SpaceX success: Starship completes historic test flight

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we're starting to hear some good news that it looks like winds are not going to hold us [Applause] up 2 1 this point we've already passed through Max q that maximum Dynamic pressure and passing supersonic so we're now moving faster than the speed of sound getting those onboard views from the ship [Music] cameras now the me the next major Milestone is going to be a hot staging maneuver again we're going to be doing that in just about 90 seconds to do that we're going to shut down all but the three Center Raptor engines on super heavy booster now making its way back seeing six engines ignited on ship Kate we got a Starship on its way to space and a booster on the way back to the gulf oh man uh I need a moment to pick my jaw up from the floor because these views are just stunning uh these are live views from Starship uh we're only using the super heavy boosters 13 Center engines from here on out uh as whenever they Rel light you'll be able to see that in the left bottom corner uh those are the ones that can gimble in other words they move and change direction uh in order to change the thrust to steer the first stage back to Earth in the center for Flash down let's see if that'll work we're getting a few a few [Applause] engines and so far though I mean congrats to the team making it this far is farther that we than we've gone on flight two just wonderful views and great engine performance from the vehicles of Star Command there you see it again this is uh our Mission Control Center at we heard a call out for nominal orbital insertion which is incredible look at these views dad sort of leaves a a trail behind it um there's some of those great views from uh from starlink giving us uh views of starship's onboard videos and we'll collect valuable data on Starship flying through the Earth's atmosphere at Hypersonic speeds meaning uh more than or at this point will be more than five times the speed of sound oh man we can see the heating on those flaps as we're starting to reenter the Earth's atmosphere this is where the Earth's atmosphere is doing the work to slow us down uh now like we said this plasma field wow is wow what a view we hope to maintain these views throughout so the heating and the loads that Starship is going through right now or what it would be getting if it were recovering from an orbital mission and and just the fact that we have views through entry this is incredible the heat chill tiles doing their work we talked about it earlier uh up to 2600 de F that those heat chill tiles are dissipating body of Starship and the drag from the atmosphere to slow us down from orbital speed during that Hypersonic phase and then again during the subsonic phase absolutely
Channel: Daily Mail
Views: 9,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daily Mail, SpaceX success: Starship completes, test flight, Starship, Spacex, startship, space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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