Sparkle Trailer All Language "Monodrama" HONKAI STAR RAIL

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[Music] [Music] there's only one bullet left want to play a game what's your wager the life of a faker looks like someone's in my way so what let me tell you what foolishness is pretending to be smart like you do then what is a fool knowing when to act Clueless like I do do you get it now what is El me I am [Applause] [Music] [Music] AI [Music] were you scared just now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] spee spee fore [Music] for [Music] foree [Music] [Music] speee [Music] [Music] la [Music] fore [Music] oh foreign [Music] speech for [Music] speee [Music] for spee [Music] speeech spee [Applause] [Music] spee la [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] G [Music] foree spee foreign foreign [Music] foree [Music] spee [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] fore foreign
Channel: JFMSTR Guides
Views: 157,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pPNAurPrJn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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