Space Cowboy Risks His Life | Auditions | Australia's Got Talent 2019

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I performed on Australia's Got Talent four times before but I've never made it to the finals I think of the craziest things possible and I reverse engineer it to achieve the impossible the acts that I perform are some of the most dangerous that have ever been seen on TV I have broken my leg and put a knife through my hands how dangerous is this well I could shoot myself on stage [Music] [Applause] hello hi howdy howdy what's your name cowboy my name is the space cowboy oh my god the space cowboy have you ever performed on a stage like this before I've actually been on this stage four other times with Australia's Got Talent's do you think you have what it takes to make it all the way through this time I'm a 55 times Guinness World Records breaker I do the most dangerous acts in the world and this one I guarantee it's going to blow your minds I'm going to be performing a dangerous demonstration of speed reaction with high pressure compound bows alright so before we start I'm just gonna have to clear all the wings everyone needs to get right other way even the safety people you need to be completely clear we've all heard the saying that the hand is faster than the eye well I'm going to prove that that saying is not a lie each one of these targets is set with an electronic trigger once hits it will create a domino effect of speeding arrows I'm going to attempt to dodge out of the way and catch that arrow with my bare hands all of the arrows still have the sharp metal bullets tips the arrow could go straight through my hand and straight into my chest I'm going to attempt to catch the arrow completely blindfold [Applause] space cowboy are you sure you're ready to do this yes you can do without the blindfold [Music] [Applause] so try it one more time [Music] all right so that everyone in the wings knows the arrow is alive again space cowboy I just want you to know that we know the real danger and we just want you to know that we're behind you this audience is behind you in all of Australia is behind [Music] come on buddy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how did that feel I had no idea that that was going to work that was remarkable and you're like the real-life Robin Hood I'm glad it worked for you guys thank you you just caught an arrow it blindfolded Robin Hood's crack you're amazing it's a definite yes for me buddy well done and of curiosity are you willing to die for this show I'm not crazy I spent literally six years training for this one stunt Wow what can be done with really serious hard work congratulations you've earned that it's a yes for me thank you this thing that you were going to blow our mind and I think you just did that I know you're gonna do dangerous stuff and you shouldn't do it but I want to say it's big yes for me buddy just the beginning for me space cowboy you can breathe now you have four well-deserved yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 383,282
Rating: 4.8455262 out of 5
Keywords: australias got talent, agt, australia's got talent, magician, fun, talent, singing, dancing, danger, adrenalin
Id: rZ6J4FEGfl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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