Space explorers ! Elsa & Anna toddlers & Chelsea fly to the moon - Barbie - spaceship

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[Applause] glad you're here elsie and anya chelsea look who's here elsia anya i'm just so glad you're here yep we are so happy to be back at your house it's been such a long time yes i know how have you been pretty good because you know the news we both have younger siblings ooh that sounds so much fun yup and there's baby stuff everywhere baby food cribs just everything that's funny just can't believe i forgot forgot about what i have a surprise to show you come with me you know we love surprises all right now turn around now whoa yep that's right i got my very own spaceship is it is it real well it's not real but if we imagine it it can be real and it's just so much fun and there's so many things to do and look and there's also a little rocket ship swing and you can exit the rocket by the sparkly slide whoa chelsea this is just the coolest thing i don't even know what to say so can we come in of course it's for all of us to play oh and wait from now on we will become space explorers so you can now call me dr chelsea understood dr chelsea oh so then that means that i'm dr elsia yep and you are dr anya oh yes we're so ready if we want to become space scientist the finishing touch is a nice lab coat wow thanks chelsea blue this one and this one try them on look girls look at me now we are professional space scientist well actually you are us astronomers well it's still a type of scientist and we are professional astronauts too ew okay well you girls play nice and barbie left me in charge to look after you so i'll just be around here okay i'll go on the couch to read girls we each have our own scientific laptops the silver one is mine anya you can have the pink and you'll see how purple is yours all right that's so cool whoa and just in case if if we have to go in space and blast off we have our astronaut equipment oh boots helmets gloves that's so cool i totally look like a scientist now and i have these cool headphones so i can communicate oh whoa those robots kind of scared me oh but they do look pretty out of this world get it dr anya let's make a plan of what we are going to observe in space with the telescope perfect let's do it so astronauts explore the moon we can also see that through the telescope stars oh and anya those rocks oh yes comets thank you dr chelsea okay and planets yep that's pretty cool stars now for the moon i feel like the moon is so cool perfect and now we know what to look for oh wow dr anya dr chelsea what is it dr elsia i just researched and guess what i found out tell us that did you know that there are more stars in the galaxy than grains of sand what that is amazing but how common but there's just so many grains of sand like one two three four so many yeah banya because guess what space never ever ends that's mind-blowing so you can't even measure it nope nope wow that is the most extraordinary thing ever i know and now it's telescope time let's see if we can find what we wrote down let's go doctors oh i want the black one no no elsia wait what is it dr chelsea this one is actually barbie's professional telescope it can like it can see really up close it's because she likes to study the stars oh really hmm so we can't use this one no but this purple one also has has a really good view try it out all right then me no but i got it first though no yeah but it's my telescope so girls you should probably clear out and i should go first no no but i called it first well me and chelsea can look first okay anya two of us yeah two of us that's so weird we can't do that but i brought the block here first so i should go yes but it's basically in my telescope so i should go yes but but but but so what is your reason anya because i touched i touched the telescope first yeah right so lying no my purse my turn no girls i should have it please no chelsea no anita anita whenever you want to do something you are called anita right anita yes and you are elsita and chelsea you are chelseata ah girls but i should go first though i don't like these silly nicknames i should go first it's my telescope but but i saw it first no me hmm you know what how about we can all just watch at the same time at the same time all of us how is that even possible dr chelsea well i can peek one eye elsia can pick one eye and you can pick one eye see all right let's try it okay i'll go first no no i i said me first anya put one eye i am is that the sky hey girls i can't even see anything at all oh i really really tried to read but i guess i can't because all i hear is i can't see i can't see what is the problem here you all want to use the telescope right yes because i'm supposed to look first it's my telescope but dr chelsea may i say that you probably looked in your telescope every single day and we never get the chance yes that's true dr chelsea can we please go first okay girls girls are you done bickering now science is supposed to be fun anyway chelsea yes you are right it is your telescope but you have guests so you need to be nice and you elsie and anya you are the guests and you also have to be nice to chelsea oh well well that still doesn't explain who goes first okay i have an idea of how to solve this elsia your name starts with e chelsea your name starts with c and anya your name starts with a so which letter comes first in the alphabet a for anita i go first okay that's good and who's next in the alphabet me that means that i'm last but my mommy can still create ice ice ice ice that's super cool hey hey elsita we heard that whoa the sun just slept now wait let me zoom in whoa that's the closest i've ever seen the stars wow that's just amazing i can't believe this it feels like i'm really there oh and i think i see the moon close by oh who's next you've got to see this me oh wait actually girls since i always look through my telescope i will give this turn to elsia dr elsia really thank you so much chelsea friends forever wait i don't see any stars up close it's because you zoomed out elsia oh oh okay so that means the other way [Music] okay now i can see you are right it is so spectacular is there a shooting star no there's no comets but i do see stars dr chelsea dr anya i'm looking at the moon so shiny wait a second what what is that on the moon girls there's something on the moon girls i saw it i saw it what did you see like like a creature yes like it was like some sort of green creature oh elsia you must be joking no i literally saw something through the telescope all right well then let me check let me see if you're right [Music] yeah what is that weird thing is that a creature whoa anya take a look oh i see it i see it girls oh wait it went away girls i think we are about to make a great discovery we just might have discovered a creature on the moon um yes but how how are we ever gonna know for sure by traveling there cause that's what scientists and astronauts do who's up yes you're right dr chelsea let's go to the moon yes so we can make a great discovery let's fly to the moon we'll need helmets and gloves everything an astronaut needs let's go so first step most important thing get your cool astronaut helmet i'll take the pink and blue is mine we have our helmets and now some gloves i'm gonna take these long ones oh wait but need to take off our coats because we are becoming astronauts we sure are the cap cool dye look almost ready astronaut chelsea these gloves are heavier than my winter ones we kind of look like penguins but we are ready we are astronauts coming into astronaut elsia can you hear me oh yep i can roger that now astronauts we need to pack up we will have to take pictures of the space atmosphere hmm pretty cool oh and we also need some space glasses definitely important and it might be cold we need blankets good idea blanket and we have everything we need no no no no you are forgetting the food oh yes elsia yes yes yes perfect yup because in space we will get super hungry so we gotta have enough food well i think we are ready to take off let's go space space space face face let's discover let's make a great discovery let's put the food in the storage so we're ready to make our big discovery and blast off but something's missing oh yes mission control skipper what is it chels since we are about to take off we need mission control can you be it sure are you taking off now yes yes oh and also can you shake the rocket so so it looks like we are actually taking off yes girls we have our mission control oh yeah mission control but what is that again good question anya it's the person that helps us take off and they have computers you know they basically keep track of our rocket oh oh yeah interesting i'll go in the sidecar this mini spaceship swing let's make a big discovery that's right dr chelsea anya i'm riding the spaceship come on in well it's okay because i can go in my space jet and it's faster than yours oh yeah that's actually a good idea because we actually don't have much space here so i think we're just ready to take off let's go to space mission control to astronauts are you buckled in and everything is ready astronauts to skipper roger that we're all ready okay then all systems are clear and you are ready to take off and the countdown is starting ten nine eight seven six five four three two one last stop where we're going in space let's imagine that we are going out of the atmosphere i'm coming after you [Applause] some new rocks they're gonna be landing soon and now imagine that that we are landing brace yourself whoa [Applause] we on the moon anya imagine that you are landing now coming and engines off mission accomplished ground control copy that it was successful now go explore i don't see any strange creature that anya saw in fact i don't even know if it's a creature let's go and explore girls look what skipper prepared for us and now it looks like we are actually on the moon jump and dump it looks like i'm on the trampoline because on the moon there is less gravity whoa right it really does look like the moon but i don't see any creature the surface looks so much different than earth's there's so many rocks everywhere oh and i like the way that you just hop i think i can see earth so amazing and you go like this right yeah girls let's jump on a trampoline follow my lead we're following the moon is amazing look at all the sand we're in space oh girls look has anybody ever found a gold on the moon hmm maybe it's some some um special moon gold or something hey this could be our first discovery yeah wow and these must be the common moon rock but they look so amazing too i'll put it in the spaceship found another one oh yes keep hunting found one oh yeah anya take these back to earth astronauts don't forget the mission did you see the creature over roger that well we didn't see any creatures so far but we still need to keep exploring come on girls nope nothing there i don't see anything here astronauts nope astronauts come here look i seem to be seeing some sort of footprints oh could it happen from that weird creature maybe they look bigger than alpha wait let me see hmm kind of the same size actually what could it be did you hear that hear what are you trying to scare us no i'm not trying to scare you i actually heard something dr chelsea do you hear it yes it's like some sort of tapping i hear it dr chelsea what is it it's getting faster maybe we should go back in our ship huh the creature the creature i better get back my ship guys look wait a second huh yeah yes that's right i am the creature that's fooling you stacey was you all along yes it sure was me all around so wait so even at the telescope it was your face it sure was i was just trying to play a little fun trick on you did you like it yes we actually loved the trick and it just made this mission feel so real i'm glad that you liked it girls i just wanted to get a little bit more fun grand control can you copy us yup i can hear you astra anya we found the creature it was stacy all along over oh you found stacy well that's mission accomplished it was a success so are you gonna come down to earth now over that reminds me i have to get back to earth do you have room for me sure we have space ground control we're coming back to earth over copy that over everything's prepared moon creature stacy you can come aboard with me moon creature that's funny let's imagine that we're going back to earth five four three two one blasto yes for more videos go to our channel and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 10,285,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, space, explorer, moon, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, fly, flight, discovery, exploration, barbie, chelsea, skipper, stacie, spaceship
Id: UCPMp2fc0p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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