Spirit Break Out - Bethel Church Jeremy Riddle

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you and or ever rose you may sing and let this place here with praise came the sound of heaven and it's a steal too much yes we're in is she Oh much this is this is what yes earlier the other service the chains will be nice so if you're in a position where you know you're in bondage you're in something that you can't get out of your and something that's over your head God Almighty is here to deliver is here to break off machines that are that's you just um but we're just going to sing this over I feel like there's freedom here today to break off the chain when Olivia injustice with whether it be addiction I had the picture visible walls like chair they were just coming to Fraser speaks awoken over we give you four heads Oh Oh and your glow shaking what the sky reeva wanna see your sea we get to see your king here we get to see your key or spirit breaker pray cost spirit breaker never cut I had a when he when he said that this morning about him chains being broken off I've been feeling all morning that uh there's a I was at a prison recently in in Texas and the amazing testimony so Lord's done out there in these guys lives but one of the testimonies I just haven't been able to get off my heart you know certain things Lord highlights and it was the story of a guys probably his 40s who his mother was murdered by a preacher when he was a kid and he was telling me this story and as he was telling me I could I could tell that he'd forgiven him and so he's telling me the story and after he's done I said I said how did you forgive him when did you forgive him he said I tried he said for years I tried to forgive him he said but about two years ago he said I just couldn't he said two years ago I woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning and the Lord spoke to me and he said you need to forgive that man and he said at 3 o'clock in the morning I just forgave him and he said I felt something come out of me he said I actually felt this thing come out of me he said I never felt as free and as light and as full of joy as that moment and what what really just struck me was the fact that the Lord just woke him up at 3:00 a.m. said it's time to forgive this man and that he responded to it and you know there's a verse that says that you know seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he's near and the Lord you know we know this be true the Lord is always near and he's always but there are times when he seems to come and you have to respond to it and it's almost like our readers open this what I was feeling all morning even that there are just times when I'm Tom actually came up to me maybe two weeks ago now and was telling about something Billy paid about I'm not a sin issue or anything but just a hurdle he was getting over and he felt grace to come when bill prayed for him and he was talking me I'm like I had that same hurdle in my life I said would you pray for me just right there I could just feel like there's a grace here for that and I said would you pray for me and sure enough for two weeks again not a synonym it for two weeks I felt complete freedom in that thing that um that that bill would pray for Tom about that tom was sharing me about that I recognized in the moment that's also for me and and I'm there are just times when our antennas have to be up to the fact that the Lord draws close and says I'll give grace right now for that we just say well that's what I want there and I want to say I really do actually have a sense some of the chains he was talking about was forgiveness that the Lord really does want to release grace this room for this area forgiveness it's it's even this morning for me I was I was ironing the Lord was bringing up something to my own life about hey you really need to release that person and and I just feel like there's a grace this morning to be able to forgive and that he's just drawn close we just turned your face to heaven we just lift your hands up at this place we want to recognize we're here because we've come to seek the Lord we're here because we've come to draw near to him and he's drawn near this morning and I he's saying listen seek me while I may be found he's releasing things in your life and specific areas that we just have to receive and step into we just hear your voice this morning we just take a moment and whenever he's speaking to you that's what we want to respond to whenever there are moments whether it's Sunday morning whether it's three o'clock in the morning whenever it is we want to respond to what he's saying to us you tougher yawning singing love go we respond and this more a serous father just close to a year the sound of heaven to touch you my sound fashion spirit breaker hombre bring you freedom spirit break in heaven with a spirit of now whilst be real there we'll spear it with me so this morning whether it's a person that you need to forgive whether it's a habit you've had a hard time breaking whether it's an attitude that you haven't been able to change whatever it is is the Lord's drawing close to we just receive this morning your grace Jesus we receive your grace in our life we say thank you for drawing near in moments thank you for presenting yourselves to us thank you for drawing close to us for for stirring our hearts that there's a window open to seek you we just receive this morning we used in your own words lift up your own voice just tell Jesus I received this morning what you want to release I receive the grace that you're making available this morning just in your own words I we just recognize you drawing close Jesus we've come to seek your face we've come to encounter your presence this morning we recognize it's here and we we just call on your name do you agree with that this morning yes and all right well Jeremy thank you appreciate it Leah one of you uh say it Lotus the people and greet um shake their hands get my hog before you sit down
Channel: Téssio Moreira
Views: 846,873
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Id: tZPjdDvvjNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2013
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