SPILLING THE TEA ON HERKY AND MILTON | What We Love and Hate about them

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hi everybody welcome back to here kilocalories Channel Andy is here with us today along with Turkey and Milton and what are we doing today we are talking about the things that we love and Kate oh well her key and Milton so we're spilling the tea on these little ones and telling you all the good and all the bad it is a strong word but for the sake of the video yeah we talk about things all week about them I can tell you right now there's something I hate about them there's something like eatable as well okay so this one so Kate is not a strong word the luxury stuff that we hate about them okay so girls we're spilling the tea on us today so should we start positive or negative always on a positive note so do we do like I go you go or no well they're just wing it really yeah it was just what are you still doing at first but if you steal some stuff I want to sing and then we'll repeat ourselves because we both love it yeah okay so I want to start with Milton and I'm gonna say that one thing I love about her is how I can do anything I want with her and she lets me and she's super cuddly and she will never fight me I love it mister I love that Milton is a sweetheart so we'll just lie on you on the couch or in the bed with you for as long as you want if it's two hours she'll stay there for two hours if it's like three minutes cuddling she will stay there for three minutes yeah what is sweeter she's such a sweetheart she's burning the sleeps eating okay so something we love about her key okay I'll go first okay I love her keys but wag when she's excited it's so cute like wiggle it a little bump boom like that nice just excited if she's happy hello I love how funny her key is you can always count on her key to make you love she'll do something like stupid or she'll do something like really heartwarming or really you know out of the blue and then worki something quirky yep her gave up quirky her keys the length of the chair she is if you haven't noticed most of the time when something funny happens it's her key that's just how it is okay Joey dog through all my lease okay go okay so we go for something hate now okay okay I really hate Milton's eye stench like she sells her fault well it is her fault how is your fault it's not my fault she was born like that ever since we picked her up I swear she stinks and we bathed her and her key as often we even wash Milton's bass and we clean her face more often than her key and she smells so bad you guys like Jessica said that we should try probiotics to help with her I sent but guys she smells raunchy like we smell it a lot I gotta love her disgusting smell you've learned you've learned to like it because it's nothing do you think but if it was on another dog you'd hate it yes she so yeah I hate this touch I absolutely hate and I get so freakin angry and I started swearing and I'm so mad for like hours afterwards when her key does not listen to us off leash on a walk and wanders off and does something super dangerous like go I don't know it sniffed the river or eat wild berries that are poisonous or she'll run for something that when we call her back she won't come back I hate that so much and she know she understands you stop she'll look back at us and go away yeah no I'm not gonna do what you told him do and she still goes work hey hey hey that happened yesterday actually I was alone with both work in Milton and she pulled that off on me it was so bad she just wandered off and I called her she looks like and then she's just trots off away and I found her behind the other building beside ours eating garbage okay yeah the other day we were in the field and then her key right off leash bolts right across a huge field and somehow manages to find a bone that has meat on it still like a robbed only huge one she kept it in her mouth and despite the fact that I yelled at her numerous countless times jet that her mouth looked at me and got wet like after your dad I'm still gonna eat this and then get the old net she has a mind of her own she's so bad you're stubborn yet they say one thing you hate about them I had something else I hate about Ricky I need to say right now everything so much anger something I hate about Milton she is a bully to her key she's a sweetheart to us but she'll bully her key like there's no tomorrow she'll like fight her key sometimes and she'll have heard her mouth and then chill a bar get hurt you steal her stuff is like just yapping her ears well you know what trying to walk and she'll just like bar tried to hurt his ear and scare her key she's really mean to hurt you yeah absolutely that's like the top thing that I hate about Milton too is that she is so mean to her keys sometimes sometimes we give treats to both of them and Milton doesn't even want her treats so she leaves it on the floor and her key goes to eat it and Milton will try to murder her like I swear she goes like that like a mad dog sometime we'll try to have family naps okay and her you goes to drink water we're all couch chilling with her blankie and then her key wants to get back on the couch and then like her he's gonna jump up and Milton's gonna go yeah and then her key would go back on the floor and go sleep in the corner by herself one thing I hate about her key is that she always finds something bad to eat you can always count on her key to eat something oh yeah that's what's gonna see like she's so dumb that with the fear of us taking whatever she had found away from her she will swallow it faster like that not think about it so I saw her swallow plastic caps rocks bird cat leaves anything that she'll find during a walk people swallow before eating and when you say her name you see in her case you'll just swallow it faster so when she grabs something there's nothing you can do it's like a black hole which brings me to what I love about Milton is that she listens to everything we tell her so there ought to take something chemical hey Milton she drops it right away she looks like you should like oh sorry sorry didn't mean to yeah that's what I love about her too is that she listened from the first day we got her like she knew her name by magical the breeder didn't even call her that name before we got her she knew that her name was Milton I don't know how but she knew and she always listened to whatever we said so she was super easy to train but she wasn't easy to potty train and she'll follow you everywhere so you could know for a fact that if you walk Milton off leash she'll be beside you sometimes you just do don't train a dog to do certain things and they just do it herkie for sure with all the training in the world even if you put her to bootcamp and you walk with her off leash and she sees a bone she will never lose it you've gone girl she gone she what I hate about Milton okay is that she has penny called son bowel syndrome so every everyday like one night attitude she'll like around 9:00 p.m. she'll go on these crazy fits in the house where she absolutely wants like something like a treat or her bully stick so like we were all trying to like relax with her phone or watch TV and she's gonna go like hey why is she gonna start barking non-stop until we give her what she wants and she she won't stop girl is persistent you guys like she will just stay there until she gets it but I respect the persistence this is also something that we love about her is the fact that she's so persistent I really respect she's tenacious like she will go for it until she gets it she's gonna go in places in life you go girl like this girl just like Christ I really love Milton cos when she was like six months old and we were at my mom's house there was like a jar of food on the floor and the jar was like closed off its kill avaible twist lid and then her kid never got through that it's it's twisted off so her q.what all her life what she does is just sort of sit in front of the jar and cry for but Milton at six month old managed to open the jar by clawing on it consistently for about like ten 15 minutes of climb eventually got loose and she clawed it off the lid flew off and then she got all her food and my mom was so proud she's like oh that's a smart one she's so smart super proud of Milton's something we love about her key is that she is so food tribute that she can learn tricks very well you saw our other videos about training some things herkie can just learn super fast and milk it just can't learn tricks turkey is very very intelligent when it comes to learning things for food yeah she'll pick it up late maybe 25 minutes on the trip so I think that makes them different because her key is able to learn things but Milton is very like more instinctive very instinctive and she like she goes with her gut you know like she will pursue her own thing I love that her key is super emotionally intelligent she could win anybody over in dog-sitter any strangers but just being herself and being like oh he initially just stare at the person with her big eyes and then link the person that doesn't like her the person likes her yeah she's uh she's a very social she got people skills yeah are you got guys that just get all the girls by charming this she's charming yes she's a charmer she's a babe magnet Harbor and a dude magnet everybody loves her honestly people that know them both they usually love her icky more because she's you know she's so loving and she's so charming you're such a buhbuh yeah good job Turkey you're a charmer yeah and things that we keep if we can't think of anything in the next two minutes we're done are we stupid pretty much wraps it up that's it well love and hate are very opposing strong you know Polar's maybe if we said things that we like or don't like about her Qian Milton we could play more things to say look at those big guys and no big guys whatever he was young we could never pick her up like this this comes with age oh my god I should find a video of her gets a baby when we were trying to hold her like this holy insert the herky-jerky you all right you jerk did the other one you were holding her like this well okay guys I think that wraps it up we can't think of any hate or love things that can't be it herkie what do you love about Milton not much oh no Tim you guys love each other she's still cute one thing I love about Milton is that she's still small we can pick her up anywhere anytime cuddle her and do anything I kind of said that already I love that her key as my traveling companion so in a plane she'll stay on me for six hours and I think hey Ricki and might experimenting go parakeet got daddy I'm sure you love it that every night Ricky wants to leave your feet that's you it's a bit annoying like her she's gonna go on these it's all or nothing with her key so if she doesn't want you to pet her you try to go to your hurt she'll go away but if she needs some loving she'll be all on you in your face on your feet if you push her away she'll come back and she'll lick you everywhere on the arm on the face and feet there was nothing to hurt you love attack oh my god when her key locks eyes with you and she wants to love you you are done there ain't nothing you can do about it she will claw you she will lick you you got Eric kiss her key my her key always wants to kiss you see she's kissing me but I can't ever kiss you she can kiss you but you can't ever kiss her okay so that sums it up if you liked this kind of video please give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and maybe we can do like a part two like another thing about like there's working habits actually one of the next videos we should do is like the best thing they ever did and the worst thing they ever did anyways thank you guys so much for watching we love you so much and we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Herky The Cavalier
Views: 22,995
Rating: 4.9273744 out of 5
Keywords: spilling the tea, tea spill, spill the tea, the good and the bad, what i love, what i hate, dogs, dog, pets, puppies, puppy, good puppy, good dog, good dog habits, bad dog habits, herky the cavalier, cavalier king charles spaniel, cavalier king charles, puppy milton, bad puppy, best dog, best puppy, cute dog, cute puppy, dog parent, dog owner, what we love, what we hate, animals, funny dogs, funny dog, king charles cavalier, king charles
Id: qUAkwYhUOJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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