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thank you funny goblak once you go black ain't coming back it's a rap Jack go blind alright bud and don't forget running with my friend Ben this morning then is a faster better gooder runner than I am so he keeps me on my toes in a really big way he and I are meeting at the apex of the Manhattan Bridge and I'm late all right I am now at the apex of the Manhattan Bridge no sign of Ben I guess I will simply keep running and you'll find the man it is indeed it's Ben which when we go and Brooklyn in their hand if you want then Hatton or Brooke let's kill Brooklyn go let's go let's go then I'm putting you in my blog this morning I was explaining the viewers that you were a far superior runner than me awesome and you keep me on my toes right keep it honest gotta keep Dallas he's so fast I'll see you soon good run ten miles at a 7:59 pace lovely lovely run this morning we got any water cup got a new cup you got a new cup show me how it works how's it work there you go today is Q&A day let's do a little experiment and watch how quick I get questions after I do a tweet okay three more this is why I missed so many people's questions every refresh is like 50 more questions John wants to know who you love more than anything to get a compliment from you know John I have a rule and that is to ignore praise and embrace criticism so I'm really not I never try to seek compliments it's generally a dead end this is kind of a ridiculous question but Ben wants to know Casey how do you live so philosophically I don't really know what you mean by that but I try to pay attention always I pay attention to everything I read everything I hear everything I see and then I ignore about 99.9 repeating percent of that and whatever is left over I hang on to for dear life and I think this philosophical living that you're speaking of is just me sort of sharing the aggregate of what I've absorbed over the course of my life she wants to know if you have a chance to travel more where would you go and why she I have so many opportunities to travel right now and it pains me to but I say no to all of it I have two priorities right now family and my new company and if travel doesn't fall into one of those two categories I say no no wants to know what's your advice to kids struggling in school just like anything else in life this too shall pass Josh wants to know what's the craziest way you've broken a camera probably with a gigantic rock smashing the camera like this on the side of the Zambezi River on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe but I had a critical failure exactly what I needed the camera it had to be destroyed when will Karlie Kloss upload her first youtube video okay I'll let Carly do the talking here and I will do a whole vlog before she launches her YouTube channel just know Carly class on YouTube is going to be awesome why does Owen work in a donut shop why don't you get him a cool job okay let me spend a little bit of time picking this one apart so my son Owen has his first job right now he works at a Krispy Kreme donut place at the cash register selling people Donuts which is a tough job and yes I could make a phone call and I could get him some cushy easy fun cool job and like a production company doing something totally awesome but I'm his father and I try to do what's best for him at all times and what's not good for a kid to have as his first job it's something cushy and cool beyond learning the value of a dollar and Beyond learning what the suck means of working in a place like that he will forever for the rest of his life no matter how successful or rich or famous he might become he will forever treat people that work behind the counter with a level of respect that they deserve because he will appreciate and understand how hard that job is that's one of the reasons the bigger reason two days ago three days ago I did a whole vlog about sort of life's principles and what it means to always fixate on what do you want from life and then figure out how to execute that and a lot of people asked a lot of people replied with what's the best way to find your passion what's the best way to find your calling in life and I'd have an answer to that and I don't know that this answer is right but this is an answer I firmly believe in the best way to find what you love in life is by doing something you hate a cushy job a cool job a job that you like is is comfortable that comfort breeds complacency and that complacency breeds stagnation so you just kind of stay there fine job even though it may not be your dream or your passion and then all kinds of happens she gets pregnant you buy a car there's a mortgage payment you have a house you have this cushy life and before you know it you have these handcuffs these golden handcuffs that is your day job that you didn't love you never loved it was just an easy job but now there's no way out of it and all of that happens by doing something that's cushy and easy if you get a job that absolutely sucks something you hate doing you will spend every minute on the clock fixating and fantasizing about what you wish you were doing where did I find my passion for filmmaking and my drive to do what I do in life I found it in the bottom of the nastiest burnt up clam chowder pot ever working a seafood restaurant where I'd have to dig so deep into that pot to scrub the bottom you know get all over my arms and all over my shirt and I just reeked of stale seafood and it never came off my body but doing that for years fifty hours a week every week for like five years really galvanized for me what I wished I could be doing I fantasize about having a job that I loved about doing something I was super passionate about about working for myself and not having some total boss telling you what to do all the time I obsessed over it but if I had been some cushy some sweet some fun job that my dad got for me none of that Drive would have been there so yeah Owen works in a donut store and what he will get from working in a donut shop what he will get from a Shay job is invaluable and he might not appreciate that and whoever wrote me that comment might not appreciate that but believe me at some point in his life he will look back and he will see that that was one of the most influential jobs he could have ever had I hope otherwise he'll hate me forever for making him work in a donut store okay that's it for QA I have a photo shoot in this office in like 45 minutes it should be kind of fun and I will vlog about it this photo shoot is happening now hi I'm Casey Jake okay Renee and I need what are we doing today you guys are sure you don't want to try I I mean I'll try it but I'm gonna go get go you got it yeah you got it awesome so we're good you guys got what you need okay thank you nice to meet you thanks for tolerating me yeah bye guys okay leaving the office now trying to leave the office Candice came to visit and now she's just hanging out with Matt and there's the old sideburn hey guys okay everybody's favorite Yellin everybody thank you hey Candace the decision base gives me nightmare so Candace will talk about your short skirt Candace it's my walk home that I try to have an ender for the vlog so I need like something say something clever or something to happen that I can end the vlog on the end pretty good
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 1,300,639
Rating: 4.9722447 out of 5
Id: Kw-8NZ1_ItE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2015
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