SOYBEAN HARVEST.... never ended like this before. Wheel falls off combine

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hey well we got rolling in soybeans today finished up canola the other day and soybeans are ready to go my brother was getting a little anxious to try them out and uh we weren't quite sure whether they'd be ready to go but he put the columbine into the field and we've just been going so it's saturday peter's not in school so we got him uh trekking he wanted a truck it's his birthday today and uh well he picked what he wanted to do and he wanted to haul beans so i'm still on the green card tractor here and i'll show you a little bit about the tractor and as much as i know about it for the little bit that i get to actually drive this tractor [Music] all right so yeah we run a 2013 8690 we bought it uh one year old it had a bit of hours on it from demoing um it's been on our green cart all the time we run an 1131 j m grain cart this tractor has served us very well we've had very uh very few issues with it it has a 300 it's 340 horsepower with a cvt transmission uh it's nice it's it's got front suspension we we added a little toolbox in the front there that was our own making but we got we got suspension in the front duals it's weighted right up uh this tractor runs def which is diesel exhaust fluid uh and uh which is a bit of a pain in the butt but i think we've only had one in all the years that we've had it we've actually only had one issue with it and i think it was uh the pump had gone but for the most part the the death hasn't given us too much grief so yeah we got lots of hydraulics we got six hydraulics in the back six different remotes and yeah we ran we run duels front and back which is was for row crop when we used to do in in crop fertilizer and but we've gone away from that so not sure how long we'll keep the duals the big lsws are probably more more gonna fit our needs so yeah let's go into the cab i'll show you a bit what's in the cab so yeah let's fire it up [Music] that's our top con monitor we use that for our auto steer and uh it's very ac it's very accurate we use it for it's sub-inch when we're doing row crop again my brother runs the planter he does he does all the corn and soybeans and i run the air cedar so yeah we got our it's got a shuttle shift on the side with the park brake right here that's the park brake then you got your controllers you can go forward and back with this one so this this actually right here if i go like that that puts it in forward gear that makes me go forward if i want to go backwards i literally like that and we start going backwards so it's it shifts very smooth it has we have a cvt transmission in this thing which is a continuously variable uh so it's not your standard it has it doesn't have gears in it it is just continuous i'm not gonna lie i can't explain it i just know it's awesome and we have had no issues with this tractor regarding that either it's so yeah we've got a it's got six hydraulics and you can program many different buttons uh program these buttons are actually programmed right here there's two buttons on the side of this remote we can program them to do whatever we want whether it's engaging or auto steer using hydraulics uh honestly there's tons of things that tons of things that you can program it for the and then this i can speed up just like this and that speeds it up and slows down if i need more rpms it automatically adjusts my rpms to accommodate um for power and picking the rate speed it's got it's got a cruise control so if you set your cruise to a certain speed and you're driving along it picks the best fuel economy to use yeah to use the least amount of fuel this tractor just got tons of tons of great features like that we're back at it again today we're into another field of beans we this morning we actually did the chopping i got a video i'll probably post that or maybe i've posted it already um but yeah we've got uh one of our favorite fields in flat manitoba we have a hill and uh this is our only field that has a hill other than that we're perfectly flat so here we actually have a great view ah camera doesn't really give it a whole lot of justice but it's uh there's a pretty good slope on this field so yeah we're back into the beans uh we can finish this field maybe not tonight but if we do we're over half done so beans are coming along really nicely and uh they're doing about what we what we had expected beautiful manitoba sunsets coming up the hill and on the other side of the hill is my brother i'll go grab him and then he should just about be able to finish that corner cheddars are working great flex mode the honey those honeybees and flex motor just clean up up the field nice so i'll show you a little bit here about the tractor if you look in the middle of my it says 5.6 and 8.1 those are my cruise controls so i can pick my cruise and then you can see those numbers go up and down now it's five point one five four point eight so let's say the guys say they're gonna they're going four mile an hour i set that to four mile an hour and then and i do that by just this dial right here going back and forth and then when i pull up to them all i have to do is press this button right here and then it goes that speed i don't have to it's not hard to find that gear but it just makes it easier and if they said they're going four and a half i can just bump that up to four and a half no problem cruz is a nice having the cruise is a nice feature so i can run on i can set two cruises on this thing one for unloading and then one to just head back to the tractor or not to the tractor to the semi to unload so if you can tell we combine our beans at an angle we find that works the best for us we do uh all of our beans are done with our planter on 30 inch spacing this is the tractor that runs the planter so yeah that's what that's how we do our beans we find that the the placement the planter puts the beans is uh it's a little bit better than the an air seeder um that's our opinion lots of guys around here uh run air cedar for putting their beans in and uh their beans their beans look alright too um they do good it's uh for us we just look at it as uh we need the planter for corn and we also uh have our air seeder doing canola at the same time that we're doing beans so we uh we can be running the air cedar and the planter at the same time so it's a it's another option that we do and many years ago many years ago there we booked uh probably seven years ago we put uh beans down with our amity distrill and it worked all right but i don't know we just like the placement that the that the planter puts the the planter puts the beans uh and by that means like it's a lot more accurate with depth and also uh how the spacing between each beans when they go in the ground well yesterday we yesterday morning we moved cows so we've been uh over the last couple days we've been in and out of beans uh we chopped chopped corn then the next morning we moved cows and each one of those days we were able to get back into the beans but um now with a lot of those things taken care of now let's just get the rest of these beans cleaned up so we're down to a little over a day if we can have a good day today we might be able to finish but it's just me and my brother and arch our hired guy so i've got it i'm hauling to the elevator which is about a half hour 40 minute drive and and running the cart so just a little short manpower right now with um with school going on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i was on my way back from the elevator and the guys are moving to the last field of canola and uh i got a text message and it was a picture looks like we had a little bit of an issue uh about 200 uh feet from driving into the last field of soybeans so little morton's on their way out and i'm pretty sure they'll get her we'll get everything cleaned up and uh yeah hopefully there's not too much wrecked well the header looks straight hopefully that's not a wreck so we're going to take a look here and see what's uh how everything looks you got a tire off back tires off looks like the lateral tilt has been that's where it looks like if the twist is but it doesn't look like the feeder house is bent huh wheel of fortune make her spin so a tire fell off huh sure love to know what caused that that's ugly looks like the ladder all seems to be fine under how this huh well considering i guess we'll see when a little morton comes to lift it up and see what she looks like the in two and a half hours from having a tire off it's back and rolling now we'll see whether it actually can combine still now we'll see whether we run it yet or not everything sounds good a little bit of damage right there all last day of uh soybeans harvest hopefully uh we got uh combine home last or got to call my home this morning and uh we're just gonna leave it for the rest of the year uh we'll get her all checked out to make sure everything is good make sure we don't wreck anything else on it um so yeah it's home and uh hopefully we can finish the rest of soybeans this year or today for the year here's the combine so yeah it drove home good the rim actually isn't in too bad of shape but we got some mangled up stuff here so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Twin Elm Farms
Views: 86,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ndmCCfBbQTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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