Spanish Vocabulary: Family Members | The Language Tutor *Lesson 23*

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Ola Amigos welcome back today in our lesson I want to give you words that relate to our families now this is going to open up so many conversational possibilities for you because think about it you can talk about who those people are you know mom dad sister brother you can talk about their age where they live you can describe them bring in those words from a lesson a while back when we talked about describing others you talk about all kinds of things and so this is going to be a great lesson for you so get ready to write we're going to start out by giving you words uh that talk about who our family members are okay so first of all this word is the family which is La Familia La Familia and we'll start with brother and sister the great thing about this is is once you get word one word down you've really got both of them okay here's an example manoo that's brother well guess how we make it sister you just put an a at the Enda so if you have one you have the other all right so that's brother and sister now mother is Madre M for mother and father is Padre now think about a word in English that we might get from Latin uh maternity paternity paternal maternal those all come from our Latin influence in English and they they come straight from Latin meaning mother father and so this is where we get those words so MRE mother father now if I were going to say parents together I would use Padres pades which you know is the father form but that's how we do Collective things when it's men and women together now uncle is Theo Accent on the I Theo and Aunt is grandfather abuo and grandmother abela cousin who is a boy is primo and who's a girl is prima I think it's interesting if you think about my first cousin in a minute we're going to get the word for first it's primo and so sometimes people relate those words together and help them to remember cousin because it's almost like saying you know your first but we'll get that in a minute Primo and now your niece and nephew sobrino and soina sobrino soina Grandson granddaughter is nto and Neta nto and Neta I think that gets the basics for words right uh for family words right now let's go go into something a little bit different that we're going to bring into our conversation today and that is possessive adjectives so we're going to be able to talk about my brother my sister uh his father things like that now possessive adjectives are just that they show who possesses something who possesses it and so we're saying my something um his car their house so you're showing who owns that that's what we're doing right now with these coming upcoming words right here now you may want to draw a chart for this um if you we'll put our chart up just to to give you that visual up here on the top uh left my everything that relates to me is in the top left so we'll put my up there and that's me Mi I me so my house Mika my car Miko okay you're talking to someone I know well a friend an acquaintance is th now notice this does not have an accent in it on top of the U when we had an when we put an accent on it it means you remember from a lesson quite a while back it means you instead of your we take the accent off now it means your your house tasa your car Taro all right now on the bottom left of the chart we're going to put this word now and are are all going to use the word Su so if I want to say his house suasa her house suasa your house if I'm speaking respectfully with that stead mind frame suasa all those are the same now you might be saying how do I know the difference if if I hear somebody say that how do I know which one they mean you're going to know that by the context of the conversation okay so you'll you'll get it because you'll you know in conversation we we do the same thing in English uh we know the difference between the three bears in English bear uh the animal bear meaning nothing nothing on it and I can't bear to think about it um meaning enduring something we understand those by the conversation it's the same thing in Spanish okay now let's move to the top right nestro nestro means our something but this one can also change for gender and it can become nestra okay so our Carro our housea now let's move to the votos form Spain form meaning your plural it belongs to all of you vestro and vestra this one can also change Chang for gender as well now the bottom right Su again we're going to use Su just like on the bottom left we're going to use Su to say their something or your something plural speaking to a group two or more people all right there's one thing I want to tell you about these possessive adjectives they can all become plural let's go back to me first second top left I say my house masika my house is M kasas now it becomes plural My Car Miko my cars MOS okay both become plural all of these can become plural now look over at nestro again so we say nestro car our car our cars nestos caros our house nraa our houses nasas okay so all of those can become plural all right so now we can bring those in uh into our conversation now let's try to put some things together let's talk about describing someone first of all we're describing a person and we say her name is we have two options to say her name is cuz you know we're telling about our family we can we can first say sayy now really that means to herself she calls in other words she calls herself so sayy is one way to say her name is you can also say is see now we're bringing in that possessive adjective literally saying her name is okay so there are two ways you can talk about somebody's name let's talk about age now talking about some how old somebody is we don't say I am we say I have however many years look at this sentence here we're going to say she's 14 years old nope she is not 14 she has 14 years it's going to look like this she has 14 years I am 40 years old y I have 40 years not really I'm a little older than that but anyway um so let's put some things together and describe ourselves so I'm going to talk about myself really quick is Danny unidos I live in the United States estos Unos the States United okay so we can really start uh describing people now somebody you're getting to know somebody and they say what are they asking what is your sister's name okay I can say or I can say and then now I can say she is you know 30 years old or whatever talk about where she lives so what I want you to do is to start trying to describe your family members start trying to pick out people in your family talk about where they live what they're like bring in those description words tall short brunette blond smart all those kinds of things really talk about your family okay next thing I want to give you is ordinal numbers 1- 10 now you might be saying why are we going to bring in ordinal numbers right now when we're talking about the family well because it actually works really well in conversation and I'll tell you why in just a minute ordinal numbers are those numbers in Spanish up to 10 because that's about as high as they go in Spanish that say first or second or third or fourth and so these actually can be used when you're talking about where somebody lives lives all right so let's get those down only 1 through 10th right now um because really above that we don't really use ordinal numbers too much in Spanish above that so first is going to be pral pral now see that almost looks like cousin right you can remember this because you can think of primer in English and put an O on it or prime and put an r o all those things kind of mean first or get something started in English next one second is seo seo third now for the fourth I want you to think of the number four quatro and flip the r and the T now instead of quatro it's quto quto that's fourth fifth is Kinto Kinto sixth SEO SEO seventh septimo septimo eighth is oav oav ninth noo noo and 10th is deimo deimo so I can start talking about myself and where I live VI in estos you can talk about the city you live in we can even get specific if you're giving someone directions to come into your house for the first time look at this sentence here or she lives in the third house okay so now we can really get specific with our discussions okay now let's talk about a friend let's just kind of put things together really quick let's talk about our friend K so m is Miga she is my friend her name is Carmen Georgia in Georgia Ina she lives in the fifth house wow we've put a lot of stuff together today I encourage you friends to start describing your family start describing your friends maybe even make a new friend and use all of this in conversation and I just want to mention before we close this lesson there are lots and lots of social media outlets for you to practice Spanish there are people in the world on websites that allow you to specifically go on and practice in conversation with a native speaker so I encourage you to Google some of those sites language practice sites you'll come up with several you can put in your profile information it'll match you with a bunch of people you can shoot some messages next thing you know you're face to face talking with a native speaker and you can now you can tell all about yourself and where you live and your age and all of that so practice practice practice my friend and I'll see you next time on the language tutor friends thanks for watching the language tutor if you have a question for me feel free to leave it in the comment section below the video and please click subscribe and the notification Bell so that you'll never miss any of our language [Music] lessons
Channel: The Language Tutor - Spanish
Views: 154,730
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Keywords: family members in spanish, the language tutor, danny evans, family in spanish, family members, members of the family in spanish, learn spanish, learn family members in spanish, family members spanish, spanish family members, spanish lessons, spanish for beginners, my family in spanish, spanish vocabulary, the family in spanish, family in spanish video, basic spanish, spanish course, family in spanish language, describing family in spanish, family vocabulary in spanish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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