Sparg0 (Cloud) vs MkLeo (Pyra/Mythra) - Ultimate Singles Grand Final - MAJOR UPSET

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Foreigner does man let's listen to that block early and I said this is Arbiter and Peak form right now he's turning it up he was having a good time man I always loved on the The Players the casters the staff the viewers everybody having a good time it really does make for an amazing event I don't think anybody's gonna argue major upset has definitely fallen into that category let's go get it it's Grand Final let's go the crowd is live you hear the major upset's chance they are going crazy okay and as we open up this match right here there's those upstairs I was talking about that I wanted to see in their earlier interaction coming out right now to show themselves don't let him jump around on you for free even if you missed let him know that you're gonna have to think a little bit more when you approach with these nairs all right what it is okay we look at Chris right now very good okay gonna go for the up special trying to keep this thing as close as human lead possible yeah get off that top platform ain't enough room up here for both of us if you guys didn't get an opportunity to see the amazing Showdown that they had in winners finals went all the way to game number five but Leo did take it pretty convincingly he did so clearly Sparkle looking to avenge that loss and then some has to win two sets in Grand finals to claim the tournament over MK Leo it's going to be certainly a daunting cash right here because you got to do it not once but twice and I mean there's a very small list of players who have been able to do that there on MK Leia but as long as you're swinging that back here to Peak efficiency it might be okay right there first stop goes to Spargo and in a way that we've seen him in game or the first time they played at winners finals that backer in the corner the piran Memphis they're gonna struggle just a little bit the gameplay tends to be let me just get this guy off stage and just get so much damage from that look at this pressure coming in using the blade beam to kind of clear a bit of a path a bit of a Runway but Leo trying to put him back in check let's see these media hitboxes of pyro pyro excuse me having no effect I mean oh okay really just can't find a hit to save his life at the moment he's really struggling man speaking of not being able to fight his I kind of miss him right there on that drift back on that upbeat back down man yeah that was very smart great situation awareness right here from Sparkle getting the most oh my God oh my goodness can't stay the same for Mt Leo Upstate or rinse and repeat from winners finals Phil again Leia off stage he's in some trouble he carved him up like a turkey on Thanksgiving man I say he said except they ain't dry in this household that's right boy that's it go on boys that's right I'm listening but I'm turning up in the booth turn them up man this boy is spit awesome Leo needs to turn it up himself he is getting absolutely obliterated at the moment man Sparkle's definitely coming into this Grand finals with something to prove that's right and his game one certainly set in the tone no doubt man getting manhandled and mangled right here instantly all smiles down there in that little box understanding yeah I'm whiffing her a lot I'm making some mistakes right here Sparkle is opening me up right now Christmas day there's the back here what though oh what the somebody told me that narrow stinks now I can't tell I can't tell I can't tell I can't tell oh Lord have mercy I can't I can't tell wow that is what we call a statement wow games and Spargo and just so stoic even into victories right like no emotion on the face you know he's really got that Kobe mindset like job not finish it job not done yet they ain't done yet I'm saying we still got a little bit more to do can't celebrate too early we started off well we started out well let's bring it home right here I mean you still got a whole nother set to work it but you gotta put your best foot forward and damn it he did that in that game one in a very dominant way okay yeah yeah there it is he knows again that Nair is the strongest opener right there in Memphis tool kit thinks shortly after that would be possibly Dash attack depending on the the level of opponent but he knows as long as he keeps sure how I'm nearing let me let him overextended there is such a thing on Memphis as quick as she is I'm gonna turn around every time go for f tip or normal cross slash right there to make him pay for it uh-oh no more Memphis pyracuse I'm here early this time no doubt about it so I heard ladies get in free early man I'm here for it that's what it is I will say to the credit of Leo this is actually a tremendously good start because it was oh my goodness that down smash actually descending and this is exactly what Fargo wants to do right he wants to keep pyrometra off stage and just punish accordingly gets the back here but I was gonna say it's a good start for Leo in the fact they didn't get overwhelmed right like look at this 130 on Spargo this shouldn't take too much effort to close up the stock just gonna have to look for a big hit for pyra Spargo he might play it pretty tight and I want to just give up free hits oh 100 man do I have to make him work for it here just a little bit more and he has Sparkle right now just in Peak form I mean of course play really well and win his finals but of course playing with something to prove right now there's more of these up specials out of shield and this is exactly what I was talking about before this is a sign that if Kaleo it might be approaching it is overstending a little too much since progress says I know your moves I know how you get down out here in these streets if you approach improperly I got the options on the coverage it should be yeah get done get done unless he had unlimited he had no shot of making that one back so let us find out obviously gonna try and open up these combos with either a dash attack or a Nair see which one Leo's gonna be able to find if so I was gonna give him any okay well switching up a little bit on me okay that's right man nice that Perry remember those Perrys were very instrumental in that Winner's final set that we saw a lot of parries created a lot of big openings for Mk Leo didn't say too much in game number one if any trying to get back to those winning ways and it makes sense too for a character like Mr as well so I get that I get that Perry up close I'm just quick enough right there to get up close and personal and go for the punishment clouds hit boxes very large and then charged but sometimes in his own is detriment right there knocking it down that builds you back up to not get back down again and Michaela taking him Sky High at 130 not the biggest lead in the world but you know what though you'll take whatever you can get versus Fargo that's kind of just showing like even at a detriment why this character is so deadly really her biggest comeback mechanic is the fact that whoever thailander has a solid neutral very strong neutral great awareness in the punish game to boot Leo hitting all the check marks and hitting nothing but Spargo in the last 30 seconds of this contest oh yeah 100 man another Dash attack I was just getting ready to talk about that too we've seen how powerful Dash attack was for Mk Leo versus Fargo in their first outing specialist spark wanted to get a little bit more back air happy now we're starting to see it the other way around he knows that uh Leo might land with like narris a really good option the same with Forward Air as well too read oh my goodness bro talk about having the foresight Leo talk and just completely changing this game into his favorite dominates game number two if you had any reservations any thoughts or concerns if he was going to stick with ages throughout the entirety of this tournament that game should have solidified it for your breath the blink of an eye he can shift things around into his faith a hundred percent man and we've seen that with Spargo back in winners finals too man remember a lot of those opening early exchanges a lot of the momentum in those early outings kind of went to the uh the favor of MK Leo but all that matters was that Achilles heel that both of their two characters represented both of them to share off stage that off stage presence when they're dishing out the damage strongest characters on stage it feels but when they have to get back it feels like they're they're grasping for straws bro so with this in mind Spargo digging deep but MK Leo Diggins just slightly deeper yeah there it is and more up special I love this right now he knows you're getting a little too close man hands off to Kate my boy there you go okay looking good here on top of that platform you might want to move I ain't just any Authority for God's sake okay I'm Cloud I can get up there and click that's facts two of the best sorties in the game dueling it out Grand finals being piloted by two of the best in the game what more could you ask for [Music] okay that's right can't hang out at the ledge for long I like that too earlier a lot of the downstairs to try to reset yes but the Blazing in with pyra taking no prisoners in that corner ee I love the Precision from Leo every time it feels like he's like a robot man he just barely misses that you're seeing a lot of punishes on the air Dodges right you're seeing some punishes on the spot Dodges you're obviously seeing the use of foresight and parries to help create openings to get combos started Leo has really just kind of reshifted or turned up the gear since game number one Ricardo you know was able to easily dispatch with him but no this you know this last game in this game it has been a complete shift let's see if they can get back safely gonna go super low yeah why not hey another Nair that's right he knows you keep going for these narras I'm gonna let you keep overextending I got back here Dash attack whatever the case may be if you reach you know the rest of that saying goes I'm definitely about to teach right here but at 111 hey class might be up here soon Spargo let's see if we can close this one out and fast this is just I mean Leo's patience right now that's what it is right punishing not forcing the issue capitalizing off of everything we know Sparkle he loves the WQ he'll come at you Full Throttle but to his detriment we've seen thus far yeah because this game in the last uh-huh with this in mind kind of caught in this corner here caught in a bind if you will I'm gonna go for the throw here forcing them to the left side of the stage a blade them to force you to the left and of course just trying to think one step ahead right here up Leia even when he's caught in the corner he's still feeling okay but yes pyra not with the best options out of shield and especially have to work around these large and in charge hitboxes I can't stress enough how good backer is versus a good chunk of the cash here doesn't matter how strong of a DLC character you are clouds that look back here I got something for you stop jumping in bro I like the movement from Sparkle he's starting oh man starting to create a few more openings for himself not getting caught up by some of these traps Leia was going for a knife again you're seeing just the full patience wait for the air Dodge Punisher cordless two times in a row that's right Sparta gotta mix it up a little bit give him a different look maybe some diversity man get ambiguous with the Pro Shops just make him think on his toes mifra very quick character has a lot of options on the ready for any situation and that down tilt right now kind of being the pain of Sparkle's existence especially up close oh man I thought he might have pulled the trick on something else oh that back air is huge Spargo oh no wow nobody home for that one this actually could be big a spider could take the lead back here this is going to be huge Leo trying to get that hit and he's gonna finally find it but at the cost of 122 which means Fargo's still very much so right in the hunt to take this third game that's right we have seen Spargo I mean take a deficit and turn into something good for himself but he's gonna have to work twice as hard right now because Leo is just in Peak form miffra is all over the place that dashtag getting the job done that eight frame there is a smothering Cloud here in the corner it's not really much right here for Sparkle to do to get himself out of Harm's Way unless you go for a dare right there just in the wrong might as well all right going to going the way up pyra the media hit boxes of Galore but gonna use Mitra for the recovery nice and quickest of Nair seemingly out of nowhere and not picking any haphazard options out of shield no sir I gotta say I was just a full compliments to Leo the way he is completely taking over this game Spargo can we make it back yes he can up tilt gonna be enough okay emphasis on ghost which means he still has a chance yeah he most certainly does not like that he didn't go for the entirety of the charge you still get the charge cancel Mix-Ups right there if you need a box up close and keep laying on his toes but he's going blue right now I don't want to give up an air Dodge because I'm alone I'd be a little shook if there's any potential of a Finishing Touch coming out he sees Auto in stocks to make comes up like that before but maybe the cross slash is the answer it is damn in the pop off from Sparkle of well deserved clutch moment right there and that again that's textbook 101 just digging deep and really leading into what makes your character as strong as they are I like that I love the fact you know I more than like it I love it right here I love the fact that you did not charge up limit all the way again and some of those earlier changes on Leo's approach back down off the angel platform you still get the charge cancel Mix-Ups didn't give him any sort of leeway in that regard charged up the limit and then utilize it accordingly so clean I love what Spargo did I said emphasis on gold and what he did he did goat things right there bro yes sir they make things happen and that's exactly what happened to Sparkle despite MK Leo just really dictating the pace for at least 95 of that game yeah sir Fargo still comes out with the victory now with some momentum in hand one game to go to get this big time reset and keep this tournament rolling I know it's past a lot of people's bedtimes but damn it if you see this action you can't sleep anyway that's right man I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sleep at night man depending on how this one's gonna wrap up my heart can't take it anymore I'm getting old I'm turning 30. my heart can't take this excitement man that's what it is okay and I think all yeah there's more up specials I love this right here the stationary gameplay the methodical approach or maybe the the lack there oh man just kind of standing still and letting the damage come to him and yes packing layo ass up and getting them right up out of here Sparkle with the electrifying opening here the charge cancels forcing Leo to think twice about how he approaches but letting him upbeat here this time Leo might be hip to his Wicked Ways bro wait a minute I'll get smart to go up for any Pokemons to hit him that time yeah I will say man Once Upon a Time game four Legends you know what I'm saying game for Leo a thing of Legends but uh I don't know bro I don't know it seems like Sparco are trying to end that you know what I'm saying not letting that be a case at all and he is absolutely terrorizing Leo kick it anything started he might have herself a second set here on the horizon oh yeah you're done I like that commitment too wasn't too focused about simply making it back to the center of the stage right it's like you know what I have an opportunity to get the stock let me take it he does just that here we go that's right I'm loving what I'm seeing here not making sure that he's not pirate when he's caught into the corner making sure that he is a Mithra but it doesn't matter Corner Center Stage platforms it don't matter man Sparkle said there's death to put right here and I'm dishing it out accordingly my boy Rod I got a feeling man I'm feeling like I'm feeling like a a true Grand finals is on the way yes sir one set excuse me one stock Force Fargo can he do it clear things out my goodness Leo just cannot get anything going complete 180 of the last game oh my goodness wait a minute okay catch them in accord the get up attack right there kind of panicking does not want to be caught in the corner when you have Mr pressing buttons on you on Shield standing jab back up bro okay good up smash again just sending that message you can jump around on me for free I do have antier options as quick as you are Mithra with that down till man I can't stress it enough that is such a party starter and depending on the percent feel a party Ender as well that's what it looks like man the swan song could be coming out for Mk Leo the backyard gonna find it's Mark and Spargo in game number four gets the reset and put an MK Leo on notice it ain't gonna be that easy and it damn sure ain't gonna be the same cases with his finals yeah talk to him we got ourselves another set here possibly on the horizon and I'm loving what I'm seeing here MK Leo showcasing how you play pyramica to top level but the problem is this man sometimes you just jump a little too early in on Spargo and he's not playing you in that high octane sort of mindset sometimes he just stays center stage and he just lets the damage come to him and I'm gonna be real with you man you car you start jumping too much up smash is going to come out and it's going to get the job done or maybe even up special as well too so let's see what we get right here strong opening here from MK Leo 31 quickly putting on this percent and racking it up there you go man I would like to welcome everybody to True finals yes sir Spargo losing to MK Leo in winners finals gets the first set of Grands though and it's only appropriate that as long as been since these two have faced off in torment that we go to a third set to Crown a winner here at Major upset let's see who wants it more sticking with the Aegis is Leo determined to prove this character can not only get the wins but it can capture the entirety of a tournament as well talk to him ee man both these two sides work in a very harder than hard okay I mean you don't get the true finals man just slugging it around man you're working hard mentally and physically right now but I need him to press the right buttons physically because he needs to get back onto Solid Ground that Forward Air is always applied thoroughly here from oh from Sparkle but so is the foresight into the up smash you ain't the only one with anterior option said Leo that's true man sometimes you know Spider-Man will of course mix it up we understand like they are done sometimes but it'll be certainly aggressive with those returns to the stage too that time Leo using his aggression against him I'm gonna get that first stock looking pretty nice at the moment that's one thing against Fargo he's continued to prove it anytime we see him on screen Rod even at a deficit he is still incredibly dangerous in that Dash attack one of those reasons why and I love that they're hope utilizing that attack I feel like in a lot of times I I just don't see as much of it especially on Cloud's behalf oh okay okay it doesn't even matter what I was talking about right there because we need to talk about that interaction that is just how you put a stock to bed I'm telling you bro he's gonna go ahead and put that clip right on fresh cut because I'm telling you more people need to see it Leo doing it for the app and the people talk to him in a man of the people indeed right now he has to put this specific person right here to Betty has one more stock to get it done but as we've seen right here what really has been a lead to Spargo okay it just means one more stock for me to have to take with these back bro no gonna go for the up throw there that time great mix up getting him off of his feet okay now he's going for he's gonna let the cross slash sing right there and I like that probably anticipating another short hop there just wanted to meet him halfway standings happy I got a frame two dab bro back up back up nuts like the momentum swings between these two between games big swing from Spargo on that one but not enough to claim the stock how about that four tilt let's see Leo gonna go low here oh bring out actual Pirate no goes for a setup waiting for the air Dodge Virgo not giving it up but he throws out a back air okay and this is that's what we want to see I'm so glad you talked about the importance of that back there for both of these two players especially on Sparkles for half that's kind of been his calling the threat of it and then of course even without the threat just even when it lands very safe very tough right here for even a quick character to have to deal with back into the corner nothing off the F smash she steps into that thing it's still anybody's game I'll direct your attention back to the previous opening Grand Final set game number three Leo seemingly having it well on hand in a similar situation like this too with sparkle at that very high percent and Sparkle was able to mount the comeback which sparked the revolution to take us to True finals can he do it again Rod take this first game he's looking it's looking kind of problems now wait a minute oh Leo what happened there no I wasn't supposed to wrap up like that I mean it was gonna wrap up some type of way but in the SD I tell you what man again the overall pressure that spargo's been bringing in the corner is enough to make even one of the most talented the most talented man in the business falter just a little bit man I'm telling you and I I will continue to reiterate my point I've been saying for months the only problem with his age is because he cannot close the gains when he needs to sometimes that's right and right there kind of a textbook example kind of choking that away with that SD and Spargo just getting a little bit of a reprieve like okay I'll take it yeah I'm up one game we only got one set to play I only need two more that's right you got Leo show me something new all right because I know this character just as well as you do ain't gonna go for a narrow out of Shield smart and I like some of these earlier opening options here from MK Leo again some of these options out of Shield these low percent Kung Fu combos you're up close on the body I can break you down like Bruce Lee but what happens when the percent starts to trail on it seems like it kind of shifts more into spargo's favor I mean of course Cloud can put early percent on two but when it comes to KO opposite pirate in here I got you beating the strength Department Mithra all right okay these platforms don't belong to you I'm making your life a living hell on the way back down to Solid Ground oh nice I like that nice little footwork to get that forward tilt to connect Fargo I mean you could just tell right now Ron he is absolutely feeling it he's in a cheaper mindset yeah shades of what we saw in the last set and that's that's exactly what Mk Leo needs to avoid right he's got to figure out a way to kind of cool this momentum out did such a good job at those games that he won a lot of great punishes on air Dodge right or just whiff attacks from Spargo a lot of foresight to parries but I haven't seen too many of that thus far yeah unfortunately not what we are seeing though we're seeing a stronger gameplay on both behals in the corner Leia a little bit more comfortable in the corner this time at least when it comes to putting on percent we didn't really see that in their first Exchange in winners finals and we use a little bit more timid but he was open to the idea in the first set of Grands right now he's not letting him but back on stage without a fight and I want to see a little bit more of this because Fargo has been he's been absolute Menace out there magnifying glass LEDs up our new Pokemon Stadium it don't matter yeah he's been everywhere and then some telling no lies right now okay there's another Nair right now mixing them up okay there we go yep all right Mario getting back to some aggressive options okay has that limit let's see how MK Leo's able to navigate around this gotta be pretty careful smart disengages some of these tight Corner spots right don't give them an option hit that back or maybe just let a cross slash grip you kind of want them to either expand it on a recovery or just throwing out a random blade Beam button not gonna have any option as it just times out yeah unfortunately enough and it's so good at the manageability of that too again we've talked about it before just not charging up all the way because you still want the option of the charge cancel to kind of mix up your approach options he has it I mean cloud has a good job great approach after the early percent those same options I put on percent take stocks you can see right there with that back here but the fact remains the same the more mixed up the better and as you see right now this is exactly why he has to lead here in this regard 100 we will see how long it can last when pirate is in the building can't get those feet back on the ground figure it out and fast and Leo at some points does a good job playing around the limit but playing around the limited first round Sparta are two different entirely he's fighting that out the hard way forward tilt to end that media hitbox coming to the rescue okay see what this final stock has in store for us I'm afraid so I don't know if my heart can handle these two young men playing at this level of efficiency I am scared shitless I'm gonna be real with you bro foresight I got to force I got the reads on you my boy I see you coming a mile away okay nice short hop near again that's been a daunting task for Sparkle to try to work around especially about that corner I mean again we're going up in a big way right here to this next and potentially final game for Mk later again the weaknesses of Aegis on the recovery Fargo somebody who plays this character at extremely high level as well just knowing and exploiting them time and time again and now finds himself up two games to none in our in the guaranteed final set of the tournament does Leo have a rally man one last hoorah can we figure out a way to not only take one game Rod I'm listening to three in a row three he was on the winner side of of uh Grands we don't even footing with everything except for that game Count now these two right here played the most sets versus each other if anybody else just given the sheer nature of the bracket format so I mean it goes without saying that sooner or later depending on who's winning the other side is going to start to figure some things out and I think spargo's done it just that he's done his homework on the Fly and he's getting it done right here big way let's see what Mk Leo can do right here to adjust okay nothing off the grab okay cross up there I've got you I'm reading you though watch how you approached me I got these upbeats nice okay starting to put together some strings right out the gate this is what Leo needs a hot start right a hot start to just figure out a way to cool down Spargo infiniterra thus far but it's still MK layout we know that this man is more than capable of putting it together he is a very very potent when he needs to be and if there's ever a time to turn it up damn it it is most certainly not now you got to leave and you got pyra on Deck It's Gonna Take One Straight hit right here to get Cloud up out of here but he knows you're struggling to land I got that limit doesn't matter if I'm in the deficit if you can't get back onto Solid Ground I can be everywhere at once it feels there's the blade being forced in the low recovery now compared to go high through that oh okay oh yeah Center Stage we're gonna go for the standing jab respect me oh yeah I'm surprised he goes through the house man felt like he was a little too far the first time but certainly not the second at 150 he will claim the first stock of game number three okay now he's whipping a lot of these grabs up close I'm liking these adjustments from MK Leo showing him that he's not afraid to get up close and personal right here on Spargo Sparkle kind of electing he's inviting that sort of gameplay up close whoa I gotta try I ain't Pirates I gotta charge this one up just give me a second give me a second it's almost here all right what do we got right now tight little neutral developing smart stuff for spark kind of baited him in definitely loves punishing Leo when he comes in trying to open them up big grab okay off stage but not for long hold on now that's right and this is the issue mklay I think somebody's been saved when you're when you're off when you get him in the corner you're so good because the sheer nature of myth and her combo streams can push you from one end of the state the other she can go Coast to Coast but all that matters is how you gonna handle how you gonna get that stock taken in the corner you keep allowing Spargo to come back this might come back to bottom right here another back here can't quite figure this thing out spiral towards Center Stage is a very dangerous Sparkle if I've ever seen one that's facts down bro they're back here he just can't get back inside yeah he's done don't even go for four there he said Phil don't do it he said I got the anti-airs on a deck to keep you in check if I need to but that up smash no one hits him like Spargo I'm telling you oh got a little greeted with that Dash attack Leo can we capitalize oh my goodness just let that thing rip Rod the crowd is coming to life they understand Spargo One stock away from getting major upset claiming the championship snatching away from Leo who was again I remind you on the winner sound and brand finals he looks like such a distant memory without a case we see thought thus far they have played so many games together and Sparkle has shown that the importance of adaptation and that's gonna do his Sparkle with the pop-up is your major upset Grand finals Champion taking it over MK Leo wow just what he does the pop-off to boot Leo got caught trying to get back I mean he was under the rest I understand it but these crowds these chants and the adulation from the crowd so well warranted and deserved as face Fargo is your major upset Champion wow that is
Channel: Beyond the Summit - Smash
Views: 229,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bjvDan0BSEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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