SpaceX IFT-3 From Launch To Landing Complete Mission In 20 Minutes

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go for so 20 seconds to go let's listen [Applause] in two is 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 seconds into flight we are feeling the rumble we are seeing 33 out of 33 Raptor engines ignited on the super heavy booster booster and ship avionics power and Telemetry nominal acquisition of single Corpus Christi continuing to get good call outs our trajectory looking nominal systems looking nominal just amazing to see all 33 lit up once [Applause] again this point we've already pass through Max that maximum Dynamic pressure and passing supersonic so we're now moving faster than the speed of sound getting those onboard views from the ship [Music] cameras now the me the next major Milestone is going to be a hot staging maneuver again we're going to be doing that in just about 90 seconds to do that we're going to shut down all but the three Center Raptor engines on super heavy that'll be our Mo our most engines cut off and then the clamps holding the two stages together are going to release Starship second stage will ignite its engines the arvac first the sea levels right after that the sea level engines will be sped or just kind of pointed out at about a 15° angle so if you look close we get good tracking you might be able to see those center right after and so those six engines will push Starship off of the booster all right counting down now we're going to be coming up right around the three minute mark on that hot staging maneuver again we'll see the booster engines start to shut down you'll see all but three lights go out in the middle and then we'll see the engines ignite on ship pushing it away and that will start caring carrying the ship into space booster will start to do its flip and then move into the Boost back burn setting it up for eventual splash down in the Gulf of Mexico [Applause] separation hot staging [Applause] confirmed boosters now making its way back scen six engines ignited on ship Kate we got a Starship on its way to space and a booster on the way back to the gulf oh man uh I need a moment to pick my jaw up from the floor because these views are just stunning uh these are live views from Starship uh first stage is currently performings power and Telemetry nominal good there news informing us at the second stage or the ship everything looking good nominal there first stage is currently performing the Boost back burn expecting that to last about 1 minute that boost back burn that boost back burn propels the booster back towards the coast taking it to a landing in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico uh we're only using the super heavy boosters 13 Center engines from here on out uh as whenever they relight you'll be able to see that in the left bottom corner uh those are the ones that can gimble in other words they move and change direction uh in order to change the thrust to steer the first stage back to Earth wow these are just incredible views coming to us everything is looking good for both the first stage on the leth hand side of your screen or the super heavy booster as well as on the right hand side of your screen that is Starship or we also refer to that as the ship now the Boost back burn uh was the first of two Burns required to return it to Earth the next one will be the landing burn where all 13 Center engines will initially ignite and then transition into a three engine burn uh to help slow it down now just as a reminder of the stage one test objectives uh we're looking for controlled Ascent which we have so far uh stage separation which gorgeous we Cru right through it uh as well as a nominal trajectory good news there telling us that the path that Starship is on uh is good now Starship second stage is still firing its engines and as you heard following planned flight path uh the ship objectives we're looking for hot staging again cruised right through that we're looking to demonstrate controlled Ascent as well as orbital insertion now the bottom right hand corner of your screen shows the ship uh engine Graphics so so be sure to keep an eye on those yep Kate like this is just a phenomenal test so far super heavy is performing beautifully today it's on its return leg of the journey ship continuing to burn its six engines those larger circles the Raptor vacuum engines the inner circles the uh Raptor sea Lev engines we about 30 seconds away uh just under 30 seconds away from the start of the Boost back burn uh excuse me the landing burn on the booster you can see the grid fins rotating those Hypersonic grid fins are guiding us through the atmosphere back towards our splash down site again we're going for a hard for a splash down a soft splash down so for landing burn we're going to expect to see the 13 Center engines light rapidly bring down the boosters velocity and then just the three in the center for Flash down let's see if that'll work we're getting a few a few [Applause] engines and acquisition of signal let's see if we can get some other video of that now uh this is a test objective today it is still something that we're attempting to learn um and to make it that far to demonstrate the controlled re-entry up to that point is pretty darn good ship continuing to look nominal with its Ascent burn this burn lasting uh about 6 minutes total and we're expecting that this burn will end uh just after t plus 8 minutes about a minute from now so far though I mean congrats to the team making it this far is farther that we than we've gone on flight two just wonderful views and great engine performance from the vehicles so far we've hit controlled Ascent we're in the middle of that right now we demonstrated the hot staging Kate as you said cruise through that uh we demonstrated controlled entry of the the booster just dropped a little short of the engine relay but hey that's something we can learn for the next one yeah now that view that we just had moments ago was a live shot of Star Command there you see it again this is uh our mission control center at Star base uh where vehicle operators are standing by now the next Milestone coming up uh is in less than a minute uh at that point ship will or I'm sorry actually it already has um ship engine cut off there we go as you heard there by the callout and from the crowd behind us starship's six Raptor engines have successfully shut down we heard a call out for nominal orbital insertion which is incredible look at these views dad uh I'm just completely blown away right now uh what a day congratulations to the entire SpaceX team I mean this this flight pretty much just started but we're farther than we've ever been before we've got a Starship not just in space but on its Coast phase into space just to recap where we've come and the it's only been nine and a half minutes how has it only been nine and a half minutes we lifted off right on time at uh 8:25 a.m. we didn't have to hold at our gate at all we had 33 at a 33 Raptor engines open up uh and light and get us through a nominal Ascent another successful hot stage all six engines on the ship propelling us into orbit we did see a n what looked like a nominal boost back burn uh and then we did make it all the way to the landing burn this time didn't light all the engines that we expected and we did lose the booster uh we'll have to go through the data to figure out exactly what happened obviously um so be on the lookout for information about that but uh wow uh a ship in space we've got a bunch of as we said ambitious objectives ahead of us um over over the next couple of minutes and pretty much over the next hour where we're going to really we've got the ship in space we're now going to take advantage of this and try and learn as much as possible about some of the other system systems uh including that first ever Raptor relight in space so it's just going to be incredible so all of that still to come the mission just started but wow uh what what a liftoff what a what a hot stage what a what an amazing site to see Starship they're an outer space I I can't believe we're seeing it in in space this is awesome wonderful now we are going to be coasting for uh the next about 30 minutes or so we'll be back around the T Plus 40 minute Mark and that'll be uh Starship continuing to Coast hit those ambitious test objectives and then continue on to re-entry we're not totally sure what video that we'll get since that normally comes to us as we overfly ground stations and we we don't have a ton of those along our trajectory but as we have video we'll be sure to bring that to you starlink may be able to bring us additional communication paths today that will allow us to talk to Starship through re-entry with no Communications blackout period uh it's a possibility but either way we will be live for all of today's milestones and of course when we do have views Puerto Rico especially like the ones that we have now which I just cannot get over uh when we have views we will be sure to bring those to you live but no uh views or no views we'll see you back here at t+ 40 minutes Pez door is opening and there we just heard call it that Pez door is opening so that's great first test one of our test objectives today is to open and close that Pez door that's where we will deploy starlink satellites from in the future so great news there that that test object excuse me that test objective is already underway so come back here uh stick around till t plus 40 minutes for coverage of starship's deorbit burn uh demonstration followed by its re-entry and what is sure to be an exciting [Music] Splashdown Starship FL computer is in propellent transfer [Music] demo STAR Flight computer is in the propellant transfer complete State Pez checkouts complete door is [Music] closing [Music] uh re-entry is going to be a really critical phase of flight uh we really want to know how the ship's going to perform especially that heat shield as we're going through the Hypersonic re-entry so if something were to go wrong during this re-entry we want as many paths as possible to collect that information that data just to again just continually feedback uh into star the Starship program to make each flight more reliable more successful acquisition Sous now if Starship manages to make it all the way through re-entry we'll collect valuable data on Starship flying through the Earth's atmosphere at Hypersonic speeds meaning uh more than five or at this point will be more than five times the speed of sound now we're watching these live views uh HD views by the looks of it thanks to starlink uh you can see that the flaps there on the ship might be actuating um certainly some incredible uh visions of planet Earth behind Starship now uh we've already validated starship's ability to fly uh and land at subsonic speeds you might recall those suborbital flights from a few years ago and we can see flaps there so getting data on aspects like Heating and control while traveling way faster than we did before is going to be critical to eventually bringing Starships back from space for Rapid reuse so I mentioned those flaps that's one of the things um that that enables Starship to help control itself and and and survive the heat of re-entry which like we said before we're expecting that re-entry to occur around t plus 49 minutes uh so we're getting pretty close here and what you're seeing here it looks like the vehicle sort of moving back and forth part of what you're also seeing is one of the cameras this onboard view that we have is on the end of a flap Starship has front flaps and and rear flaps in the vehicle um so we've got four of those and oh man we can see the heating on those flaps as we're starting to reenter the Earth's atmosphere this is where the Earth's atmosphere is doing the work to slow us down uh now like we said this plasma field wow is wow what a view we hope to maintain these views throughout Starship is so big that we're hoping that the plasma field doesn't entirely blanket the entire vehicle right now it is not the star links brought to you by staring yeah the starlings are still communicating and still uh capturing the data and the video that we see here I mean Shiva this is just absolutely incredible views we've never seen anything like this before this is the the biggest flying object ever in space absolutely K and and it's important to note with the ascent burn that we did was to get us to orbital velocities even though we were on a nearly orbital trajectory so the heating and the loads that Starship is going through right now are what it would be getting if it were recovering from an orbital Mission and and just the fact that we have used through entry this is incredible yeah again this is the furthest and fastest that Starship has ever flown and you can definitely tell by the uh the crowd here in Haw the heill tiles doing their work we talked about it earlier uh up to 2600 de F that those heat chill tiles are dissipating as we are re-entering yeah now this was one of the critical or or rather the key uh mission objectives that we were hoping to hit today uh we have never like I said before this is the fastest and furthest that Starship has ever flown so this is the first time that we're getting to collect this re-entry data and understand how these 18,000 hexagonal heat shield tiles are working together to protect the belly of Starship as it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere uh once again the the atmosphere is doing us a big favor here by the atmosphere is actually doing us a huge favor here by acting as a breaking system for Starship um as it re-enters the atmosphere and that's part of the reason why the flaps are so important we're using the body of Starship and the drag from the atmosphere to slow us down from orbital speed but you want the vehicle to remain stable you want those heat shield tiles pointed down uh so they can absorb the heat of the Earth's atmosphere um and so that's the purpose that they are serving during that Hypersonic phase and then again during the subsonic phase absolutely so like we said these views are being provided by a couple starlink terminals that are are positioned on Starship itself as that plasma builds it we're hoping that we can bring these views back to you uh but you can see the Telemetry there on the right hand side of your screen um if you watch closely you can see the speed decelerating again that's the friction um of the atmosphere resulting in this plasma field excuse me the blanket um that is uh potentially blocking the the startling terminals right now so we'll bring those views back to you if we get them but right now for those of you that have recently joined uh Starship is currently re-entering Earth's atmosphere this is super exciting because it's the furthest and fast fastest that Starship has ever flown it's just absolutely incredible major test Milestone something we wanted to accomplish on flight to getting to it today so just awesome and hey Kate and hey Sheva we were just hearing on the loops we are making the call now that we have lost ship 28 so uh as we were possibly expecting we lost the data a couple of minutes ago we haven't heard from the ship uh up until this point and so the team has made the call that ship uh has been lost so no splash down today uh but again just it's incredible to see how much further we got this time around we had a couple of those ambitious objectives that you guys were just walking through that were able to take advantage of while Starship was in outer space flying over our planet for the very first time so that was uh just really incredible um obviously there's a lot to go through um everyone always wants to know right off the bat what happened takes us a little bit of time uh but I can assure you as soon as we start finding things out we're going to let everybody know uh and I know everybody's going to be EXC excited for the next one I mean as as I pointed out in the beginning there's four super heavy boosters either fully stacked or getting stacked right behind me we've got other ships ready to go as well uh so it's going to be a really busy time down here at Star base as we look to really fly Starship as much as possible get this vehicle ready to go for all the important things it's got to go do
Channel: Scientia Plus
Views: 333,657
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Keywords: starship live, spacex starship launch, starship launch date, starship explosion, spacex starship, elon musk, starship rocket, raptor engine, spacex launch, spacex starship test, spacex super heavy, starship flight test spacex, spacex news, labpadre live, nsf live, starship launch, starship static fire, starship next launch, starship ift 3, starship 28, super heavy booster 10, starship 28 static fire, booster 10 static fire, starship test, spacex starship updates
Id: 8hlXbeQa2ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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