Spell Demon Hunter Stream - Festival Legends - Hearthstone

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probably supposed to keep the this I don't know Justice demands retribution evil draws close thank you reporting for Duty that was a mistake that was a mistake foreign that was a mistake we're fine annoying them okay we just got an email back all these evos Chad well let me email that there we go should I have to win the evil War but I can't remember what's in my scythe I have halveria fellerin and silver monarchus okay I grow impatient vengeance that was a mistake a blunder next week deck will always give you that code except when we have zero games this is annoying that was a mistake gifts of the Arcane search Within Me that wasn't reporting for Duty reporting for Duty reporting reporting for Duty thank you foreign [Music] I grow impatient foreign foreign foreign oh I see vengeance thank you oh time to do this my client has the heart of a period reporting for Duty crash foreign thank you is it safe to feed foreign what's the win condition of this deck okay so see our opponent's at 29 life right now we would like to do another 29 damage to their face if we can pull that off their opponent actually this is really cool animation their face explodes and we win the game that's the win condition um yeah does it have one shot combo like Steno one no it's not it's a good thing that uh we all know if a deck doesn't have an otk it doesn't have a win condition right that's how it works foreign thank you thank you fresh vegetables they will never catch me hmm vengeance thank you so what do we have that the old version didn't have we have going down swinging and remix so each kind of have good value better look glad you like the new look dude I will never catch me who's hiding now it's damaged with currently am I just short of lethal I have a glavitar glavitar chaos Dragon six didn't failure demons let's set up I think I just set up two turn here I guess it's not that like because of the heel it's not foreign hyper efficiency that's what survival is good you get a lot for four Mana basically foreign what's up evil draws close indeed you are here I see hmm I kind of want to be able to go coin going down swinging next turn uh do I just get wrecked by 4-3 here I kind of do uh maybe I play around it because I just lose the health area if I don't go for it I could go four minutes I think I'd rather save the going down swing in here like they just look like they're setting up for a half area there okay they need our care now more than ever [Music] unfortunate so think about Google around swing in it should attack this first so that's good because then I'd get the kill on this with the weapon right because here but I also would rather just draw probably um my blood boils for war but the attacks are random what we're gonna lose if they're random it's three rights you're right they are random well this looks bad chat I don't like that it's random that's dumb that's on super dead well give me a bounce hole baby bouncers how do I do here I probably go like unleash fell anyways chat it's so good at this game man my opponent tasted victory they're so close only to die I mean I haven't won yet but like I just reloaded so why did the thano version so lady Steno only does one attack now now people who live in a world where Tempo doesn't exist think oh I'll just wait to get all my combo and uh I'll get uh I'll get the lady Steno and then I'll like do a two Mana spell almost convinced yourself this matchup is losable I know I I tell myself lots of Lies beautiful little lies with Alchemist still four yeah um so when you have the full combo it's still good so good thing everything in Hearthstone is always clean and easy and everything's nice and smooth always in her stuff that's one thing I've noticed about her Stone I don't know if you guys noticed that too like things never go you know your opponent never tries to kill you and you only have drawn one bounce hole that doesn't happen all right now in a meta where there's a huge extensive for otks um you know sometimes those things can happen but there's an easier way with you know with our current list though so foreign Legend this deck at a 66 win rate it's absurd they will never catch me they will never catch me it's three rights make a left left are you for now cause we need ladder finishes yeah thank you that's interesting I have to admit this is very easy to win and I I enjoy the easiness the song getting gnome uh rotations only happen once a year so you have so if you had you could Theory have six rotations where you like one set comes in once that comes out but that's not how it actually works you have a whole three a year that goes away all at once so some sets are like um it's best to buy this at the beginning of the year because you get six you get two ears out of it or the other one you get like a year and three months or four months so that makes sense foreign Festival I don't know I grow impatient no what does my mustache Grow Again I don't know I'm experimenting with the non-mustash lifestyle um yeah I'm really tired today um I uh do you have The High Ground absolutely bro yeah I'm um I slept until 11 and then I even took a nap but uh I don't know I had a fun fun Fourth of July so I think that's why it's foreign them here they just haven't done anything click face yeah yeah I'm having a pretty great summer so far uh I'm pretty happy this is like the happiest uh like this is probably the happiest I've been this last month and a half in um Happy's have been in like eight months I mean that's just this last summer but I don't know I feel like I I was I didn't I was kind of uh not very happy I think like October through like May of this year yeah I have lost weight since the red doll therap dude yeah the red doll they're not gonna lie for the serious dent in my happiness is this a good play I don't even know seems good it's like a multi-strike I think I'm just winning with like two more hits to face is that working again we're going outside going outside matters dude yeah I know I I think I'm just like yeah dude covered like dude messed me up so I I don't know I've been just more comfortable just like trusting my emotional instincts just in general uh and not living in a constant state of anxiety um like yeah so yeah like if I feel something I just kind of do it and then I if it doesn't work then I say okay that didn't work instead of being like Oh God lots of value my whole life God forbid uh something I'm doing isn't working you know what I mean I don't know if I can get through this I have lethal Ray this is chaos that's uh six damage so lethal yeah lethal possible on board no it's not they have a little thing called taunts bruh we're okay though there we go from hand yeah that's just lethal that's not like a it's like it's like when you say a la carte you know you say like egg salad except you like want bread and toast and stuff like in hash browns then it's no longer a la carte right like it just eggs but ton versus illitan the legions rage pales before mine this ends now together yeah I've been watching all these old Star Wars clips on YouTube lately Chad you know what's weird is like now it's Society like I don't need to sit down and re-watch a whole old movie I just watched the clips of it it's like but I don't know I prefer like the YouTube level of add of like three to five minute Clips I uh I feel like um the uh sort of uh algorithms scrolling is like is two 180 like I don't know Chad does anyone actually like if you're scrolling Tick Tock or Instagram or YouTube with shorts does anyone actually feel happy doing that like I don't I don't like like the only reason you do it is because like you have no will to live but you have will to do this you know what I mean if three rights oh that that actually is which you know what would be totally useful to Hazel yeah I don't know it just doesn't make me happy with like all that stuff it's too much add and it's like I don't I I feel like it just like the algorithm just prey on your weaknesses it's like it's actually the things yeah you know I well even though this is what I hate about YouTube though is like they will figure out like hey the most likely video you'd like is a video you've already watched you know they're like I'm like I've already watched this YouTube all right I don't want to watch again oh thank you Eric it's like yeah but then I have to not play because it's like I don't know it's it's it's like I swear they they do stuff that isn't going to make you happy um tell you another click face here yeah dude and it's like it so this is I don't know and it's so happy to like to like go to more and more extreme content so all right yeah I I wish there's a way you could like turn like you could just say like okay to the algorithm I only want like funny cat videos right now and it would just like only do that but it will like I'll have like like it'll it'll have like funny cat videos and then it's like all right here's some butts and I'm like those are for later all right I just want funny cat videos right now you know what I mean I haven't figured out how to do that oh can you foreign just to like send me you know I don't know or I wanted to like ban certain kinds of like content you know I don't know it's annoying so I just haven't been able to like yeah foreign it's kind of what I actually thought like when things like Spotify came out I thought it was gonna like figure out what kind of music you liked and really help you and in practice it just sends you popular music um like the music algorithms are still terrible in my opinion um Sophie Arcane search Within Me chairs lethal right let's go dude Chad this deck is so easy it's not even fair Chad I'm just going five at all right now oh my God it's stupid basically I I dude I freaking played like this Shaman deck can't like win a game I think I'm terrible at Hearthstone please dag I can't lose this one but yeah in theory I feel like music should be able to look at and say like I wish like for example like if you're if your the algorithm is trying to find like give you recommendations you could say like new content so you could say like all right try and recommend me songs I haven't heard before um that you think you know I might like but play Early in the month so maybe is too low foreign bug s whichever is better off going I see the opponent isn't doing much over there Chad are they an Unholy or Frost better vengeance is mine are you fat all right your quad here's what to do here hmm who here can spell zinazari anybody so does anyone know okay if I if I do this spell does it kill the um does it kill the egg like does it kill the thing inside the egg here now I could just do double fill but hey guys okay but now I just go double only fell a lot better Chev Reno is kind of Opie it's just like to it's just like so easy I play cards I uh pull out these guys I full heal they don't win then I kill them from face like foreign [Music] thank you into your mind but we just wrecked this anyways It's Going Down Swinging every lethal here okay go going down swinging one Mana I-beam double one Mana spell this is I'm off it test six at all oh my God it's so stupid easy and we're back versus malfurion you have much to answer for this isn't over between us foreign it's funny I've barely played any priest just because yeah even though I'm a priest player Chad I'm a PR I've been a priest fan for a long time foreign foreign I could draw 80 million cards here but I think I just hope they don't have location here it actually kind of looks like they have location um which is unfortunate oh yeah I can have very unper lethal next turn okay they're gonna hit Thaddeus and they're actually gonna be unhappy about it wait bruh you okay the order law you could have gone Thaddeus Karen like getting kindness for one man all right like I wonder if I could still win just by going face no Thaddeus please it's a six nine if I hit another dispose we win right oh I can go for which do I have it here oh it's the lowest cost minion let's go dude let's go dude the easiest game of my life chat oh my God Chad this deck is stupid Chad this deck is just literally stupid dude it's not even hard it's not like I'm playing like so five head it's not like an rage Warrior where it's like difficult I'm literally just spending my Mana and going face you dare speak to me laughs all right Chad we might lose because it's the mirror right super cellular size uh Outcast Demon Hunter foreign [Music] coming down next turn foreign thank you hmm I've got him grass and seriously though my sorrow this ends now it is here this dark thoughts DDC then we'll put another Soul Eater at the Etc I think that sounds like a great plan vengeance is mine who's hiding now there oh I told him every day yeah I was deck perform against priest I've heard bad that's with no personal experience on the matter it's fine okay who's hiding now who's hiding now if three rights foreign it's bad all right Kimberly I think this is the rain welcome everybody one second welcome to no stash gamer Chad I gave up the stash yeah I gave in welcome everybody Chad we are we are playing some spell Demon Hunter here that I've I've heard I've I've heard about this fatigue warlock from my chat I'm guessing because you guys were playing today I've heard I've heard I've heard the rumors that's what I'm guessing well everybody we're playing some uh uh some boring meta stuff but I I we were playing evolve Shaman earlier losing a lot and then we switched to skull Demon Hunter and uh we switched to spell Demon Hunter yeah and we've haven't lost a single game which isn't Fun time always runs out uh wait oh they they played around my lethal shot all right top deck uh unleash Phil it's good I don't know that's great is that lethal oh am I so good at this game I don't even know disguises legit people don't like I changed my appearance of people to keep not recognizing me uh so I think I could like run from the law if necessary it's good to like just I think it's just good to know that like if what's his name um if um if you ever have to run from like um have you ever had to run for Tommy Lee Jones you know it's good to know that like or Tom Hanks it's good to know that you could like get away you know substitute for True strength I will prove myself to you thank you no I see you broadcast not possible not possible vengeance is mine our gift of the Arcane enlightens us I see I see thank you exclamation point deck I mean I'm playing the same list right like foreign there are a few fans that missed the stash but the most people were not a fan unfortunately I have to think about the will of the people chat vengeance and someone to approach yeah uh that's annoying and the impure fall light sings and the impure fall damn now to keep your thoughts to yourself I feel like I need more card draw now so I don't know where to turn wait what wait that should be illegal chat that's mine Adventure vengeance all right I don't think I have enough to win here well that's GG all right jipper if I do win we'll event we better hope you're right looking pretty good though not gonna lie they're at 33 life and they got dirty red nothing motivates me more than uh trying to get my own chat bad oh Chad you guys hear the lightling that's pretty exciting how the hell am I supposed to win this game I can do like a going down swing and play it's like completely dark outside and it's like it's Thunder it's pretty exciting I think I'm gonna die though so silver thank you so much for the eight months I want to get to the taunt Direction next turn foreign I mean we're not really dead we're just not winning unless we get like I don't know metamorphosis off of this maybe I'm just gonna see you down there when I can be 12 Health here yeah The Swinging first is better I I keep thinking it will go randomly like but it doesn't so foreign [Music] cool not as possible not as possible I drove short s foreign foreign I held this but I wonder if it was better just to Tempo it I don't know pretty weak start for them we have plotted long enough good Ness foreign foreign foreign probably wandering monster but whatever nope I can't even see outside it's so uh uh I don't know I I love I like summer Thunder [Music] you're gonna die no they had they got it from an Etc but but yeah control priests felt tough and then they kept on doing like dirty rats over and over again which are just like these annoying two six taunts it goes Soft Red yeah I guess so Chad do we go Tyson clock foreign together afraid what oh they're playing uh aggro over there okay I see how it is just top deck taste the chaos easy this is gonna be easy do I ever take deal the devil probably not actually deal with the devil loses to like the five minute spell oh reverberations in the void not sure on that could have i-beamed it but questionable player here I look different thank you I see I think I hold this for deception I should have I didn't why did I hear about that it made no sense wait I was supposed to go face there wasn't I give more minions for my um my Unleashed fell but hey son of a Shadowood on death chat foreign thank you this is bad I grow impatient if I don't play anything I'm wondering if I can afford to not play things here because although I can heal for three but I just hate that play because it feels like it's losing because I feel like I need lots of time to win I'm probably losing wait could I set up a two turn then I probably should have just I don't know ping five Mana spell isn't enough to win here nice let's probably win now so we have the one minute spell at the top are you just bming me bro the location wasn't even necessary uh wait okay oh they're killing off their own Minion Okay I see do I have lethal here that's a good play actually um I have 10 14 right let's do this gifts of the Arcane search Within Me Chad I'm bad at math wait no I know they're at five okay I was like can I have leads on here all right we'll next turn foreign the winning has been very enjoyable 11-1 hey Chad if you're ever having a bad day go on like a 90 win streak and fix all your problems I wasn't having a bad day but all right thank you Latin versus Psy finally a real fight this ends now I do know that song we're supposed to keep the eye warband there foreign the more you'll struggle the better good deal the devil in this matchup's probably really good oh shoot I don't think this deck is high skill at all dude it's like literally all I do is hit face chat chat where was the skill out of these 12 wins can someone explain like how when did I outplay my opponents um I'm pretty sure I was skillless gamer over here oh play the deck building part yeah I got Chad all came to the same joke like and rage Warrior is a high skill deck not this deck Chad this chat this deck is dude easy peasy [Music] all right I do need to draw some good cards here chat all right chat this card is grave strength I lose I didn't play around it aren't you dead they have 15 on board that's not dead Chad as long as you don't die you just go Reno and then you full heal and clear their board and uh it's an easy win in all matchups I mean they kind of just will heal me here um what do I do now though [Music] I grow impatient foreign it's because of confirmation bias their exhaust confirmation bias means your opponent will always have the good card uh uh it's rough sorry about that I don't want to give him another freaking this uh it's like um foreign to be honest here I actually kind of I mean I do just sucks okay that was very lucky chat very lucky top deck here so I don't have to take any damage so you have to have some basic um understanding of of what I call um wind conditions so the problem is our opponent's win condition of putting beans on board and hitting Us in the face is faster and more powerful in this getting this current matchup um than us hitting them in the face uh so what we do but because we have a good heel and removal we can remove their board and then they then we can win later so we're actually just trying to win with value primarily here but that doesn't mean that like it's a fundamentally bad strategy that makes sense it is our time I see mine foreign am I over drawing here whoops I I am but next turn I mean I think a little Margarita we lose here all right hopefully I don't top deck found Soul here I mean uh dispose okay good I think I have lethal not many cards left I am out of cards all right I'm off it yeah it's a good showing of like changing of wind conditions um of like just altering things where it's a thing of I think people think like oh this card will delete the class but if there's a play the toxic deck I know right dude it's so easy Jedi dude it's so much fun all I do is win I don't have to think and then I can just like Marvel in my own magnificence while only being okay at this game all right and all I need is one person in the chat to be like I can't win with this deck and then it like people like oh no hands must be good even though you know what I mean it's like it's great dude I played a ball shot on yesterday like four hours oh no that's oh that's supposed to be good I know right Chad don't try this deck at home it's only for the highest skills of Gamers pay no attention to us Chad I looked at the win rate top one that was the legend of this deck 66 it's absurd cash in on over explain you could do that yeah you're back have you returned to serve me once more so we meet again foreign I don't know not really what the deck does to be honest I think you're viewing it the wrong way not possible I mean it could do 20 easily but yeah I mean so you have easy with the weapon equipped dispose of evidences that's that's 10. um but uh you know Chad remember if you're filthy rich with money uh you can just spend five dollars to buy and over explain uh you don't have to uh use Channel points so for all the billionaires in the chat it's a great option just saying ah I didn't get them yes man thank you so much for the 18 months give us everything such wrap I really wanted to get the double five um which is why I didn't play one of these last turn because if they go pop off I don't have a good way to clear now um I had two chances to hit the double five extra one chance actually five dollars can also buy runestones um yeah so you're kind of like helping everyone else uh because like when I over explain it just helps people find Enlightenment in general which helps them acquire runestone so you're kind of like giving runestones out to society right so um injection already struck foreign thank you Adventure this deck just kind of plays itself like what am I even doing I'm just crushing every game no problems you know how do you get the warband um so blizzard looks it has like what we call like a social credit score and they look at this if you said anything bad about blizzard lately um do you have any negative opinions um and if you have then um then uh if you've had like some negative opinions you said some bad things about Bobby for example they'll they'll they'll make the warband bug up um obviously they would deny all this but it's pretty much common knowledge right like everybody knows about this all right foreign it's hard for me to tell you how to not get the bug because I just never had the bug I'm on a PC I don't know I'm on EU maybe it's a server thing no no foreign thank you I was gonna go half area but I realized this is like a good time to do this because they they use coins so they can't get this plus fees and um this way I can get a value out of um out of my one ones here does this deck feel like face hundred you no Face Hunter is much more board oriented in the I mean there was an old face Hunter I don't know if you guys remember where like it wasn't really like I'm gonna summon a five five demon here Chad demons yeah let's just do this vengeance is mine isn't this a Tempo deck technically every deck is a Tempo deck technically so foreign deck tries to almost like puts uh uses tempo as a thing uh to win so yeah but uh most of the time when people say Tempo they're talking about board Tempo um board Tempo is Minions on board we are using um damage to face Tempo we're using um drawing cards Tempo um even yeah so that you can see why but um usually when people think of tempo decks they think they think curved Stone which is isn't quite curved Stone um but but it does spend our man out of return so in that way it is kirched on but Chad how many of you guys even really know what tempo is like have you ever really thought about what it means to Tempo a lot of people just take tempo for granted all right Chad is anyone anyone ever got any chess players in the chat it was some kind of store yeah yeah yeah it's funny foreign so imagine it's World War II chat and you're a Great Britain and America you have like a better economy you got more people but Germany has 10 000 tanks running like going in and you'd only have two thousand takes well if if Germany comes in and destroys your your uh all your your economy well then you can't make tanks so you lose even though you had more people in a better economy uh because Germany trying to win with a Tempo Advantage all right uh now if you're a combo deck you're basically America and you're trying to build a uh you're trying to build nukes uh now there's a big debate uh at the end of World War II was it when did America drop the atomic bomb was it BM or was it necessary all right foreign um foreign I have no idea how to win here like my hand's garbage here I'm just gonna uh you know I probably had to go I don't know something I just know that I'm probably getting Unleashed felt about it um loss of the mirror okay I'm a broke Noob how can I become a Hearthstone Legend okay okay okay um first you uh you get uh any like kind of okay enough deck all right then what you do is you get good uh and you just keep playing the deck now what you have to do is okay so uh in between your ears there's this thing called the brain right the brain is amazing uh so when you give your tell your brain is like I want to win so when you do things that feel like you would like get lucky you say you tell your brain let's do more of that now when your opponent High Rolls uh it does a RG what you do is you go on Reddit or Twitter and you say the devs need to fix the game all right so then you see you're increasing the amount of Weights you do because you're getting luckier and you're lowering the amount of RNG your opponent's doing uh because you're going on Reddit Twitter so that's how you get the legend does that make sense happy to help Hobie is that answered over explain because son of a going down swinging chat broadcast Chad should I was I supposed to give a serious answer there wait my opponent's oh the more you'll struggle the better son of a gunshot there are nuggets of advice here is watching the stream um yeah and this hope you think of a tier one get on this such a fan thanks much Hopi I think I want two turns of facesitting here so I'm gonna wait a turn yeah um so the thing I've been working on with a lot of my long-term students um is what I call signposting um so what's hard is like when you first if I coach you Chad if I coach people a lot of times I literally just say so why aren't you spending your mana and they're like well I I just wanted to wait for a better spot and you're like so so why aren't you playing cards you know like and I just teach them to spend their mana and play cards and they get Legend uh it's like actually so consistent but what's hard is um is that eventually they get like they get the game gets more complicated and all of a sudden that stops working and they don't understand like so they're like I spend my mana and I I played minions uh and I died and I'm like well well you still should have spent your Mana here you should have held this back um uh and this gets hard this is really hard for people uh because they they have these rules um that they're the that they don't really understand so what I mean by this is like um it's it I I use the analogy of how many of you guys have watched um Night at the Roxbury so um remember there's a scene where so these guys are out at night Roxbury they're going to nightclubs and they're trying to pick up chicks and they're using these pickup lines and they're terrible but uh they they somehow begin they they they get like to like a hotel or somewhere with these these women and big and the women want to want to hook up with them and they keep on using the pickup lines because that's all they know is they like and then they have it like realized like oh the purpose of the pickup line is to initiate you know contact like to to break the ice and you don't need to do that anymore but it's kind of funny because they're just like well I'm just gonna keep doing the pickup line you know oh so a lot of things is like okay why do you spend your Mana using Hearthstone um it's because you want to put Minions on the board and you want to put Minions on the board because minions uh the more minions you've on the board uh they could do damage every single turn and when you do damage every single turn you get more and more stuff and you get lots of a minion on the board is very very efficient because it gets multi-uses for things like weapons and spells or not multi-uses so this is why Tempo is so important um foreign do they play a spell here so is it generally true the player who spends the most Mana uh wins see these are these generally true rules that don't really help you um yes I'm sure that's kind of like saying okay um like these are but yeah I need some Value Place here it's really good thank you yeah so so it's it's kind of like there's a reason why we spend our Mana um and when you're starting off you don't need to understand everything um and you know you overly worrying about understanding everything can make Kershaw a little too hard okay my opponent running sire I'm getting wrecked now this sucks if I can hit the three Mana guy so if I go I-beam here push them down to seven right then I go this and hero power and it doesn't look clear so everybody just take the if you're so Outsider here um demons demons really sucks not having um to dispose the evidence here wait Chit Chat I'm gonna give this up I don't want to let the win oh yeah so I'm trying to think of like really good examples of I have lots of my uh but like um and generally like we like doing face damage for example um but let's say for example um we have an otk for 30 the next turn and our opponent is not a healing class well we might just over trade the board massively because we like let's say our opponent's at 15. if we put him down to 12 it doesn't matter right so there's a lot of situations like that in Hearthstone where that's where you get like really cool plays that seem really five head but sometimes there aren't just five head as they look you'll see like Pro players do things that if you're a beginner player just seem crazy to you but it's because the pro player knows what's most important there or that the normal heuristics that we use in her Stone don't apply in this situation there's a lot of things like like that so when you're learning something if you just overly use these heuristics without understanding them and connecting them to the the the the high level values uh you're not going to win you're you're going to get you're going to Plateau really hard because you actually aren't making the actual connections uh what you're doing is doing things mechanically without understanding them um so so yeah so that that's probably like the big thing if you want to be good at some like Hearthstone uh you start thinking basically when I said use your brain I say it kind of I funnily but like it's because it's true like start using your brain all right it will help but yeah yeah I I even don't think like we think why to break them right the rules are aren't really rules they're they're they're heuristics they are things that make things simpler um so yeah there are Decks that reward um so some decks are a lot more counterterruitive than others uh I think you you get you're getting it right there so certain like Decks that um are very intuitive for beginners that the the the natural play is usually the right play tend to do really well at the low ranks but and sometimes they do well at the high ranks but sometimes they don't um so when when if I'm trying to recommend some a deck for someone to play uh to get the legend because people ask what's the best deck to get the legend I will recommend the deck where the natural play is usually the right play what does that mean it's like spending your Mana developing minions uh going face that's what I I will typically tell a person to play uh do I take care strike here I don't know no they're just giving up here they're still behind no there are no always in her stones but you can you can make it always of I'm always going to do this because I don't understand things well enough so if you see a mulligan Guy They'll often say always keep this and then you'll see even the best players break their own rules it's because they know the actual reasons for the rules and they know okay this doesn't apply in the situation but you don't so it's okay to like just follow a heuristic but long term if you want to be a good player making those long-term connections is so important and it's important like in every area of your learning life um and this is like a problem with a lot of like education um I don't know if you guys ever read um uh I think uh like I think it's surely you're joking Mr Fineman um but he talks about he's like teaching in Brazil and the students like he's teaching physics in Brazil and the students don't really make the connections they just memorize the stuff um and they don't like actually understand physics basically um or they're just kind of mechanically doing things uh without understanding them and not making the connections um no I think it's like it's very okay but yeah but yeah if you want to be truly good at something you have to be thinking about the whys and what is this this and making all those connections and not just like oh this is what I mean to memorize you know or anything finally a real fight and this Makai thank you so much for the nine months yeah that's a training service okay um blood dead thing it's tough matchup thank you who's hiding now armor armor lightly used armor assistant I see foreign people say like why are some of these Tempo aggro new friendly decks boring is because it's boring when the natural play is always the right play life is just not really like that like life has lots of counter-intuitive things life is complex and we like when art mirrors life at least I do um so I think that's part of the reason I'm gonna draw glavitar vengeance is mine an island lava is on the cover exactly uh winning is not the only reason it's very true Chad my reason to play Hearthstone is to cause maximum suffering that's mine Lutheran Chad am I gonna die that's short I already struck ah you want to testing thank you perfect to visit uh doing what we just did basically where you followed uh made secret very annoying here these Citadel stand strong [Music] probably means objection s oh it's ice barrier uh chat I didn't expect this thank you okay command I mean you never utilize dark dream yeah I never have problem means she's not that good but doesn't mean that the stenos worse though this deck seems pretty weak yeah dude nothing like going 14-4 bro and then losing to bad Magic dude it is weird like Chad lives in the emotional reality of the moment where if we lost the game the deck is bad but if we win the game the deck is good dude like how much winning do I deal dude Chad this is like dude how much winning do I need to do in order for Chad to be satisfied like what oh yeah totally what I'm looking at is reality okay foreign anyways so these are good you know things to spend my mana on that are helpful um I'm gonna hear a power here it's the only thing I can spend my man on this allows me to do one damage to the face if I can do 29 more damage uh my opponent dies by doing this one damage it makes it easier for me to kill them later because they have one less health so I had a choice between going security or spectral site I think it'll take the security because it's in the outcast position it's gonna be awkward later um uh I'm going to trade and then I've decided if I want to trade here I'm going to trade this off to deny some Shadows that place sometimes they want to do a trade Shadow step um and this gives us a one one on board um all right um I have the choice to do a lot of choices here we go spectral try to draw two we can go Mark a scoring or we go okay strike I think I'm gonna take the marker scorn um actually because I I have an extra Amanda to spend anyways um this allows me to kill off this three two I could do the same in the care strike but I don't take three damage um but what's nice about this uh by going civil going spectral is also I get more cards from the glavitar later so I'm gonna go this um now that I hit this ildari I might just take that because then I get these discounted and I can do five Mana worth of plays on turn uh five so because I go glavor to our next turn and then go spectral spectral plus maybe chaos strike so I'm gonna do this here um now I have the option of just going to Crimson Central render here uh which is totally viable I think I'm gonna take I-beam it's the because uh I'm gonna have lots of cards and this is the outcast position for one Mana is quite valuable because it's uh where I don't really need much card draw I already have absurd amount of card draw here so uh yeah all right I'm gonna go the glavitar here uh I could go top deck later why do I not do that because I want to be able to play both of these Outcast positions so it's it's my this is a spot because of outcast you would never play this at one even for just weird deception reasons where most of the time it doesn't matter which one you play but because we want to set up for Outcast we're gonna go face here uh we want to start doing the damage we have lots of value plays so we want to use our Tempo um when we have so much draw and so much value here that uh it doesn't we don't really need to worry about running out of value what we need to worry about is my opponent killing us um and if they do a really good pop-up and make like a 2020 it could be bad for us here uh because we're not really killing them fast enough here what does Outcast mean Outcast is when something is on the left or right of of your hand it has a bonus effect so why is going down swinging this deck short answer it's a good card people thought this card is going to be broken remember and then people found out lady stand up was more broken but we don't run lady Center anymore so um it is a tough turn um I could do something like I-beam on this to get this killed I'm not really sure what my best play is here okay I hit security here um but I also have to decide I think I'm gonna play Security in the outcast position and then I have to decide if um draw four here I might just ignore this because um I have two of these I draw let's see this little drop between me draw four so I go up to seven so I actually don't interestingly enough I don't think I actually want to uh play this first right because this draws three um and I over draw if I do um so I'm gonna hit this first here uh because I don't want them to get card draw um I hit I-beam but it's not the outcast position um so I could do this but I just overdraw I could go dispose but I think I want to just get my cards here for this [Music] um this always sucks I'm gonna take half area and I'm gonna take uh the three drop and I'm not gonna trade this off I could uh it's an option I'm not really sure what's best here foreign but we haven't we drew so many cards into draw Unleashed felt it's very unlucky actually oh this is bad only fell almost fell you gotta be joking me Chad um I think I want to be able to go cash strike here um or i-beams so I think I'm gonna take care of this even though it's generally useful because this puts in the outcast position oh Chad I'm so good at this game so I'm gonna play this um then on a face tank this guy um because I want this to die and I take the damage first so then I get more I get a full heal and we clear it we could have gone five for face but clearing off our minion just gives us so much time and flexibility um and just makes it very likely for us to win foreign fights you got there would be a shame if i-beams worked in the outcast position all right Chad this is a like this this turn is gonna be broken because our opponent on the surface should be like Oh Mr No Hands uh did a weak play we're gonna do a weak play but I actually can just kill this stuff so I'm gonna go glavitar here um then I'm gonna go I-beam on this guy for one I'm gonna go I'd be on this guy for one I could have just hit here and actually just killed this that actually would have been better but I didn't think about it so here we are um I probably should have face tanked this and killed the 1010 that was actually so much better uh but that's why you should think remember Chad I talked about using your brain um I I just committed the cardinal sin of not using my brain there um and now I'm gonna get punished all right um so what's likely to happen when we draw a bunch of cards here we're a good chance we hit like uh some sort of um going down swinging um so if I could do I could do this but like the problem is it's hard to kill it at seven life um so I think I might just commit to killing these two taking the 10 damage and setting up two turn lethal so I'm gonna go I-beam on this and then um I have to decide if I want to go cash strike if I weapon hit I could go feldari warband I guess most of stuff so I think I'm gonna go kill strike but I'm gonna go this first um so I could hit feldari warband or uh or uh remix raps you know hit remix here okay so now I can just always do this so I should go face first here um see what we hit here okay um I'm just gonna maximize my chances of winning in two turns and not dying I'm gonna go unleash fell in this just puts my opponent down to uh uh to three their deck does not have good heel uh it should be an easy win next turn um I can't go disposed because I already weapon hit uh but yeah I could have gone long emotional and got into five five which in theory is better but this is a spot where because we have a very clear path to Victory um we just need to set up lethal uh I guess they actually can go five drop shadow step five drop uh which is they're out to stay in the game here um so my opponent is what we were doing what we call a desperation play um so they pull off a win here I'm Gonna Be Amazed all right Chad so my opponent's at three life this does three damage to all and gives me five attack so I play this card and then I go face and they die please kubianos is just a waste of Channel points there's no reward and the better Better Business Bureau is still not come after me um um foreign oh that's so true is it poker it's weird how fast things change I'll tell my uncle he works at blizzard yeah thank you did that poop affection who here can spell Synergy anybody thank you vengeance is mine pick me with that whatever fine Chad look at all their board conveniently at three Health here what's up I like that name hungry for kills chat foreign foreign thank you gifts of the Arcane search Within Me Gotta Go Gotta Go and there's that my opponent there you have it that's okay this is some serious body chat why is this a 7-5 wait Savannah highway just a seven five now power creep am I right oh wait okay Chad I should have gone to Security First but I forgot how the card works hmm I drove short thank you humble dang it laughs foreign oh foreign so this is what we call a desperation play to how varia finally won as a game why is the latest there on the deck because she sucks that that lady broke my heart chat how very is my new lady all right perfect oh Illidan versus Arana I alone people this ends now foreign man I don't know I feel like you feel like it's good on four thank you vengeance is mine that oh here can spell zinjari anybody foreign [Music] like we're just kind of wrecking them here there's like really no win for them here I can do not enough for lethal right look at you with the play around bro look at you all smarty smart wait do I have legal here um 10 that's 6 10 13 right [Applause] I forget about my green team versus Sylvanas this ends now foreign why do I do this I love a little bit of cut this one is party snacks foreign why do I find it so fun to say that is this the way oh I forgot about summer flow Charter job in how many chat Harmony wait the bug happened Chad oh no it finally happened it must only happen at once you get a height of MMR I got more left in me two chapters all my favorite ones idiotic I got more left to me per minute ancient power living drop all kinds of things I have no time for games and that makes my life easier I think the um I need some like cards here I don't even know what that means well this game have Micro transactions um it only has macro transactions because we know it's it's hard to give up and use your runestones because they're so valuable um Sparkle does that make sense does that answer your question bees it's bees syrup slick Lannister I was actually Jamie Lannister for Halloween one year uh I bought a I bought a custom-made like it was like a hundred dollars plus costume but nobody knew who I was because it's just like people like I it wasn't like because I was just like a guy like a j Like A Game of Thrones outfit it's not enough like but I had the dangling hand which kind of helped so that was kind of cool but oh wait Chad I should have I should have taken the minion there that was a big mistake why did I take the minion uh so bad well now I have to do this Foreigner Chad not the bees short King Crush would be um we're still here thank you dork probably shouldn't play him self I don't want to play uh Minions on board because Hound again foreign here come on I got tough crowd we're fine versus rexa Flex the hunt begin this ends now is that good uh not according to the person who said I think this that kind of sucks this is like nine years younger yeah so Chad how old do I look right now do I even want to look nine years younger 55 34 69 all right chat early 20s 14 to 42. hey only giving you away as your hairline yeah I know right I'm 34. really Kurt Cobain let's go oh that's a discount yeah well I mean it's like that's why it's like what you look like you know some people who I lose their hairline at 21 look old because of their hairline you know but yeah I mean I I don't know it's just like I'm really physically active right now um I mean I just think it's like it shows you like physical activity like matters a lot but I'd rather go wide here or just take I think I'm just gonna take this actually what oh my God Chad anyone see this that was so unlucky chat all right Paul I can't believe Hyrule the pet that nuked of a small fry no they got it from hidden meeting it was randomly generated Chad don't don't do this like oh I I literally just got RNG here I don't even know what to do now Chad I'm Legit like depressed here skill issue and they played around my three damager I'm so dead here foreign if you can count to 12 did uh that's so true Josie foreign positioning by the way it's it's Perfection here see how I can strategically put my one Health minion in front in the middle Chad no one has great opposition like me all right this one up foreign versus Valera what this ends now I mean positioning in Hearthstone is really easy you just have to think about it I don't know I know there's like okay back in the day positioning mattered a lot you know when you have things like flame tongue totems uh I know I took a I took a lesson from this this person that was um when I first started playing and I was already better than them even though I'd only been playing for two months so I didn't hire them again they were uh but they were on like uh the coaching right at Hearthstone Reddit they were not that good but they were just obsessed with Target positioning and giving me positioning stuff uh uh and I kind of was like is this really that important but yeah oh yeah it's it's not bad to have like but positioning like chat you could never think about positioning and literally get number one Legend Source pocket train thank you I'm getting just Shard here with the F chat this should be illegal that's actually insane top deck nobody uh bigger minion so let's think it was six six you put in the middle now they're Hound us stuff like that so good son of a Blackwater Behemoth chat all my early damage for nothing there were you followed where you followed foreign [Music] foreign condition and it's kind of working because they're going to heal foreign [Music] [Music] breath breath wrath wrath son of that wrath uh we're so close to lethal here oh it's explosive ruins that's good to know wait it's also counterspell right [Music] one three I grow impatient all right another lethals I can hit here short I see okay probably dead no I can't just say today yeah laughs it's a chair legit forgot mystery it was a card here this is our time these are worthless now man foreign versus anduin the life shall bring Victory this ends now ah I see you broadcast not even Legend we're almost there two more wins let's see if we get there should control be illegal uh a son of a power cord it's actually so annoying should you always uh Morgan the other Chase to kiss because it's Outcast uh you should always never do anything always situation you want to Tasty chaos any aggro deck double Taste of chaos for sure oh yeah I'm not um the site you probably would never keep but there could be theoretical situations where you would keep it that aren't currently a thing yeah it's finale also it might help be helpful you to throw away cards you don't understand but in the long run it's good for you to understand cards that makes sense so um in Western education um around first grade they will teach you to do this thing called reading it's really useful so there's like these little uh patterns of visual stimuli and people could actually understand what you're what you're like communicating through the patterns of visual stimuli it's amazing um oh I see foreign too much sex I had to go to the hospital the other day who was attacked by a path there for myself if I could take it off now hey son of a freaking Unleashed spell chat Chad I've done like no damage this game this jerk wad opponent needs to like get off their high horse and get like down with the rest of us thought strap foreign this game or Legends of rooterra uh I'm gonna go with Legends of rooterra because in this game you actually have to work to be a legend where in that game you get the rootera status immediately uh and most people will never become a legend in Hearthstone so and that that's sad right like it's not really fair that some people make it to Legend and some people don't everyone because the legend is for Tara and that's more just right um so I I would say definitely Legends of rootera now I as one of the legends of hearthstone play Hearthstone because I made it to Legend before but if for the rest of you guys you should probably legendary you know then Avengers I'm getting my ass kicked this game so hard like I've done like zero damage so far like how do I win this game chat it's turn eight they're at 34 life I mean Matt if you've already got a legend you should stay in Hearthstone world all right whatever hers is we had to Whiskey to Toronto I'm gonna go anduin anybody what does that even mean rain don't wake me for some reason I don't like your comment don't make me ban you dude I don't play snap because I'm afraid of getting this weird question you look like Edward the haircut oh I see arrows thank you well I could High roll into no I already use both securities Vengeance seemed like a good turn I appreciate that I don't know uh oh I get it I thought yours I don't know I don't know what you're I don't know did you never know what people dude I get so many weird comments and uh I used to like give people the better than it out but then I read this book called 1984 and then I just decided to odd person I don't know why I love making 1984 jokes jokes um I don't really have anything to do with this anymore I don't know your hands although they used to um my health is doing really well right now I couldn't go to the gym for 10 years though so um bit of a viper chat okay I actually kind of snork in here actually kind of smoking hard they they do they look at me very weird foreign lifter looks like Get over yourselves that's what I say when I say physically active dude no I mean having obviously tons of sex at the sex cult it's a lot of thrusting all right foreign lethal I missed it if there was about five four I think I was off oh maybe it was not only shall damage on these fellas puts her down to three life so uh there's it looks like there's an exact East one-third uh chance to hit there so because your Unleashed spell hits their opinions too right so then this doesn't guaranteed hit them I mean it's just because I didn't pretty sure this is lethal foreign [Applause] if you're a true priest hater all right that means you actually should be rooting for priests because that means you have lots of opportunities to kill priests all right uh where if you want priests to get nerfed that means less priests to play which means you're truly a priest lover so does that make sense uh obviously as a priest hater I be sure that they're a free story dude it is a priest all around Legend rake I am noticing this Chad a lot of people calling for nursery say they hate priests but they're actually dirty priest lovers otherwise uh they wouldn't be calling for Nerfs for them you know vengeance is mine exactly foreign only so much hate can be in your heart Bruce I understand but there's this hard-running steam cleaner that's a legal chat I think Chad the priest is the problem it's tech cards watch I'll be fine all right don't worry about it Adventures thank you foreign foreign um we had one problem one time but not consistently did that I see that's really good time grows short s armor kick me pick me okay what do you think they have in their Etc here thank you apparently so here a 12 I'm short right I grow impatient vengeance all right so what's up pretty sure this is lethal hmm cards I mean lethal is lethal so legendary 195 I don't know why I'm screenshotting this foreign versus the priest that's pretty good I say that every time I get legends true [Music] it is a Simplicity in inevitability this ends now thank you all the W's foreign can we stop all this hating on the deck we're currently playing Chad obviously the deck we're currently playing is good moral high quality Hearthstone all right so just stop with this like this Hayden all right also obviously the deck our opponent is playing why would anyone hate on a deck that wins I I I hate to break this to you morph but your world view doesn't really hold up very well because a lot of people be hating on decks that win very skillfully and intelligently I'm not sure whether this is better or what was the final straw uh dude people asking me what the final straw was I couldn't take it anymore like everything's this giant thick so I just wanted to have an appearance that people wouldn't make comments on it's like what is that thing all right that's so much to ask chat foreign peer pressure will almost make me stop doing anything um [Music] good job the Queen's Trove this [Music] um it seems bad for me chat I mean I have to do my spell play here even though it's a bad play to do it turn I just don't have other winning play true strength Rises From the Ashes who's hiding now foreign yeah I mean it just shows you like soon foreign yeah for us that though it's a really good budget deck um so foreign all right versus Deathwing beware my Sound and Fury this ends now vengeance is mine foreign foreign [Music] demons demons foreign I'm confused foreign [Music] foreign anybody demons laughs thank you uh is it playable without power it's played without following yeah um you should ask is it high level competitive I'm gonna go with no but um but you can you could play without filtering you could literally just put in a silence card like you could put in anything and just not use it like you'll just you're just making your deck worse but the deck's good enough that like if you're a good player you don't like like Silver Moon Arcanist is probably the one minion that out of these two that is the deck is absolutely unplayable without but you could put a second Silver Moon arcanistan like as well like that might be the choice right so um short ah I couldn't avoid the bug this time foreign versus the Lich King this ends now foreign do you guys see the jerk I Could Just Kill this right now benches my blood all right Mr kville with the jokes foreign yeah you could put an enchanter in vention I see I see foreign robe dude No Hands Jedi over here you want to test it I grow impatient very sad when I get bloodworld here this is a very questionable play by me probably a bad play yeah but I don't know probably not a good play I think I'm too behind here foreign for now thank you foreign versus all men begin to begin this ends now thank you thunder bubble they will never catch me hello Sarah Grace gear look at different appearance it is interesting that I can change my appearance so much it will definitely help me get away with that murder I mean murder in my opponent in Hearthstone so badly because I spend my Mana am I right laughs actually who's hiding now anyone ought to a ghoul to the face [Music] hmm if three rights vengeance is mine foreign please [Music] that's not good okay fun fact lies bro I can't draw Effingham I'm just trying to draw a bounce hole here chat fun fact subscribe with twitch Prime has been shown to grow that special part of the body that uh many people love catch me I'll draw a piece of souls here Sullivan dispose the evidence shot uh so this measure is supposed to be unusable but I just lost [Music] chat fun fact thank you stop I don't know at least two times though anduin to all my fans this one is for you this ends now all right foreign don't keep your thoughts to yourself thank you pay it's all in your head foreign Matt not possible the more you'll struggle the better foreign I've made that mistake thank you questions vengeance thank you who's hiding now I see come out come out I have concluded after watching you I mean I'm not gonna be able to maintain it because my MMR was under inflated so now I am complete foreign why do they get so much heal there wait I didn't I felt like their life was weren't they at 17 life I don't know feet foreign thank you let's go dude dad a nice trailer you got there would be a shame it feels too easy honestly [Music] Simplicity in inevitability this ends now laughs well wait what did I throw away I don't even know what I want I just think I should look for clay guitar what was my best turn too oh god dude I just draw it Marcus scoring okay all right dude I'm gonna look brilliant all right trust me all right foreign they never use them here though like they don't have any Minions on board and they didn't play one drop or two drops so their hands a bunch of garbage here and we're just gonna go in and punish them all right and then you can take notes it's son of a crazy Rich chat uh okay never mind oh yeah uh I'm dead all right
Channel: NoHandsGamer VODs
Views: 783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone twitch stream, hearthstone, hs, nohandsgamer, nohandsgamer vods, hearthstone twitch, hearthstone live, vods hearthstone, twitch hearthstone, best deck hearthstone, legend decks hearthstone, funny moments hearthstone, stream hearthstone, hearthstone stream, broken hearthstone, live hearthstone, hearthstone high legend, demon hunter deck hearthstone, hearthstone demon hunter, demon hunter hearthstone, hearthstone dh, dh hearthstone, spell demon hunter, spell dh
Id: vL7zT-FHgJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 290min 32sec (17432 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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