SpaceX Starship Super Heavy Upgrade - How powerful will it be?, CRS-22 and Ingenuity Updates

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this video is sponsored by squarespace the all-in-one platform to build your amazing online presence hey hey marcus house with you here well there has been no slowdown with spacex's starship development sites over the past week progress towards the orbital flight infrastructure is incredible to see each and every day spacex launched its 22nd cargo resupply mission to the international space station with a special delivery in the trunk and also some updates from mars with the little helicopter ingenuity having had a little scare with its recent flight so just to kick off this week i think it's good to acknowledge that it has been just one year since starship prototype 4 or sn4 had its anomaly which occurred on may the 29th in 2020 this anomaly resulted in the rapid unscheduled disassembly of sn4 with the vehicle exploding on the launch mount it had enough force to create a shock wave and at the time i recall a large amount of skepticism about whether spacex could really manufacture tanks in this way many thought that it had no chance of success well let's just fast forward a year shall we just one year later we have seen two 150 meter hops with sn5 and sn6 with both successfully landing down on the landing pad we then had five medium altitude flights which followed between december 2020 and may of 2021. starship number eight flew the highest at an altitude of 12.5 kilometers along with completing the first major test objective completing a controlled belly flop return this prototype along with sn9 10 and 11 which all flew slightly lower altitudes of 10 kilometers all completed much of their testing well but ultimately failed to stick the landing or in the case of sn10 surviving the landing afterwards although these flight tests were going smoothly the landings were problematic design changes were already underway to address these issues and although starship number 12 13 and 14 were in progress they were at this point already obsolete these were all instead dismantled leaving starship 15 featuring numerous upgrades over its predecessors this baby then completed all of the test objectives on may the 5th just last month including a smooth touchdown on the landing pad the very first to fully complete its tests and land without exploding now all of this along with the incredible amount of construction and preparation at the launch and construction site have just happened in one year just a few comparisons here that show just how much has changed at the launch site thanks to the incredible work by rgv aerial photography this is why we follow the progress at boca chica texas so closely and also why you join us here every saturday to run through it you right there make this possible for all of us and the many people involved in the coverage and the enthusiasm behind this story thank you for subscribing and sharing and supporting everything that we do here so after taking in all that progress over the last year where are we now one of the most common questions i'm still getting is whether spacex still plans to re-fly starship 15 to which the answer is well no elon musk had suggested it could refly however that plan was cancelled in preference of making it a monument instead it has since been rolled back to the production site and has been prepared for display the three wrapped engines that were installed for that iconic flight were also preparing to ship out of starbase just recently so with that successful landing appearing to conclude the medium altitude hop tests spacex are now pushing hard for the very first orbital flight hopefully coming within months well i say orbital flight but technically it is near orbital as it will be placed into a trajectory that will have the starship re-enter in a controlled manner and gently splash down in the ocean close to hawaii only around six thousand four hundred kilometers away from boca chica after having traveled the majority of the way around the globe now we have amazing 3d artists that have been making huge strides in preparing this animation thanks very much to corey here showing the world what this could look like at the same time as partnering up with a team of other artists we have neopork alex spann nick heading sam krug and spaceport 3d who were all involved in creating this masterpiece in some way this has been a monstrous effort the super heavy booster is going to push the starship well out of the atmosphere very rapidly after main engine cutoff starship will separate and continue on its way to near orbital velocity meanwhile the super heavy will flip and do a boost back burn aiming to splash down in the ocean roughly 32 kilometers from boca chica after achieving its target velocity the starship engines will shut down leaving it to coast until it begins re-entry this re-entry test right here is going to be amazing to witness regardless of the result starship will scream back into the atmosphere at just over 27 000 kilometers per hour after what we hope will be a successful controlled re-entry with starship that will aim to fire up its engines flip and gently splash down on target close to hawaii just incredible work here and thanks very much to the entire 3d team that helped to create this especially to corey for being the incredible driving force behind this masterpiece the link to the full quality video with the incredible audio is in the description along with all of the links to the amazing artists involved so yes there are a lot of hurdles to jump through right here to get to this flight test can spacex proceed through these without incident time is going to tell all the elements are currently being prepared at both the build site and the launch site for this first historic milestone flight sections of starship number 20 which we hope will be the first orbit capable vessel has already been spotted over the past several weeks by boko chika gal with nasa space flight along with starship which is the vessel that makes it to orbit the incredibly massive booster that is required to push the ship out of the atmosphere is also underway because of the huge velocity needed to get into orbit the world's most powerful rocket is right here now when i say the most powerful that is no understatement the saturn 5 just as an example lifted off with around 3 580 metric tons of thrust a very successful vehicle that has not flown since 1973 close to half a century ago the russian n1 rocket which was more powerful again had a liftoff thrust of around 4625 metric tons of force the russians attempted to launch this colossal rocket four times with the last being in 1972 and all four failed with much of the blame being the complexity and the limitations of firing the 30 nk 15 engines together here we are almost 50 years later creating a rocket with between 29 and 32 engines each of those having around 225 metric tons of force now this absolutely obliterates the total thrust record at somewhere between 6525 metric tons of force with the 29 engines up to 7 200 metric tons of force with 32 engines now wait a minute that is just over two times the thrust of the saturn v that is just incredible to imagine so we have spacex's super heavy booster number two section spotted that are now being stacked in the high bay now you may be confused as to why i just called it booster number two as last week we were calling it booster number three well over the past week it seems as though a renaming has occurred with the former bn3 becoming bn2 and the test tank we think is still called bn 2.1 this could explain the reasoning behind elon musk saying booster number two in his recent twitter post here showing it in the high bay along with starship 16's prototype the super heavy prototype is now standing at 16 rings tall in the high bay with its common dome stacked on top of the majority of the liquid oxygen tank the test tank bn 2.1 has completed stacking in the mid bay consisting of a forward dome and an aft dome it was then moved on to the modified stand and it's already been rolled to the launch site where numerous tests are going to be conducted also seen during the week was the massive downcomer connection which fits to the commando we'll talk more about that in just a moment but first a big thank you to squarespace for sponsoring this video squarespace of course is a fully managed solution providing everything you need to get a new website presence up and running with all of these simple tools included and with zero web development skills you can start up a free trial and have a site set up in just hours to get started you simply select one of the many mobile responsive templates to match your brand these look beautiful on large monitors or tiny mobile resolutions you could be building a single portfolio site to showcase your work history it could be a simple blog or even an online store in fact the ecommerce functionality included handles all of the ecommerce security and setup for you without the liability and expensive payment gateway setup if you want to check it out for yourself just head to marcus house and save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain you'll find that link in the description below so yes just check out the massive downcomer for the super heavy here which connects to the common dome the common dome of course divides the main fuel tank structure separating the liquid methane from the liquid oxygen it's very interesting just looking at how massive the diameter of the pipe is here compared to the downcomer first starship the other end of this of course connects to the manifold that splits and feeds all that liquid methane to the 29 raptors now i'm happy to report that this will indeed include utilizing that new super heavy thrust ram that we spotted last week to push upwards with the force of the nine inner raptor engines that is going to test the aft dome to verify that the design will withstand the colossal force here we can also see the mounting location for these nine central raptor engines on this plate to match what we expected from the thrust ram structure the other 20 engines are going to be mounted to the structure on super heavies after dome this configuration was also confirmed by elon musk on twitter adding that the super heavy would eventually evolve to 32 engines eric x on twitter released this render here of a possible 32 raptor layout with a 3 9 20 configuration elon musk replied right here confirming this and also adding that the inner ring of 9 is closer to the central 3 as all of these will gimbal together this revised render here is likely quite close to the expectant layout now elon musk did add the new engine layout greatly improves the boost back burn efficiency and also added that the supply chain for the raptor is being focused at the production site in hawthorne california also interesting is the speed of the raptor production which is already pretty crazy it's approaching one every 48 hours at this rate they could create a full super heavy set of 32 raptors in just 64 days but speed will continue to ramp up further at hawthorne raptors are then shipped to spacex's test center at mcgregor texas where they are fired to validate the engines ahead of being sent to the launch site in boca cheeka assuming that all engines that are manufactured past the required tests and that none of these need replacing after a static fire at starbase they can produce enough raptors for each super heavy every two months given that there have been so many raptor swap outs in starship tests it'll be interesting to see how long it'll take for a full set of 29 raptors to be given the green light for flight in preparation for this flight of course construction at the orbital launch site has proceeded very quickly last week we witnessed the rapid rise of the launch integration tower with two sections going up very quickly then we have another additional section here waiting to be transported from the gaswell site and another that has already begun construction this will make it five sections higher in total plus that base area here and we're estimating a further three sections will be placed up after that this tower will become the tallest structure in the south padre island region standing at around 140 metres tall the orbital launch pad itself after a fairly low activity lately has ramped right up with these vertical extension segments going on top of the existing pillars i think the new cross beams that are going to be mounted around the sides are going to add further strength to it as well obl here on twitter has added this to his animation to show how we believe this is going to attach in now we expect the launch table to sit directly on top of this here this table we've been keeping an eye on for quite some time there has recently been a lot of intricate additions to this such as the installation of suspected launch clamps which we think will hold down the super heavy booster before it lifts off so thanks to rgv we have the fresh shots of the rig that is being converted to an ocean spaceport meet demos here which as elon musk stated is under construction for launch in 2022. he said this of course while retweeting this beautiful 3d render created by kendall dirks who has been very busy lately creating works of art like this in the near future we could be watching footage of a starship fueling up very similar to this ahead of a lift off to orbit we are still thinking that the liquid methane and liquid oxygen would sit underneath the deck inside the leg structures here that keeps the fuel and the oxidizer much more protected from a loss of vehicle or accident above of some kind thanks very much to kendall there for creating all of this amazing eye candy there is a lot more coming and you can follow there on twitter to keep up to date there as well the ocean space ports are extremely important for a number of reasons the boosters and the returning starships are so massive that just the noise from supersonic booms and raptor ignition would be extremely disruptive in any populated area by placing them out in the ocean disruption can be minimized as more landing locations appear around the world this may become even more critical it may not necessarily be as unrealistic as many people think to see launches and landings occurring almost daily with the united states department of the air force appearing interested in starship as a delivery platform a new unclassified document specifically states that they want to test the capability to leverage a commercial rocket to deliver air force cargo anywhere on the earth in less than one hour with a 100 tonne capacity now this doesn't specifically mention spacex or starship but i think that we can assume that spacex is the commercial option that they are describing here we're not sure how speculative this goal is at this point but given that spending in defense is astronomical compared to typical budgets interesting opportunities may exist for spacex in the near future now on thursday spacex launched its 22nd cargo resupply mission to the iss and its second mission using the cargo dragon version 2. the payload for this mission included many resources for science crew and the general upkeep of the international space station but most notably is the first pair of roll out solar arrays which were stored in the trunk of the dragon these solar arrays are going to boost the amount of available energy on the space station they are made up of multiple compact solar cells that roll open and these are going to be installed across two spacewalks performed by the expedition 65 crew a total of six of these panels are currently planned to be installed so yes on thursday the falcon 9 lifted off from pad 39a at kennedy space center in florida and it was a fairly standard ascent however after the stage separation the first stage of the falcon 9 performed a partial boost back burn this was done to speed up recovery operations usually of course spacex would return the booster to the launch site after performing a boost back burn but there wasn't enough propellant in the booster to do this due to the payload size after the boost back burn it had a fairly normal coast and descent before landing on the drone ship of course i still love you the second stage of course just continued on to orbit where the cargo dragon then separated from the second stage and began its trip to rendezvous with the international space station thanks a lot there to greg scott for all those beautiful images taken down at the launch site too incredible detail in these photos as always now that the launch is out of the way we hope that everything goes well across the rest of that mission i can't wait to check up on the progress of those roll up solar panels now over to mars we have a few interesting developments as well as if creating history wasn't enough making the first powered flight on another planet ingenuity continues to impress going from demonstration flight to operational support it was time for flight number six just recently with cautious and considered maneuvers of increasing complexity and distance this little helicopter has by far surpassed all expectations and its lifespan of 30 days rising here to an altitude of 10 meters or 33 feet ingenuity travelled approximately 150 metres to the south west it was near the end of this first part of the flight when it began to make speed adjustments and started to tilt to and fro data analysis showed roll and pitch deviations exceeding 20 degrees and wild fluctuations in power usage as the rotors tried to deal with this situation this wacky flight behavior remained for the rest of the trip until it managed to land safely although it was around 5 meters from the intended landing site thanks to ingenuity's robust design it was able to handle the anomaly which seemed to stem from bad data coming from the navigation camera acting in concert with the onboard inertial measurement unit the images here help with the flight thankfully though the last part of any flight stops referring to the navigation camera data so ingenuity was able to straighten up and land safely this is one tough little helicopter and it's already provided so much valuable data for the team as they learn how to fly on mars so there we go you are all caught up for the week remember as well that we are huge supporters of the transition to electric vehicles here on the channel and our partner ev offers the ability to hire an electric vehicle in australia perhaps you have wanted to take an extended test drive you could be touring the country and want to drive around in a tesla if that sounds appealing to you you can use the link in the description for a discount thanks of all though to you right there you could be a regular viewer of our content perhaps a patron or youtube member supporting what we do or you could be picking up some gear from our merch store 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Channel: Marcus House
Views: 377,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spacex super heavy, spacex starlink launch, spacex starship crash, spacex starship progress, elon musk spacex, marcus house, spacex super heavy booster, spacex launch, spacex starship update, spacex starship sn15, spacex starship sn 20, spacex starlink, spacex boca chica, Spacex starship landing, spacex starship live, spacex starship sn20, ingenuity 6th flight, ingenuity helicopter 6th flight, 32 raptors, spacex crs 22, Spacex starship, Spacex orbital launch
Id: aF-6Bdvn0mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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