Sparta giving birth to 6 kittens
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Channel: SpartaTheCat
Views: 22,058,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: panting, bengal, cat, labor, tabby, contractions, birthing, pregnant, pregnancy, mother, cats, kat, kitten, kittens, giving, having, babies, baby, babie, babys, furry, nestumas, gimdymas, kitty, born, pets, video, pet, american, shorthair, meow, кот, рожает, котят, котятa, home, Роды, кошки, Gato, da, luz, cachorros, gatitos, Cat, donne, naissance, des, chatons, gebiert, Kätzchen, 貓生下小貓小貓, 猫が子猫を出産する, gatos, dão, filhotes, Cute, 生下六只小猫, pants, High, Quality, Bengal (cat), labor & delivery, delivery, birth and delivery, egyptian, egypt, قط, ولادة, Sokoke
Id: CaSpFPrWyxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2011
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