Spirit of RIS 2019 - Dr. Cornel West, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Maulana Tariq Jamil, Imam Zaid Shakir

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I remember when I first heard about the first Ras conference it was shortly after 9/11 and these brave young people were bringing together scholars from all over the world from very different perspectives to revive the Islamic spirit I was so moved by that act of courage at a time when things were so hard and I think that Ras is just as relevant today I really leave feeling invigorated feeling energized and I encourage you to have that experience with me [Music] what have you found if you lost him subhanahu wa'ta'ala and what have you lost if you have found him subhanAllah [Music] [Music] what if the entire world is waiting for us Muslims in the West to wake up and say enough is enough this is not going to happen on our watch they said Ubuntu how can one be happy when the rest of us to say and then they went on further to say this is a psychology among African tribes that I am because we are and this is the only way what we can do when we gather together by the grace of Allah is we can equip the world and our communities for a better tomorrow starting today around competition called divine illuminations in the room his recitation is amazing the youth program a space for the youth by the it includes a photography workshop a comic book workshop and ask me anything session this more Darce like format I would like to really congratulate the RS team for thinking of this type of edition in a more teaching like setting I'm about the mind no I love a good argument I love a good speech I love a good debate Ras has all of those things great panel discussions great speakers and great audience is willing to ask good questions that's why it's so important to come here I really love the new editions they brought this year such as the Ron competition the youth program and the new 360 stage I told her I was like Ramadan it's a magical month where you don't eat but you gain weight to see Muslims that are smiling and laughing and experiencing community and joking I think it balances and everybody's looking for something and I think here's a place where you'll find it because you have so much diversity so there are moments when what we need to be revived this is the reality of some days it's down some days it's up some times the battery is dead you got to just give it a jump and revive it [Music] in the Koran a Pawnee answer the energy our essence is very electric it is I would call the premiere event in North America [Music] there's not one person that I've met at the reviving the Islamic Spirit conference who hasn't told me that they have felt invigorated inspired they feel internally at a high in ways that they've never felt before all right s it's one of the most beneficial experiences of my year allowing us as Muslims to come together and to strengthen our whole selves phenomena Ali Iman God man here are is far longer you don't know how to say Salaam fish Carphone the eternal hope Surat Nizam bonnet ahead one of the must attend events of the year this was the first Ras all of my friends that said great things about it it lived up to the hype mashallah every single year it's even better than the than the one before the most inspiring convention you have to experience this it's the most amazing event there's really nothing like it five star event it's very inspiring my first time coming to Ras and I'm definitely I'm a little bummed that this was my first year and I've been missing out all these years Ras gets better every year not used to seeing so much diversity at a conference it's beautiful it's an amazing place to be really loved the energy here the community it's amazing heartwarming we can I wish it with our hands on you know Suzie was perfect [Music] this is one of the biggest sizes that we've done a fifth year operating probably my eighth year with the setup and everything last year was probably the most most fun for me I met a couple from Boston and handed me a gift card for second couple just strangers that are the kindness of their hearts it touched me I really enjoyed that arias have developed a sense of love among all those more participated in a sense the love that works on the mind I love that works on the heart and love that works in the soul in such a way that you are actually going to leave after Ras but you wish that you actually continued to stay there our tradition is one of revival not Reformation of the tradition but reforming with the tradition by reviving it events like Ras shows you that yeah okay my faith has cool elements that could be proud of it I can like you know share with my friends it's just the kind of environment that the second you walk in you get sucked in [Applause] [Music] Islamic spirit for eighteen years now is one of the major forces for good and justice in our work [Music] [Music] if you're under 40 years old let me hear you make some noise make some noise there's so many incredible young people in this room you're an inspiration because you're going against the tide rebellion today is to be pious in the old days it would to be sinful when everybody's sinful then you can rebel by being pious a calm sorry Zen ke kanaka Hey valishia fear can be conditionally aahed and is still mckissick in Ephrata nevada una Dana is sylco sovereign don't think of yourself as being somebody who's lacking for people who don't think about you that much to begin with you have beauty because God said he made you beautiful Allah does not let you fall apart except that he wants to put you back together in a way that was even better than before you fell apart [Music] this religion is something that should make us weep regardless of who the perpetrators might be and if the religion can't do that to us all of the intellectualizing in the world doesn't mean nothing it means nothing because the revelation didn't come to the brain of the Prophet the revelation came to the heart of the Prophet and it brought hearts alive [Music] we're not gonna be shoved into the shadows or run out of town above all else we're not gonna apologize for being Muslim we're not gonna apologize for being who we are [Music] this is a difficult time all of us are struggling to understand it but it's our time and it's a good time because it's our time and there's no gift greater than the gift of existence and the gift of faith and Allah has given us both of these these are great gifts from Allah [Music] we walk Muslims who are aspired to greatness spiritual greatness moral greatness rooted in the past creating something new but at the same time involved in struggle now across the board I salute each and every one of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: rismultimedia
Views: 157,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ris, islam, ristalks, 'ris, talks', muhammad, inspiration, motivation, toronto, reviving the islamic spirit, conference, convention, islamic conference, youth, tariq Jamil, zaid shakir, brother ali, omar suleiman, yasir qadhi, khaled siddiq, dawud wharsnby ali
Id: a5Lg0SAqaik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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