Sowing in the Land Down Under | Billy Graham TV Special

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(Voiceover) Coming up, follow Franklin Graham as he travels to the Land Down Under. (Graham) Sixty years after my father's historic Australian crusades I'm going back and preaching the gospel in some of the same cities. (Voiceover) But the gospel faces obstacles in every generation. (Crowder) After Franklin had presented a clear depiction of the gospel, there was, like this tentative moment where, Are they gonna do anything after they hear this? I'm like, super-nervous. (Graham) Jesus compared the gospel to a seed being sown. When you look at that audience, that's the field. Jesus wants to come into your heart today. There's a spiritual battle that's going on. We don't see it with our eyes, but we can sense it. (Voiceover) The challenge of sowing the (Graham) I love being in the Land Down Under with its natural beauty and thriving cities. Australia's a wonderful country with wonderful people and with a history very similar to that of the United States. And like the United States, has become far more secular. (Newscasters) If Christianity is not dead yet in Australia, it's close. -The latest census revealed that for the first time in history those claiming no religion were, in fact, the majority. -Since 1950 church attendance has seen a drastic decline. -I'm concerned for the spiritual vacuum in Australia-- suicide rates and depression. -If you scratch beneath the surface, there's actually quite a bit of tension. You say there's diversity, there's also division. (Faase) People are desperate for a reason to live. They're desperate for meaning. So in the midst of this you've got this cynicism, but then you've got this need for the gospel. And if we say our people aren't responding to the gospel anymore it's partly 'cause people don't hear the gospel anymore. (Truehl) The younger generation really wants to experience that God is real. There's a tremendous need to share the gospel so that they may be saved. (Bedwell) I know the power of God to change a life, and I believe God's relying on our skillsets. I believe He's showing the world that He's real and using ordinary people like you and me to tell an extraordinary story of grace. (Graham) The gospel is relevant to every generation, to every culture. People are searching. Something is missing and they can't quite put their finger on it. And when they hear the gospel it's all of a sudden it's like a light switch goes on. This is what I've been looking for. It's one thing to talk about evangelism. It's another thing for a person to witness the Holy Spirit of God at work. (Parker) It's sixty years since the Reverend Billy Graham came to Australia. I'm not a church guy, I'm open minded about these things. Any religion, I'm open minded. So to try and learn a bit more about it I went to interview the Reverend Franklin Graham at his hotel in Perth. Here is that interview. (Parker) You make a point that the Western world has become more secularized, and I think that's probably true. I would count myself in that category. Why do you say that people need to be evangelized? Every generation people forget that the gospel works. It doesn't need help. It doesn't need any help; just preach it. God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, touches people's hearts. It still works. And every generation has to be evangelized. ♪ I'm not gonna live by what I see ♪ ♪ I'm not gonna live by what I feel ♪ ♪ Deep down I ♪ ♪ Know that You're here with me ♪ ♪ I know that ♪ ♪ You can do anything ♪ ♪ Through You I can do anything ♪ ♪ I can do all things ♪ ♪ 'Cause it's You who gives me strength ♪ ♪ Nothing is impossible ♪ ♪ Through You blind eyes are opened ♪ ♪ Strongholds are broken ♪ ♪ I am living by faith ♪ ♪ Nothing is impossible! ♪ ♪ I believe, I believe ♪ ♪ I believe, I believe in You ♪ ♪ I believe, I believe in You, Lord ♪ ♪ I believe, I believe in You. ♪ ♪ Come on! Lift up your praises! ♪♪ (applause and cheering) (Man) Please everybody, make kind welcome for the one and only Franklin Graham here tonight. (applause and cheering) Wow, what a night! It has been fun! Now, I want to take just a few minutes and talk just a moment about the most important thing in your life and that's your relationship with God. God is real. He made us, He created us, and He loves us. But we have a problem. And that problem is called sin. And our sins separate us from God. But God loved us so much He sent His Son from heaven to this earth on a rescue mission to take our sins. And Jesus Christ bore our sins on the cross. He shed His blood on that cross for you and for me. He was buried for our sins. And then God said, "That's enough!" And on the third day He raised His Son to life. Jesus is not dead. He's alive, He's here tonight in Perth. (applause) And there may be... (applause) there may be some of you here tonight that you're not sure that you have that relationship with God. Tonight I want you to know that you can be sure that your soul is safe and secure in the hands of God, and I'm going to give you that opportunity tonight if you're not sure, to be sure, and to get up out of your seat in just a few moments and come stand down here in the front. But you have a choice... (echoes) a choice...a choice... (Anderson) Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory. It's a small community, in the order of a hundred thousand people. (Graham) For such a small area, such a small group of people that go to church, I think it's like, 2,000 people on a Sunday that would go to church in about a 200 mile radius. It's just an unchurched area. They have a lot of hungry souls. (Atkins) I do feel very strongly that Darwin has a very party, go-wild type of vibe about it. I find it really sad that a lot of the young people up here are wasting their lives. There are so many people who are still lost and don't have hope. (Graham) The venue we had, seated, like, 3,500. It's the biggest thing there. I was concerned, I'm not sure we'll be able to fill this with anybody. Well, the place was packed with a lot of people. It was fantastic. (Graham preaching) The Bible says all of us are like sheep that have gone astray. Each of us has turned to his own way, the Bible tells us. Are you searching for happiness but you're not finding it? Are you trying to fill your life with things? We have a vacuum and an emptiness that can only be filled by God Himself. That's right, God made you. God created you. And He created you to have fellowship with Him and there's a vacuum inside of you that only God Himself can fill. When I was twenty-two years old, I finally just got to the place in my life where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was just fed up. And I got on my knees one night and I said, "God, I have sinned against You. "I'm sorry. "If you'll take the pieces of my life, "You can have it, I'll give it to You. "I believe Jesus is Your Son. "I believe He died for my sins. "I believe that You raised Him from the dead "and I would like to invite Him "to come into my heart." Now, that night God forgave Franklin Graham, all right? He'll do the same for you here tonight. He'll set you free. But you've got to come to Him His way and that's through Jesus Christ. ♪ This is the Great Southland ♪ ♪ of the Holy Spirit ♪ ♪ A land of red dust plains ♪ ♪ and summer rains ♪ ♪ To this sunburnt land ♪ ♪ we will see ♪ ♪ a flood ♪ ♪ And to this Great Southland ♪ ♪ His Spirit comes ♪ (Man) It's been awesome. The place was full, it was bigger than I expected. When that call came, to see so many people coming down is such a blessing. (Man) This event is going to be a catalyst that I believe triggers a true revival here in Darwin. (applause) (Voiceover) Coming up... (Graham) There's a spiritual battle that's going on. We don't see it with our eyes. But we can sense it. (Bedwell) The biggest barrier to preaching the gospel is the fear of man. My heart races, I feel nervous. It's not about how eloquent you are. He can get a donkey to speak for Him. If we take God's word and proclaim it, God will use that. (Voiceover) Billy Graham devoted his life to the gospel, preaching to more than 200 million people around the world. Let Christ change you and transform you! (Voiceover) Today Franklin Graham carries on this ministry and continues to impact millions through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. With internet evangelism, we connect with the world 24 hours a day. Our Rapid Response Team shares hope with those in the midst of crisis. And we continue to proclaim the Good News around the world through festivals and celebrations. Join us as we take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Visit or call 877-567-8989. As a thank you for your support you'll receive a copy of Franklin Graham's book, Through My Father's Eyes. You'll discover a lifetime of memories, anecdotes and lessons Franklin Graham learned from his father. Partner with us by calling now. Or go to (Billy Graham preaching) I do not believe that you have come here to hear a man or to see a personality. I believe you have come to hear a message. I want you to listen to this minute of what I'm going to say, because this is the most important thing I'll say. You must be willing to repent of your sins. (Graham) My father had such a huge impact in '59 in Australia. My father had never been to that part of the world. He went with a sense of excitement that God was going to do something but he didn't know what God was going to do. He just felt God called him and led him. (Billy Graham preaching) Have you repented? Jesus said if you haven't repented, you'll perish. "As many as received Him, "to them gave He power to become the sons of God, "even to them that believe on His name." (Graham) These records that were set back in '59 are still records today. It had a great impact on that nation. You come today to declare yourself for Christ! You may never have another moment quite like this when your heart is so ready to come to Christ. You better come. (Graham) Watching my father, it was obvious that God used him in amazing ways as a preacher and an evangelist. But that was him, not me. I decided early on, if there was one thing I would never do it was preach at an evangelistic crusade. Why put myself in that position where people would compare me to my father 'cause I'd always be just a disappointment. It wasn't until John Wesley White, an associate evangelist with my father, invited me to Saskatoon. And he said, "Franklin, I think God has called you to preach." I didn't want to do it but he was very persistent. So, okay, just to kind of shut him up. So I go to Saskatoon. Franklin walked out onto the stage and preached an absolutely biblical evangelistic message. Without faith it is impossible to please God... Gave an invitation, nobody came forward. See, I told you, God's not calling me to be an evangelist. Now, here's the evidence, no one came forward. (Parrish) I remember him walking out of there and saying, "I'll never do that again." (Graham) At that point, that's when God really spoke to me: "This is what I want you to do." My concern shouldn't be whether people were disappointed or not. My concern--was I being faithful to preach and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the best of my ability? I am convinced, my friends, that the gospel is the answer to the world's problems. Jesus Christ. And this is what I'm giving my life to. (applause) If you want to meet Jesus Christ here tonight I want you to come. (Parrish) Over time, God has grown Franklin Graham into a mighty oak for the gospel that He's using on a world stage now in an incredible way. (Graham) God uses the gospel to change people. And He convicts them with the preaching of the gospel. (Graham preaching) There's lots of religions in the world today. Lots of religions. And I'm not here tonight to talk to you about religion. I'm here to talk to you tonight how you can have a relationship with God and that's through Jesus Christ. (Graham) By going back to Australia, it's taking the same gospel message but now to a different generation. (applause) ♪ There's a void then there's a song ♪ ♪ There's a death ♪ ♪ then we are born ♪ ♪ There is blood then we are home ♪ ♪ Oh Lord ♪ ♪ If you're free, prove it ♪ ♪ If you're free, prove it ♪ ♪ If you're not loose the chains on your soul! ♪ ♪ Come, freedom! ♪ ♪ If you're free, prove it ♪ ♪ If you're not loose the chains on your soul! ♪ ♪ Come, freedom! ♪ ♪ Freedom! ♪♪ (applause and cheering) (Graham) God is patient with us. He's not wanting anyone to perish, the Bible says, but He wants everyone to come in repentance. If you come tonight to Christ, you've got to come willing to turn from your sin. You say, "But, Franklin, I don't think I can. "I'd like to but you don't understand "the things that I have done and the people that I have hurt. "I just don't have the power to change." But you ask Christ into your heart, the Holy Spirit of God comes into your life and He'll give you that strength; He'll give you that power. But you've got to be willing to say, "God help me. "I want to change. "I want to be the man or the woman You want me to be. "I want to trust You." (Nahavandi) On the night that Billy Graham passed away I was with a whole bunch of friends. And we were crying out to God. And we said, "God, would You do it again? "God, would you save Australia?" "Would you bring hope to our nation?" And so I'm super-excited to be a part of an answer to that prayer here in Adelaide, filling the stadium, and seeing people come to know and love Jesus Christ. The doors are closed right now because it is full. So overflow is starting and you're gonna be heading over that way. I know the power of God to change a life 'cause He's changed my life. These people, like, why not them? They need the gospel, you know, they need Jesus. Hey, guys. Thank you all. It's been a great joy to work with you all. It's been awesome. We have loved it. Heavenly Father, we just come tonight to say thank you. It's not us, Lord, it's You. And Father, we thank You that through the power of Your Holy Spirit that You're drawing men and women... (Graham) I know it's not my words that helps a person-- it's God's word. I can't do anything to change their lives. Not a thing. It's the word of God. It's the power of the gospel. (applause) Jesus is not dead, He's not in a tomb. He's here in Adelaide tonight. And He'll come into your heart if you're willing to repent, to turn from your sins. (Bedwell) It's the last night at the Graham Tour here. We're prayer volunteers and we've been just so excited to share the invitation with people. The ten second version? So you can wrap your head around it? If I'm being honest the biggest barrier to preaching the gospel is the fear of man. My heart races, you know. I feel the sweaty palms, I feel nervous. It's the job of the Holy Spirit to bring conviction of the need for a Savior. We've just got to sow seeds. (Graham) I want to ask you here-- Do you have peace with God? Are things settled between you and God? Do you know Him? Do you know who His Son Jesus Christ is? Jesus said, "I'm the way, the truth, and the life. "No man comes to the Father but by Me." There's not many roads to God. There's only one and that's through the cross of Jesus Christ. (Bedwell) Franklin just tells it straight. Doesn't come up with a clever sort of marketing strategy to communicate the gospel. This radical, simple gospel has really helped me. Knowing I don't need to come up with a new way to share the gospel. I've just got to pray and preach the gospel straight. You cannot have a relationship with God with sin in the way. God loves you. You're important to Him. And the Bible says that "God so loved the world..." So loved you! "...that He gave His only begotten Son, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, "but should have everlasting life." It's not about how eloquent you are. If we take God's Word and just teach it, preach it, proclaim it, God will use that and He will bless that. It's not that He's blessing Franklin Graham. He's blessing His message. But God has provided an escape. And that's through the cross. If you'll believe on the name of Jesus Christ tonight, if you'll trust Him by faith, and ask for His forgiveness and turn from your sins, God will forgive you and He'll heal your heart. But you have to make a choice. He knows your name here tonight. And as I'm speaking tonight, He's calling some of you. There's some of you in your seats right now, you're saying, "This is something I need to do. "I need to get this right tonight." We all deserve God's punishment. But God loves you and He's holding out His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and if you'll put your faith and trust in Him, God will forgive you. And if you're here tonight and you're not sure that your sins are forgiven, I want you to do something right now. (Crowder) It was a huge teaching moment night after night for myself. After Franklin has presented clear depiction of the gospel, he would just ask for people to respond to it. Wherever you are, just get up out of your seat, make your way to an aisle, and come stand here. And I'll lead you in a prayer in just a minute, all right? But you come, wherever you are, come on. (Crowder) And there was just such a confidence that he would just step away and just watch. Every time I'm like super-nervous that nobody's gonna come. I was like, man, please, God, just let there be like, one person come. But it was amazing to be up there feeling that we are sitting in the confidence of something that's not resting on us. You may never have a chance like this again. Come. ♪ Come out of sadness from wherever you've been ♪ ♪ Come brokenhearted let rescue begin ♪ (Man) You wouldn't believe it, it's amazing. Night after night, you just saw this flood of people come respond. It's just unreal. ♪ So lay down your burdens ♪ ♪ Lay down your shame ♪ ♪ All who are broken ♪ ♪ Lift up your face ♪ (Man) I could feel something inside saying, You need to go and get forgiveness from Jesus. It was incredible. Dear God... (Audience repeats) Dear God... I'm a sinner. (Audience repeats) I'm a sinner. I'm sorry for my sins... Everything that I've done, the stealing, the cheating-- absolutely everything is forgotten. (Man) I praise God that I'm forgiven tonight. I have a lot of burdens. It's just like it's been lifted off. ♪ Come as you are ♪ ♪ Fall in His arms ♪ ...and I pray this in Jesus' name, amen. ♪ Come as you are... ♪ God is showing the world that He's real and using ordinary people like you and me to tell an extraordinary story of grace. (Nahavandi) We've seen a harvest tonight, we've reaped some of the harvest, but we believe that God's heart is for every single person to find life in Him. It's amazing to see how many people answer the altar call. It's challenged me to share the gospel, and see how many people want it. (Bedwell) The Franklin Graham Tour-- it's had such an effect on the day but I feel like the effects afterward just have continued to spur us on to move past the fear of man. What are we waiting for? This life is a vapor. -I wasn't looking for religion. I cried out to Jesus on my knees... Somebody's eternity might be impacted by our stepping out and being radically obedient. -I want to follow you, Jesus. As you have been watching there at home, and maybe you've just been asking that question, I would like to do this for myself. You can make that same decision for Christ right now, wherever you are. If you'd like to do that, do that right now. Just pray this prayer with me. Just say, Dear God, I'm a sinner, I'm sorry. Forgive me. I believe Jesus is Your son. I believe that He died for my sins, that You raised Him to life. I'd like to invite Him to come, right now, into my heart to take control from this moment on, forever. Amen. If you prayed that prayer, just go to the website there. We've got some material that we'd like to share with you and give to you. And for those of you that have been watching, I want to just say thank you. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. We certainly couldn't do this without your financial support; we couldn't do it without your prayers. So thank you so very much. God bless. (Voiceover) Join us as we continue this urgent work of proclaiming the gospel. Help make these free evangelistic events possible in the United States and around the world. Visit or call 877-567-8989. As a thank you for your support you can receive Franklin Graham's book, Through My Father's Eyes. You'll discover a lifetime of lessons Franklin learned from his father. Partner with us by calling now or go to (Graham) The only hope for our nation is Almighty God. And the most important thing that we can do is to pray. We need to take a stand! And it all begins with you!
Channel: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Views: 21,026
Rating: 4.9216537 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, faith, Billy Graham, testimony, Franklin Graham, Graham, evangelism, spiritual growth, Christian, Christian TV Show, Christianity, religion, hope, help, sermon, forgiveness, church, Sunday, Bible, Gospel, preaching, preacher, minister, chaplain, prayer, pray, chapel, heart, good news, soul, Australia, Sydney Australia, Steve Irwin, Finding Nemo, Finding Dory, Crikey, cool accent, Australian accent, aussie, kangaroo, kangaroo jack, aboriginal, crowder, planetshakers, david crowder band
Id: gBiBmpFGi3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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