Spinning Silver Leaf Tutorial - Hand Spinning Tools Intro

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[Music] hi everybody this is steve demand from color kings and i'm going to do a demo on this panel showing you some of the gold leaf stuff that i do and the tools that i use i just came out with some of these there's three tools double sided so you get six different sizes and this is going to go from three quarter all the way down to three eighths everybody asked me hey what kind of tools do you use and so i'm going to show you now what i use we've got some gold size right here and it's a fast size so we're going to do a silver leaf which is going to be aluminum leaf we're not going to use the real stuff we're just going to use the imitation it's going to be the aluminum stuff and with the 3000 pad it works really well on it makes turns and all the spinning on it real real vibrant so here we go got a mac brush it's a number five coil so you want to put a nice even coat on here make sure it's touching the tape so your lines come out real straight temperature and everything has to do a lot to do with this sizing the hotter it is the faster it's going to dry on you the colder it is the longer it's going to take so in the shop right now it's about 60 degrees in here i'm using the light to see the sheen on my brush so i can see where the sizing is making sure that my sizing doesn't have any puddles the thicker it is the longer it's going to take to dry and if you um if it's too thick in areas it's it's not going to be it won't dry consistently you'll have dry spots and heavy spots that are just taking too long to dry and when soon as you think it's ready because everything else is ready and put everything on there it looks good until you spin it when you spin it when it's not dry it'll just rip everything all up when you hear that little squeak that's my finger dragging on the end of the panel that's basically what you're going to be looking for on the sides and that little bit of drag okay so that looks good looks pretty consistent there clean my brush up and we're going to take this tape off use an orange fine line a lot of people usually leave their tape on there put the size on there and just leave the tape and put gold leaf on it or silver leaf and then push everything down and then spin it and then take the tape off but doing it this way makes it really nice because it's like it's it's a little bit wet still so when you take it off the lines are real real crispy on it so you're going to see when i put the silver leaf on it as soon as it gets ready so it'll probably take about five five ten minutes i'll check it we'll come back to this in just a minute all right so here we are back it's been about five minutes you can hit you can hear that drag from the back of my finger it's ready to rock and roll so we'll put this leaf on it i'm using a roll leaf makes it easier a lot faster and the walls are cool because you can get to the backing and just push on it now what that does pushes down the uh the leak rope down tight into the varnish i can get a some cotton there it is that's just half of it you can see how tight the lines are by pushing down real tight all right everybody things ready to do some spinning showing you the tools i use got three tools right here six sided inch and a quarter one inch three quarters five eighths nine thirty seconds and three eighths these will do any any of your artwork that you guys got going on so here's how i do it so i got like over an inch here all the way to a quarter right here i'll use these tools and i'll just have to flip them i just flipped it to the other side now i can i'm thinking i can change up with it i'll do one more and i'll switch up to the smaller size which is three quarter you'll be amazed how intense this looks already now i can flip it over to the smaller size if you got adjust your pad you can just peel it off center it i usually do a couple couple turns i can swap over to this one and just flip it over and use a smaller size back over to this side go back to this one flip it over change over to the bigger one flip it over to the big big side which is an inch and a quarter you can see it in the light super intense i'll finish this other side all right there we are three tools six different sizes now you can see all that spinning super cool from inch and a quarter all the way down to 3 8 of an inch so now this thing will just get cleared just brush and clear around the silver leaf lock it down they can get pinstriped if you want to pin strap it but the lines are so clean so it's it's really nice the way it is so these are the tools three different size or tools and six different sides so this is all you're going to need and they're all just velcroed on got some weight to it billet aluminum so all the way for an inch and a quarter all the way to 3 8. there you go i'll show you guys this panel when it's all finished up do another video on it thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: KolorKingsTV
Views: 2,258
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: silver leaf, aluminum leaf, spunleaf, spun leaf, gold lefa, turning leaf, spinning silver leaf, kolorkings, kolor kings, steve deman
Id: m8P45P6a5dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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