Spain - Tour to Toledo and Segovia. Was it worth it?

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well today what I want to do is I'm going to take you on a little tour through Toledo and sovia in which uh Carrie purchased through um VOR and at the end of the video going to talk about the price and whether it was worth it or not oh the bus look very nice all right so today's um Adventure is going to take us to Toledo I have no idea what's up here but it was highly recommended so we are getting on a bus early in the morning I'm don't not sure if we even wake have Wen up this early in a long time so we're going to have an adventure that takes us all the way to Toledo well the first stop today on our tour is Toledo which the city on the hill and so far veryy pretty cool looking views and we're going to have our own uh English guide to take us through this beautiful little city just some beautiful buildings here in the center Square this is where we're going to start our tour Ohio there is a city that the name is too and this street is street tooro from Ohio so our first stop on our tour is Toledo Ohio Street cool artwork Ricardo called this the small Cathedral oh my gosh it's gorgeous this is part of what they call the Jewish quarter Byam people but you can sell this decoration this is very new there 15 millions of person yes more no why is your name if you want to KN say hello and you can ask me richer what you're talking about a highest school yes a high school today is now working day for the reason is close but many time I come inside or to my university my University was an old coment and today Crossing this bridge that was built in the 14th century and there's Carrie over there on the 14th century Bridge we have him on camera making this and that's that's him so 24 karat gold you can just can't see the string but we can barely see it there doing it all by hand that's that's amazing and he is a master at this so this is where they make swords [Music] [Music] for 110 you can get this little design this is some of the final product here absolutely oh my gosh that's heav so we came all the way to Spain you get a little snow and hail hey babe we come to Spain to get a little snow and hail huh it's been that as long as it was so after a 2hour drive we are now in sovia so we got a little walking tour that goes through there then we got a a ticket to an entrance to something so going to check that out now we got a little bit of free time and we're going to do a walking tour at about 3:30 so I don't know if we're going to see some of the stuff but cool little town glacia San Martin and right next to the church was the public prison and this is sovia Cathedral now it cost some money to get in I'm not going to do that we're doing another tour so I don't have the time but this is from the outside is absolutely breathtaking we're now in aoia Plaza mayor this is elcia day Sam Miguel so as we sit and wait for our little walking tour in Segovia have h a little glass of wine and some tapas why we call it the lady of the cathedrals and this Cathedral it was built in 1525 in Gothic style but at the time they were using Renaissance that's the reason why this Cathedral it's the last Gothic cathedral built in Spain but it started in 15 this man his name is s brutos and he is the same patron of the city of segobia and we have a legend here that says because the 28th of October is the day of San frutos so that day we come here to the square and the traditional F Beau beautiful design of the exterior of these buildings or this one particular building here in sovia so now our our last stop here in sopia here is at the palace now they say that this location here was the inspiration for Snow White now we are inside the uh Palace now some of the armor worn throughout the years I guess just love the stained glass can't really the tapestry room I didn't see a name for this room but I'm assuming some sort of Great Hall of [Music] see snow well our tour is over through too and sovia the tour itself took around 11 hours and it cost us $126 I believe it was well worth the money because the $126 in included you know obviously the driver the bus we had a guide uh on the bus throughout the time then each stop in sovia and to had its own englishspeaking guide they were fantastic we loved it both places were fabulous we learned a lot we enjoyed the sites and if you're in Madrid I highly encourage you to look up Viet tour and look up the tour that will take you to too in sovia and as always keep dreaming and travel safe and we hope you subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Retirement Escapades
Views: 86
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #inshot
Id: bm6mGgM_x6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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