Soyuz undocking, reentry and landing explained
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Channel: European Space Agency, ESA
Views: 9,926,460
Rating: 4.8024054 out of 5
Keywords: Soyuz, re-entry, reentry, ESA, EAC, astronaut, space landing, gravity, retro-rocket, orbit, de-orbit burn, Paolo Nespoli, Frank De Winne, spaceship, ISS, International Space Station, cosmonaut, atmosphere, Luca Parmitano, Alex Gerst, undocking, Chris Hadfield, космос, астронавт, Союз, МКС, Гравитация, расстыковка, спуск, посадка, парашют, авиационно-космический, виток, орбита, Несполи, Де Винне, Хадфилд, ЕКА, Романенко, Машбёрн, Кёйперс, поисково-спасательная служба, Байконур
Id: -l7MM9yoxII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Good overview of the geometry and challenges of planning reentry of capsules from the Apollo program:
I like how nonchalant he was about bouncing off the atmosphere during reentry and continuing into space. As though it's a common problem to have.
These guys ripped of Kerbal