Spidey & Ms. Marvel Save The Bees! | Marvel Super Hero Adventures - Sticky Mittens | SHORT

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♪♪♪ Whoo hoo hoo hoo! (grunting) Ah! Nice to be home. Shoo fly! [buzzing] Don't make me go all spider on you. Ok, fine! [buzzing] (sigh) Maybe I need to think about this in a whole new way. Like I did that time with Ms. Marvel and Swarm. Spidey and Ms. Marvel, thanks for coming. Just a stretch of the legs. So, what's the problem? My bees seem to have flown from their hives. Uh, isn't that what bees do? Go out and look for pollen? Not all of them at the same time. It's really suspicious. This means I'll have no honey. No honey? I love honey! No flowers pollenated, means no fruit on the trees. Bees are so important to the whole environment. [buzzing] Whoa! What could that, BEE? It's coming from over there! Someone stayed home from work today. Wait, this isn't a real bee, it's a TechnoBee! A what? A robot bee. Not good! Let's follow it! ♪♪♪ [buzzing] This way. Bee-careful. [chuckle] Looks like the robot bees won't let the real bees leave and return to their hive. Those are some smart Techno-Bees. Let's rescue the real ones. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ (humming) ♪</i></font> It's the evil villain, Swarm. Zzzz. Hello my little honeybees, you're mine now. Keep making your honey so I can have it all to myself. Hahaha! That's one honey-loving villain. Let's capture the Technobees first and then free the real ones. On it! Later, Technobees! (grunts) There's too many and they're too small. I can only catch one or two of them at a time! Let me try. (grunts) Whoa. (sigh) I'm having the same trouble. The robot bees are too small for your webs and my hands. At this rate, we may never catch them all. Then maybe the solution is that we combine our powers and work more efficiently. I'll make webs for your giant hands. Like sticky mittens? Yes! The stickiest! Great idea. You can empty your mittens here! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>My Technobees!</i></font> Stop them! I got 'em! Ha! Whoa! Hold on, Swarm! I have a gift for you, too. (grunts) Guess you'll have to share your honey after all, Swarm. No thanks to you, SpiderMan! Thank you for bringing back my bees. Honey for everyone! And fruit for everyone too. Mm, delicious. Ha ha, how sweet it is. With Ms. Marvel's help, we figured out the real problem and solved it. Just like I know now, you're trying to find a way to get outside. Ha ha. Spidey and the fly, out!
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 3,413,748
Rating: 4.374054 out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, iron man, spider-man, tony stark, cap, captain america, kids, family, entertainment, cartoon, children, animation, avengers, villains, bees, honey, ms marvel, ms. marvel, spidey, swarm, stan lee
Id: KC4uT4OnR_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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