Space Graphics Toolkit -- Create Your Own Universe in Unity

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hello ladies and gentlemen it's mike here at game from scratch today we are talking about space the final frontier now actually actually we're gonna be talking about uh the space graphics toolkit for unity the final tool we are going to cover in the mega bundle that is ending very very soon i'm recording this on friday i'm presenting this on saturday so you're looking at two days left and what we've looked at here so far is we looked at the terrain grid system uh we looked at uh the dungeon architect which is really quite cool and then what we're going to look at today is the space graphics toolkit and this one is the one that had the most requests so for the people that want to see mud bun or motion matching i apologize but instead we are heading off to space as i mentioned earlier unity asset here you can see a sample of the space graphics toolkit in action and what this basically has done is rendered an infinite universe we'll look at how this actually goes about doing it so this would be your setting so this is space itself we kind of look around there is everything that is generated easy enough all right so we're going to show you how all of these things work together let's stop that and then we're going to go take a look there's two parts to this uh we have this uh elliptical galaxy built of all these various different things you can see in the editor which we will get rid of all of them for now this one especially so this starfield elliptical generator right here these guys they're doing all of that so what we've got instead are the two backgrounds these are kind of for infinite layering these are of type sgt background all of this stuff basically is scripts these ones will only show up uh in the actual render we've got one for doing stars and one for doing clouds let's turn clouds off so how we now now have is our star generator so this is going to be infinite in scope all the way in the background so we basically just created a universe of stars you got control over how they look how they're created the uh the layout of them so on you can squash them down etc so you can actually control how they're actually displayed but that is the one thing going on we've also got a set of clouds so this gives us kind of again an infinite background in which to start creating our universe so these ones only show up when you run the games you can see the clouds being superimposed those two working together give you basically the universe this is your infinite amount of space around you so now let's look at the other aspects that come into play so we've got i'll do the clouds last because they're the biggest so we've got a set of inner stars being generated using an elliptical star field uh so we'll turn that one back on and there you can see the results so if you need a number of stars around they're pretty straightforward mostly they're just textures you've got control over the color of the stars via gradient right here so if you'd rather your stars had a slightly different color you can change any one of these colors so let's make these a little bit more blue so and there you see the star colors changed and immediately there again you've got a lot of control over how they're shown you can stretch them out you have different textures from near and far you can change the number of stars in your universe very easily so that is your stars and then we've got another set this is outer stars basically just stars that are further out pretty straightforward turn that back on and you've got basically two layers of stars showing up and then finally a set of clouds so this is your elliptical cloud field and we'll show that one there and this is what gave us that i actually find this a little bit on the uh the strong side of things there you go all these things work together and now we have basically a universe a universe that is unpopulated but a universe nonetheless so once you've got this done you can actually start adding other entities into your world i'll use some other examples right here so let's do uh an asteroid belt so here we go you can create asteroid belts here so there is a couple things going on this scene we have a star which is the focus point of our center so our star here is a light a normal light and then an sgt light this is more for dealing with the galaxy sizes that we're dealing with uh and a billboard there so that is the star at the end at the center of our universe again you're seeing there are sgt specific versions to work with on there and then we have our asteroid belt the asteroid belt pretty straight forward this is oh i think it's a container let me open it up so i can show you it is a type built simple this is an sgt belt simple you see you have a number of settings for controlling how this asteroid belt is generated so for example we can change the uh inner radius like so so we can make that and make it tighter and then have it have go out further oh so that speed sorry outer radius available like so and you can tweak things accordingly also you've got control over the speed if we go ahead and play this one you will see how the um asteroid built okay so i may have turned the speed up a little high but there you see an asteroid belt in action now let's say you want to obviously start getting into the world of planets we got a couple of options for planets we've got say jovian planets like this guy right here uh a gas giant style planet you see it is made out of a jovian sgt jovian and you set a number of uh values on it this guy has lightning crackling on its surface let's go ahead and see the end result of this jovian style planet all right here you go you're getting close enough you can see lightning crackling on the surface and atmosphere so there's minimalistic atmosphere here so you're seeing what is that aurora boy you see atmospheric effects happening here but the style of planet isn't really lending itself to that so what you're going to probably want to do is have more earth-like planets so we have this example right here and this is where did you go earth come on all right let's just find our planet focus on it oh this isn't script only all right how are that what we're going to do is do this from scratch all right new new scene built in so get an idea of everything that's involved so a couple things go on we go ahead and do a create create new space graphics tool and here you see all the various different things you create things like black holes lenses um thrusters flares cloud spheres asteroid belts like we saw earlier on but what i'm going to do now is just create a planet so to create a planet here we go our new planet is created we got to set a couple of things first off we need to give it a mesh we'll give it a simple spherical mesh and then a material we'll come in here we've got a number of planet materials camera that obviously you probably want to create so if you want to have like a dark star look you can do so like that all right so here we go let's focus on our planet so there we go we just created a planet with a dark star look to it now let's do this more of a traditional planet so um here that will work obsidian planet all right here we go so we'll create this planet right here we'll use that texture so you see here you obviously you could use a variety of different textures to create a variety of different planets you have control over the size of your planet like so and now what you may want to do is go ahead and add say some atmosphere to it so again just come down here sgt and we go atmosphere so we're going to create an atmosphere for our planet there's a couple things we need to do we need to do an inner depth and an outer depth uh texture and mesh which both of these are easy to create basically just come on down here click this button and then we go down a little bit more and we click this button and it's created both for us now all that's really left to do is we set the outer mesh radius of our environment you see it's growing out right there so we do a little bit past the outer concern and there is our environment we can change the color of it right here so let's say we want to be a bit more of a bluish tinge like so probably want to jack that alpha value way down like so so there is our um atmosphere in place and we've got control over it like for example how high the atmosphere goes beyond the planet how much fog to have on the inside oops went too far how much fog inside how much fog outside that way if you fly into the atmosphere it will work accordingly um kind of neat stuff again you've got control over um the atmosphere depth texturing over here and you can keep adding stuff to us if you want to have for example lightning cracking on the surface of your planet come on down here you're going to notice you have sgt lightning it's available right here lightning spawner like so or let's say you want to have a ring around your planet we could do a belt custom like so and now we just go on down to our new belt and we have to give it a texture so basically the texture for our asteroids in our asteroid belt so we'll go ahead pick one up there and then it should why did you not create it okay so outer asteroids how oh okay we're gonna add a camera by the way so our camera our camera just got sgt camera it doesn't really do much to it by the way on the topic of camera you also have some tools here for um i think it's sgt move uh or we do follow camera look camera all right i'm going to stop the sgt because that's actually making things more confusing so i'm going to go here a space graphics toolkit there's a bit of a bug and it's offsetting my mouse from where i want to select and it's making things very annoying uh sgc camera look and move so you can add and then it will just automatically give you simple okay that bug is getting really irritating um come on line up there we go or maybe it's just a leg all right so i did move a race now i just want look all right so here we go so no i wanted to move damn it let's try that again sgt camera move all right so i have look and move so now you're gonna get automatic movement controls with your camera now back to our planet like so come on planet and our asteroid belt oh i did a custom belt instead of a simple one oh that's annoying so now i need to actually define how many asteroids i want let's see if a hundred see what a hundred looks like come on nah you know i'm gonna i'm gonna make my life a whole lot easier i'm gonna remove the belt custom this off by one bug or for selecting in unity right now is driving me absolutely nuts belt simple that's the one i want all right so that is an asteroid belt and now again we have to define the asteroids we wish to populate our asteroid belt with there we go all right so that is a whole lot simpler so there is the asteroid belt created around our planet that now has an atmosphere probably want to move it uh outside of the atmosphere i don't know squat about space by the way so uh so orbit offset okay that's the wrong thing so i want to do so we can change out the random seed by the way the thickness that's the thickness of the asteroids themselves so inner radius there we go so we'll move it out more and then our outer radius obviously needs to be higher in value so there we go so now we have it going around the outside and we can control the speed of both the outer and the inner and let's go ahead and take a look at our created planet so you see how you could use all these pieces together i should now have move controls so i can look around and oh they're very sensitive but as you can see we can navigate around and there is our asteroid belt orbiting around our planet with an atmosphere now obviously this will look a lot better with a star field in the background and so on by the way everything you're seeing here you can do procedurally and you can do it with code uh one last thing to note is they do have packs available so this one comes with a basic pack of assets so if you're wondering okay well what about planet textures and different kinds of things i can work with or all these various different examples so you can see a disc we did an asteroid belt already uh earth-sized planet where are you planet all right let's focus on the planet all right oh yeah this was the procedure run terrestrial planet and you can see where are you going planet oh that one's that's a weird i think it's got a weird draw distance going on here stormy planet so this one should actually show so you can see that the various different lighting effects you can get this one may actually have the lightning done on it so yeah you can see lightning crackling across the surface like so so you've got the ability to create all kinds of different stuff this is one of the asset packs that comes with it so that's like the various different uh textures and such you need to do these various different things and if you're interested there are other packs available let's head on over and take a look at this thing in the store all right so here we are uh this is the assets regular price you're looking at 100 bucks so it does make it a really good deal to pick it up in this tool kit if you're interested in picking it up again you can do a much nicer looking atmospheric effects if you play around with them that we managed to to create here it should give you the ability to actually create like a no man's sky type transition from earth down to the ground although you're still gonna need your own terrain engine and so on and so forth but again normally it's a hundred bucks you can see right over here uh if you go sorry that's not where i want to go this is where i want to go so the creator himself has another pack available this is the space graphics planet so if you need to have a number of different planning styles with different looks etc there is another pack available you can see it is 30 bucks it works obviously with the space graphics tool kit so if you're trying to create a variety of different planets and you do not want to create there's nothing to stop you from creating these textures yourself in fact there's some tools out there specifically for creating planet styles but if you want uh there are a number of packs available here as well if you're interested in picking that up but ultimately that is not part of the toolkit that the toolkit thing that ends in two days uh that is uh a separate purchase so do be aware of that so what we just checked out there is the space graphics toolkit as you see it's normally a hundred bucks so if you want it you're basically getting it for better than half price and you're getting a bunch of other stuff thrown in free if you want to check it out i also covered the terrain grid system which is really um this graphic doesn't sell what this is capable this is really cool if you're doing an rts or a strategy game like a turn-based risk style something like that or an rpg with a traditional grid or hex based system this guy is really powerful in what it can do and then the dungeon architect is really really cool if you're creating semi-random and random environments or just basically as a starting point for creating your dungeon environments or it's city generation as well this is a really neat uh basically procedural level generator and then finally we just saw the space graphics toolkit and that is it no more videos on this bundle because you only have two days left so if you want to pick that up link is down below you use that link i get a small commission and you get my thanks for doing so so let me know what you think of the space graphics toolkit and uh yeah that's it i will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 16,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity, Unity3D, Space Graphics Toolkit, Universe, Planets, Unity Engine, Plugin, Review, GameDev, Game Development, Galaxy, Game Engine
Id: T7XudhpaOio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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