Soy Sauce Chicken and Ginger Scallion Sauce Recipe you can make at home - with Kikkoman

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okay you mean it wasn't [Music] rolling hi everyone welcome to my kitchen today we're going to do a Hong Kong style soy sauce chicken with kikoman now a lot of people like this soy sauce chicken it's very very popular right a few years ago we even have a hawker who won a Michelin star with soy sauce chicken but you know why a lot of people don't cook this at home because the thought of having to brace one whole chicken in a pot and then you think wow I have to make so much of the brazing sauce ah it's just too difficult the trick to making this whole dish easier to make is that we're going to cut the chicken into half but when you cut the chicken into half and you try to brace it uh what will happen is the skin pulls back and then you get a very ugly wrinkly skin right so this is the hack what we're going to do is pour hot water over the chicken skin in order to tighten the skin and once the skin is tight tightened and stretched then we have the chicken so as you can see once the hot water hits the chicken you see how that skin just tightens up okay once it tightens up and then after that it cools down the skin will be set so when you uh cut it and you brace it it will still stick onto the Flesh of the chicken so in that way you can open up the chicken and then you can cook it with less brazing liquid so now what we're going to do is we're going to rinse it with cold water and then we're going to cut into half I'm just going to use a pair of scissors you can use a knife if you want but I find that pair of scissors sometimes is [Music] easier you want to cut along one side of the backbone cuz uh it's not easy to cut through the backbone after you've blanched the skin the skin won't pull back as much and it's easier to handle because you don't have to flip it over uh when you cook halfway at this point get rid of all that stuff and make sure the inside of the chicken is washed really really thoroughly and if you can you can throw a bit of salt there and just give it a good rub that will improve the flavor of the chicken now we're going to rinse it and make the brazing sauce okay so the first step is to caramelize the sugar I'm using uh raw sugar today you can use Rock Sugar you can even use white sugar if you don't have raw sugar but I feel that raw sugar tastes a little bit better and that's what the Japanese like to do I'll just throw in a little bit of water so it will help to dissolve the sugar while it caramelizes so you want to caramelize the sugar to give it a nice color to the brazing sauce and also caramelizing will give you a nicer flavor as you can see it's caramelizing nicely look at the color it's nice and syrupy now if you want the color to be darker you caramelize longer once it's nicely caramelized we add in the water now and now I'm going to add in one cinnamon stick to of the tar anise if you want a complicated herb recipe I have another recipe online so you can check out the other recipe but the most important is you need to have a good soy sauce so we have kikoman soy sauce and I'm very happy to promote this soy sauce because I love the fragrance so I I like to use kikoman because uh it's a naturally brw soy sauce it's got only four ingredients in there soybeans wheat salt and water nothing else no mother additives no added MSG nothing it's naturally brewed so you get a nice Aroma also some sake some mirin some Dashi powder last but not least we got to add in some rose wine because I like the aroma of rose wine so bring this to a boil and we seamer it for a while so you can boil away some of the alcohol and then the flavor of the staranise and uh cinnamon stick can Infuse into the liquid I just love that Aroma you know it's a very familiar aroma even though kikoman is a Japanese soy sauce but you know a lot of the local chefs they actually have kikoman in the kitchen a lot of the stuff you eat out there and you have this distinctive flavor is actually comes from the kikoman soy sauce we're just going to put our chicken gently into the brazing liquid the brazing sauce just nice to submerge the chicken so the main thing is to make sure that all that skin is in contact with the soy sauce so that it has that time to infuse the color and the flavor into the chicken so by doing it this way it's much easier than how my mom used to do which is using a big walk big chicken and then not enough brazing sauce because nobody can afford to fill a whole walk full of brazing sauce right so what she had to do last time was to flip the chicken halfway through and then you know when the chicken is so big how do you flip you use two Chopstick and then you try to so we bring the brazing sauce to a boil okay and once it's boiling you want to turn it down to the low and just allow the chicken to seamer this drop LD will help to uh keep the chicken down when the sauce bubbles right it will help to bathe the chicken from the Top If you don't have a drop lid don't worry you can easily just do this and just bathe the chicken with the sauce okay this is just to color the chicken from the top to make the soy sauce chicken even better I'm going to show you how to make a nice Ginger and shot dip so we need uh three scallion we're going to cut off the white parts of the scallion first chop this into small pieces white into one the green okay so next we need to have some ginger and when it comes to Ginger if you can get hold of a old Ginger that'll be good we got all this Ginger nicely grated I just want to squeeze out all that extra ginger juice because if you put all this ginger juice in the uh you can't cook the ginger properly what you want really is all the fiber it's got nice minced ginger you just need a bit of oil you want to add your Ginger add the whites you do need a little bit of oil okay so just uh bring it to a very gentle bubbling and then you can turn off the heat okay and add in the green and in a bit of chicken stock powder just a little bit of sugar just to balance out the the flavors and you don't want to overcook this you don't want to Brown it you just basically want to heat up the oil and uh bring out the the aroma that's all okay so you got a really nice dipping sauce now for the soy sauce chicken so the chicken's been cooking for about half an hour now it looks good so we're going to bring it out the pot look at the skin beautiful okay so I'm just going to remove it from the pot okay look at how beautiful color is nice and sort of bronze color we're going to just pour out most of the brazing liquid so we're going to reduce this sauce into a glaze and then we'll use it to glaze the chicken when you're reducing the brazing sauce into a glaze right the way to look at it is uh to look at the size of the bubbles so you know it's ready once the bubble becomes bigger just when the sugar in the brazing sauce becomes more caramelized becomes more sticky so the bubbles will become bigger you see the Bubbles getting bigger and it's reducing you know it's ready when uh it becomes a nice uh sort of a texture of uh Gula malaka we're going to just glaze the chicken we're doing this so that the the skin will uh stay nice and moist it won't dry [Music] up now it's time to taste our soy sauce chicken look at that it's nice and bronze and we're going to add some of this ginger scallion oil M it's just so so lovely so nice that kikoman soy sauce glaze gives it that nice Umami that fragrance and the sweetness so Chinese new year is coming so maybe you can even cook this dish for Chinese New Year and surprise all your friends make sure you pick up a bottle of kikoman soy sauce until next time happy cooking
Channel: ieatishootipost
Views: 60,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ieatishootipost, food, singapore foodies
Id: e5NjikldX0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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