SpaceX Starship Explodes Before Landing & Starship SN15 is fully stacked, Inspiration 4 update

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this video is sponsored by curiositystream hey hey  marcus house with you here it has been a bit of an   odd week this week with starship serial number  11's launch in the fog loads of other updates to   share though around the starship development  scene and the aftermath of that exploding   starship prototype some pretty awesome ideas to  share around a future orbital propellant depot   idea and we also have a few great updates  with the inspiration for mission to share so yeah it has been a fairly crazy sort of week  with starship development elon musk stated last   week on twitter that spacex had delayed sn  11's launch attempt from friday to monday   to best ensure that the company could land and  fully recover starship sn11 successfully first   and foremost the weekend allowed spacex time for  additional checkouts and to scour sn11 as well   as the data produced during the previous static  fire for any major issues while the plans for   a same-day static fire and launch didn't pan  out on friday march the 26th spacex did manage   to fire up one of the three raptors to verify the  health of the replacement engine after last week's   raptor swap all was trending well for a launch  on monday pending the weather in the area however   the faa inspector was unable to reach starbase  in time for that launch which postponed it to   tuesday for a potential 8am liftoff according  to elon now finally spacex completed its fourth   starship test flight right on schedule lifting  off at exactly 8 am from boca chica that day   this flight once again offers the latest glimpse  into the frustrating reality of a highly iterative   and advanced rocket development program due to  the fog the general public such as us here live   streaming saw virtually nothing throughout the  launch attempt however remote streaming cameras   set up near spacex's launch facility did manage  to catch some level of detail from these cameras   as well as from the official space extreme sn11  seemed to have a fairly nominal ascent reaching 10   kilometers in altitude around four minutes after  liftoff sn11 then transitioned into its belly down   position and free fall for around 100 seconds  now just to quickly pause on this spacex also   showed this cool shot here of the liquid methane  tank interior this is a shot that we haven't   seen before and i wonder if it may have been  unintentional that this was shown in their stream   regardless though we did see it and what you can  notice here is that liquid oxygen downcomer on   the right hand side which feeds the liquid all  the way down from the nose cone to the engines   through the bottom of this tank we can even see a  hint of the liquid methane header tank protruding   through the cryogenic fuel in the middle there we  also see these baffles around the side here which   are designed to provide quite a substantial degree  of dampening when the liquid fuel sloshes around   in the tank in flight that was a really great shot  that we don't normally get to see there so thanks   spacex for sharing that one intentionally or not  now aside from a few intermittent fires burning   on some of the three raptor engines nothing  really particularly appeared out of the ordinary   at t plus 5 minutes and 49 seconds however things  rapidly went wrong when spacex tried to reignite   all three of its raptor engines to propulsively  flip into a vertical landing position as far as   we can tell after one successful re-ignition  spacex immediately lost onboard video   and telemetry feeds engine number two or maybe  even engine number three seemed to have a failure   at ignition which led to a loss of the entire  vehicle when it exploded violently in mid-air   debris began to then visibly hit the ground  another 5 to 10 seconds after that explosion   was first heard this correlates to what elon said  shortly after on twitter where he said it looked   like engine 2 had issues on the scent and  didn't reach operating chamber pressure during   the landing burn but in theory the second engine  wasn't necessarily needed something significant   had happened shortly after that landing burn  started soon after of course mauricio from rgv   aerial photography was able to do a flyover and  just check out this incredible series of shots we   see the debris field scattered far and wide this  landing burn certainly did not at all go to plan   bowen cameron and ryan hansen here posted this  graphic breaking down the parts of sn11 that they   could identify and given that we see such a wide  separation between the methane heter tank segments   here and another over here it is pretty safe  to assume a fairly energetic explosion happened   around that area of the vessel there was debate  around whether the flight termination system may   have been used but we believe that this was more  an unintentional explosion triggered by a very   unhappy raptor nice work once again to the  community for providing all of this great   diagnostic information do support rgv there if  you can spacex have begun the cleanup and without   these detailed shots here we would have much less  information to go on as far as we can see there   hasn't been any extensive damage at least to the  launch site itself so outside of the flight the   construction of the huge integration tower that  will include a crane to lift and stack starship   with the super heavy booster has continued  this week the foundation here is growing to all   new heights and i think we're going to see the  development of this very rapidly increase now   they need to move very quickly of course  before they will be able to even attempt   an orbital launch with a fully stacked starship  and super heavy combo it is also worth noting   that the mystery jig structure that the community  has been puzzling over for the last few weeks has   had the tipless nose cone that we assume is some  kind of human landing system mockup lifted inside   now i had thought that it would likely be another  week or two before we would see the next starship   prototype which is of course starship serial  number 15 make its way down to the pad but shortly   after the demise of sn11 elon musk revealed that  spacex intends to complete sn15 and roll it to   the launch pad in just a few days its tank section  was soon after moved out of the mid bay where it   then received both of its aft flaps and was then  rolled to the high bay ready for nose cone mating   its nose cone and barrel section had been stacked  in front of the windbreak around the same time   in fact as a recording sn15 has already been  fully stacked spacex are not messing around here   by the time this video is live it could even be  on its way to the pad elon confirmed yet again   that sn15 would bring substantial upgrades stating  that it has hundreds of design improvements across   structures avionics software and engines  he also stated that sn20 and onwards will   probably need many flight attempts to survive mach  25 entry heating and land intact this isn't overly   surprising as they will really need a lot of data  to determine how much reinforcement and thermal   protection will be needed to ensure a fully safe  return this is all stuff of course it can simulate   to a degree but the real world data tends to be  a little more unforgiving it will not be at all   surprising for me to see many prototypes lost on  re-entry as those prototypes continue development   it is quite a different development method to what  we are used to seeing with the aerospace industry   remember spacex here are very focused on  developing the starship production line itself   the goal is rapid prototyping and manufacture and  the reason that we have jumped right from sn11 to   sn15 is simply because the iteration in starship  design is outpacing the launch attempt schedule   sn12 13 and 14 were all decommissioned quite a few  weeks back because sn15 was already including new   technology that spacex were very keen to  test out as soon as possible and you know   look there is a lot of skepticism out there now  after these landing failures but spacex will   continue to iterate these prototypes and test them  quickly in order to speed up further production   the individual prototypes don't matter that much  what does matter is how fast they can produce and   iterate these prototypes we also have the super  heavy booster continuing development as well   booster number two's thrust dome was spotted this  week sporting all eight central wrapped amounts   with bn1 being built only now as a production  pathfinder and soon to be scrapped it is expected   that bn2 along with its significant design changes  will be the first booster that takes flight as   early as the end of april will it be flying  with all eight of those raptor engines let me   know what you think we see here a picture of elon  musk's girlfriend grimes posted on twitter of her   next to bn1 so that just gives a little context as  to how massive this beast is near 70 meters tall   this alone is going to be quite amazing to  see furthermore we've already seen the first   sections of booster number three appearing this  week with the forward dome sleeve and common   dome being spotted as well i think as we see super  heavy flights to orbit that will kick off a whole   new enthusiasm for the space race that we find  ourselves in there is a load of other commercial   developers out there joining the race too and the  midweek video that we published just the other day   talks about this in a lot more detail thanks a  heap to everybody for the incredible enthusiasm   for that update all of you out there subscribing  liking and sharing these videos makes such a huge   difference to us so close now to that 300 000 mark  now and that is all because of your support thank   you very much so just for a minute i wanted to  explore some of the recent ideas pushed live by   spacex vision here in this amazing set of renders  that they worked so hard on which garnered quite   a bit of attention too now this may seem a little  crazy in current times but imagine when starship   and super heavy is a vehicle that is sending  massive cargo launches many times daily into   orbit what if we wanted to have a more dedicated  refilling station in orbit something that could be   used to hold and refill other starships at short  notice as elon said here an orbital propellant   depot optimized for cryogenic storage may very  well make a lot of sense in the longer term   this is the orbital mega tanker concept animation  which is designed to hold around double the fuel   as a regular starship tanker this design has one  thing in mind and that is to store as much fuel   and liquid oxygen as possible the initial launch  to set this mission in motion would have this   huge beast only contain the necessary fuel to get  into orbit with almost none to spare the point of   this concept is to have a reusable ship that can  simply hold propellant and oxidizer resources and   would be left in orbit to be refilled by tanker  starships as needed as many who follow spacex   and starship closely already know there are going  to be several variations of the starship platform   there will be the ship for crew and for cargo and  then there will be a design purely for sending   liquid oxygen and liquid methane to orbit to  refill a starship destined for a mission to the   moon or even mars the issue with this is that many  launches of a tanker starship somewhere between   five and eight will be needed to fully refill that  empty vessel due to that there will be a fully   operational starship kind of wasted while all of  these launches and refill operations are occurring   under certain circumstances though having a more  permanent refilling station such as a depot in   low earth orbit makes a lot of sense this vessel  has no need to return no sea level engines heat   shield legs fins or anything else are necessary  it would of course need its vacuum engines to make   it to orbit in the first place but none of the  other components normally needed for the starship   itself so yes this orbital mega tanker looks very  different from spacex's starship the diameter here   shown along with the overall length is greater  as well so more room for resource storage   it is also covered with solar panels on one side  while the opposite side has extensive radiators   just to radiate the heat away that builds  up over time that would all help to keep the   fuel at the correct cryogenic temperature  using a range of active cooling systems   along with the radiators themselves because of the  huge amount of solar collection area here perhaps   a massive ion engine could be placed between the  three vacuum engines to allow efficient station   keeping to occur that would allow this beast even  if completely full to slowly raise its orbit over   time to fight any atmospheric drag encountered at  the placement altitude ion engines of course take   a massive amount of electricity to run but they  are super efficient given the energy generation   capacity of all of these panels that should be  more than enough to conduct small adjustments   thanks to spacex vision for sharing these ideas  i'd love to know what you think feedback here   could help improve this idea over time even  if it's currently a little more hypothetical   with the ability to store this much material  for refilling this could be the one stop shop   for that trip to mars from there who knows what  such a vessel could evolve into perhaps a monster   cargo transporter let me know what your thoughts  are in the comments now this week we received a   pretty awesome delivery in the mail this here  is a starship model created for us by arn from this beast is all 3d printed with  the main body showing all of this wonderful detail   there is some cabling on the side here that i  don't have installed just so i can more easily   split it apart for you to see so there are some  nice finishing touches here as well firstly the   aft and forward fins all move so that is very  cool the thing i love about this the most is   the incredibly strong little magnets placed at all  of the connection points so that everything just   snaps together there's no glue or fiddly assembly  required you just separate any area you like and   it all just snaps back together super quickly as  a few quick examples you can instantly split this   apart to see the various sections of the starship  from the nose which includes this awesome little   header tank here in the tip we then have the main  crew or cargo area right underneath there with all   of those stringers included in the 3d print such  great detail there and look right here a little   tiny tesla battery that drives the fins and other  electronics that is a really cute little feature   now we are looking here right above the top of the  liquid methane tank that central little bulkhead   cap comes off so you can even peer down inside  but we can even pull all of that apart to see   the liquid methane heater tank underneath even  cooler than that though the header tank splits   into its components which just snap together on  either side of that common bulkhead how awesome   is that this is so good for demonstrating how  these header tanks are assembled in real life   within the liquid oxygen tank here we have the  downcomers here represented with the red and   green pipe colors the liquid oxygen header tank  runs right down the side of the entire vessel   just as it does in real life and here the red  down camera which feeds the fuel right down into   the three raptor engines now speaking of raptor  engines check out the engine bay here the three   raptors just snap in like that ah that's just so  satisfying to tinker around with around with that   we have our various copvs which also snap into  place as well and then look at this these six tiny   baby legs that starship currently has that we can  just snap into place so cool thank you very much   anne for your amazing work here there are actually  as well a number of models here which i haven't   even yet had the chance to tink with there are  actually two versions for the starship itself a   pretty amazing raptor engine model and this sweet  crew dragon if you want to check it out or support   what they're up to there at the  link is in the description now some interesting   updates to share around the inspiration 4 mission  today as well this first privately funded crude   spaceflight mission announced its final two  crew members in a live stream on tuesday   these four crew members will be all making history  in their momentous flight come later this year   the commander and benefactor of this mission jared  isaacman organised the flight to bring awareness   to a few major programs and institutions that  are very close to him these institutions played   a massive part in picking the members of the crew  the second crew member haley arsenau was announced   in late february as the crew member demonstrating  hope she currently works as a physician's   assistant at some dudes which is the same place  that she was cured of her cancer at the age of   10. in addition she will not only be the youngest  american to visit space but also the first person   with a prosthetic body part the third crew member  chris sombroski is the individual who represents   generosity he has always enjoyed space since his  childhood and volunteered in college with space   lobbying efforts to bring in a wider range of  opportunities for companies like spacex to even   exist chris served in the air force and soon  after gained a professional aeronautics degree   from university which allowed him to develop and  work with industry changing technology and he is   currently employed at lockheed martin in seattle  all at the same time the last member of this crew   dr cyan proctor embodies this spirit of prosperity  cyan is an analog astronaut who conducted space   flight activities on the ground and received  similar training as those who go up into space   for this mission she is going to be the pilot as  she has her pilot's licence along with a scuba   certification which is certainly going to come in  very useful in space now these four crew members   will be breaking the boundaries by inspiring a  whole new set of people in what can be achieved   as the name suggests inspiration 4 will have one  purpose only to inspire the world and additionally   beyond just the people involved here spacex has  developed a cupola style viewing glass for the   crew to more easily view and take pictures of the  earth instead of the normal docking hatch and the   port that is on the international space station  crew dragon which won't be needed in this case   this crew dragon will be slightly modified  to provide the greatest view from space all   within a single capsule i am so very much looking  forward to this mission happening later this year   and hopefully more information will be provided  soon about the orbit of this trip so yes we have   talked a lot today about starship which will make  it possible to colonize mars in the near future   and all of this actually ties in beautifully  with our incredible sponsor for today's episode   curiosity stream this documentary here is an  episode of a curious world which talks deeper   about mars colonisation getting to mars is far  from easy but living there that is a whole other   level of difficulty all the same i'm sure that you  would agree that it would be a great tragedy if us   as a species never managed to colonize another  planet and explore outside our very own world   this is what humans are we are explorers and at 34  million miles away from earth at its closest mars   still seems like the next achievable objective in  interplanetary travel what will it take for humans   to get to mars and establish an earth independent  way of life do we live on the surface or do we   live underground in lava tubes is it plausible  to change mars atmosphere over time what would   that take there are so many questions here  that are explored on curiosity curiositystream   this is an incredible subscription streaming  service that i've been subscribed to myself   for years it provides thousands of award-winning  documentaries including a huge library of space   related content you could be interested in other  science and technology related topics as well   it could be physics biology medicine or  genetics there are many great libraries   here for you to explore and you can even  stream this awesome content worldwide anytime   on a range of supported devices if you would like  to help support me and you'd like to check it out   give it a try by heading to  marcus house with that you can sign up for access   at just 14.99 for the entire year you'll  find that link in the description below   so yes keep an eye out for sn15 updates this  week with starship we also have another starlink   mission in several days time as well assuming all  of that remains on schedule just remember as well   that we are huge supporters of the transition  to electric vehicles here on the channel and our   partner ev offers the ability to hire an electric  vehicle in australia perhaps you have wanted to   take an extended test drive you could be touring  the country and want to drive around in a tesla   if that sounds appealing to you you can use the  link in the description for a discount big thank   you as well to my amazing patrons and youtube  members here there is no way that we can continue   creating content at this frequency and length  without all of you that support that you all here   provide allows us to increase the time that we can  spend and that is all thanks to that growing list   of supporters right there thank you to each and  every one of you as support increases that 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out in   the top right is my latest video and in the bottom  right content that youtube has selected from   my channel just for you thank you everyone for  watching and we'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Marcus House
Views: 318,157
Rating: 4.9384027 out of 5
Keywords: Elon musk starship, spacex super heavy booster, Spacex starship, starship sn11 status, spacex explosion, spacex inspiration 4, inspiration 4 spacex, spacex starship crash, spacex starship live, Spacex super heavy, starship sn11 launch date, spacex starlink launch, spacex starlink satellite train, spacex starship progress, spacex super heavy launch, spacex starship update, spacex starship landing, Spacex launch, spacex boca chica, marcus house
Id: Yb1ZI9NLmn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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