proper and thus the moon was put there by some advanced alien race or a higher form of consciousness who saw it as a requirement for the planet survival maybe even our own survival which would explain why the earth the moon ratio was found within the human energy field oh god don't get me started on this human energy field thing okay that was a whole lot of garbage to pack into one clip first of all what is this it what is Nibiru there is no scientific evidence that this supposed planet ever existed it's just part of some folklore this is a lot of conjecture and supposition nothing backing this up at all they're just telling a story and people are eating it up with spoons then events such as the falling of Atlantis and rising back to consciousness could take place under circumstances that otherwise couldn't happen that's really amazing wait did you say that the human geometries match the earth and the moon ratio hey I think you're really gonna love this that is the cultist thing I've heard from them yet that is something I'd expect to hear from a Mormon or a Jehovah's Witness it's terrible did you notice how we mentioned Atlantis in passing yeah to give you the short version the story of the city of Atlantis was written by Plato it was never meant to be taken as history it was passed down to Plato by somebody named Critias whose grandfather passed it down to him who was told by the sage so long who was told by an anonymous priest who had it told to him through an oral tradition that nobody else knew about credit goes to marty-mar 81 for doing the research on this anyways the point is that there is absolutely zero evidence that Atlantis was a real place until I get solid evidence for it I'm not believing it just like with the Bible sorry now the next section goes through a whole bunch of geometry and boring so I'm gonna put the time to skip to in the description if you don't want to sit here through it and if you're really interested I know not likely but if you are you can look at the original video in its entirety in my description so get ready and I'm going debunk the whole section in one fell swoop at the end Angeles Flower of Life bucks he shows these drawings here as you can see this is the egg of life knocked over Leonardo da Vinci's cannon of man along with the proportion an 8x8 grid around the egg of life you see two rings this is the zona pellucida the membrane around the structure okay so I get that those things are important sacred geometry that it connected somehow but I don't see the link yet it's okay we're just getting started first we have to identify the male and female side of the equation on the top level you have a circle in a square they fractal down to the eighth physical spheres and the 8x8 grid of squares see how you can draw a circle that fits perfectly inside of these circles and you'll get a circle that's just slightly smaller than the four squares put together it just so happens to also fit perfectly around the edge balancing between the inner circles and the outer larger circle now if we take the four squares and use them as a measure we can create a new circle slightly larger than the smaller one we just drew if we move it to the top it pushes out beyond the inner circle a little bit and what we're left with is beginner an outer edge of the zona pellucida and a delineation of the human energy field this is the location of the thirteenth chakra by the way at the very top of our energy field above our head now nobody knows where this next part I'm about to show you actually comes from the earliest source Lawrence Blair claims that he got it from older works but using the tip of the zona pellucida as a radial point between it and the square to create a new sphere this then delineates the field of the thirteenth chakra the ratio between this new sphere and the sphere based off of this square the physical form of the earth is the exact same ratio as that OB birth is a movement you'll also notice to the zona pellucida has actually merged with the square around the body and planet to create the Phi ratio it's a bridge to a higher consciousness whoa so what's the importance of these numbers in the circle and squared diagram to create the Phi ratio the circumference of a circle must be equal to the perimeter of a square when you calculate the perimeter of the square that would be around the physical earth it comes to thirty one thousand six hundred and eighty miles which is the diameter of the earth times floor to get the circle around the Earth is a little bit more tricky because you have the moon's involvement you have to imagine the moon is perfectly placed against the earth without going into it at all then we take the diameter of the earth and the diameter of the moon add them together and multiply by pi it comes out at thirty one thousand six hundred and sixty seven this is a known phenomenon with math things seem to work out in coincidental incredible ways take the Pythagorean theorem for example a squared plus B squared equals C squared the understanding for why that's the case isn't immediately forthcoming but it's a proven fact but the thing is a and B in that equation are legs of a triangle they're directly linked to what we're working with how are circles and 8x8 grids and the Canon of Man related to each other they aren't linked in any way we could have done a 10 by 10 grid if we wanted or a 16 by 16 grid these numbers were chosen arbitrarily unlike every math equation that yields reliable meaningful results the factors in their equation are arbitrary and meaningless holy crap they're almost the exact same numbers exactly there's a 13-mile difference but 13 miles is nothing when you consider that the ocean Rises nearly 27 miles around the equator not quite the deepest point in any ocean is the Challenger deep which is 36,000 70 feet deep or just under 7 miles so what does all of this mean to us mr. patch what does it mean what does it mean I guess it means that the moon is not just this random satellite that has nothing to do with us it's there for a reason for a chance a chance that we might just make the most important decision that we've ever made as a species and create together a new way of life on this planet it's up to the collective to all of mankind do we choose love or do we choose chaos and war maybe a little bit of both from the looks of it right now but times are changing this isn't the old world anymore it's now a matter of survival and collaboration I'm sorry I don't understand what the moon has to do with any of that what does the moon have to do with choices and choosing to survive this isn't making any sense right now I'm just gonna ride it out the moon appears to offer us the opportunity to change to become aware to grow what the is going on here what is he talking about none of this makes any God sense okay okay you've officially blown my mind he'll clean up this seems to be evidence of a long-lost secret that has to do with our evolution I wonder if we will realize this mystery in this lifetime what was evidence of that there was no evidence in this entire video either way I still love the moon man me too want some beans more than anything ever mr. patch anything ever okay I had to look up like every 15 seconds through this video this one was ridiculous these people can't possibly be serious but they are anyways remember to subscribe follow me on Twitter Facebook and patreon thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Telltale
Views: 112,302
Rating: 4.9203868 out of 5
Keywords: spirit, science, spirit science, spirit science a new age cult, part 2, moon, lunar, lunacy, telltale, telltail, drunvalo, malchizadek, malkizadek, jordan, jordan pearce, jordan david
Id: pd9pEYPzjHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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