Spice Girls: How the Spice World Came CRASHING DOWN | Deep Dive

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we're pursuing a dream I tell you what there's millions of kids out there want to be pop stars we're just a group now that's it just a group nothing's going to break us up it's all about power hi I'm Jerry I'm Emma I'm Victoria and Melanie see hi my name is Melanie be where SP girl there were rumors that you and Jerry were more than just good friends have you got a good tongue on you I hope so you're going to be M be me and very alone together when I first met M I thought what a beautiful girl you know there was definitely friction the way um I the relationship between melan me and I she knows that sh have great boobs so you did [Music] well hi I'm Shelby and welcome to Shelby search bar a series on Deep dive where I take you all on a journey through the world's largest database the internet and present stories to you that I find interesting today we are diving into my favorite childhood band and one of the most iconic pop groups to ever exist in the 1960s the American public would become obsessed with all things surrounding British culture this is thanks to a raging case of beetle Mania that was sweeping the nation and the eventual introduction of Brit pop at the end of the century this is when the world would see the rise of a group that would change everything from music and movies to the minds of children across the globe the magic of girl power would take over with the Spice Girls five girls with wildly different personalities were strategically put together as a group quickly becoming best friends together they would escape the very management team that founded them would manage to steal their Master recordings and would take the music scene by storm during this time two of the girls however would fall head over platform heels for each other and their relationship would escalate beyond that of just a friend while girl power was the driving force for the Spice Girls Love between two group members would ultimately cause for the crashing and burning of the biggest girl group of all time climaxing in a Mad Dash to the stage for a live TV performance that one Spice Girl would completely bolt on are we don't missing somebody we are unfortunately Jerry's not very well tonight so get well soon Jerry leaving the group to cover up her departure and carry on like nothing ever happened so join me as I take a dip across the pond and dive deep into the wonderful shocking and scandalous world of the Spice Girls the '90s were a pivotal era for pop culture and music we saw the emergence of grunge the best R&B songs to ever hit the airwaves hip-hop exploded in popularity alt rock hit the mainstream and and '90s country was at its peak but during the early part of the decade there was a complete Gap in pop music pop was obviously still popular but it just wasn't dominating the charts like it did in the'80s with Michael Jackson and Madonna record Executives in England noticed the lack of chart topping pop music so they started creating boy bands who were modeled after New Kids on the Block one of the most successful pop boy bands to come from this era was take that and they quite literally did take Europe and Asia by storm in 199 three but unfortunately they failed to crack into the US market well the US was also about to enter its boy band craze because at that time scammer Lou Pearlman was developing the Backstreet Boys anyways Bob and Chris Herbert a father and son management Duo were watching as all these English boy bands became successful and it gave them a brilliant idea now they didn't know it at the time but this idea this Vision that they had it was going to shape and change pop music forever with Planet Pop dominated by boy bands Father and Son management team Bob and Chris Herbert had a vision for a brand new group only this one would be made up of girls we just thought it was time to sort of get together a white girl uh singing dancing group um because there's there's just a need for it and there's a big gap there for it is it fair to say it's a girl's version of take that yeah no roundabout why I think at the time there was um you know the charts were very M dominated there was a whole host of boy bands and I just felt that if you put the right girl band together you could clean up with it with the financial backer in place Chris Herbert began the search for five perfect candidates to complete his female pop act advertisements for open auditions were put in newspapers and billboards at State schools across the country in March of 1994 auditions would begin at dance work Studios where hundreds of talented girls from all over England started filtering through singing their hearts out and showing their best dance moves in hopes that they would be picked aside from Talent Bob and Chris were also looking for energy personality and attitude they wanted each girl to be very different from the next but still be able to come together as one you would think that this would be a difficult task but the group actually started to come together very quickly Melanie Brown AKA melb who was just 19 years old walked through those Studio doors and immediately before she even sang They Knew she was an obvious star Victoria Adams was picked next Chris said that she gave this more sophisticated vibe that was perfect for the group plus she had gone to college for dance L see she had a very good vocal um vocal ability at the time she's got um she you know a very good range very strong vocals and I was originally going to go to the theater but I'd much rather do this Michelle Stevenson would be the next group member as she received the highest scores at the auditions securing her spot in the group the fifth girl to be picked was Jerry Hollowell Jerry actually had ghosted multiple auditions but she was super persistent and would continuously call Chris Herber asking for another shot the double doors fling open and Jerry bowls in and uh Larger than Life even before she sung I was kind of sold on her really because of her energy it was all a bit carryon you know she was knocking everything over and you know big boobs and it was all quite funny really and very C with all five girls selected The Next Step was to get the potential pop stars into a recording studio for a few days to lay down some tracks and see if they meshed well with one another however it was immediately obvious that Michelle Stevenson was kind of the odd man out and just wasn't vibing with the music or the other four girls when I met the girls there was the fifth member which was Michelle but I'd only trained her a little for a short time because I know that she had some person problems and my mom got ill and there was just there was just a different succession of things she just wasn't fitting in she would never jail with it and uh we had to tell her to go I wasn't really happy it wasn't really the kind of music which I wanted to be doing I've always been a bit of a fatalist to be honest I've always thought everything happens for a reason so no I don't I don't regret it although obviously you know the money wouldn't been nice with Michelle out of the group Bob and Chris began their search once again for a fifth group member they were gearing up to do another round of auditions when their vocal coach peepe said she actually knew of a girl that she had been working with who was so sweet and would fit right in that girl was Emma Bunton a private audition was set up where a teenage Emma would sing SWV perfectly on Pitch before making Emma official they just needed to see if Emma would gel with the other group members Chris said all the girls immediately gravitated towards her and from that moment on they were an unbreakable unit the girls would now be S on to to the next phase called the quote development program AKA pop girl boot camp a small guest house was rented out in Maiden he where all the girls would live together and learn to work together as a band Chris's plan at the time was to spend a year and a half developing the group where every day the girls would practice dance routines take vocal lessons record the album and get their branding figured out God knows what they go up to in there but it was Teenage hell hole I should think subsidized them a bit and we gave them a weekly wage as well towards food and keep and all that sort of stuff I've never lived um away from home before but um I found it very hard at first I cry a lot and things and miss my mom but they made it easier it's lucky that you've got five girls together they do get on so well cuz I mean girls can do a it but now cuz we all live together we've really got to know each other and we're just a group now that's it just a group nothing's going to break us up makes me want to fre in world where we fly fly by well we eat sleep and drink it really wake up in the morning go to the studio rehearse all day come back from the studio absolutely and go to sleep the girls were indeed worked hard with a strict regime of daily rehearsals in a council run Studio you ready yeah take me take me 1 2 take me away we are so lucky we are doing exactly what we we wanted we're pursuing a dream I tell you what there's millions of kids out there who want to be pop stars melb Mel C Jerry Emma and Victoria had been working their butts off day in and day out for many many months by this point this is when Jerry started to feel discouraged for various reasons for one she felt like the process was taking far too long she didn't agree with Chris's plan plan to have an entire album completed before even pitching to record labels reason number two was that none of the girls had received any kind of contract securing their placement in the group now the lack of contract was very purposeful the financial backer and manager of the group was adamant about not signing a contract he wanted to keep the girls on their toes and hungry for it the theory was that the girls would work harder if there was a level of insecurity that they could be replaced at any moment well I don't think we'll sign a contract until we get a record deal um so I don't know when that's going to be depends how today goes really and what writers we can get on board and things like that um then we'll probably have a contract I'd always said to everyone particularly approaching the um the Showcase when they were going to be exposed to outside influences and that so I you know I'd always said look we' got to get them under a contract um you know this is the final lineup we're very happy with it and it's all working well this is when the management team's plan would completely backfire on them after investing roughly $20,000 into the group Chris decided that it was time for a showcase the Showcase was not to pitch to record labels quite yet it was mainly to find music Publishers and songwriters we haven't got any decent songs we haven't really got anything to work on hopefully this showcase will bring writers and bring new material our way and we'll have something solid we will find the writers today finally after months of Pop Sweat and Tears it's showtime so he me out and let me in I'm coming through Mo the buzz was incredible it had gone around the industry and there were people pouring in cuz everybody kind of thought wow this could be different this could be something after the songs finished they came and had a bit of a chck sat in a group and basically started firing us questions Jerry was sat three steps in front of them quite focused and very very as though she was the she was the dynamic force that was then wanting to take it to the next stage well we think that there's there's a massive Gap in definitely yeah for group yeah we don't consider ourselves to be on know on Vogue or Eternal the rot set in particularly with Jerry that was it she was ready she was like a horse out of a trap after seeing such a positive reaction from industry people at the Showcase Jerry started to question if continuing on with Bob and Chris was really in the best interest of the group plus she had just been introduced to and made connections with various Publishers so she decided to take matters into her own hands by reaching out to Mark Fox who worked for BMG publishing Jerry came to me a couple of days afterwards saying she'll be very interested in following up her conversation about the possibility of me introducing us writers Jerry came on her own she was relatively unclothed with a big smile and so looked like a a very lovable Barbara winter sort of character it was a very cold day and she had very little long so obviously with the benefit of hindsight she obviously decided that was the way to get to my uh to my heart and um the conversation quickly moved towards her being relatively unsatisfied with the speed that Chris and Bob were taking the band from that she asked me if I'll be able to help her with any lawyers and also would not be able to take and introduce potentially any other managers Bob and Chris were finally ready to sign the girls to a contract but it was too little too late by this point melb Jerry Emma Victoria and melc they had become a family their loyalties were now to each other so when Jerry approached her fellow groupmates with a plan to not only leave their current management but also put them on the fast trck to success they were all on board there was just one problem Bob and Chris had the master recordings to the songs they had been working on one of those songs being wannabe in order to get them back the girl staged a huge argument where they all left the boarding house with their belongings telling Chris they just needed some time to cool off well according to Victoria's autobiography this was all just a ruse so Jerry could steal their Master recordings saying quote I don't know how she actually managed to get it everything was so Bonnie and Clyde apparently Jerry hid the recordings in her underwear just in case Bob and Chris caught on and gave her the chase after securing the recordings the girls started working out of Jerry's flat to make their dreams of becoming pop stars a reality step one was finding new management within a matter of weeks they signed on to Simon Fuller's management team who today is certified as the most successful British Music Manager of all time step two was to begin working with Este steamed songwriter one being Elliot Kennedy who wrote the hit song say you'll be there this is also when they finally picked a name for their group they had been working on a song titled sugar and spice with songwriter Tim HW which inspired them to go with the name spice now the last and final step of their plan was to secure a record deal they toured around with Simon foer meeting many record labels and Executives all in which wanted to sign them but what was more important than Fame to the Spice Girls was to not be controlled they needed a record label that was going going to give them the freedom to be themselves and that label was Virgin Records Jerry said quote we decided on Virgin because they offered us the chance to go our own way we feel as though we are breaking down a lot of barriers as women going up against boy groups and against people's expectations there's more to us than a lot of those other acts it was now the summer of 1995 and the girls were all getting ready to sign their big record deal but first they wanted Virgin Records to know exactly who they were dealing with with a little prank they sent five an Summers blowup dolls who were spray painted to look just like them in a chauffeur driven car and the driver was instructed to announce to the label that the Spice Girls had arrived Jerry said they were almost heart attacks but shortly after the girl showed up signed their contract then threw the dolls in the Grand Union Canal where they bobbed about for days the girls immediately got to work recording their debut album at Olympic studios in London and were involved in the writing of every single song on the the album the group just now needed to finalize their branding that's when they found out the name spice had already been taken by another artist so they had to rework their group name and with that the Spice Girls were officially born finally after 2 years of non-stop work the Spice Girls were ready to unleash their music onto the world the group really wanted their debut single to be wannabe because they wanted the world to know right away that they stood for friendship and girl power they received some push back from Virgin records and their manager Simon Fuller who didn't think wannabe was mainstream enough but the Spice Girls would prove them very very wrong wannabe was first released in Japan in June of 1996 where it garnered a lot of attention in Buzz shortly after in July the debut single was released in the UK where within one week it climbed to the number one spot on the UK charts and just like that the all female group instantly became British pop superstars in late 1996 you couldn't walk past a new standing in England without seeing the Spice Girls plastered all over the front cover of magazines which is actually how they got their stage names Peter Lorraine who owned the British magazine top of the pops decided to give each girl a nickname that he felt matched their personalities and it just kind of stuck that's how we got sporty Ginger baby posh and Scary Spice with the success in Europe and Asia it was time to test the US market wannabe debuted in the US on January 25th 1997 and immediately went to the number 11 spot on the Billboard charts at the time this was a huge deal the Spice Girls beat out the Beatles record for highest ever debut by a British act they didn't just crack into the US market they broke it wide open as wannabe climbed to the number one spot on the Billboard charts the Spice Girls would drop their debut album titled spice spice topped the charts internationally becoming the best selling album of 1997 in both Europe and the United States globally spice has been been certified platinum multiple times over and has a diamond certification the Spice Girls were catapulted into Fame and stardom that was truly unprecedented for the time they became a cultural Phenomenon with global appeal so strong it was dubbed spice Mania the remarkable phenomenon known as the Spice Girls the Spice Girls are now the biggest pop act in the world shattering even the musical Milestones of their countrymen The Beatles Ginger sporty scary baby and the all conquering spice go they're making big bucks fast thanks to the greatest marketing Blitz the music industry has ever seen 18 months ago the five of them just exploded onto the pop World it wasn't just the music that made the Spice Girls wildly popular the world had fallen in love with their individual personalities they took control of every interview where fans got to see strong vibrant women who weren't scared to say what was on their mind or even stir up a little trouble like the time the girls met then Prince Charles and Jerry broke Royal protocol by pinching his bum then there are the Sweet Moments like when they got to meet the Nelson Mandela and he said it was one of the best days of his life the UK press at this point loved the Spice Girls and wrote about them in a very positive light as they were pop royalty after all but that would all soon change the Spice Girls had become a massive franchise and money-making machine they signed many lucrative merchandising and endorsement deals from the global Pepsi campaign featuring the group on cans of sodas to being on bags of cheese crisps there were Spice Girls trading cards the spice cam impul spice perfume Spice Girls themed watches clocks boom boxes Diaries school supplies clothing toys and my personal favorite the Spice Girls Barbies that I still own to this very day as millions of dollars started rolling in in Virgin records did not want to slow down the spice Mania machine and wanted a second album out as quickly as possible while Posh Ginger scary baby and Sporty Spice were writing and recording their Spice World album they were also acting in Spice World the movie Spice World the album released in November of 1997 just 9 months after the US release of their first album the movie Spice World released just 1 month later in December and it was a number one box office success in the UK what the Spice Girls had accomplished in 1997 was was absolutely mindblowing but was it too much releasing two albums doing an insane amount of merchandising deals P tours and even a movie just under a year really started to take its toll on the girls they quite literally had no days off and were exhausted Jerry and malb as kind of heads of the group felt like they were being far too controlled their newest album wasn't selling as much as their first management was signing them to Deals they really didn't want to do and they just just desperately wanted some time off so they found a way to fire their manager Simon foer and made the choice to manage themselves so they could be in full control I just can't well I can believe what's happened cuz you deserve it cuz you work so hard for it but it's happened so fast it has it has it is hard to believe it's only been two years I know though cuz we don't often sort of like look back on everything we've done and just now I was just saying you know you watch things like that and you think I'm really really proud of my four friends you know what I mean you know we've met Nelson Mandela which was know fantastic experience you know Prince Charles and it's nice to be able to when you s you know you stand back and you think about everything you've done it's pretty amazing what's the problem with the manager what was the what was the issue there the end of the day I mean obviously for legal reasons you cannot go into that but you know at the end of the day I'd like to say with my hand on my heart we are five nice girls and everyone we work with we always play fair and there was a genuine reason you know professional reason why we didn't want to you know continue working with him and you know times Chang and just managing your and we delegate people all around us to do you know to do different jobs this is when the UK press would completely turn against the Spice Girls criticizing every single move that they were making even predicting that they were about to fall just as quickly as they Rose one magazine even voting them the worst group the media shift really did have a huge impact on the group as just a week after dumping their manager they were booed off the stage at an award show in Barcelona Spain the girls have been booed in Barcelona after delaying an awards ceremony the band wanted to have all the photographers thrown out before they would perform is the latest in a string of setbacks for the group who sacked their manager and faced rumors that they might split up when they finally came on stage the reaction was mixed and after they'd sung it was no better the flaw manager desperately tried to whip up Applause but to no avail [Music] to add to the mounting pressure the Spice Girls were now gearing up to head out on a massive World Tour The Spice World Tour would unfortunately be the beginning of the end of the Spice Girls they were already struggling from exhaustion now they were flying to a new country every few days performing concert after concert to hundreds of thousands of fans and when they finally could take a moment to breathe they all had different aspects of the group to manage like sponsorships merchandise and more this led to explosive fights and power struggles mainly between melb and Jerry roughly Midway through the tour it all became too overwhelming for one in particular Spice Girl and the spice bubble would finally pop it was May 27th 1998 the Spice Girls were coming home from a show in Finland back to the UK for just a day to perform for the national lottery live the girls had no idea at the time but the moment they stepped off that private jet back into their home country Jerry had already made a decision that was going to change the Spice Girls forever I remember being on a private jet we're getting on the mini me and Jerry actually were sitting opposite each other we landed and Jerry got up and went I'm going to say bye girls girls I'm going to say bye now and I thought that's really weird we never say goodbye to each other because we're not you know we go home for a couple of hours we're back together you know something you just think that was a bit odd our later when the Spice Girls met back up to prepare for the lottery show Ginger Spice was nowhere to be found which was very unlike her she hadn't uttered a single word to any of her fellow group members she just didn't show up everyone frantically started to call Jerry to figure out what was happening this is when Jerry told them that she was never coming back was all kicking off his phone calls he we ringing her you know lores were ringing us and we spoke to her on that day and we were like what what are you doing you silly cow come on just come back you know and I think we actually thought that she' left at first the group didn't believe Jerry was actually leaving sure her and melb were arguing at the time but that was nothing new they were best friends who both have fiery personalities they had been arguing since 1994 they had always managed to resolve any conflict and come back together the girls thought this time would be no different so they told the world that Jerry was sick in hopes that she would cool off for a few days and come back to the group are we not missing somebody we are unfortunately Jerry's not very well tonight so get well soon Jerry there's trouble in Spice World this lunchtime it's being claimed that Jerry halwell Ginger Spice has left the group so where is Ginger Spice did Jerry hell jump or was she pushed Ginger Spice is missing but is she planning to go solo or is she simply off color we want to say tonight she will be there on stage with us anywhere her spirit will be there but tonight's show is going to be very very very interesting and as fall going to work a lot harder to make sure that the Oslo fans get to see what they came for I think we came up with it oh let's just say she's ill and just feel it out for a minute to see if she's going to come back at all that's what I was hoping for anyway to paint the picture of how absolutely stressful this was for melb Victoria Emma and melc the Spice Girls were wrapping up the European leg of their massively successful Spice World Tour they were set to perform in Oslo Norway the very next day and now they had to scramble to completely rework the show's choreography and figure out how to divide up the singing in just a matter of hours meanwhile while the four Spice Girls were performing for tens of thousands of fans in Oslo Ginger Spice was gearing up to make her departure from the group very public and final I'm in Paris and um yesterday I left the Spice Girls per um today is Friday I come 29th of May it's actually Melanie Brown birthday ironically um today I'm feeling really really anxious and loads of mixed feelings Jerry has asked me to read the following statement and these are her words this is a message to the fans sadly I would like to confirm that I have left the Spice Girls this is because of differences between us I'm sure the group will continue to be successful and I will them all the best I have no immediate plans I wish to apologize to all the fans and to thank them and everyone who's been there if you just woken up here's the biggie today Jerry halwell has left the Spice Girls is there life for the other four we'll have to wait and see I don't don't know if she's going to ever come back we s she's sort of letting the whole country down favorite Spice Girl Spice Girls fans were shocked and devastated when they read those National headlines they weren't sure if the group they'd come to idolize the group that stood for friendship and girl power would be able to survive after losing Ginger Spice but scary Posh Baby and Sporty Spice ensured the public that they would go on and that this was not the end of the Spice Girls plus they still had the entire American leg of their Spice World Tour left as a kind gesture they even offered fans a refund on tickets if they decided they no longer wanted to attend the concert but fans decided to stick by their side Jerry departing from the group so suddenly didn't just hurt the group emotionally it also had some massive financial implications see a month before she left the group had signed a contract with ailia an Italian scooter manufacturing company as a sponsor for their Spice World Tour ailia was also making special edition scooters that featured all five group members on them while Aprilia sued the Spice Girl stating they misrepresented themselves as they allegedly knew about Jerry's impending departure when they signed the scooter deal now this is half true Jerry apparently did tell the girls that she was planning to leave but only after completing the tour and finishing out contractual obligations Jerry leaving when she did was still very much a surprise to the group and that is what they argued in court however multiple judges have not agreed with them on that argument and the Spice Girls were ordered to pay $1.5 million in Damages the group would also lose out on multiple merchandising deals and allegedly a sequel to Spice World was in the works but got shelv after the news broke the Spice Girls had also already begun working on their third studio album but had to scrap the songs featuring Jerry and redo many aspects of the entire album the way in which the four of you work on on this single because it's the first thing that people have heard recorded with just the four of you do you think there's a a new do you yel better maybe on record of just the four of you I think it's stronger vocally with just the four of us I think also we're happier you know won't say happier but we are really happy as a four piece yeah I think it was it was quite strange you know when Jerry decided to leave and it was a you know quite a a tough time for us it was just the end of our European tour and you know we didn't have long to get things together but we done it and I think it's made us stronger and it and it's always felt really comfortable just the four of us and it's quite strange now it's hard to actually imagine it ever being part of the band you know we've got loads of fans memories but you know as a focus and there's always much more room on a couch yeah much more sit comforta behind the scenes there was also a lot going on in the personal lives of the Spice Girls both malb and Victoria would find out that they were pregnant towards the end of the Spice World Tour but would push through doing show after show while attempting to keep it a secret from the world after the tour wrapped the Spice Girls did drop a Christmas single titled goodbye which was written by the group as a final farewell to Jerry Hollowell goodbye my friend I can still feel after this everyone went their separate ways for a while to pursue their own solo careers however 2 years later Posh scary sporty and baby did come back together to release one final Spice Girls album titled forever ironically forever was the official end of the Spice Girls as shortly after they announced that they were going on an indefinite Hiatus the most iconic girl group of all time officially disbanding sparked a lot of questions such as what really happened to the Spice Girls why did Jerry leave the group so suddenly and was there more than just a friendship going on behind the scenes Through The Years Jerry has given the public many explanations as to why she left the group even releasing a film in 1999 which documented her departure and followed Jerry as she tried to shed her Ginger Spice Persona Ginger kind of a character that I based on you know my Wild Child days really I just B out to life in my 20s and it's kind of ping that bed bed I you know I could never go back there again I think it's like any divorce you go through all different stages first of all being really angry and then then you go through the sad period I was totally you know put in a situ I couldn't stay I had no choice I had no choice absolutely no choice do you think they wanted you yes one particular m the bottom line is I told the Spice Girls I was going to leave in September at the end of the world tour that's when I wanted to go and I told them that at the beginning of the tour so it was no surprise that I was going however I did leave prematurely because I wasn't allowed to do a pre a breast can interview and I just it was for ITN and I just got really angry very emotional about it because it was something very close to my heart and you know and I it made me question my priorities it's kind of there's lots of reasons why I left the Spice Girls that is the reason the breast cancer thing is while I left on that day The Story Goes that she always got going to do or she wanted to do something to do with breast cancer but Melby wouldn't let her and and I I don't know that story that's that's I don't remember any of that some members of the Spice Girls didn't fully believe Jerry's explanations and the public overall felt as if there was a lot more to the story that brings us to the rumor that has been circulating for many many years the alleged real reason behind the breakup of the Spice Girls and that is the secret lesbian love affair between Ginger Spice and Scary Spice it is no secret that Jerry and melb had a very strong bond and connection from day one when they weren't passionately fighting they were quite literally Inseparable whatever a little time they had off of work they would spend that time together instead of going home to their families on Christmas they would whisk each other away to Exotic beach destinations melb even said they had a pack that if one of them wanted to leave the Spice Girls they would tell each other which explains why melb felt so betrayed and hurt by Jerry Melanie um showed me that she was really close with with with and told me that how close she was with Jerry Melanie and and Jerry have a relationship with each other what goes deeper than a lot of people think can see that there was a deeper thing going on there between Jerry and Melanie then just only be members of the group because I don't think if any other member of the group would have left the group that Melanie would have been um so negative according to a report from the Sun in the early days of the Spice Girls Jerry and melb were in a romantic relationship that lasted at least 1 year the source stated that they were together in every sense of the word Jerry has also said in her very own book and publicly in interviews that a huge reason as to why she left the way she did was due to arguments and the relationship breakdown with M be there was definitely friction the way um I the relationship between melin and I she knows that and I found it increasingly difficult amalgamation of that and being tired I kind of threw in the towel I said Okay I I give up and was that mainly you and melb do you think yeah so what was the cause of their relationship breakdown well in March of 1998 2 months before Jerry left melb started a relationship with dancer Jimmy goar this relationship got very serious very fast just 2 months into dating on May 13th 1998 Melby and Jimmy would get engaged just 2 weeks after the engagement Jerry quit the band it is highly speculated by fans that Jerry was just so heartbroken over Mel's engagement that she just couldn't bear to finish out the world tour now there had never been any real confirmation of the secret love affair well that is until 2019 19 when melb went on the Piers Morgan show and was directly questioned about these rumors there were rumors that you and Jerry were you know more than just good friends you'd had a little dabble anything you want to share with the [Music] group no denial all either of you anyone want to pitch in oh she had a great boobs so you did well not really well you clearly did right yes come on your book I got you answer for me I I don't know anything oh whatever mie I don't this is all new to me come on B call brutally on it you were coming here to be brutally honest I am being brutally honest did you or didn't you with Jerry hwood well what do you consider as doing it or not did you sleep with her yeah we all slept in a bed together but not like that all of us did you sleep with Jerry like that yes really she's going to hit me for this cuz she's all porh in her country house with a h immediately after filming for Piers Morgan Melby ran back to her dressing room to text Jerry and let her know that she had let the cat out of the bag Jerry was reportedly Furious putting out a statement saying that what has been reported is simply untrue and has been very hurtful to her family melb was very perplexed by Jerry's statement she reportedly felt as though Jerry was making her out to be a liar and erasing their history together with conflicting stories we may never know if the lesbian love affair between scary and Ginger is the true reason behind the breakup of the Spice Girls Through The Years every member of the group found success as the Spice Girls grew up got married and had children they were all able to come together and work through any differences they may have had shocking the world and fans in 2007 when they announced that they would be reuniting for the return of the Spice Girls tour in true Spice Girls fashion this tour was filled with arguing and was even cut short Melby admitted in her book that it was her who wanted to end the tour early as it was all just too much despite this everyone remained friends for years and in 2019 they decided to reunite again for another tour m is Victoria Beckham as she just felt truly done with the whole Spice Girls thing there was some tension between Melby and Jerry as the tour came after Melby told the world that they had slept together but they worked through it and on the final tour date at Wembley Stadium Jerry apologized publicly for leaving the group back in 1998 21 years ago and I wasn't there yeah where were you what happened he was in a fil I was in a fil crying but you left the B I did and it suddenly occurred to me this afternoon I need to say something very very important I should have said a long time ago to to Emma to to Melanie and to the fans is that I'm sorry I'm sorry I I was just being a brat um and I want to say that it's just so good to be back with the girls that I love and with you you you these Spice Girls are the most iconic pop group of our lifetime five ordinary women from all over England with five wildly different personalities joined forces selling 105 million records becoming the best-selling girl group of all time they changed pop music forever Paving the way for all of our favorite early 2000s female pop artists they may have been a manufactured group at first but they seized control of Their Own Destiny and showed the world what girl power really [Music] is [Music]
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Keywords: The Spice Girls, Spice Girls documentary, the real reason behind the spice girls breakup, why the spice girls broke up, rare spice girls footage, mel b & geri love affair, mel b & geri secret love, the reason Geri left the spice girls, spice girls reunion, Victoria beckham won't reunite with spice girls, full history of the spice girls, Why ginger spice left the group, exclusive spice girls interviews, spice girls nostalgia, shocking spice girls facts, mel b & geri feud
Id: oVHdgXitlS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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