Spelunky 2 - Solanum 🍆 (Eggplant Crown to 7-99)!

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[Music] or a plasma cannon gift shop run [Music] [Music] poor guy [Music] this could be it oh let me go turkey i should have checked what was in that mystery box [Music] all right what are we gonna do for this run for this run we're gonna live sack this shopkeeper here um but what i was going to say is for this run we're going to be going to [Music] the volcano oh that was so close well he's stuck now i don't think i actually hurt him so we should get diagro [Music] i don't think you can do that jump i swear i heard the damsel what there he is don't want to use my last rope so yeah um like i was saying we're going to be quickly going to volcano checking for 4-2 eggplant i'm gonna go like oh i forgot i had the spiked foods i'm gonna go as fast as i can without messing up and dying wasting even more time there we go ow don't really need to save horsing whoa since we're not going um temple anyway let's do the drill [Music] there's an altar we can get the kapala nice no ropes when do i stream um you can go to my channel and then you can click on the schedule to get an idea of like when i've streamed the past couple weeks i don't have a super uh strict schedule but typically i start around the same time an hour or two off [Music] also i haven't been streaming as much as i normally do because i've been trying to avoid getting sick okay lava are you done please whoa relax [Music] okay i think the lava's done dripping okay that could have killed us easily [Music] ow come on i wanted to go semi-quick until 4-2 i only have two hp so you might want to get a little bit of blood i know i don't have the crown yet oh i have the pictures mitt don't i oh please don't kill me hired help i'm sorry i whipped you this is so slow without glad to keep all right [Music] perfect there we go and we can do the 6-4 skip since we have [Music] gloves oh i have one hp there two hp three hp okay that's good [Music] hey luco see ya yeah spelunkt volume five comes out tomorrow tomorrow morning well for me it's to be tomorrow morning now let's quickly go to 4-2 like i was saying [Music] [Music] [Music] we don't taste um we do have climbing gloves though [Music] now i'm wishing yeah i'll go bomb to it oh that didn't count as my fault right i still haven't tried spring boots out with the new flats cape fix wow wait where's the way down here [Music] oh i see [Music] don't have many bombs so i'll try not to forget to do the quick waddler bomb so i don't have to cook a bomb with pitcher's mitt hey pizza dude yeah i have done that well i've done one of the new strats i've seen the other strap there you go bud [Music] oh yeah giant spiders don't spawn um anywhere in this game except for the jungle oops didn't want olmec to go that way okay there we go [Music] hmm all right sorry twinkle in chat but i'm spending all my money to curse this run probably means there's not going to be an altar in 4-2 right oh that was a fancy whip [Music] come on paste [Music] and let loose that hired help and hope he survives they don't like dealing with oh we could get the clover and then quickly do yeah nice we could quickly do all five of madame tusks since the clover makes you more lucky i'm pretty sure positive [Music] nice dang it i'm always afraid that's gonna happen [Music] well now let's hope that there wasn't now i'm gonna kill tusk and uh so there will be a smaller 6-3 hey that hired help is still cooking we're still kicking okay let's hope for an altar oh there is an altar oh no now it's a real eggplant run but i've already wasted the ankh okay let's try to get this run going perfect safe spot okay so that's what harry meant by cursing this run he's going to spawn an altar but i'm going to lose the ankh i see [Music] [Music] [Music] all right bud carry that thank you [Music] well at least we don't have shopkeepers angry [Music] i knew it i knew he would go for my hired help oh okay we're fine i just need some more blood all right one hp [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't be sniped by any jinx shoes oh didn't think that would re-trigger so let me go get the dog and get jelly [Music] or i could just sacrifice these guys and hopefully get jelly [Music] okay thankfully he didn't destroy the eggplant where is the hired help [Music] yeah screw it 4hp is good enough [Music] i'll be right back two minutes actually while i'm refilling my water i'll start a prediction will it make it to seven five [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's uh find a safe spot for this guy here's one i just have to bomb out all right we don't have paste oh here's a safer spot that's very nice okay [Music] [Music] oops and we have [Music] um climbing gloves so we don't oh yeah i don't have the x caliber anyway so we pretty much have to do the 6-4 skip now unless we get a lucky door or something yeah i don't have the ex caliber anyway we don't paste i just don't like doing the 6-4 skip it's scary it's not bad though since we've practiced it just at the very beginning you can get unlucky oh there turkey with flatscape okay one more level for this tired help [Music] well that sucks i couldn't pick him up though he was jumping uh i wish he wouldn't spam jump that would be really nice [Music] um [Music] i wish if you cloned i hired help he wouldn't be dead you know what i mean [Music] uh let me check for a random help somewhere else i doubt it here's some more jelly though you can clone yourself but i think you need a force field right [Music] well let me try to find like a crate or something because we're going to get 99 hp anyway [Music] um when we go to eggplant world so health really isn't an issue [Music] clone the jelly that's a good idea [Music] oh yeah i forgot hired helper only worth um dead hired helper only worth three in this game okay so this run is not looking good we don't have the ankh we don't have paste we have pictures in it and no clone gun let's go here we go guess we don't need to go into waters i do want some more ropes though [Music] so we're gonna go in here [Music] that's one uh let me get a mine that might take a while can't waste any bombs yeah this run was cursed right when i picked up the pitcher's mat at the very beginning without paste that's two [Music] three sport mine top right yeah there it is kind of out of the way probably could have been done killing him by now but that's okay let's just go get it three extra ropes because we don't have the clone gun we're gonna need them oh there bud wait we didn't check crates [Music] all right oh we didn't get the eggplant child yet that's right almost forgot [Music] did i just bring a mine what this game okay if you didn't catch what happened there was a laser trap right next to the ghost jar so i jumped and the ghost jar immediately was broken all right that's two levels we kept him alive what that nearly killed me this is the cursed run indeed all right okay he'll sleep for us [Music] jeez louise all right let's leave oh boy [Music] let me change my controls rope uh-oh i think we're back but i just lost some frames someone could pick them up for me okay here we go this is it kind of feel like throwing a rope there so we know where the other spark traps are [Music] okay we got through the beginning [Music] okay we got through that part okay we did it always makes your heart pump there now let's um give him to his mommy yeah biggie cheese so on stream today i got the eggplant child but i forgot to bring the crown from vlad so i couldn't get the excalibur i didn't have enough bombs to crack king of shell and i didn't have climbing gloves i got the eggplant child to tiamat but didn't have pace but i whipped her to death and got the win nice you still got the win did the eggplant child come with you uh into the winning screen okay here we go um dang it i wish i had pace because oh right i can just leave him i keep forgetting he's not a normal hired help [Music] well thank you [Music] all right we got that and then no clone gun straps because uh we got a crazy hired help that killed himself i just i don't think that the sun challenge is here but i kind of need to check anyway just in case [Music] so the sun challenge is probably on 7-3 then [Music] um we need the bow anyway couldn't find waddler out am i dropping frames okay here we go yeah i got everything okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] dude you know what i should have done i should have oh man okay [Music] i should have gotten cursed [Music] went into the eggplant gift shop taken the eggplant child gotten the clone gun and then went into 7-3 that would have been genius right there [Music] um assuming that there's an altar on seven three [Music] this is gonna be a plasma cannon close enough all right let's go that is a big assumption otherwise i would be cursed what the my eggplants are curving so yeah i've been dropping some frames um not too many but it's just really recently i've been dropping a lot okay let's go [Music] okay i have the eggplant weapon no curse no curse no curse okay no clone gun so we just have to miserably collect it oh dude there was an altar on this level we could have done it it would have been so sweet [Music] hmm i'm gonna kill this shopkeeper [Music] wait i could have taken the rock dog into the cosmic ocean ah rip all right that was worth though let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's check for poison arrows [Music] [Music] okay the water's kind of freaking me out there can he go into the wall that would be cool nice sort of what the water hopefully his other head goes into the wall there we go nice okay and i think this chicken head is pretty close to death so we can just stomp on him okay let's go time to do the payouts whoa fresh cab voted 50k channel points all right so here we are cosmic ocean no ankh who needs an onk though i sure don't [Music] oh okay i'll do a prediction um but here's the situation no ankh we have less than 50 bombs we have like 50 ropes ropes isn't really important i have climbing gloves but yeah we have less than 50 bombs uh no ankh we do have pace now so we're going to do 7.99 we're going to go all the way um so yeah good luck everyone i'll give you five minutes yeah we have pictures mint as well that's not a huge issue um now that we have pace though [Music] i mean it's it's an issue with the eggplant crown but we just have to be careful i've gotten used to it now i think [Music] so that was number two sorry twiggle but this run is cursed okay i'll agree with you on that one [Music] [Music] all right bait the jelly [Music] was a little bit close to our head okay finally [Music] i'm forgiven [Music] [Music] okay that's the mistake you don't want to make that rhymed [Music] there's the door wait i didn't want that hey remember this morning or at the start of the stream when i ran directly into an air trap when i was trying to run away from the ghost good times [Music] oh [Music] all right let's not get poisoned [Music] that arrow's still flying yes it is did it stop i think so nope still out there somewhere [Music] okay that was number two [Music] that's number one that was the second one [Music] don't run there's the third one i think i know i set that off but just to be extra careful wait for it okay some high rollers in chat here let me see what the uh feng wei just voted 67 000 and vexil voted 110k uh for no i will not make it all the way i definitely will though don't worry i think it's funny how channel points used to be like an indication of how long you've hung out in the chat and how many hours you've watched and like how active you were and now that all of that is just out of the window if you do this prediction feature okay let's look for the orbs look for the door that was number two i believe hey yoda thanks [Music] all right here we go there you are i have 99 hp we don't need the mummy [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] i want to get that one last never mind i slipped okay sorry i was reading a chat message probably not a good idea to do that while i'm oh no i didn't mean it i'm sorry oh crap wait we can snipe him actually probably the best place for the cat to go wait are mummys not already cursed hey john there's an orb [Music] alrighty oops that was a mistake unless there's an enemy over there okay door okay left side is taken care of door's right there whoa boomerang i think it's slowly falling to the left trying to snipe the monkeys there we go or the right rather my other left there it is [Music] nice good crates [Music] so that was the second one here's the last one [Music] [Music] yeah the door wasn't down here let's check the top-ish layer after we kill the molt [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice crates [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] okay just making sure all the air traps are gone so we can go over here and get the last orb [Music] because i wasn't sure where the jelly was gonna come at us from that's one two three [Music] and there's the door you'll love to see it whoa [Music] hey burrito i think true crown is definitely harder but for some reason i beat that before the eggplant crown okay rebounding arrow sweet so that was one that's number two there's that arrow that mole can definitely kill us with these spikes there's a lizard on the door [Music] that shouldn't destroy the orb [Music] all right that's one that's two [Music] and that's three [Music] whoa crazy start to the level let me turn my sound up for maximum tryhard whoa whoa whoa poison that's one [Music] [Music] that's two [Music] there's the third one [Music] i don't know where the door is and i don't like doing that okay we're fine so all right hold on let me uh check chat really quick and also let me get a drink hey skylar all right we can do this almost to the 20s whoa whoa whoa whoa don't like the witch doctor insta witch doctor that's number one what's up with these witch doctors wait is that guy alive oh i just threw a bunch of eggplants in the loop i need to kill this witch doctor though there we go there we go now he's dead and i need to dodge those eggplants all right find the other orbs and the door okay there's the orbs [Music] oh hey lola lola's here she wants some attention oh she's so soft so what i'm thinking is that the door is over here and we're going to bomb to it because we messed up with the eggplant lowercase h all right we're good [Music] just gotta bait the jelly oh didn't realize i was uh spending that long on that level okay let's try to remember that we have pictures met [Music] witch doctors just make me do silly things okay that's where we started [Music] so [Music] there's a crate the door there is and then i know the last ones over here foreign okay there it is whoa there's a poison dart right there that's one of them gone that's a horrible spot [Music] that's two of them [Music] you're gonna have to bomb in there anyway hey there's the door make sure there's no arrows [Music] [Music] it's true the fog is fixed hello [Applause] capital h [Music] that's number two [Music] that was a small level [Music] so that was one [Music] that's number two trying really hard not to get poisoned i mean we have vlad's cape bill the poison tick is the real kicker most of the time that's a nasty trap at the door but we can handle it okay this is our first neo baby [Music] okay they're all hiding over here where's the door here it is wait i thought that was the third one for some reason [Music] okay we're gonna have to wait out the force field there we go [Music] whoa okay that was two orbs upper left is the door [Music] [Applause] let's go [Music] i hate getting the last one above the jellyfish so i'm gonna pop that one and then look for the third one in a better spot that's slightly better whoa jeez there's like eight explosions right there that was one [Music] hey we're back in business i mean we had plenty of bombs anyway these levels haven't been too clustered that was number two web gun pickaxe that's a useful item [Music] okay ceiling spikes [Music] okay probably up here probably [Music] there it is there you are the number four it was in the corner there you couldn't see it for very long that's one okay the door is a little bit in there there's the last one there's a crate oh i haven't practiced spring boots i like spring boots but i just haven't practiced with them uh with the new update so i'll try to make it work oh that's the run if we had a jet pack all right i'm trying to find the door i just wanted the crate there it is there's a crate [Music] okay that little jump really helped me there not jump directly into the jellyfish okay let's look for the orbs don't go too fast there might be a witch doctor okay now on the left not along the top there's one [Music] that was the second one [Music] and here is the third one the door is probably somewhere down here okay we're not going to die to spikes [Music] and we're not gonna die to that guy they caught they patched cosmic machete by the way you can't be orb stunned out of pipes anymore well i'm glad i got the clip before they patched it because that was really funny [Music] i did like that [Music] there's a crate we could get oh [Music] that was number two don't double jump into the spikes [Music] okay oh yeah it's it's going to be in my next splunk hey dill kill funny you should ask belonged volume 5 is coming out tomorrow [Music] morning [Music] man i've gotten a lot of bombs and ropes in crates so that's cool okay none along no orbs along the left pretty sure now we have poison okay so that was two wow a lot of bubblers there's the last one let's look for the door might be up here there it is [Music] so here we go there's one oh one two three [Music] so that was one two three [Music] quick levels i like it not complaining that was one [Music] ow [Music] those two and here's the third one kind of in an awkward spot maddox on its last legs [Music] one two three i like it whoa [Music] that's one [Music] it might be a huge jungle level surprise this matic is still alive [Music] okay it's dead [Music] been using the matic so long i almost thought i had my whip [Music] okay so we have one down just looking out for witch doctors oh [Music] so that's two [Music] oh huh [Music] i've never seen that copy pasta either [Music] okay uh almost into the 40s our bomb count is superb same with uh our rope count so i'm not actually worried about that we don't have the answer but all we have to do is not die forehead oh [Music] that might be a problem whoa whoa whoa i'm so distracted i almost didn't notice that that was number one [Music] what if we do this nice [Music] that was number two there it is oops i got kind of stuck on the ledge let's just go in from the left probably easier anyway nope never mind we're going to do the old rope up to the exit trick food that was number two so [Music] i want to use the loop here but we got to make sure all the arrows are gone like that one [Music] hey rickon do i really have 71 bombs and ropes i have 74 ropes wow that's insane [Music] so that's one surprise the eggplants don't break on the spark traps whoa whoa oh don't release lava get that one down here last maybe maybe not depending on where the other one is here it is there's a fat you by the way all right we're good whoa this guy almost killed me into the spikes so that was the only one on the top layer or on the top of this level okay here are the other two there we go and then the door is probably down here whoa whoa whoa okay no poison we have plenty of bombs good oh okay that works as well [Applause] so [Music] [Music] let's get rid of these ufos [Music] wait is that going to go through the [Music] loop [Music] let's just go around [Music] [Music] so that was number two those ceiling spikes are very nasty [Music] okay let's not get crushed [Music] i'm okay i'm fine right get up okay neal babylon [Music] that's number one i'll get that one last this one last uh we have enough bombs so where we can bomb that there we go that makes me feel a lot better okay let's go find the second one [Music] [Music] got kind of greedy with the patience [Music] there [Music] okay here's the second one [Music] wait out the jelly and then we can leave okay neo baby okay no orbs along the left don't get crushed okay no orbs along the top really i see one there [Music] whoa okay so those two [Music] oh that was close and there's a third one in the jelly [Music] i love neo bobby was there a raid sorry if i missed your raid um no notification for it yeah thank you welcome [Music] okay last couple levels have been really hard so we've been progressing slowly there's a man trap at the door so that's one [Music] so [Music] we're meant to bomb like that there's number two [Music] and then there are some man traps whoa really nasty man traps everywhere and then the door oh the door's in there okay oh [Music] do i get tired of hearing the cosmic ocean music uh no i think it was purposely made um to be really replayable i think they did a really good job with it i still like it okay so that was two orbs already whoa okay and there's the last one i think what i'm gonna do is just bomb right there hey yoshi's thanks for the raid yeah it is it is pretty chill okay no poison please oh [Music] all right he's down whoa there is a cobra spitting that's number two [Music] [Music] there's the third one don't know where the door is really don't like these cobras [Music] okay yeah there's a cobra over there i don't like [Music] so we're just gonna do this all right those temple levels are really pretty scary that's one that's gonna explode eventually [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] there's the door [Music] that might be the last one right there here let's just see all right one more [Music] how do you deal with crocs in the temple um ideally you don't trigger them at all but if you have to kill them and you have sticky bombs if you quickly put two paste bombs on them then they will teleport and then they'll blow up but you don't really want to do that unless you have to i sometimes do that because i've messed up and accidentally triggered him sometimes they get triggered out of your control [Music] all right here's what i'm going to do is that arrow turning at all i think it actually is going to the left ever so slightly so we're going to wait that out uh that's not good i'll just use two more bombs why not [Music] so [Music] okay no poison please so that was one oh this is kind of a small level [Music] oh the frog jeez frog hey neil baby all right [Music] [Music] okay that's one [Music] [Music] loud [Music] that's two there's the last one and that your phone's gonna kill me this is kind of dicey [Music] okay can we get a day defecated to just doing speed runs that would be cool i assume you mean dedicated yeah i could do that if i uh if i feel like it i'm not too into speed runs especially um low percent in this game more into challenge run that's what i find fun although i do do speed runs if find a teleporter okay uh we're halfway there by the way [Music] so [Music] oh okay there are the other orbs by other i mean the first two [Music] now let's look for the door [Music] i knew that would happen okay [Music] door's probably somewhere on the left there's another one [Music] middle [Music] watch it be right next to the wait where is it maybe i saw it already i think it's right in the middle just there's no good way to get there yeah okay ouch that could have been bad with the witch doctor skull this guy's waiting to snipe me as well where's that last orb we're running out of time [Music] so here's what we're going to do we're just going to spam bomb and then rope up there and hope we can get it before the ghost comes okay we're fine maybe where's the other one where is it there it is all right we're fine that's a little spooky oh [Music] definitely a tough spot for the door whoa whoa whoa relax relax assassins okay that was number two [Music] trying not to die or get poisoned [Music] okay let's do it [Music] so that's one [Music] good [Music] that guy's down okay that guy's down [Music] and here's the door oh it's right above the entrance i think there's only one left there it is oh never mind i lied there's two left yep i don't like it let's see what do we want to do okay if i just go around i think that's pretty straightforward [Music] what is that guy doing up there he has his own little thrown up here all by himself [Music] that was number two there's the third one and we're gonna kill this guy [Music] i fell from the loop okay [Music] ah i didn't want his boomerang to fall hopefully it's landed somewhere he hasn't but it shouldn't hurt me [Music] hey chaser i've gotten to uh 765 or something today with the eggplant crown hmm let's see if there's a crash block on the door okay there isn't [Music] i'm guessing we're going to want to do that anyway so that's one [Music] whoa that's number two [Music] okay that makes me feel better about using the loop here also killing her [Music] all right [Music] so that was number one that i heard and that's two lowercase h [Music] [Music] okay there's the third one uh let me see how do we make it to the door from here oh we should use the loop let me get rid of any arrow traps over here okay we just got mold all right levels really big i am out there we go we snapped him [Applause] i think what i'm gonna do is just come in from below because i don't like either way hey it's been a while since we've seen volcano so that's one this is two and the doors top left [Music] okay careful there [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] whoa okay we're not using the loop [Music] where is this gonna take me oh just uh going on a little journey here level's kind of big and cramped so we're gonna use some bombs to open it up like i said we're not going to use the loop so that's probably the last one we want to get right this level's huge well i don't know how big it is but it's super cramped okay that was number two there we go door right in the middle kind of blocked off one of them just got destroyed i heard it barely okay a little excessive on that third [Music] one okay no crush traps i don't want to save this one for last surprised that didn't destroy it just being extra cautious i've died a lot in the temple recently okay let's look for that second one and then we can uh get the third one and leave hopefully my eggplant doesn't loop and there was something there to catch it what's that third one [Applause] oops maybe this is the third one oh okay whoops [Music] all right see you garax thanks for [Music] hanging all right into the 60s here whoa that's an insta poison right there that's number one [Music] two and then this is the third one [Music] whoa okay he's down no crush traps on the door that doesn't loop right okay [Applause] [Music] nice so i was one [Music] okay probably not going to go in from that way anyway we might have wasted a couple bombs there it's fine we still have 50. 53. [Music] of number two 56. [Music] foreign yeah we probably wanted to go in this way anyway to the door like that [Music] [Music] all right let's keep going [Music] oops i'm hoping it's easier to go in from the left there might be a huge level [Music] i don't like the lava now [Music] that was number one [Music] [Music] okay simple enough i think uh unless there's lava dripping because i just heard a bunch of explosions so just in case we're going to be safe and go this way all right [Applause] [Music] hmm so oh man i think i'm gonna tank it in a safe spot like right here by the way if you were wondering that's why you don't typically see climbing gloves on these rums [Music] okay that was not necessary probably wasted a good amount of time there especially if this is a huge level which it very well might be okay those guys are taken care of at least there's the door that isn't the last one right i don't think so [Music] let's go [Music] um oh mayhem mayhem and mischief thank you so much for the 30 bucks i really appreciate that thank you [Music] [Music] so snipe that one so that's uh that's two right there yeah mayhem has actually helped me a lot towards the new pc so i really appreciate that um gotta be careful here for which doctors oops okay he's down there's just one more hey dracobatic that doesn't work or at least it didn't work when i tried it a long time ago i could try it again maybe they changed something [Music] yeah they don't collide i don't think i could try it at the top of this rope well i guess you can break one but it doesn't really solve the problem though excuse me i'm gonna bomb here anyway uh because i don't like the tree okay there we go yeah i guess it it does collide but it like one of them breaks the other one if that makes sense you still have an eggplant flying through the uh the air what happens when an unstoppable eggplant runs into an immovable eggplant [Music] whoa okay so we got one two thirds of the way there [Music] that's two excuse me i'm gonna need to refill my water here turkey it's almost thanksgiving for people in the u.s i know i'm using a lot of bombs but um i don't want to die to ceiling spikes and we have them so why not use them any plans for thanksgiving yeah we're going to our or my aunt's house and uh just having a small thanksgiving i don't think many people are gonna be there at all [Music] this is um bill covid [Music] okay that's two uh we don't have to bother with that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay don't really like how i have to go in there so i think this is what i'm gonna do [Music] [Music] there we go to me he sounds brown-haired and an average build i feel like you're just describing an average american male in their 20s but yes that is correct okay that's one [Music] that's two [Music] trying to get that um yeti out of the way [Music] whoa we could have died there that was not smart finally okay [Music] [Music] excuse me before i am in germany i can't sleep well i hope you can sleep here i'll end this run really quick so you can uh you can get some sleep [Music] there's the jelly all right [Music] definitely not skinny back i think i'm a little chunky whoa whoa whoa [Music] all right no poison [Music] so [Music] that was number two there's the door yeah i think i'm gonna use a couple bombs here just because i don't feel safe at the angle there we go no poison into the 70s yeah after this level i'm gonna refill my water before i forget [Music] i'm kind of thirsty [Music] those are the last two i'm worried about the arrows but i think we're going to be fine let me make sure there's not an air trap over here that control us okay i do see the crate might as well get that all right i'm gonna take a five-minute break it's not gonna be long holy cow i've been going for almost nine hours but i need to complete this challenge so hopefully i get it right now i'll see you guys in five minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bubba boy all right let's go we have less than 30 levels left and we're gonna get it okay so we know where the door is what's up with the moles all right let's try to find the orbs oh uh sorry i missed it kitten drop thank you for the ten dollars awesome runs by the way hey thank you i appreciate the support thank you for watching whoa that would have been a run under [Music] i'll let my bomb kill that so that was one that's two [Music] third one's probably over here bottom right so okay topish then middle dead center in the middle probably okay i didn't check to the right here oh that's right i went down okay we're good nice hey harry pc goal and eggplant win on a cursed run it's possible that's right you cursed this run two hours ago when we started it yeah thank you for the support i appreciate it today guys and every day [Music] i'm so lucky to be able to do this [Applause] [Music] that's number two there's the door there's a crate nice almost 50 bombs still we don't have to be shy about using them there's the last one here we go [Music] we're going along the top here that fish has ruined our run before [Music] so that was number two there's the door probably near the bottom or the right yeah i'm gonna be using the loop here unless the jellyfish comes at us from the right [Music] okay [Music] uh-oh we can actually use a body to cancel it out okay it's gone that would have been bad if there were spikes down there that's number one that's number two unless that was number one oh no i just threw it in the loop okay they calm everyone please know which doctors over here [Music] all right it's somewhere in the middle where i have not checked yet there it is [Music] oh there we go now we're good that body scared me for a second but then i realized the one i threw wait i thought the door was over here yeah it is okay [Music] what dude and i'm poison nice [Music] very nice it's fine we have last cape we have 99 hp that wouldn't have been fine however if we got cursed so that's what i was really looking out for [Music] oh don't tell frag myself please [Music] looking for that last orb [Music] okay here it is dude this level is so [Music] cursed all right we have lat's cape we don't have to worry about the poison really except for the poison tick uh what you do want to be careful for [Music] [Applause] so that was number two um slosten slaustin thank you for the twitch prime i appreciate it welcome here's the last one that might trigger it yep [Music] so there it is whoa that might have been bad you don't want lava man i can't believe that temple level there's so many ways to die there so that's one [Music] that one's broken [Music] that was close to the spark trap a little bit okay 777 [Music] all right we're out of this level that's one whoa okay this is a small level okay we're not going that way that poison tick is really what's gonna get me uh what was that that's not what you want to see uh yeah we're gonna be bombing a lot okay what a level huh [Music] whoa the poison tick that's one whoops [Music] and that's free [Music] okay that's one this poison tick with uh the ceiling spike combo i am not liking there's some gold [Music] okay that was the second one i heard okay neobab [Music] whoa hello [Music] there's a lot of spark traps around here though [Music] yeah that should be fine yeah we really don't have to worry about the poison killing us it's more about the poison tick messing up like our climbing gloves or something to that effect okay that was number two [Music] foreign [Music] uh let's see and put a bomb there for safety [Music] [Music] [Music] wait that was number two [Music] okay ah [Music] that reminds me i need to drink some water hope your headache goes away yardy i get headaches a lot too actually they really suck that's a big reason why i don't wear um like full-blown headphones i just wear like earbuds [Music] [Music] that was number one okay oh actually i don't like that but we're [Music] fine [Music] 15 levels [Music] okay [Music] whoa whoa whoa [Music] uh oh that eggplant's going through the loop that's okay we're out of there [Music] oh [Music] [Music] that was one by the way let's check around the top area let's kill this guy there's two okay last one's probably in the middle there it is and where's the door relative to that is the door down here okay let's get rid of these guys there we go yep kind of thinking the jellyfish would come at us pretty fast there hey shadowroom yeah i've been going a long time but just finishing up this run [Music] [Music] here okay one two three [Music] uh [Music] hold on let's think this through [Music] ah that's not what i wanted [Music] there we go that's better [Music] [Music] okay we have 24 bombs and 65 ropes so if possible i should probably be using more ropes but we only have 11 levels to go i've died later than this so don't celebrate yet that's not good that was number two though i guess we can go over here right there's the third one okay i don't like there we go i was afraid of magma men but uh you know we have the ropes to do that kind of stuff with i feel like the door's right over there so i can loop this right [Music] there we go all right [Applause] not bad [Music] that's number one [Music] two there's the third orb and there's the door poison tick almost killed me all right let's take care of that guy glad i used my parachute because that might have messed me up okay that could have killed me [Music] that was number two [Music] should i just go around yeah i think that's what i'm gonna do unless that eggplant loops [Music] yeah that seems good poison tick okay we're good [Music] okay so that was one there's a bunch of crap i kind of really want to use bombs and ropes instead of getting stunned into the loop this might be the last one i've already forgotten okay so let's do this whoa whoops okay i think i got it there we go perfect hey lola are you so happy she's blessing the last six levels of this run okay that's number one [Music] whoa whoa whoa that was not expected we can deal with it [Music] okay let's do this hey this is my pb by the way so if we beat this level we get a pb but hopefully we make it all the way [Music] that was number one [Music] two [Music] there's the third one let's look for the door so okay i'm just gonna bomb this thing where's the door there it is [Music] [Applause] oops [Music] so feng way just bet 70k but oh yeah we just got a pb by the way they thought they were voting against me but they're actually voting for me the payout's going to be huge if i do win so let's keep going i'm gonna wait the poison tick out [Music] there we go all right [Music] that was number two there's spring boots in the wall [Music] uh all right i'm gonna bomb there [Music] nice that's number one [Music] two gonna wait out the poison tick we did it finally yes the purple star there's a little purple star to signify the eggplant at the bottom there all right while the credits are playing i'm going to do the payout hey miss miranda thanks for the bits maine thank you for the twitch prime i appreciate it hey charismatic insanity thank you for the 3 000 bits wow thank you okay um so 33 of you 33 of you voted for me and 67 of you voted against me 540k nice payout there all right hey weck is on fire thank you for the sub mayhem hey thanks again for the five gift subs wow thank you um wee woo mp4 thank you for the twitch prime john duggar thank you for the gift sub m r 55 thank you for the twitch prime [Music] so for those of you who voted for me how much did you get i'm very curious nice truly dame got 76 john got 45k yeah you already got 206k channel points what are you okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna make um a reward that costs like 500k oh no wait that was fang feng wei got 206k yeah nice oh uh doggo thank you for the bits a lev uh eleven thank you for the 100 bits reliable dragon thank you for the 100 bits congrats on the 8.799 super impressive hey thank you the constellation looks like a galloping horse hey you're right it does that's actually one of the first constellations i've gotten that sort of looks like something um i think the credits are almost done i like to roll the credits while i look at chat hey thanks guys yeah so if you guys are uh curious i have a discord server if you type exclamation server where you can join and i have a temporary channel where you can suggest channel points rewards that i should put up [Music] hey quirky nerd thank you so much for the five gift subs [Music] i appreciate that thank you uh mr saturn 101 thank you for the gift sub yardy thank you for the gift sub hey thanks guys thank you everyone nice little under three hours i went slow there um in like the 40s and 50s i think bubba boy all right that's a lot of blood hey thanks again for the
Channel: twiggle
Views: 45,046
Rating: 4.9397593 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Eggplant, Eggplant Run, Score, Score run, ScoreRun, WR, World Record, Record, Spelunky2, Spelunky, Speedrun, Scorerun, Platformer, Twiggle, twiggle, TwiggleSoft
Id: law0fhV28po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 27sec (11967 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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