Spain VS Philippines l American Was Shocked by Same Word different Meaning!! (Spanish VS Tagalog)

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can you say it's something that you eat well you eat you know what I meaning hello I can understand English and some words from Spanish well I can understand a little bit English my high school Spanish gives me a bit know at all wow W speaking is not very step by step okay starting off strong what is put I want to know it's a bad word but I don't know it sounds cute anyway what is for you it's about what p is it's a bread it's something that you eat well you eat you know what I mean put is a b word it means male okay I know I know I know that offer his services but it's a word that we use in Daily situations when we are mad or angry with something and we use both because we have genders in the the words for example imagine that your phone doesn't work and in Spain no one is going to be surprised if you are mad and you say that but it's not as like severe as some of the other words right it's not severe because we used a lot of yeah we like to course like can you say po P you want some P yes oh that's a p don't say that in the Philippines is like a rice cake you're laughing no because it's a rice cake you eat it and it comes in different colors sometimes and sometimes you top it with cheese and it's really good just imagine that if you are learning the language and you go to Spain and you go to a vakery you go to a vakery and you are trying to mix and I probably the owner is going to well we don't sell putos here but it's okay no one is going to take it bad because you are not saying to a person oh really if we if we use the male version to say to a a man that means I almost wish we had a word like that in English but most direct it at women a womanizer yeah a womanizer or like your mom is the one who SS around papel papel papel is paper paper wow okay papelis paper in the Philippines it's common wholesome are you sure is it or can be also say yeah SEC security do you write it with the e is a two different thing so sigur is maybe seista is to be sure but if we put s e g u r o sead is like security for us SEO is always with s e g o f o but SEO can also mean inal right like are you sure are you sure English in English we don't say are you secure we'd say sure sometimes it can be like do you think you can do it or like a respon maybe yeah yeah s sofa sofa no really yeah so SAS you use the S S yeah is it is it like sofa in the living room the no for us sofa has the F and the accent F and P are different sounds for me we we usually replace it by P and F in the Philippines soas is it has a broth in it I think it's similar but we say soas well soas for me sounds plural because has a ending in s Li is free like free skin care oh no that's that's like Gru that isn't lib like a feeling yeah I'm free libert libertad is a place in the Philippines Li after the yeah lib is also free day free day like are you free oh like I'm free today so lib can also be uh let's eat together like I I'm going to treat you no way not even similar why why that that connection Bas basura is trash yeah trash it's the same like you can also tell that this person is trash I remember because I remember walking on the street in the Philippines oh there's the trash here usually see in the Philippines it means don't throw trash here maybe you saw that I only see this is the problem it can be interpreted as trash attitude like that person's trash I I have that person is trash but you know it it sounds light basura is also quite fancy you are not insulting it's like mild insult you're trash PL PL plate plate yeah or silver Plata oh but I never thought about it it's very similar PL Plata plate yeah I think it's one of the lone words a plateau can be when you do for example main course you have first plate second plate third plate main course main course for me is PL for you we just say Plateau for plate and how would you say main course main course oh you say it in English SW is it's for me is floor floro in Tagalog why with ER you have twoo and S yeah we have that too swo is different for me it's the thing that when you cannot eat and you are very ill what is it IV IV is floor I don't know that good a Kama is bad if we read it like that we would also think K even if it's with the c because we're quite familiar with the Spanish alphabet as well so the C has not the same sound it can be we also use it we also use the C and K sometimes but for Kam we use Kama right now with the k for us all the sounds is always with yeah we don't have so many words with or k k normally are English loans like kiwi whiskey you have more K words yeah but did you know that before Spanish was our main language for I think more than 300 years there some loan words like 4,000 loan words in talog I like you it's something like I want it Gusto for me can be like taste taste me gustas something like that taste gust is I like I mean it's all related taste I like you it's also taste okay wait wait in the Philippines we also use it as I like it you can use it when you like something or someone meas meas that mean is I like you much when you do the greetings it's like it's a pleasure oh really yeah M Gusto is like it's a pleasure for me to meet you wow so Gusto has many meanings you have different words for every for me instead of s we have Theta but many people also read like daa in the Philippines we have the same meaning but it's just with d yes but if I read depending on the content daa can be tax you can find that maybe in when they talk about economical thing tasa is tax TAA is Cup oh no gag Gago to me sounds like a verb but instead of G we we replace the G with C you understand what I'm saying it's a bad word you want to insult someone Gaga or G but but do you say that to a person yeah like you are this yeah ah okay oh it's like the now yeah we don't use it that way you know we can use as a b word too but with the verb the verb it would be so if I want to say to you literally is a go to English really say go to so we'll say go yourself go car it's not actually the same spelling it's k o t s e s e because for you see and it's not t sound like T is not that sound yes what's really cool about that is that like phonetically actually how it it should in Spain I'm not wrong we say k because it's an Hungarian uh word and I guess you we borrowed it from you also but we just AAR is is a way to cook really yeah in the oven when you put for example a chicken to roast no B bake is for fun yeah roasting it's roasting roasting yeah yeah I said in the Philippines it's like a reaction to an insult if you're insulting someone and you take it really bad you don't really like how it went so it's like I'm roasted about what you saying is that it you're roasting someone but we use also when when it's really hot it's say in English You' be like I'm boiling how is it yeah interesting there's no connection there's really a connection the words are there the pronunciation is there like it's familiar to you even if the spelling is not the same the last word Asad you are using in a completely different way but I understand that feeling it's still like pulled from the language yeah as we share words sometimes we share also ways to think and feel so for sure we have many things in common in the US you will say you just got roasted but in the Philippines like the feeling it's different of being roasted you guys are very passionate really yeah got it from you guys we got it from you guys we got it from it's all your married we've encountered a lot of similar words um they have the similar meaning with Spanish and Tagalog words but at the same time we have the same word but a different meaning the words that we share are the difference are sometimes the spelling but the sound is the same and I think most of some of our swear words also came from Spanish influence today we compare some words with AOG and Spanish if you like the video click like subscribe and um comment down below we'll see you next time bye
Channel: World Friends
Views: 44,823
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Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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