信じられない仕事量を捌く鉄人蕎麦職人の衝撃的な1日丨Japanese soba restaurant

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With cold water, While removing slime, Tighten buckwheat noodle. Hands are cold but patient. A day in the life of an old buckwheat noodle maker. Japan Aichi "Soba-aji Yoshimi A day in the life of a 77 year old buckwheat noodle chef! Soba noodles with firmness and crunchy texture, Taste is a little different here. It is delicious. I like thin noodles. Our soba noodles have a good slurping effect. After all, it is a specialty restaurant, Because it is a buckwheat noodle restaurant. They come here because it's delicious. This is how many customers we see, The personality of old man Soba and the taste of Soba. It's white and it's soba. I like this one. It's delicious. The owner's life is all about soba! We caught up with the owner who is always on the move. Aichi, Japan"Soba-ji Yoshimi" 3:04 Mr. Yoshimi, 77 years old (Staff) Do you always get up at this time? Every other day, I guess. Because it takes a long time to make the soup stock. So I get up early, So I make the soup stock, and then I make the soba. It takes a long time. Lighting cauldron to boil soba noodles. Preparation of shavings for soup stock. Dried bonito shavings Sesame and mackerel shavings Soda shavings Three kinds of shavings are used: sesame mackerel shavings, Soda shavings, and Satsuma honbushi. Put shavings in a large pot of water. Prepare tabletop water with water from water purifier. Customers can also see the boiling process. You can get to know your customers very well. You can have a lot of conversations. Well, that's the kind of thing I like, that's why I chose this store. (Staff) How did that come about? Japan There was a buckwheat noodle restaurant in Tokyo called Shougetsuan. And if you train there for 10 years, you can start your own business. In other words, you become a "noren" (goodwill) shareholder. I wanted to have my own restaurant. I wanted to have my own restaurant, I had my own restaurant in Higashi-Nakano (in Tokyo, Japan) for about 30 years. I've been making buckwheat noodles for almost 60 years.... I add water to the cauldron in which I boil buckwheat noodles. The water is cold, so it takes a long time to boil. Now we're going to boil it for another 20 to 30 minutes. (Staff) Nagoya has a pretty sweet broth. So we adapt the dashi to this way, that's how we do it. The dashi has come to a boil. See the time and this color to confirm that the dashi has come to a boil. The color gradually changes to a candy-like color. The lye is carefully removed. That's been 22-23 minutes. If you let the soup stock come out too long, it will be too thick, It's like astringency, or it's like an exasperating taste. It's not just a matter of doing a cotation. You just got the broth out of the dried bonito flakes. It's getting much better. It's been a long time coming around here. The soup stock has been completely drained out. It's raining and it's raining and it's not raining, I think it's because the number of customers coming to the store changes. Humidity check. Dashi is turning to candy color. Adjustment of fire power. Continuing to cook while removing lye. (Staff) Mr. Yoshimi, are you living alone up there right now? Yes, I do. (Staff) Were you ever married? I used to be. In the Higashinakano days. With a normal husband and wife. Well, you know, there's a lot of things in life. I'm having a good time on my own now. (Staff) When do you implement this thing called Children's Day? This is every day, though. One piece of mori-soba for elementary school children is 100 yen. Adults are 400 yen, though. Shaved shavings are transferred to a pot for No.2 soup stock. Put tamari soy sauce into large pot for No.1 dashi broth. Kaeshi for kake-dashi soup stock Otei mirin (mirin for seasoning) Aioi Hon Mirin", Nishio, Aichi, Japan No.2 soup stock Lyeing of No.2 soup stock. Strain No.2 soup stock. No.2 dashi broth is completed, used for hot soba noodles. Kaeshi ash for kake-dashi is removed. Strain the kaeshi for kake-dashi soup stock. Kareshi for hot soba noodles. (To be combined with No.2 soup stock to complete the process) Make mori soup for cold mori soba. Add kaeshi to make it thicker. Mari soup, you see, is eaten with it. Morijiru is a little bit thicker and sweeter than kakejiru. I added a little bit of sugar and kaeshi to kakejiru. Strain the soup for mori-soba. Mori-jiru for cold mori-soba is completed. Strain the rest of mori soup. White onion It's udon prefecture. Kanto has many soba restaurants, though. Especially in Nagoya, they have Miso Nikomi Udon. Remove hard outer part. (Staff) Mr. Yoshimi, why did you set up your store here in Nishio City? It's fate, isn't it? The property is like my wife. I'm from Nishiura, but Nishiura is more rural than here, There's not a lot of property. There's a red train running from Gamagori (Meitetsu line). I took the Gamagori line, got off the station, and went to a real estate agency nearby. I, in Higashi-Nakano, had a buckwheat noodle shop for about 30 years. This is a town called Higashimazu. I felt like I had a connection with this place because it is called "East. Cutting green onion for Kamo Seiro Soba. Triple layered Kamo seiro Duck meat, called "Aichi duck", is very popular there. (Staff) In terms of flavor characteristics? I would say it has a strong flavor. Duck meat has an image of being tough, but it is tender. (Staff) How did you come up with the name "Soba-iya"? I don't know if it was a trigger, but, well, my grandfather runs a soba noodle shop. It means grandfather of buckwheat noodle shop. From children, bring me a 100-yen coin, "Soba Grandpa, give me some soba noodles." It's like a drama. That kind of thing was dreamy, though. (Staff) Do you have quite a few children come? A lot on Saturdays and Sundays. Sometimes kids come alone, though. beckoning cat Soba noodle making operation. Measuring buckwheat and wheat flour. (Staff) Will you be preparing the food all the way until the restaurant opens? We have an hour or two, until we open, so we rest. I like matured noodles, or matured buckwheat noodles. I don't like freshly made Soba noodles because they are too powdery. So I dare you, because it opens at 11:00, because there is a pause. (Staff) So you're going to let them sleep for 3 hours? The point is, it's like letting them sleep. The thing that was laid down further is that much buckwheat noodles were made yesterday. (Staff) Does the taste change when you let it rest? The taste or the appearance, it becomes clear and beautiful soba. Flour is added, right? So the more you lay it down, the shinier it is. It depends on the store, Generally speaking, it's a lot like two-eighths, right? Soba flour is 8 and wheat is 2, you know. (Staff) Are you using the same ratio, Yoshimi? It's the same. I'm just spinning over there right now. 100% Hand-operated store, this is the work, I do it by hand. You rely on a mixer, because it makes it that much easier. Most of the time it's mori soba, and you prepare soba for less than 100 people. Measurement of water to be added to dough. Putting water into mixer. Remove dough from mixer. In between, the next dough is prepared in the mixer. Take out the dough from the second mixer as well. Knead with force. This process is the key to make soba noodles firm. (Staff) Has the price of buckwheat flour gone up? Everything is going up. Soba flour, dried bonito flakes, soy sauce, everything. (Staff) Did they raise the price? I haven't. I'm, well, if I can do as much as possible. It's going down in the opposite direction. It's going down from 1,000 yen to 900 yen. (Staff) Is there any reason why you lowered it? I'm pretty much a show-off myself, you know. Normally, people would generally raise their prices. So old buckwheat noodle, on the contrary, they lowered the price. Well, that's what happened, And the pricing is 400 yen (for mori-soba), and 700 yen for two pieces, and so on. We are "good, cheap, and fast". Knead with your whole body. Now let it sleep a little. Don't let it dry out. (Staff) Is it good water around here? Around here, it tastes good. And we use water purifiers. Kneading dough incessantly. Next dough is kneaded. Forming into small oval shape. I'm going to tell you why it's formed this way, because now you're going to know. My back is tired... Stretching dough that has been laid out a bit. Now if you stretch it thin and cut it, it's what we call hand-stretched. I'll let the machine do it for me. Replacing blades, adjusting dough thickness. Wrapping in bags to prevent drying. I like thin noodles. I like thin noodles. That's why we make it thin. Noodle making is completed. Eating soba (buckwheat noodles) for taste check (for breakfast). Clean machine carefully. Covering with hand towel. Sweeping. Cleaning up tools. 6:14 Morning sun is climbing. This is an unusual morning. (Staff) It's pretty blurry. Well, but it's not that bad. Cleaning up after the preparation. Chilled mori soup for mori soba. (Staff) A lot of cleanup afterwards. There's quite a lot going on. The marijuana is divided into containers. Soba is put into soba (buckwheat noodle) cups. Chill mori soup in refrigerator. Put away thawed duck meat. Making breakfast, also tasting soba noodles. Pork belly Green onion Pork Seiro soup is ready. Soba noodles boiled in cauldron. Soba is scooped up with a colander. Quickly drain soba noodles with cold water. Soba noodles are served in Seiro. Go ahead. (Staff) Thank you. Not this many really, though. It's a bit large. This is mori soup. I had breakfast. The transparency is amazing... Thin and shiny Sarashina-soba noodles. This is Mr.Yoshimi's ideal nihachi-soba. Pure white, elegant, matured noodles made from the center of buckwheat. Soba noodles are dipped in dark, dashi-scented, sweet sauce. Soba noodles with a smooth texture and a gentle flavor. Higashihatazu Coast 10:22 Employees begin to clean up. Cleaning of trays on the table and setting of hand towels. (Staff) Have you been working there long? Long time, I've been here since the beginning. I think it's about 8 years. (Staff) How do you like Yoshimi-san's soba noodles? It's delicious. I like it too. Refilling paper cups on the table. Replenishment of chopsticks. Yoshimi-san returns. Preparation of water on the table. Preparation of condiments. green onion Wasabi (Japanese horseradish) Waiting area for 3 people outside the restaurant. On Route 247, marked by square form storefront and sign. The owner has 30 years of experience working at a soba restaurant in Tokyo. The words "Edo Soba" stand out prominently. Business hours: 11:00-14:00 Closed Mon, Thu, Fri Prosperous business, Soba-aji Yoshimi Soba noodles with duck soup. Parking: 6 cars at the back of the store. 3 cars on the side side of the store Only 13 seats at the counter. Kakesoba 500yen Morisoba 400yen (additional Morisoba 300yen) Triple layered Kamo seiro 1200 yen Double layered Kakiage seiro 900 yen Pork seiro 900 yen Iso oroshi soba 800 yen Seasonings on the table. Shichimi kara-karashi, Ichimi kara-karashi. Regular customers arrive before business starts. That thing has started, the Iso-Oroshi. You used to love Iso Grate. He orders triple layered Kamo seiro, Iso oroshi soba. Making soup for Kamo seiro. Duck meat green onion Preparing soba noodles seiro. Soba noodle is boiled. wakame seaweed Agedama Grated radish glue The condiments for Iso-ori soba noodles are completed. Dipping soup for Kamo seiro is ready. Soba is quickly finished with cold water. The first Morisoba is completed. Soba noodles are boiled and served in Seiro. Served immediately over the counter. Slurping noodles in one gulp. I guess they come here because it's delicious. Polishing the water. Stretching and bending exercises for lower back. General preparing for opening. 11:00 opening. Welcome. Five people and two people came to the restaurant right after it opened. Two orders of three-tiered duck roe. Soba noodles are boiled after order is placed. Preparation of duck noodle soup. Duck meat White onion Five people also decide to order. 4 duck seiro and 1 kakiage seiro. Soba soup for order is made at once. The kakiage comes with grated daikon. Soba soup for Kamo seiro is ready. Soba noodles are boiled at the same time. Soba noodles are quickly pulled out with cold water. First, one piece with duck soup. Second one is mori soup. The second one is "mori soup". Soba noodles in duck soup at once. Delicious! Shaved buckwheat noodle soup Grated daikon radish can be put in it. If you put it in mori soup, it becomes grated soba. Various ways to eat, taste comparison. One level. Hot duck soup is served one after another. Soon, more and more (soba) noodles are served. Soba is said to have a life of 3 minutes. Yes. I think you all have one piece now. Yes, I'm going to go to the third step now. Customers arrive one after another. Duck and 2 pieces of mori. Iso oroshi and pork seiro are ordered. Iso oroshi soba with choice of dipping sauce or bowl of rice. Yakumi (condiments) and mori-jiru (soup) are served immediately. Employees and owner's conversation echoes in the restaurant. Kamo seiro-jiru (duck soup) Yes, one mori. Second piece for taste comparison. Making condiments for soba noodles with iso oroshi, with great dexterity. Condiments for Iso Oroshi Soba Soba noodles are ready. Put the soba sauce in it, Mix them together, Put it on and eat it. Soba noodle soup with pork The pork flavor is melted into the thick soup. Yes, one piece of pork in pork broth. Soba noodles dipped in hot pork miso soup. Sobayu (buckwheat noodle soup) Finished clean. Duck green onion One person's duck is served. Please hold the top. Taste the first step with mori soup. First sip of duck seiro soup. Taste comparison of two kinds of soba soup. Waiting area outside the restaurant is full. One person comes to the restaurant. Yes, the third one. Yes. How many more? One more. Sobayu for beauty and health. You can drink as much as you want. Soba noodles are served one level at a time so that you can enjoy freshly made soba noodles. Soba goes up one or two steps. Employee takes charge of bill. Two people and one person come to the store. Two people come in for oyster and duck. Hot duck with rice. Preparation of kakiage soba soup. Kamo seiro-jiru (duck noodle soup) Kakiage soba soup Kakiage is the best. KAMO SEIRO-SOBA soup Delicious taste of duck meat. First of all, one step. Yes, first step. Warm Kamo Nanban Soba, combine No.2 soup stock and Kareshi. Duck Green onion Soba noodle is served in a bowl for one person, after it has been cooled down in cold water. Warm up soba in cauldron again. Using whole body to drain water from buckwheat noodles. Kamo nanban, hot. Kamo nanban soba Dashi broth and duck meat go well together. (Staff) If you like, please let me know what you think of the taste. The soba is hard, chewy and delicious. 3 people come to the restaurant Three orders of Kamo seiro (duck noodle soup) Mother, I'll serve you a bottle of beer. Yes, thank you, Seasoned wakame. Yes, beer. Thank you. I'm going to make three buckwheat noodle soups for Kamo Seiro. Add spiciness by shichimi (seven spice) mustard on the table. First one with duck soup. Then one in mori soup. Taste comparison. Thank you very much. Second one for taste comparison. I'm going to go one more right away. A cauldron that blows over. Adjustment by adding water. Scoop up boiled buckwheat noodle with a big colander. Yes, that's the third one. 11:47 After a short time of settling in, the seats fill up quickly. An employee transcribes an order onto a slip of paper. Two ducks out of the sisters. Yes. buckwheat noodle soup This one, it's hot, it pops out, so be careful. Duck roe I'm alone, I'm alone, I'm alone. Yes, I am. Duck soup and rice gruel soup. Yes, this is the second level in taste comparison. Enjoy soba noodles with duck. Soba noodles with duck and mori soup. First, take off rough heat. Final finishing. Cold water, While removing slime, Tightens soba noodles. Hands are cold but patient. Finish buckwheat noodle. Yes, one step first. Second one. Yes, going to the second one. Hot soba noodles after meal. (Staff) What is good about Yoshimi-san? I came here today for the first time. I knew it would be good. Just like the name. It's still the same age. I'm eating a lot of things (soba noodles), too, The taste is a little different here. It's delicious. I'll be back. Two men check from outside to see how crowded the restaurant is. Soba noodles with soup. Enjoy conversation with customers over the counter. Customer concerned about the cauldron. With this boiling water. So, I, you know, I don't get cold. (I can't boil crispy soba (buckwheat noodles) unless I use a cauldron. Yes, the third one. Yes, the first one. Slurping slippery soba noodles with mori soup at once. Soba water is tasted after meal. (Staff) Is it delicious? It's delicious. I come here often. (Staff) What is different about your soba noodles? It's a specialty restaurant, after all, There is no such thing as a specialty restaurant that specializes only in soba. Because they are doing only buckwheat noodle business. I'm going to the extreme, I'm going to say unagi (eel), tempura, I don't know what you're putting that kind of effort into. I like the one place for everything. Duck meat is sold out, leaving only enough for layaway. Yes, come in. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Two oysters. Yes, welcome. Two morisoba. (You can put (grated radish) in here, (You can put) grated radish here, or (grated radish) here, or (grated radish) in the mori soup. Various ways to eat, taste comparison. Yes, first one. I'll take one. Put it on mori soup and slurp it all at once. (Staff) Do you two come here often? First time. (Staff) How is your first time, Yoshimi? It's delicious. It's really delicious. Yes, two pieces. I slurp up the soba noodles in one gulp. Delicious anytime I come here. The best. Duck soup for pickup. I'm sorry, I'm finished with duck. Two women order two kakiage-soba. Here you go. Welcome. Yes, welcome. First of all, one step. Tenjiru for you. You can put grated daikon radish in it. If you put it in mori soup, it becomes grated soba. Put grated radish in tempura soup. Soba is dipped in hot Tenjiru. Soba noodles with grated radish and wakame seaweed. Finishing seaweed. Iso oroshi soba, popular summer menu. Soba soup is completed by pouring mori soup over it. Mix thoroughly and taste soba noodles with condiments. Yes, thanks. Yes, thank you. Yes, buckwheat noodles. Good for beauty and health. Yes, it's good for your health. Soba noodles sold out before closing. 12:45 closing Soba sold out, sorry. Finished today. Waiting area cleaned up. (Staff) Were you busy today? I was busy today. It's Tuesday, this is not happening. I wonder why. Real food Duck The owner's special thin noodles, boiled for 50 seconds. Duck soup is ready. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Triple layered, duck seiro (1,200yen). One in duck soup, one in mori soup. Hot soba noodles soup, full of flavor of duck meat. First is duck soup. Tight buckwheat noodle is blended with duck soup. Thin buckwheat noodles intertwine with warm buckwheat noodle soup. Tender duck meat and green onion are also irresistible.... Then cold mori-jiru, taste comparison with two kinds of buckwheat noodle soup. Then, enjoy three kinds of buckwheat noodle with duck soup and mori soup as you like. Soba noodles with cold mori soup. Negi (green onion) and wasabi (Japanese horseradish), condiments are also indispensable. Refreshing spiciness enhances thick mori soup. Soba-yu (buckwheat noodle soup) Sobayu, full of buckwheat flavor, is served with buckwheat soup. First, duck soup. Then, mori soup. Both of these soups have a relieving taste... (Staff) Do you have a good yoshimi? Really, you know, that we get so many customers, The character of the old buckwheat noodle maker, his friendliness, Naturally, the soba is delicious, That's why it's lasted so long. In 10 years, the soba noodles are bad, or the old man is bad, No one comes. This is all that's going on, The personality of old man Soba and the taste of Soba. That's the way I come, too. The color of soba noodles is different. I don't know about buckwheat noodles, but here it's white and it's buckwheat noodles. I like it because it is delicious. So you like Sarashina soba. That's what it means. Thin noodles, whitish, slurpy. So women and children, in short, it's soba for all people. I finished the last sentence. Welcome and thank you, Be as conscious as possible. You know, you have to speak louder. If you let it out from the bottom of your stomach, the audience feels good. Because it's good for my own health, you know. I am a buckwheat noodle chef! I am attracted by the personality of the owner, The owner's personality is what attracts me to his restaurant.
Channel: うどんそば 東海 Udonsoba
Views: 442,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: うどん, そば, うどんそば, 愛知, 名古屋, 天ぷら, 東海, yt:cc=on, 中華, グルメ, food, japanese food, japanese street food, 炒飯, 三重, 静岡, 岐阜, 焼飯, そば爺よしみ, 愛知県西尾市東幡豆町, 鴨せいろ
Id: R0Qrfawz_4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 7sec (3007 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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