SpaceX's Starship Unleashed the Fury, and New Insights Into Flight Test 3!

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just when you think that SpaceX can't move much faster with the setup that they currently have at Starbase Texas they seem to kick it into a higher gear again indeed the prep work towards flight test 4 is looking fantastic and wow do we have a bunch to cover outside the Starship program launch after launch and also NASA has some pretty tough challenges coming okay we can see you coming down the ladder now hey hey Marcus Housey here and let's kick off at the Gateway To Mars where SpaceX have ripped right into refurbishing everything on the tower arms including the wiring we probably aren't all that far off from seeing them rise up again ready to lift a booster 11 and ship 29 onto the PAD as soon as they are ready down on the deck of the launch Mount both of the booster stabilization pins have been reinstalled in preparation of that just as a reminder they remove those between launches so they don't get damaged but are required to latch onto the bottom of the booster to guide that into place when being lowered into the ring repair work continued with the booster quick disconnect lines the damaged one that we saw last week that had busted off has since been removed and Ryan Hansen gave me a hand here so that we could show why this line would be more likely to have problems in this animation it makes it quite clear that repeated movements of the booster quick disconnect could have put quite a lot more strain on this one that would lead to higher mental fatigue of the external shell right where it looked to be torn off perhaps just adjusting the length of the hose or adjusting how it is attached to the propellant line will do the trick in fact late this week a new hose was being installed so the protective Hood should be reinstalled pretty quick booster 11's partnership 29 was of course stacked onto the suborbital pad a week ago and since then it has been all go with the flaps open ready to continue its testing Monday rolled around and in pretty much the same process as with ship 28 it was loaded with propellant engine chill started and there we had all six engines firing away from perfect looking full duration static fire NASA space flight's view of this was amazing too so check out their full set of views on this the link is below now this is getting more routine every time we see it and just like ship 28 on Wednesday ship 29 was once again loaded up with propellants this time though with slightly less oxygen in this test they were going for a single engine static fire to simulate the Raptor relight in space that they couldn't perform in flight three the idea this time was that they would only use the header tanks now the long duration depress vent that we saw Here We Believe allowed SpaceX to bring the conditions inside the liquid oxygen tank closer to what would be expected during the in Space Coast phase one neat thing to note is that both of the Roll events that I talked about last week were actually active here as well that was pretty cool and soon after there we had it another successful single engine static fire imitating flight conditions for that in space burn there over the course of a few days ship 29 complet completed the entire static fire campaign all that is left now is to fix up any remaining tiles and perhaps Implement any fixes needed from what was observed with ship 28's issues from flight test 3 that means of course that it needed to head back to the build s so it was lifted off the pad onto its transport stand and within the hour it was making the trk down the road right so there is plenty more where that came from at the build site SpaceX made very quick work in the scrapping of booster 4 a week ago we had seen that cut in half but in the following days they showed at absolutely no mercy ripping into the upper methane tank that was wrapped up with the forward Dome coming out and moving over to the Sanchez area of the site just like all of the other tank sections here now SpaceX had always had this sort of scrapyard around the build site but as the site has continued to evolve they often had to make a way for more important buildings anyway the scrapping continued with a liquid oxygen tank out rolled the after section which was later moved close to the Rocket Garden it's going to be interesting to see how long this sticks around it might be quite a while if booster 5 and booster 8 were anything to go by next up out came the other sections of the oxygen tank they were moved towards the Sanchez area as well toppled over and SED into pieces interestingly the downcomer is actually scrapped separately that is the huge pipeline that allows the methane to run from the top tank right through the oxygen tank to the engines now they first removed the barrel itself and then scrapped it in small sections finally out came the common Dome section as well and that is the end of the first booster to ever be fully stacked with a Starship on top close by here the top two sections for the second Starbase launch Tower at the Gateway To Mars are coming along nicely with most of the main parts already installed I'm sure that we're going to see these outfitted as much as SpaceX can ahead of the installation onto the rest of the tower also while in the area I may as well show you this what you're seeing here is a specialized ship engine installation stand but notice the top ring has been fully removed yeah it looks like that is being scrapped too that is nothing to worry about they already have two more engine installation stands in the new Mega Bay so from now on we're going to see those engine installation operations occur in the bay now you might wonder if the wind speeds would be a concern with the installation of the engines in here but worry no longer because this week we saw the humble beginnings of the wind cover being installed onto Mega Bay 2 just like we saw on the other Mega Bay this entire area is looking super professional on the right side of this image is the gigantic star Factory by the way the front-facing part of the building has had loads of new glass panels being installed this week the corner right at the main entrance will be almost completely made up of glass and this is hopefully going to allow some future views into the building even if they are quite limited the overall expansion of star Factory we can really see well in these great shots from RGV aerial photography up until this point all of the sections and the work that we've been able to observe in in the ringyard will certainly I suspect be entirely done in the factory so the insights that we get from this I think are becoming a thing of the past likewise lamp Padre's camera views are being obscured more and more as the build continues they are rapidly expanding the framework out to here and beginning the footings in the new areas too in fact there's even footings for a new diagonal edged building here which could perhaps end up being an office area overall it looks like this is going to end up looking something like the new similar shaped building under construction at Tesla's Giga Texas once this is finally done the incredible machine that makes the machine will really start to demonstrate the pace of this facility yes we have not seen anything yet so Starship Gaza CAU to this huge part for the ship flame deflector being delivered to the massis test site that was the second of three parts heading in and seeing the size of that section on the bed of the trailer puts the scale of it in perspective doesn't it he also caught this huge pipe one of the many now dotted around the massis test site and this is going to be used to supply the flame trench with the required water during the future ship static fires the trench itself is also in the process of being dug out so this is moving along really nicely now check this out here the ship stand for the new flame trench is now perched on top of some sweet looking legs sticking out from the Four Corners they obviously want to provide adequate room between the ship and everything around it to reduce the acoustic vibration from those epic events L right so another quick update from across the country at launch complex 39a in total four of the legs of the Starship launch Mount there have now been toppled over the exact reason why SpaceX has been doing this still isn't fully clear but we suspect that it's probably just easier to fully replace the foundations of the pad without the old legs being in the way with that they will be installing a water cooled steel plate system too so starting fresh would I guess be easier okay so the more I look into that great flight three footage the more little intriguing things I've noticed you as well actually because your questions are prompting me to go back and study this stuff a little further now given that this was the first time that we witnessed a super heavy booster re-entry I'd say it is neat to compare this to a falcon 9 in a return to launch site Mission here we have the ussf 124 return from mid February at the point where the Falcon 9 booster separates it's moving at 6,000 kmph at 61 km in altitude the separation there happens at the 2 minutes and 20 second Mark now interestingly it takes 30 seconds longer in that flight for super heavy to separate at 5,660 kmph also take note that it is at 73 km in altitude yeah it's slower but higher and that was almost identical by the way to flight tests too due to the existing momentum super heavy continues upward peaking at 106 km in altitude while Falcon 9 goes go up to 125 clearly a quite different launch profile for quite different Rockets all of this makes for quite a difference at the entry point into the atmosphere too Falcon 9 has a lot further to fall picking up more and more speed just before it starts its entry burn at 50 km in altitude its speed there is about 4560 kmph comparatively at the same altitude the super heavy is moving considerably slower at just above 3,700 but with no entry burn planned for Super heavy at 32 km it is absolutely screaming in at 4,260 kmph Falcon 9's entry burn on the other hand ends right as it hits that 32 km Mark and let's pause here and look at the speed 2,800 kmph super heavy is moving a heck of a lot faster than that at the same point yeah that is crazy and it is astounding how quickly the speed plummets as the atmosphere becomes thicker and thicker in fact I think it was pulling about three G's at one point without any propulsion and you can imagine the gigantic Force smashing into those engines by 5 km in altitude it is now moving at 2,000 now in my opinion the actual Landing burn must have started well late because it fired up at only 1 km above the ground as we now well know three engines tried to fire up but we didn't see any reasonable difference in the deceleration so it doesn't seem like they did much now if you look at these few frames here I think you can also see a bit of a green tinge to the Raptor exhaust so I suspect the Raptors may have been starting to eat themselves running on engine Rich exhaust there I really want to know what happened in those last 10 seconds or so and shout out to Lewis putting these animations together the link for that is below too so what do you think was there too little propellant to fire up the landing burn correctly were the engines damaged by the gigantic force during the re-entry at over 4,000 kmph I don't know but it is going to be a heck of a lot of fun fting out it certainly was an exciting test flight and guess what Tony Bella and I have teamed back up with a brand new test flight 3 patch merch just check this out we've got it on mugs we've got it on bottles and all sorts of stuff like the clothing we'll be selling this stuff together for a limited time only just like we've done with the previous two Starship flight patches so pick it up while it lasts from the links below and in the description thanks a bunch for supporting those creators out there like Tony all his work is fantastic so it's a great way to support that thank you as well for checking the US still subscribed here too super grateful that we get to keep creating all this content for you in this little corner of the internet so we were of course all geared up to watch the final Flight of the Delta 4 heavy the other day but that was scrubbed a little under 4 minutes to launch due to a nitrogen pipeline issue the next attempt should be early this coming week so stay tuned because this is going to be an epic event can you believe that it was 5 years ago that we were waving goodbye to their Delta 4 medium rocket roaring into the sky in 2019 now with that launch of a GPS satellite there seemed to be plenty of fun to look forward to with Delta 4 heavy it really feels like the end of an era here don't get me wrong we all of course cheer on the new generation vehicles but with those we also wave farewell to the previous loved Rockets anyway since its first flight in 2004 it has been essential for a wide range of missions Orion's first flight test in 2014 the launch of the Parker solar probe in 2018 and a bunch of critical National Security payloads it's fair to say that Delta 4 heavy has definitely made its Mark in the history of space flight so we also had yet another almost routine set of Falcon 9 flights with starlink a week ago the group 642 mission was Taking Flight that launched late on Saturday night after our last video went live from launch complex 39a just after stage separation there with the 23 starlink version 2 mini satellites at fairing deployment and the Drone ship just read the instruction was a waiting down range for that to come in this was booster 1060 Landing for its 19th time so yeah that is now three active boosters tied as reuse leaders we are still eagerly awaiting the first booster to fly for the 20th time a little under 2 Days Later here we were at Cape canaval again this time though at space launch complex 40 just as the sun was setting the new crew Tower there was looking pretty much finished now as booster 1078 roared off into the sky for its eighth time given that we were still in daylight we were treated to much nicer views of the atmosphere on this Mission this one sending another set of 23 into orbit the Drone ship a shortfall of Gravitas was waiting in the ocean for what seems these days to be a routine Landing of a 50 m tall rocket still amazes me every time now just last week we had the commercial resupply service Mission docking just minutes before our video went live last weekend an absolutely beautiful view of the docking there as Dragon arrived with the essential supplies for the crew currently on board out to launch from the surface though from bonor cosmodrome in Kazakhstan was the new crude soyu ms25 Mission getting ready on board as the freshly docked Dragon above was still in the process of being opened up was NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson along with ol nitzki and Marina vasilas Sky of bellarus strangely their flight was aborted in their earlier attempt due to a dead battery it seems with Ros Cosmos reporting a voltage drop in the chemical current Source now it is pretty darn rare to see an abort for any Reon from a saw use but after that was fixed up they were off the three were squeezed together there in the capsule as they ripped through the atmosphere breaking the chains of Earth's gravity you can just make out the coralv cross there at separation and minutes later the third final stage cut off separation and the immediate deployment of solar arrays and the antennas that entire process takes only 22 seconds that always seems bizarre to me how quickly that sequence happens after a two-day orbital Journey they had success successfully docked and they were greeted on board this station early in the week now I've had a bunch of you asking my opinions on NASA's future projects based on the proposed budget from a few weeks back this time of year it is always a little nerve-wracking awaiting budget approvals for NASA and I don't normally talk much about this sort of thing until we see how much of this is actually enacted that obviously can be even less based on what we've seen in the past years so will some of our favorite missions stay on track as planned or will some of the projects that we love be ripped out from our exciting future manifests because of budget cuts well more on that in a second but first a sponsor that I reached out to because I already loved their products from years ago these wallets by EXA my wife and I have been using for ages and I tell you it's the last wallet that you're ever going to need as a slim minimalist sort of unit you just load them up with your most used cards and whenever you need them you just pop them out there with that mechanism and it quickly fans them all out for you instantly inside the case it is shielded so that RFID scanners can't transfer card details which is a great security feature what's more is that they come with these great solar powered tracking cards that pair with your phone that can then track the card but also you can do the reverse ringing your phone from the wallet tracking card itself I don't know how many hours of searching around the house for either of these two items this has saved me over the years there's a bunch of great style and color variations with these to go super slim the aluminum card hold is great if you want to add a few more cards the tracker and some notes like I do the leather options like these are great interested use my discount code house at checkout to get an additional discount on top of the already awesome web sale going on right now the link is in the description or the pinned comment below thank you EXA so how much is the White House requesting for NASA remember that the existing 2024 fiscal year ended up with a substantial cut from the 27.2 billion requested by the White House and the amount that was actually provided was 24.9 billion $2.3 billion less for those a little less familiar with a fiscal year in the US that runs from October 1st to September 30 the big question was would this budget continue to be reduced for the next 2025 fiscal year this current one that we're talking about now I'm happy to say that the White House has at least requested an allocation of 25.4 billion which is a slight 2% increase on the current year that seems like an inflation adjustment more than anything so about the same budget really again just because this has been requested it doesn't mean that this amount will be enacted and we need to wait for months before we will finally have an answer on that let's assume though that the budget is approved as is out of that 25.4 billion the budget request allocates $7.6 billion for NASA's Artemus program to continue pushing forward to land humans back on the moon finally after well over half a century this also includes includes leadup demo projects such as the intuitive machines missions Nova SE which made the record of being the closest ever to the Luna South Pole to touchdown unfortunately never woke back up following the Luna night interestingly though the Japanese Lander slim woke back up for the second time just this week and it even sent back this photo pretty cool to see that still alive anyway 2.73 billion will go to robotic planetary missions obviously we've just recently said goodbye to Ingenuity on Mars but the next Ventures such as dragonfly this awesome rotocraft mission that aims to fly on Saturn's moon Titan would continue to be developed hopefully launching sometime in 2026 also the estimated $10 billion Mars sample return mission is still in the plan while being under independent review You've got all of the work with the x59 supersonic aircraft development and testing you've got the x66 sustainable flight demonstration vehicle the amazing work that is continually going on at the International Space Station the incredibly important climate and weather studies that are being Advanced all the time I can't think of funding that is much more inspiring than all of that and NASA's Chief Bill Nelson is now in the fight to ensure that they can at least get the allocated budget that has been requested one really sad thing though that I'm hoping that NASA will revise is the decision to slowly shut down the Chandra x-ray Space Telescope that's extra sad actually because it's still providing fantastic scientific data even with the few challenges that it has had it's worth mentioning that there is really no equivalent instrument on the horizon either so we're actually going to lose the capability to capture high resolution x-ray astronomy both Shandra and the James web Space Telescope operate in different spectral bands providing very compliment views of the same astronomical objects and phenomena chandra's x-ray vision can explore the great energetic processes such as extreme environments around black holes while the James web Space Telescope can study the surrounding dust and the gas in infrared with that information combined you have revealed the broader context of star and Planet formation with no Shandra we only get half the picture and there will be no way to correlate the cold Universe discoveries being done by the James web Space Telescope with the hot material now that seems like an odd decision to me and I would have thought that they would do everything possible to keep that project alive at least until there is another telescope to take its place from NASA's point of view though you can just imagine how difficult it is to allocate shrinking budgets at a time when we are also trying to put boots back on the moon along with that you've got these other huge projects that you don't even hear that much about such as the cancer research which is a moonshot which all of us would benefit from with any critical Discovery so what do you think about the budget proposal let me know below and yeah I hope you enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to hit subscribe so that we get to keep making them if you would like to help more directly like all of these many many people here all of this support has made a colossal difference to us it really has if you want to continue with more space awesomeness the algorithm thinks it will enjoy this video here next or maybe these videos thanks for watching all this way through and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Marcus House
Views: 371,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4eirXivWbd4
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Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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