Space Station Crew Prepares Science for Dragon Departure

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okay we uh we're closing out the dragon today or the basement I should say and we should go check it out this is going up into cargo Dragon through the PMA and through the best mule and then once inside we can see the basement and these big giant doors that have to get closed so we'll set that put all kinds of straps the basement's first and then in here the uh the bit deck is up here and then down into the uh the upper component we we pack it from the bottom so see if we can get a shot of what the basement looks [Music] like all right we're going to close out the basement [Music] and one so many deck is closed and then over the next couple days we're going to pack up uh this entire mid deck here from the starbur the port after and forward with all kinds of back all right we were able to close out the doors in the dragon the basement doors uh they're solid big thick doors you can hear them and feel them as they kick them uh Next Step we're going to start Gathering more bags for the mid deck like this start packing them all in then checking all our straps and making sure we're all set up we'll start closing out the next the bid deck over the next couple days and then the upper compartment here and get ready to send us home for the next couple of days with lot chips do and signs to go back here uh we even have uh these refrigerators we call poers and they're powered by dragon and we're going to be stacking this whole Bay here this whole Bay will be full the refrigerators and science will go back home and we'll actually do a bunch of science right before we send the cargo vehicle home so that it's fresh and it's frozen and scientist will immediately pull it back out in fact you can see the top hatch here um and actually the side hatch it's where they'll pull a bunch of cargo out really fast so when it's um splash down water all the critical science is packed very last right next to the door so that uh the folks can get it out as quick as possible and get it straight to the researchers uh but getting ready to send her home let's go ahead and fly out of here up we go or down we go it's all perspective driven we're going down into PMA 3 and then into node two and now uh if you're training train with us this is upside down perspective and we just flip things right side up back in a no two subscribe for more space [Music]
Channel: NASA Johnson
Views: 11,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4z0-V-hXoPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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