Speedtree Tutorial - how to make simple trees and shrubs

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okay everybody will come back this is SpeedTree demo part 2 we're gonna do a basic tree and like a shrub kind of bush so it's like last time SpeedTree want to go to file new if you're just opening it up here's our base tree node I click at geometry trunks standard here is our standard trunk like last time I'm gonna go into displacements just bring this down another thing I'm gonna do for a trunk is going to branches and flares that's these little reef flares gonna change the size of these guys just to make this a little bit more believable something like that's when I kind of make it a like a crooked type of tree so um I'm gonna go into the spine which is what controls this the main shape the length shape I'm going to turn this disturbance up a bit and I it up the frequency and here's the amount so I'm gonna kind twisted a bit as well that might be a bit much and I'm gonna bring the links down of this the whole tree as well something like that good enough add some branches standard there's some standard branches easy enough so let's try to shape this guy make them a little bit more believable so I'm going to select the level one branches and going to start angle and I'm gonna kind of bring these down a bit I'm gonna change the start angle so that they get up to the top they go almost straight up it's that one that works for me though like that I had a few more of these go so under generation we're at five and I'm gonna warn you not to use this slider because if you slide too fast this way you can freeze your machine up because it just happened to me so I would do this numerically just so you don't go off the charts and crash b-tree it doesn't it's not so much of a big deal for branches as it has leaves but just be warned of that and another thing we want to do that you always want to check is go under wireframe and you can see right now we've got tons of polygons especially in this trunk that we don't need I'm gonna select the tree and I'm gonna turn everything to quads so we can visualize it a little bit better you can see there's a radial segment in here just way too big so we're gonna go under segments our trunk and I pull this multiplier down about there and if we go back to and see that not change the shape much and it just lowered our polygon count it a bit it's radios I'm gonna bring these down you can see it's not really changing the shape much though you start getting really low but that's pretty good I'm gonna turn the cap I guess I can't turn that down usually a jerk you can turn that down to zero a bump to accuracy up a little bit so now we're at 156 quads for the Trump which is way better same thing with these guys just bring them all to player down especially the radial and these as well and this is just really just kind of eyeballing it and it also depends on where you're gonna use this tree if it's a background tree less segments and all that stuff these guys these branches are a bit straight for some reason so let's go under branching alright spine let's disturb them a bit more frequency up a little bit ya see much more realistic actually may even need a few more of these level ones so let's bring this up to ten yeah that's better okay works for me I want some more of these level two branches as well there's not enough of them so again maybe just go up to ten that's her and these are kind of spread just to the not spread across these branches enough see they're just kind of sticking in a couple of areas which I'm not sure why that's happening but let's take a look and we look at first and last we're just going to kind of mess with this and I'm gonna turn this to absolute and not relative this is complicated to get into sometimes just switching between these oh they're still kind of all the same good the spine l2 is such that the absolute that's getting better we've got way too many back down good that's that's better that's what we're looking for one thing you can do that I didn't discuss last time is if you find something knight-like this guy here you just want to get rid of them at the top of the interface there's this edit button you just click that and then you click the thing that you want to mess with and you can move it around if you want or if you want to delete it you can just hit it hit delete and delete it because some of these just won't look natural that's good so also want some kind of movement in this as far as the branches go let's add some sag so I'm just gonna grab highlight these two guys under forces ad and direction and that gets us what we want let's just add some some gravity so everything doesn't look like it's just shooting up into space add some leaves so we're just gonna go to individual leaves it that these are all camera facing you would typically you're gonna load up a leaf to put on these guys you can control size and thing is here well they're type we're just gonna add a type simple leaf and we're gonna load up a new mesh import new mesh then we're gonna go into our library and I for my CCD students I will load up a couple leaves for you it's just cherry beef now I've got some nice leaves our tree so that is a very simple tree and also very much very just it's totally fine for a game or background tree or in a film and we might want to add a few more leaves again generation be very careful with this so I'm just gonna do it just one increment at a time oh say try eight you want to watch your poly count right here so right now it's right around 48,000 which that's still a get adventurous and Goten and works and maybe get a little bit more of a spread and the Leafs will go on to our scaler about or shared values now or move them up just to get some more spread in there and maybe add a bit of a roll some more spread just to give it a better look and there we go there is our simple tree that should be more than enough to get you started and making trees for your scenes so now I'm going to go ahead and make a shrub which is basically the same thing as a tree I'm just a bit smaller so again I'm not gonna go through every single step now you should be familiar with it so trunk trunk for a shrub you've really small we're gonna go under spine length and bring this bad boy way whoop give me the wrong thing here and bring this down to like maybe one really small typically like once we get the branching off of this I would just delete it anyways go under the branch got a radius spine make this even smaller just that we just need something for the branches to go off of so add geometry branches standard and this happens sometimes where nothing's growing because these are set to relative so if I set the absolute on both of these should fix that problem I have to grow the trunk a little bit ya see let's see we can generation took these two absolute and bring that trunk down to zero again so all I did there was under the branching intergeneration instead of studying this to relative which would pull the length of the spine with its growth I'm just putting absolute which means it's absolutely gonna grow no regardless of length of the spine let's bring the length of these guys way and and you're gonna see that the level twos are gonna start disappearing because they're probably set to a relative so they're shut their relative as well and that in so we're gonna bring the scale this whole thing a and to get a shrub you can see our little scale guy over there said that's that's a decent size for a shrub and shrubs typically they kind of have a roundish look and we're gonna get that with forces so we're gonna grab these levels these little branches add direction and depending on how you what kind of shrub you want to make you can mess with this so it's uh take this around [Music] I'm gonna make the shrub kind of grow up I'm gonna change the amount of force on these to be really high this is shrubby shrub you looking and you can see the center is kind of empty that's from the start angle these guys so under spine I'm gonna start angled down a little bit and we're gonna also want to make sure that this parent angle this is just it's basically growing based off the angle of the trunk so this parent angle I pull this way down so then we get a growth from zero the one so we fill in the interior of our bush may want a few more of these level one guys so get a generation see just raise these up it's yeah that's good and also with this probably went yeah branch perturbance to be set up high or spying for turrets just kind of crank this up just to get it a little bit more shrubby and that start angle still not totally groove and then even go something like that that's a pretty good shrub or bush so let's mess with some of these other forces that we haven't dealt with yet so I'm gonna add a Naro this that creates a twisting effect which we're gonna forces I'm gonna crank it up just so you can see what it does it's kind of twisting everything together so we're just gonna add a bit of that and these are localized effects so if you want to translate it around maybe not Norrell now that the magnets a localized effect that's pretty good so let's add some all the level twos I'll just kind of curl these up this one might be localized no it's not I think it is affected by rotation Oh interesting it's something to look at you also you have this attenuation so if you want more curl in the middle and less at the end you can click this attenuation and it's linear then you're gonna get now these effect rings so as I bring the distance and I'm gonna see how it just creates a fall-off basically so now at the center there's zero at the outer edge is the whole amount this so you can pull is this distance around you can create different effects with the fall-off distance so now at the center of the tree there's not going to be much you can see how it's affecting it for the shrubs re that that works for me with these effects I would just just mess around with them just to see what you get if you ever don't want to see the effects I think you can turn them off visibility off maybe not you can just select it and hit H I'll hide it and it just hides the icon it doesn't undo the effect or anything like that we're good to go so just add some leaves on here say individual leaves click on leaves out of type I'm gonna import them new mesh under broad leaves I think there's actually either shrubs and flowers so you can just kind of steel you from another shrub if you want sometimes you're just gonna have to look around that kind of looks like try different one you can also afford a custom mesh and here as well so I'm just gonna import a new mesh I can find some some typos Celia maybe simple leaves to try that then I'm gonna just grab these and hold them down to lease it's better so there's our little shrub pretty easy stuff guys I you're just gonna have to figure out what kind of plant that you want to make what kind of shrub and then just start going through and editing this stuff typically you're just gonna add at the spine you're gonna edit forces you're gonna add a generation and you're gonna edit the branch most of the stuff you don't have to deal with until you start doing animations and things like that but you can see that once you start one of these like you can get all different kinds of stuff and another thing you can do is select your tree and save your file before you do this you can hit randomize and this will randomize everything in this node tree so you can sit there and get a bunch of different looks if you could literally fill your scene with all these different random pieces once you have a good system set up so there we go um I think I'm actually going to export this sport selected as mesh I'd go under SpeedTree save this as an X px call it a shrub on BX save it I'm gonna save it to a Maya just a base Maya export all these all the stuffs just add its default and hit OK and there's our shrub and then I'm gonna grab our tree I'm gonna export this as well call it Street or one it's real quick did export the shrub again to make sure everything went okay with it now we have a tree and shrub and I will use those in the exchange MO that I will be posting shortly and thank you and post any questions or comments or problems that you run into this stuff's pretty straightforward so you didn't be too big of an issue thanks guys
Channel: Model What You See
Views: 29,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speetree, Tutorial, how-to
Id: XZ2sgiRXsG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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