[SPECIAL MESSAGE] Clearing Out Your Mind! - By Pastor Robert Morris (Must Watch)

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well uh open your bibles to judges chapter six uh judges chapter six that's uh genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy joshua judges seventh book of the bible all right judges chapter six and i'm going to share with you about miracles and uh let me just let you know that i don't have three points so that is the first miracle god's already doing miracles among us already um about three months ago steve and i talked about this and i said i i uh i want to speak at habitation and uh we put it on the calendar and about two months ago the lord spoke to me that it was going to be about miracles and as we got closer and closer god began to speak to me about miracle night and that he was going to begin a season this is not just for tonight but tonight begins a season of miracles for gateway church a season of miracles and then as i told you this weekend the lord told me to preach on jesus the physician and so i began to see this is a miracle weak and uh friday morning steve sent me a text his daughter kristen is pregnant and due uh the 1st of june around june 3rd and he sent all the elders a text and said please pray for kristin we've gotten a report that's very serious from the doctor they're going to do a test tomorrow please pray so all the elders respond we're praying we're praying and when i saw the text i thought about miracle weekend and uh so i sent back i'm praying also but god reminding me that i'm preaching on healing this weekend and miracles sunday night at habitation i was already planning to tell the whole church this is miracle weekend this is why this is actually an email i remember now and but this is what i wrote an email so i declare that miracle weekend begins now and that this is miracle weekend for kristin and ella in jesus name and that's the the name of the baby to come and then last night steve told me that when she went back the next day that all of her levels were normal she was completely good so that was friday so i i then i found out something else that happened on thursday so i'm going to tell you about that but what i feel like is that i declared this was i felt like the holy spirit told me to declare miracle weekend but i felt like the holy spirit this past week said i can't wait till the weekend so so thursday i told you that i had lunch with the governor and i was coming back and i was driving on 35 and i was coming up to the 170 exit there by cabela's and uh a few miles before i got there about 10 cars in front of me was this black car with its flasher zone and it was driving in the middle of the two lanes so no one could go around it and uh so i'm thinking you know come on what's the deal here and what's going on and and i really was i didn't have a lot of compassion and and then i saw this gray car which i thought was trying to pass the black car i'll tell you in a moment it wasn't but and there are these concrete uh dividers out there you know because of construction on 35 and i saw this great car hit one of those concrete things and bounce off of it and i thought man what is happening up there and then the great car in the black car took the exit at 170 and uh there was an 18-wheeler stopped at the light and the great car ran into the back of the 18-wheeler and went up underneath the 18-wheeler and i just immediately thought i've got to go and see if i can help and so and what i realized was that there was a problem with the lady an elderly lady in the car i don't know if she had a stroke or what but the black car behind was trying to protect people from you know getting close to her so she would not be hurt and so anyway i jumped out ran over and the lady who was driving the black car she was on the phone i said are you calling 9-1-1 and she said yes and then she said pastor robert then i'd repent for my attitudes about the lady and uh anyway she said i'm a member of gateway and i said good i said praise the lord i'm glad you're calling and you know that uh so then we went i went around to the door and there was a man there trying to help the lady that had run into this 18 wheeler and again her car now is up underneath the 18 wheeler as elderly lady and she was completely unresponsive and um so i was trying to help him and he turned up and he looked he said pastor robert and he was the member of gateway and uh and then i just felt like you know we need to pray i think this woman has had some sort of a stroke or a diabetic attack or something but she's totally unresponsive and um so i just laid my hands on and began to pray and this member of gateway began to agree with me in prayer and we prayed and then in a moment the paramedics pulled up so i went back and i began to explain to him what happened how she hit the guard rail and how she was unresponsive and i said you know it could be a diabetic thing could be a stroke i don't know but i just want to let you know what happened and the paramedic said pastor robert so so it's all gateway members helping this lady matter of fact the truck driver she ran into came back and i said are you okay and he said yes pastor robert so and he did not he did not attend gateway he attends another good church but he said i watch you every week on television so anyway um so we prayed over this lady and i thought okay the paramedics are here and so you know i can leave now so this morning pastor marcus burkeen at our north fort worth campus uh sent a text to pastor josh my son said please forward this to your dad this is what the text said one of our tsn guards is a paramedic he attended a wreck by cabela's that your dad saw and stopped and prayed for the woman all of the paramedics were convinced that she was going to die but she was talking by the time we arrived at the hospital and he wanted your dad to know that his prayers made a difference so my point is it's miracle weekend and i don't know why god chose this weekend but he did and there are kairos times appointed times and and months ago god led me to declare this miracle night as a pastor and so as the as the pastor of gateway church i'm telling you by the spirit of the lord that we're about to enter a season of miracles so i'm going to share with you a little different message uh again as i said not three points but just to share with you something from scripture about miracles and then another testimony and then we're going to pray and we're going to watch god do miracles tonight tonight uh judges chapter six uh you have to understand that uh the israelites have entered the promised land that was in joshua they've conquered the midianites have now come back they've been camped around uh many of the tribes and their they were cutting off their food sources and uh so god appears to this man named gideon all right and uh judges chapter 6 verses 12 and 13 verse 12 and the angel of the lord i want you to notice that the angel of the lord here is capitalized most theologians believe that when the bible the old testament talks about the angel lord he's talking about jesus himself i believe that as well okay so i believe this is jesus showing up talking to gideon and the angel the messenger the angel capital h capital a of the lord appeared to him and said to him the lord is with you i want you to notice those words the lord is with you you mighty man of valor now i do need to explain to you if i didn't tell you a moment ago that gideon was hiding from the midianites at this time but the lord saw him as a mighty man of valor gideon said to him o my lord if the lord is with us why then has all this happened to us you ever felt that way and where are all his miracles which our fathers told us about saying did not the lord bring us up from egypt but now the lord has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the midianites if god is with us why has all this happened and where are all his miracles i'm sure you felt that way at some point you might feel that way right now if the lord is with us why has this happened and where are all his miracles okay let me i'm just going to summarize the next few chapters but it'd be wonderful for you to read these and read them in different versions it's fun to read the bible in different versions i read this story in several different versions i'm not sure how many at this point over the last two months but i read it again in a different version today so let me tell you kind of what happens here the rest of the story and answer the the question these questions why is all this happening where are all these miracles so um gideon says uh please let me prepare a meal for you and the angel of the lord says okay and he goes and prepares it now one thing i want you to notice through all of this is the patience of god the patience of god how long would it take to prepare a meal and he sits there and waits remember no microwaves back then by the way i have another miracle i want the whole church to pray for i want you to pray that they begin making bluebell ice cream again okay it's we need to pray okay i'm i'm i'm having serious withdrawals all right all right so so no microwave so how long would it take so the the i just want you to see the patience of god the long suffering of the kindness of god so the lord waits gideon comes and the lord says okay put that on a rock so he puts it on a rock and the lord touches the meal with the end of his staff and it burns up comple it's completely consumed just like that now you have to get this because i've got you just got to get this he touches it and it burns up and then gideon says would you show me a sign i'm thinking the lord is thinking [Music] you know big lighters haven't been invented yet get in you know um i just touched it with a stick and it burned up and you want a sign but he says okay i'll give you a sign it's the patience of god is phenomenal in this story so he sets out a fleece you ever heard of this this is where it comes from this is the only passage in the bible it's the only place and he puts a fleece of wool out and he asked the lord lord will you let this fleece and i want to say something about this because maybe you've heard this put out a fleece in my opinion this was a fleece of doubt not a fleece of faith with gideon i'm not saying your fleece was not saying it was a fleece of doubt i'm not saying that i'm not saying you shouldn't put out a fleece i'm just simply saying that gideon wasn't doing this because he had faith he was doing this because he had doubt the reason i want to show you this is that god still did a miracle even with a guide that had bouts with doubt so he puts his fleece out and he says would you let this fleece of oil be wet and the grounder with dew and the ground around it dry in the morning okay so god has to wait another day for gideon to catch up with him and god says okay i'll do that so the next day the drought the ground all around was dry the fleece was wet and he wrung out a bowl full of water out of the fleece of wolves what the bible says and then he says uh would you give me another sign this is the creator of the universe thinking what how many signs do you want so he says okay i'll give you another sign he said this time would you let the fleece be dry and the ground wet with dew and the lord says okay so it's another day and so the next morning the fleece was dry the ground was wet okay so then he says now call together the army 32 000 men show up 32 000 of israel show up for the war by the way there were 135 000 midianites in camp 135 000 were encamped around them 32 000 men show up okay and god says to gideon that's too many because what will happen is i won't get the glory i won't get the glory now they were that's over four times you know the midianite army over four times so and so god says make an announcement now this is just great i want you to think about this announcement third two thousand and so he says okay uh if anyone is afraid the lord says you can go home 22 000 went home 22 000. there were 10 000 left 43 000 they said you afraid i'm a little bit afraid let's get some blue bell okay all right so ten thousand twenty just think about how he's feeling a third of them leave two thirds pardon me two thirds leave and so then after that the lord says there's still too many i won't get the glory they'll just think these were skilled these were the ones that were unafraid so he said take them down to where you drink and have them drink and watch how they drink and he said the ones that lap water like a dog you know i don't want to go into a lot of um detail here because i know things are played back on youtube and all that but in essence listen the ones that do this he said you set those over to the side and there were 300 that lapped water like a dog and 9 700 that didn't now you know gideon's thinking i'm getting rid of rid of the goofy ones that's what god's doing and you remember what god did he said no that's your army the dog lappers so he sends 9 700 home he's got 300 left listen against 135 000 soldiers and then the lord knows how gideon is and he knows how you are and he knows how i am and so they're encamped at night he says gideon i want to encourage you i want you to sneak down to the midianite camp and listen and see what you over here so he sneaks down now think about the exact place where he sneaks how god had all this you know planned and even if it's the night before because he hears a dream so god's got a law plan he sneaks down there's one soldier telling another soldier he said i had a dream last night that a loaf of bread came rolling down the hill and hit one of our tents and smashed it flat and the other guy said that means that god is with gideon and we're going to be destroyed isn't that amazing that was his interpretation of a loaf of bread rolling down the hill and knocking over one tent and apparently this thing spread throughout the camp because gideon had these 300 men hold torches and cry out at the same time the sword of the lord and the sword of gideon and the midianites turned and killed each other a hundred and twenty thousand of them of the one thirty five 000 killed each other just like that 120 000. and then gideon pursued the 15 000 and killed them also the 300 men okay so here's his question where are all his miracles i want to answer that question all around us all around us he he touched the sacrifice he touched the meal with a stick he did the fleece made it wet then he made it dry then he had the dream and then he had 300 to feed an army of 135 000. god's miracles are all around us they're all around us the problem is that satan has us convinced that god doesn't work anymore or that god works in someone else's god's miracles are all around us they're all around us the problem is that satan has us convinced that god doesn't work anymore or that god works in someone else's life now i want to clarify or extend build on something i said today in the weekend message last night and today i made a really good point i said you're bad enough for a miracle you remember that okay i'm not in any way condoning unrighteous living no way shape or form i mean it's like paul had to say when he's teaching on grace should well does this mean that we ought to just continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid okay i'm not saying that law what i'm saying is that satan takes our imperfections and says we're not worthy for a miracle i just want you to know you'll never be worthy except through the blood of jesus and he tries to disqualify us and i i want to take that away we're qualified for miracles because we're god's children listen gideon was not this mighty man of valor without the holy spirit i mean he he was one scared dude and god was gracious and long suffering with him in the same way we could go through the bible abraham believed god it was counting him for righteousness but he lied about sarah and then slept with hagor but god was still faithful i'm just saying he wasn't perfect noah who is even saved from the flood when he gets off the ark he gets drunk and then his son it doesn't cover his nakedness but god still he was the bible says noah was a righteous man uh isaac jacob jacob steals his brother's blessing david commits adultery and murder but the bible says he's a man after god's own heart again listen to me i'm not condoning sin i'm just trying to say to you you are a candidate for a miracle even though you have not been perfect or even though you're still dealing with something the people in the bible were dealing with things peter denies jesus and preaches on the day of pentecost and he's the first one to raise someone from the dead and then years later in his ministry when paul comes to uh antioch he has to rebuke peter to his face the bible said because peter was eating with the gentiles until the jews showed up and then he wouldn't eat with the gentiles paul said i had to rebuke him to his face and yet peter worked great miracles i i'm just saying none of us are perfect i'm trying to say that okay all right let me tell you an illustration here and not an illustration a story that happened pastor olin who's seen on the platform he's one of our apostolic elders and my pastor when he was pastoring shady grove church back in the 70s it was what was known as the charismatic renewal people were discovering the power of the holy spirit and shady grove church was shady grove baptist church and his credentials are baptist credentials he went to southwestern baptist theological seminary you have to remember though nine for nine years before he went to seminary he was a texas state trooper which prepared him real well to be a pastor but because the charismatic renewal was going on there was a little excess at the time you know so this someone invited him to come and speak in illinois and he got in the car with the pastor and the pastor gave him a flyer and said we passed these out all over town and it had an oval picture of pastor olin in the middle of it and around it it said miracle worker faith healer pastor evangelist and olin said i'm only one of those i'm a pastor and then it said wednesday night miracle night and then it said this now you'll get this bring the halt we don't even know what the halt is anymore so king james bring the halt the lame and the blind and pastor olin said you passed these out all over town and the guy said yep and he said it's our seven year anniversary as a church and i've told the church wednesday night we're going to have more miracles than in the history of the church so pastor olin called the elders and said guys pray that i can come home i can't i can't do this this is crazy and so they prayed and they called him back and said god says you're supposed to stay so it's he's preaching along so tuesday night remember wednesday night's miracle night tuesday night he's preaching and every night there were two people from the congregation that were that were sharing a three-minute testimony before the message so this guy standing up sharing this testimony before pastor only gets up to preach and all of a sudden he stopped talking and pastor olden looked at him and remember he was a state trooper and he realized what was happening and all of a sudden this man fell over dead from a massive heart attack the night before miracle night now i'm not trying to make fun of a person passing away but this is awkward before miracle night that a man dies in the pulpit and so pastor olin thought he was kind of new in the lord and things of the lord this is what god wants to do he wants to raise this guy from the dead so he went up there and grabbed his coat and set him up and said i command you in jesus name and while he was saying this the guy fell back over this will affect your faith the whole church was watching the miracle worker so he thought well i don't know what god was doing so and he knew he was dead he was he'd been a state trooper he said i knew he was dead i'd seen many dead people you know and so but i just so he said i raised him back up and every time i command you and the god just keep falling down the next thing you knew a paramedic tapped him on the shoulder said sir you need to move aside and they put the guy on a stretcher and took him down the center row of the church the night before miracle night that's tough so pastor olin went home and uh and he was staying in the pastor's home and he before he got in bed he just knelt beside the bed and he started praying god god are we going to do i mean a guy dies the night before miracle night and then he said i just felt like i need to get lower before god so i got down on my face he said then i noticed that this bed was one of these big high beds you know and i so i just decided i'd just crawl up under the bed and he crawled up under the bed and there were dust bunnies you know up under the bed you know and he's up under the bed amongst these dust bunnies and about one in the morning the lord said to him what are you doing i said well i'm crying out to you that's what i'm doing tomorrow's miracle night and the lord said to him am i still god he said yeah lord you're still god he said well get out from under this bed and go to sleep he said he got out from the bed and he kind of looked he was in a bedroom standing pastor you know you kind of look around see if anybody sees him you know getting out from the bed gets in the bed go sleep soon as he woke up knees hit the floor you know boom starts praying and then he started to slide back up under the bed again to humble himself before god and the lord said to him holy am i still god he said yes lord you're still god he said get up and get dressed and go to church so he got up they went to the church and the pastor had to do some things and so pastor olin just walked around the sanctuary and he started singing this song that came to him he just began to sing and worship and all of a sudden he said before i knew it the pastor said you're ready to go to lunch he'd been singing in the sanctuary all that time they went to lunch and they did a few other things they went home they went to the service that night it was packed packed so much they had to put chairs in the aisles in the center all there was a cinnerol two two sections of pews and a center aisle and they had to put chairs in the foyer and he got up and started preaching on the resurrection power of jesus and he said he had about a paragraph left and there was a lady in the church sitting in the chair in the aisle and he all of a sudden this lady said i'm healed and he said he looked over at her and he thought i'm going to finish my message and he started again and this lady said i'm healed and she had double vision and the whole church had been praying for to be healed and she got up and she started walking in the altar and all of a sudden someone over here said i'm healed and someone else said i'm healed and he never got to finish his message and they had more miracles that night than in the history of the church there was an expectancy among the people they were expecting god to do something i'm i'm asking you to believe that god is still with us and god still does miracles i want to ask you to bow your heads and close your eyes i know i know that i know that i know i prayed through this that i wouldn't just be standing to say something but i know that i know that god told me that he's going to begin a season of miracles in gateway church and it's going to begin this weekend tonight so i asked the the elders before the service the to to be listening for words of knowledge words of wisdom whatever god won't speak and so the first thing we're going to do in just a moment is some of the elders are going to come with some words and pray over groups of people and here's what i want to say to you let me pray for a minute and then give you some instruction holy spirit we ask you to come right now and god we won't tell you we we believe that you're a miracle-working god miracles are not hard for you and lord we're asking you for miracles tonight and we receive by grace through faith in jesus name amen um i want to share with you for a few moments and then i'm i've asked steve to share and um but i want to start with the testimony i know we get to hear a lot of testimonies and habitation about what god's done and this is a testimony about my cousin who came this weekend and was hearing our services last night and my cousin um my father i should say let me start there had two brothers or had two brothers one committed suicide the other died an alcoholic my father's the first christian in his family so the one who was an alcoholic had two sons and um one of them you know both those my cousins one of them died of a drug overdose the other cousin was here this weekend the reason that he was here this weekend is because after i accepted christ and i did did drugs with this cousin before i accepted christ but after i accepted christ i got very burdened for him and went he was at the university of arkansas and going to school that i went and spent we spent about half the night i talking about the lord and he accepted christ and so this weekend he was here and this is what i was thinking about he's been married now to the same woman for 32 years who's a pastor's daughter their oldest daughter is a commercial airline pilot at the age of 28 their middle daughter is about to graduate from medical school and their son is about to graduate from college and go to seminary to become a pastor what a difference jesus makes what a difference jesus makes and that's what i love about habitation because we're introducing people to jesus jesus the savior hundreds maybe thousands of people been saved at our habitation services jesus the deliverer jesus the baptizer and the holy spirit and jesus the healer we're introducing people of jesus so i i love that um i want to take you back i want to share some vision for where we're going and i want to take you back to kind of where we where we started how many of you have been a member of gateway church for less than 10 years you came in the past 10 years okay so before you got here i had a vision to have a once a month sunday night service to go deeper in the holy spirit and i talked with the elders about that and the staff and the team and so we began that service we called it encounter simply because i wanted every person to have an encounter with god at a deeper level an encounter with the holy spirit and god blessed that service it gave us we just wanted to have more time uh to enter into the holy s to the presence of the holy spirit and to allow for the gifts of the holy spirit and so we began that service it began to grow god began to do things and then um a few years after we began the service steve and i you have to know steve and i have been best friends for um probably over about 25 years now and steve was in business you've heard him share stories about that he owned a construction company he was and is a founding elder of gateway church i think really the founding elders that are still here be tom and steve sitting on the front row i guess when you're founding elder you get to sit in the comfortable chairs so i'm sorry guys so um but um okay so and and neither were local elders at that time tom was a an elder uh in trinity church in amarillo with jimmy evans and steve was an elder at another church in dallas because he lived in north dallas area so they were apostolic elders along with jimmy evans as we begin the church and then god brought both of them here but steve came to me and you got to remember he was he's a businessman been a businessman his whole life and he started to share with me these visions that he was having about him leading a service and he began to describe habitation services to me and while he was sharing i thought of our once a month sunday night encounter services and i said steve you need to lead those and he said no no no that's that's not what i was thinking i'm just telling you that i'm having these visions and i'm submitting them to you as my pastor and asking what do i do i said you need to start leading these services and again you have to remember he was in business and um he actually some of the stories i'll tell tonight he wouldn't want me to tell you but um i'm the pastor so and i know you have the last word but these are honoring okay so he just would not want me to call attention to this uh he paid a person who trains people how to speak that that you would know of i told you his name if you know anything about speakers you may have read his books he trained lee iacocca to speak he trained bill gates to speak steve paid him thousands and thousands of dollars to learn to speak so that he could get up here and and lead you in what god was saying in essence so that he could hear believe and obey so he could obey what god was telling him as a businessman to begin leading a once a month service like this um steve is is the businessman that i refer to in the blessed life that for years gave over 50 of his income to the lord and so i am just very proud of him because he stepped out and has done a phenomenal incredible job a phenomenal job and one of the things that i watched god do in his life was cause him to be able to lead people into the presence of god and how to recognize an encounter with god and facilitate that so that other people could have an encounter with with the lord and so i watched him grow in that um i remember the time he came into the elders meeting and said guys just stay with me but i want to share with you about what i feel like we're supposed to do at the next habitation service and it was the party do any of you remember the party were any of you at the party the first way wait a minute there we've been three i think so two okay the very first one was in the old building right and so steve came in and said i believe we're supposed to give money away and so we were like okay that's great with us he said i want to teach on the difference between a need and a want and we want i want to have people giving each other one of the elders at the altar and he was sharing this division that he had and he said and i want to have you know five baskets with ten thousand dollars in each and i want to give away fifty thousand now this is again something he wouldn't want me to tell you but he said i'm gonna give the fifty thousand and he did and we said steve we'll we'll do that he said no it's something god's told me to do so he gave all that money that we gave away and we just began to give that night if you were at that first one and even the second one it's just phenomenal and one of the things that happened just to give you one testimony from that is a lady you may have heard this testimony but it's one of my favorite ones a lady came up and she was standing in line and we said you know if you feel led to give someone even if they're standing in line just go give to them then we were telling the people now if you're in line and you have a specific need and people have come up and given you money before you step up to the elder count the money and see what god's done and this lady needed she was a single mom she needed twelve hundred dollars to pay her bills that week and so right before she stepped up to the elder when the elder was talking to another person she counted the money that people had just come up and given her and she had exactly twelve hundred dollars exactly and so when the person turned around she said to the elder i have god's already met my need and so he said praise the lord and so she turned around back to your seat uh so then we're asking for testimony so she came up to share a testimony and now while she's sharing her testimony let me tell you the other part of the testimony one of our nfl players played for the dallas cowboys he's retired now but played for the dallas cowboys his wife was in the service her husband was out of town working don't tell me the score i'm recording it okay so so anyway so she's sitting there and says lord what do you want me to give and here's what the lord said i want you to give away all of your husband's shoes now before any of you ladies get that word it'd be good if your husband played in the nfl and was given all of his shoes all right he had stacks of shoes stacks boxes of shoes tennis shoes from you know a sports company that that he endorsed and so uh she actually texted her husband said i feel like god told me to give away all of your shoes he's like great you know praise the lord so and so anyway so she said but lord my husband wears a size 16. and the lord said i can take care of it so when this lady's up sharing the testimony about twelve hundred dollars been given to her she said i have two teenage boys and they're big and they eat a lot and the holy spirit spoke to this nfl player's wife and said that's the lady you give the shoes to for her two teenage sons so when the lady went sit down she walked over to and said ma'am i know this sounds strange but i'm supposed to give your sons my husband's shoes and they're brand new in a box a whole bunch of them and the ladies said well thank you so much but my two boys are really big they both wear size 16. so god knows what he's doing by the way he hit the next week he was sharing that with some other players and then several the cowboys players got together and brought him suits and shirts and pants and came over you know so it's just a school so then a few years ago steve sold his company and he and i prayed through that decision and we felt like he would do something to help business leaders and so we prayed about that now let me rewind a little more back to the very beginning of the church within the first year of the church i said to the elders i want to have some pastors on staff that i don't know of any church has pastors like these and they said okay what do you what are you talking about i said well i want to have a deliverance pastor that was the only word i knew and we call it now freedom ministry it's a lot easier to say where you going i'm going to free the ministry class then i'm going to deliverance you might get some people to confirm your decision to go get some deliverance you know so i said i want a deliverance pastor and i want a business pastor i said you mean someone that runs the business of the church i said no i mean someone that ministers to business people so i said that the first year of the church so within a few years we got our freedom ministry pastor and then of course these have grown into departments now but after steve sold his company i thought this is our business pastor this this is the guy that ministered a business leader who better than a person who's given 50 of his income away and retired at 50. it's not bad this guy knows business and i knew he did and god had been training him in that area for years so i talked to him and i said steve i think you ought to you need to be our business pastor and um so he prayed about it the elders prayed about it melody prayed about it and so he stepped in that role a few years ago now the business leaders has taken off um and it's phenomenal and it's going to go not just minister to business leaders here it's going to go out of our church to other church touch other churches around the world i was talking to a business leader in our church while back i said have you been to any of the business leader events and he owns a a large company and he said no he said you know i know though that i need to support that ministry and i said to him wait wait you you've totally misunderstood the business leaders ministry we didn't start the business leaders ministry for you to support it we started it for so it would support you so it'll help you that's the business leaders ministry is for us to help you in business not for you to help the church so steve's been doing that so about a year and a half ago now i think it was summer last year and he knows dates better than i but i said um steve um i see some where habitation i think is going in the future and i see where the business leaders ministries go in the future and i'm concerned about you being able to do both because i see both growing i want to see services like habitation services on every campus we're not just a south lake church we're a metroplex church we're one church in multiple locations about 60 percent of our church now does not attend the south lake campus they attend another campus so we began to try to branch out some about a year and a half ago and i said even that steve i need you to really pray and see about how we can do this and then we begin to pray about how we can take the principles of habitation and build on those principles and yet enlarge it so that again every campus can experience something like this and so we talked about it with campus pastors we talked about the elders steve and i talked about it we began to pray about it so we are making a change next year to where we have um nights of and i don't uh we're just still trying to figure out exactly what god is saying but like nights of worship where we just focus on worship and that's the focus nights of healing where we focus on healing nights of prayer where we focus on prayer nights of ministry uh knights of the prophetic we're focused on the prophetic much like we've done inhabitation but as steve comes into the service with a focus it'd be the same thing it'd be a focus for that and we'd let you know what that focus is before but where we're going steve prayed about it and he's been leading habitation for seven years now and where he's going where god's calling in with the business leaders ministry we talked this summer about it maybe even last spring late spring but he doesn't feel like he's supposed to continue leading habitation services and so there's a little bit of a sadness to the announcement i'm giving you but there's also hopefully gladness of that where we're going to go that we're going to try to allow more people to be able to experience what we've been experiencing and build building what god's been doing here it always takes faith to take another step always because here's the fear the fear is but it's been really good and in order to go forward are we going to lose anything we've had well my answer to that is that the habitation services got better than the encounter services because we answered the call to step forward and now as we take this broader to every campus and we begin to focus nights of worship or prayer or ministry or healing or testimonies or whatever our a party i don't think we call it nights of a party but whatever we call it nights of giving maybe whatever it is then i think it's going to just get better and better better you follow what i'm saying um i was asking the lord to speak to me a scripture for uh tonight and here's the scripture that god gave me first timothy 5 17 says let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor especially those who labor in the word and doctrine this is how i feel about steve he's been a faithful elder at gateway church since we began and god called him as a businessman to do something that he had to stretch to do and for seven years he's been stretching to do that and now god's calling him to do something else and he's going to stretch to do that but he's worthy of double honor and before england before we're going to i'm going to ask him to come up here in just a moment but we're going to do things a little differently but it's the same holy spirit and all the elders are in agreement staff's in agreement steve's in agreement we believe god is speaking something to us but it takes his faith to move there and so we're going to step out and move so i'm just very very proud of my friend for what he's done for gateway church and for the kingdom of god for the past seven years when god when god called him to do something that was beyond himself and he has given himself to it and not just him he's been the leader but the entire habitation team the prayer team and the worship team and the leadership team of habitation it's been phenomenal and so i i asked um uh our team to just put together a video and uh just to just to share a little bit from habitation and then i'll ask steve to come up but i want you to watch this video [Music] one night i was praying beside my bed about 10 30 at night and i went to a vision i saw the sign habitation i saw the worship team i saw myself speaking came out of it wrote down the notes and this happened every night for almost four weeks in february the next year we started doing habitation now i'm a business guy i've never led a service i just remember going i have no idea what i'm doing and god if you don't come through this is not going to be very good but then when i walked out into the sanctuary everything was exactly like i'd seen it so i knew that god was doing something that next week the testimony started coming in people would come up and say i got healed of habitation my marriage got saved at habitation my finances got healed thank you lord thank you lord maybe 12 or 13 years ago i had a vision of being a conductor in a two-level auditorium when i had that vision gateway was not two levels when we actually built our current auditorium with 4 000 seats i walked out on the platform and looked up and i realized this is where the vision was one of my favorite services was an airline pilot and had this heart disease and could die at any moment forget about aviation career right now we need to basically kind of keep you stable because this could get worse that we may have to transplant your heart and he came up after the habitation service and i prayed for him in order for me to go back to work the faa requires me to have an injection fracture minimum 40 the mugger scan whatever the number is that's it there's no disputing it on the mugger it said 57 it's it's just amazing to watch what god can do probably one of the things that stuck out to me the most was the party so tonight we're gonna have a party and there's gonna be people here tonight who give and they're gonna be people here tonight who receive love is giving to others expecting nothing in return 100 200 300 people got ministered to financially that night it was an amazing amazing service that only god could work i get testimonies every week every kind of testimony you think people getting healed of addictions prodigals coming home jobs finances marriage is restored every time i get one i'm still amazed still amazed that god loves his people so much he's willing to touch him and intervene in their lives and meet their needs just still amazing to me our motto at habitation is here believe and obey and as people started doing that it started spreading really inside habitation but then it started affecting the people of the church and that's one of our mottos now at gateway church is here believe and obey because we believe that we hear god we believe him and we obey to do our part he'll show up and do only what he can do it's been an incredible privilege to be able to lead habitation of these seven years and i'm just grateful to god and i know that as i continue to follow him that he'll continue to bless my life and bless the life of others [Applause] so will you please welcome my friend and an elder who is worthy of double honor pastor steve doolin wow thank you thank you you'll be seated thank you thank you you can be seated are you excited about being here tonight i've now said that 70 times it's been an incredible honor to serve pastor robert and the elders of gateway church you it's been an incredible honor to serve the lord i wish i wish that you could get the testimonies that i get i really do i wish you could see the things that i get to see the the things the way the lord has moved and it's a it's an incredible incredible privilege and i'm very very grateful for um you know in february 2017 or 16 this year in february the lord spoke to him he said steve you're you're not going to do a habitation in 2017. and you know how the lord speaks and then it's like well god why not and it's like he doesn't have to answer if y'all notice that does anybody besides me ever notice that he just he just he doesn't have to answer and uh so it was amazing robert and i we went to lunch i don't know a couple weeks later and the lord already spoken that to pastor robert and so we started talking about what would that look like and transitioning and all that you know when the lord gave me hear believe and obey i'm not immune i've got to hear believe and obey also so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to oversee gateway business leaders uh if you're a business leader we have a breakfast next friday that you're invited to just uh uh send me an email and we'll send you an invitation to it uh that's pretty good well i might as well start promoting the ministry right hallelujah it's been uh it's been incredible seven years i mean our family has been so involved but also so impacted um my daughter christian after three four years of marriage was trying to have a baby couldn't have a baby and we prayed for her y'all remember this i see the people nodding and she got pregnant now i have a granddaughter ella and uh there's a miracle the doctor the doctor said this is a miracle there is no other explanation and i just happened i think to have a picture of ella here so that was for you pastor robert i just okay i just couldn't resist that just keep her up there i think it's awesome i'm just kidding i was telling a pre-service prayer um the vision started 10 years and nine days ago so 10 years ago tonight i would i would have had a vision because i had a vision for less than you know every almost four weeks every night and it started on november 4th this is november 13th this has been so can you imagine every night i would kneel beside my bed and go into prayer and go into a vision have no idea where i was uh no idea what happened all i knew was i was seeing a vision and i would come out of it every night for almost four weeks and so this night ten years ago i would have here another couple you know three hours or so i would have been in a vision when god was speaking to me and directed me he knew that as a business owner the only chance i had to lead a service was if he told me exactly and showed me exactly what to do that's how much he thought of my ability you know what i'm saying and that's always what i thought about my ability too so uh you know i've uh so i've just i've been grateful to get to be here participate if you know the truth and uh so i remember about two months before that the lord spoke to me said things are about to change dramatically you know being a faith-filled christian i said was that in a good way or a bad way and he said in a good way and i got started having the visions a couple months after that i want to say i want to tell you how much that you are loved okay can i just give you like an illustration of how much you are loved would that be okay i figured it out this week our habitation prayer team has prayed for you when you take let's say there was 30 people at a meeting and we were we prayed for two hours that'd be 60 hours but we have prayed for you over 15 000 hours that's how much we love you uh and you know of course tim and kelly we started praying we prayed for you all just before habitation ever started just us just i'm just counting one person 240 hours four people be a thousand hours that we prayed before we ever started habitation um and of course prayer is the foundation of habitation i came out before the service pre-service prayer just thanked everyone because the prayer is what moves the hand of god and we've seen the hand of god move so dramatically so amazingly so many times i know that prayer has been what's done it just so you'll know last year through people attending habitation watching online or going to our website to view a habitation service with somewhere between 175 and 200 000 people were touched last year this year be about the same 175 to 200 000 people can i brag on god for just a second would that be okay uh people have been saved this is what i wrote down filled with the holy spirit they've become disciples of jesus people have been healed in worship they've been set free from addictions they've been healed during the service young men and women have found their spouses women who couldn't have children became pregnant widows and single parents have been blessed and multiple hundreds of thousands of people's lives have been changed because of what god decided to do one night with a business guy that knew very little about anything and pastor robert agreed heard god and agreed and so i want to thank none of that would have been possible without everyone here and i just want to thank a few people if that's okay don't take a second pastor rob of course i'm going to start with you i know your best friend but but i remember watching you when i started sharing these visions the look in your eyes like i sure hope i sure hope he doesn't think that he's going to lead a service and then as he's a he's not a he's not a staff pastor and then uh but then you saw that it was god and you you're a guy who leads gateway gateway church in a way that uh here's what i say gateway church is blessed because pastor robert and the gateway elders will do anything and i mean anything god says and i could talk to you for hours of things that we've done because god spoke it that made no logical sense but because pastor robert hears god believes god obeys god and will do anything god says and i want to thank you for giving me an opportunity to grow and to stretch and to learn and it's been a i can't tell you what an honor it's been to serve you and your vision for a spirit-filled service that went a little longer than a weekday service and your heart to see people's lives change and i just want to thank you and i love you very much i want to i want to thank tim and kelly shepard i don't know we're usually over here somewhere where are they oh yeah he's supposed to be on the platform that's right i'm not quite myself tonight uh tim and kelly shepard we prayed every week for over a year every week on saturday night for three four six sometimes two three o'clock in the morning seeking the lord uh they've been here every step of the way in the visions tim was the tim was the worship leader every single service i barely knew tim shepard i've met him probably four or five times and i have these visions here's tim in these visions and so i went to him and said tim you won't believe what i've seen and we started praying and you've been the most faithful great incredible worship leader you and kelly and jessica and i just want to thank you i mean you've been amazing it's been an honor and privilege to walk with you and to seek god together the all the early morning hours the late night hours and everything in between your house our house wherever it might be thank you tim i love you and i'm so appreciative you're incredible i want to i want to thank our our habitation prayer team um about 30 people i don't know if they're all here tonight uh some of them are ministering or you know praying somewhere but uh uh we couldn't couldn't would even think about doing it without our habitation protein it's about 30 people uh every thursday morning we meet for two hours to pray for this service ask god to do things in people's lives and then on sunday night we meet for about four hours the sunny night before habitation we meet and and and just pray for you guys and we've got to see amazing amazing things it's been a privilege for me and an honor uh which i'll stand if you all here would you all just stand up if you've served on the habitation uh ministry team would you please just stand up and we got a couple of our elders thank you i want to thank the worship team um man um you know when i get to heaven i may i ask god if i can come back on the weekends for worship so uh incredible worship team would y'all would y'all would y'all stand where are you i mean i know you're here somewhere up here of course we have lots of other people that participate thank you the ta team david loisner andy ingstrom meredith caira uh our whole gateway staff our ushers our greaters our our child care workers thank you you all have sacrificed y'all served with a heart of excellence and i just want to thank you very very much and i so appreciate y'all putting up with me all these years and then then most of all i want to thank my family melody and kristen and cassie gabe and ella y'all have been there every step of the way every time i speak i i speak first to uh melody and cassie and used to be kristen before she got married and and uh oh it's a beating it's the absolute beating the reason that you're even able to listen to what i share is because they change everything everything they say we love it we love it steve but just change everything and change it like this and so some of my bad jokes have come from cassie and melody and uh y'all been absolutely incredible you're the love of my life and uh we have the closest family you can possibly imagine and uh thank you i just want to say thank you all thank them for countless hours countless and then i want to say thank you to the elders you know this is the one thing that we have gotten to minister together i remember we kind of launched out the campuses and i thought and we'd send elders out and i thought we're my friends i'm sending my friends out uh i can't tell you what an honor it's been for me to serve with the greatest group of elders in the world absolutely in the world to i mean we're over there you got anything you make anything what's the lord saying anybody anything what's god doing and just you've been ministered what a what an honor to get the minister the greatest bunch of guys in the world and the most uh wonderful ministers in the world the heart that you have for the people of gateway and how much you love them never ceases to amaze me and i just want to say thank you what you think are gateway elders most of them are here tonight and then i want to thank you you know it wouldn't happen without you you're coming and praying you're coming and believing you pressed in sought god and uh god shows up in a corporate anointing more than he will with a personal anointing and you brought your personal anointings they joined together for a corporate anointing we saw god do some amazing amazing things why don't you just give yourself a hand for coming and bringing your personal anointing you know i like to say that habitation is about relationship every one of us can be as close to god as anyone who ever lived i don't know if you've ever thought i haven't said that years but any one of us can be as close to god as anyone who ever lived can you imagine and that's my heart that we would all get as close to god as we can possibly believe be habitation was never about god coming and inhabiting a service it was always about god coming and inhabiting us that we would be a habitation of god and we would go out with the presence of god so uh cassie told me i have time to share this but i'm going to share it anyway 10 things i hope we learned at habitation 10 things i hope we learned at habitation number she told me to count it down so number 10. all things are possible to him who believe with god nothing is impossible amen amen number nine if we will believe god and do our part god will always do his part amen as a man thinks in his heart so is he if we change our thinking to line up with god's word we will change our life that's what a disciple is if we'll change our thinking we will change our lives number 7 testimonies are the spirit of prophecy when we share a testimony we are prophesying and asking god to do it again did we learn that inhabitation we've seen it over and over and over again number six if we believe lies about healing it can keep us from getting healed we have to believe the truth about what god says about healing and we and god can and does heal amen amen man that's a big one for those who were there that night this goes i won't explain this never give up never get out never give in [Applause] number four love god love your neighbor love yourself something we learned in habitation amen in a deeper way number three become a disciple who makes disciples this whole year we talked about discipleship becoming a disciple and making disciples number two we are a habitation of god each and every one of us is a habitation of god and number one i pray if we learned anything that we learned this at habitation anybody know what it is hear believe obey amen can we thank god okay you know that i have uh every month we do an assignment so here's your assignment everybody ready for your assignment all right i wrote this down so i wouldn't just okay here it is if god healed you through habitation go out and pray for others to be healed if you were blessed financially at habitation go out and bless others financially now this is a hard one so be make sure and listen to this very carefully if you had a baby because of a miracle god did at habitation do not go out and have a baby with someone else go out and pray for god to do miracles and give life to more children if you made jesus your lord and savior through habitation go out and lead others to the lord if you were filled with the holy spirit in habitation go out and pray for others to be filled with the spirit if you learn to hear god in habitation go out and speak the word of god and teach others to hear him if you learn how to be a disciple of jesus christ at habitation go out and make more testimonies tell your testimony and watch god do it again let's go out the holy spirit be with us we come into the presence of god we go out with the presence of god let's go take god to a lost and dying world amen amen i want to pray for you hallelujah oh by the way after watching the video i know what my new year's resolution's gonna be i'm gonna lose a little weight okay so uh man who is that guy up there father we just come in jesus name lord we're so grateful to you and all that you've done we it's been an amazing time god to get to come and see god god show up and do absolute miracles in people's lives things that are undeniable things that doctors have confirmed things that have changed people's lives for eternity they've changed their destiny change the fact whether they even live or not or we're just so grateful we're just so thankful lord i just pray blessings on each one here and those who've come to habitation lord i pray that they will take your presence to everyone they meet lord that that the things that we've seen that you do that we'll be a witness of that we'll give a testimony we'll see many others come to christ see many others get healed and saved and delivered set free so god i just thank you i ask you bless each one here with your amazing grace your amazing love and your amazing blessings i ask this in jesus christ mighty name amen
Channel: Great Sermons
Views: 378,723
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Keywords: clearing out your mind, robert morris, robert morris sermons, gateway church, robert morris 2021, pastor robert morris, robert morris sermons 2021, pastor robert morris sermons, gateway church live, robert morris 2021 sermons, robert morris sermons 2020, pastor robert morris 2021 sermons, robert morris sermons 2021 youtube, gateway church sermons, pastor morris, when the battle chooses you, robert morris ministries, pastor robert, gateway church robert morris
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 22sec (4582 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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