Southwest Swap Meet 2019

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alright man swapmeet Saturday it's been a minute since I made a swap meet video that's because we haven't had any in a while and months but got another one this was known as the Southwest swap meet held at the Texas Motor Speedway you can see in the back there but it's probably a tenth of the size of the bait swap mate so should be pretty quick to get through this one but now there should be some cool things to see and we used to be called the great southwest SWAT we swap meet ever since it moved from the Arlington ballpark where the Texas Rangers play and lost his greatness then they've moved it twice already to Decatur Texas and now here and you know guess they're trying to make it great again anyways man I'll cut you back honest as I see something cool we got here your III convertible nice little hit there mmm I'm gonna call yeah man ages in there [Music] she's got a little bit the bill before she becomes great again this swap meet anyways getting that you like me a wagon for sure [Music] my place 16 grand for that okey yeah this uh this one is not very big at all actually used to be a lot bigger from when I what I was told ten grand mm-hmm and you have to market Ford parts or Chevy your stuff that's gonna be made where is that gonna be made Taiwan Taiwan power walk this gas tank is made in Canada okay he said that much this guy right here see this guy over here man I know his last name is Savage he runs little Valley on a ranch you spot him a mile away he's holy straight I always looked exactly the same they even got a bicycle guy out here man [Music] that's pretty cool okay what's my ass a Western flag to Western Auto [Music] who remembers Western Otto I hear they're still around actually yeah and I'm not the one back home look I just sold one of these is this hmm know what that one goes to I don't like it when they're like this man you got a walkway over there way over here let's walk this way I should just condense it that they buy that already to Eve 7,500 there's this number nine seven two eight one four 8300 M everything 68 long nice badass right there man okay which way which way here this you I know this guy here - oh it's his name Mike I can't I mean I forget his name but I might have it up front here I'm Rio Rock comer didn't have his name up there but I forget his name I think it's Mike anyways he runs a little not really a yard per se but any parts out a bunch of cars he's been doing it for years now I met him probably almost 10 years ago a lot a couple of things I think I bought a couple of things from him back then tends to be low on the high side that's cool and the only one 1804 three two five five one three oh four nine two a shock something that's pretty damn cool I remember that I don't have one bike with that so yeah man like I said this swapmeet been trying to become great again that's what that was the name that they had the great southwest swapmeet and you know ever since they moved from Arlington you know centralizing the DFW man it yeah and then it doesn't helped it we're you know what we're in September and it's still hot as bowl lioness man it's it's it's freaking here it's hot man I heard sweating man this guy he was up to pates off me yeah I don't remember what he wanted before we got over here but just speed parts Malibu wagon race car there's no price on it though their Camaro his Camaro right yeah another race car speed that's cool [Applause] that's good am 3 grand as a big-block an automatic oh she's holy though she's holy non aircar interior could use some love but I like it like they sanded it down a little bit looks like think [Applause] fifty-three would be very much mm probably drop the price a little bit yeah yeah aspirated there in pool oh let me let my shadow get out of the picture here oh yeah man look at that that is cool I'm not a fan of pastels but you know the colors but yeah that's a cool looking truck you know I do like me to Hudson man I do like me these Hudson's it's just something about them man I want to get me one of these one day that's in hornik yeah interior isn't that something missing that piece up here you know the little ball there to help you turn the steering wheel oh man I've got to get me one of these oh yes I do yeah oh it is just a do right oh here we go right here oh it's broken man bless this car O Lord we pray make it safe by night and day look under the hood of this up no it's closed sanity yeah get the fake patina good tile 3750 I tell you man I'm gonna get me one of those Hudson's before I kick the bucket man [Music] mostly this super take Mendel's cars when I see cars like that that had that type of styling I'm always reminding a reminder of the movie it's funny because the movie is supposed to be in the future but I'm pretty sure that's about everybody's seen it but it's called a Fifth Element you know Bruce Willis yeah and you know he drove that taxicab and the car just had that look and had that had like a retro look to it but yet yet it was a you know dancing with a flying car but what I can't help think they took styling from cars like these like that Hudson you know I gotta get me one scar there's a badass-looking forest I don't think I have anybody who watches my videos now I have people that you know I seen my the audience the the age groups to watch my videos and a lot of them rested well that shows a decent percentage to be over what 65 but I don't think I think anybody the watching my video is probably around when these we're being used or were they I don't think so it'd be like freakin any over 100 years old change like that yeah it's a cook nice like a 66 factory a/c car man oh yeah I probably mentioned it a few times in my videos I had a 67 my first car yeah I love me that silver paint on this I'm not a fan of the wheels but 66-67 a buddies are Dan in my favorite man and I would love to give me a 67 yeah that's when you're serious about just swap meets man take this Highway Patrol I did that thing there from Montana yeah I like this car though yeah I like that that's cool and these people here boy when you you need one of these things many serious about swap meets this is really my Ambrose [Music] she's got effect well board a genuine forward under - right there man 65 that's actually oh I thought wrong about 4,500 yeah right man it's $14,500 yeah yeah man you know this time of the years like I said it's freaking still hot and humid muggy you know it really tears people I'm coming out I shouldn't make this in the fall you know fallen spring the best time for flatmates man that definitely not and that any time we even this still qualifies as a fall but not early fall this is just too damn high let's see this place right here Chickasha ticket a swap meet Duncan enter pin down but that slot me that's why Micah's disappointed me two times already man two three at least at least two if not three times it's like a freaking four-hour drive from here I think at least if not longer and it has just been and dead out there anybody knows that that swamped me I've been told it used to be a good swap meet before it was moved and then sorry I'm in the freaking I hate it when a shadow gets in the picture this is 73 74 so you three good thing right yeah 73 75 hundred they want for it she got it originally what it came in with a 350 I maybe I found one of those in the yard well back this guy goes all the locals fabi's let's see that really cool van that van man it just it takes you back takes you back check it out in a minute on the other side I wanted to see this car here this Bel Air is it 4860 one it's cool car lucky I'm not sure Billy Biscayne 600 bucks section of any containing letter faster than tomorrow that's cool I bet these guys will find stuff like that like those old gas pumps man I found him really find those out in the sticks manly little pat in the small towns you know people down there probably give it away to another man here you can take it take it with you know get it out of here we wouldn't get it gone we're gonna we're gonna take it to a scrap yard and they get them and they bring them I think swap meets and you know they asking prices like that but hey I'm not hating on them you know that's that's it is what it is you know they doing the legwork go out there and get and find those things you know you're not gonna find them here in the cities you know anywhere near the city if you do I mean it's damn lucky is that van that thing is cool look it's cool man everything the doctor CB radio [Music] I want me a set of those Buick wheels man but man I don't want to pay 300 for now I want to pay 200 folds [Music] and then I hold up a second I got a anything guys I gotta make a phone call real quick then a 666 yellow [Music] we used to do that I know right least we were kids I know everybody's don't have everybody yeah I remember that we were the kids always walk past a payphone you had to stop man he had to stop put your finger in it make sure you know what no quarter to left in it [Music] yeah every now and then you'd run across you know you'd run across a one that had a quarter or some in it you know but yeah I'm sure you also guys will remember that in a mirror Center cats hubcaps yes s money moving Paulo to carburetor man sign man ice-cold water man and I got true mix by the by the palette check it out one reason why I don't go with a standard look at the price on that cool that's cool old dodge like it's one time to let me get out of the picture man I hate when I'm in a picture like that sucks that cool at that long bed yeah man people straight feeling Boogie's come on man you'll find those anywhere man yeah I guess there must be vintage buggies oh man you trying to make a book check out the 91 LTD Crown Victoria that's right oh no this a mercury yeah there's a Mercury Grand Marquis will tell ya Thunder man it'd be decked out at the leather she's decked out yeah but if this was a Chevy it was a box Chevy man they want at least twice they want for this thing weird you know but it is what it is 13000 our best offer same 13,000 or best offer t-tops and this guy this guy right here cool guide man that's a cool guy he's got sold me my my 66 Buick station wagon remembers writing these things yeah wellshe's were 15 yeah dude sold me my he saved that car they were about to sell it to the scrapyard I found out he was not working and and he picked it up pick it up from them and ended up selling it to me got it for a grand man I think I've mentioned I don't I've mentioned the beer alright man we're almost done I like this I like this thing a bit expensive because I believe I like that too this thing here I bet I could probably get it for 20 I bet if I got from 20 bucks he'd take it but I don't need more stuff man and this is if that's his a his suburban guy sold me the wagon cool dude phone call right quick know what they want for this that's good price man on it 175 [Music] we got a couple of these here memory lane right there man every square body guys I couldn't see what they wanted for it sure Beto I just found one in the yard to see if I link a video to it if I remembered to link the victim not a 4x4 but still wait what if that uh yeah I think it's probably Michael Costa same year the one I found was an 86 get the bumper guys I'm steering wheel guy that's right yeah that's a good deal all the years I can kiss my own I say the golden years have come at last that's cool wagging right there oh man that thing is rusty final rule man [Music] well it's pyro guys we are almost to the end here anything that I couldn't live without or even that I wanted you know even a go on a price though I don't know it just in terms for me it was kind of a good turn to finding something cool that I wanted yeah hello well you know you I generally find stuff at swap meets you know but every now and then like this day you know I didn't find anything but that seems to me obviously you see people based you know walking past me they got stuff in their hands like they they found stuff I want to show you this though right here that Trump Flores hurt man but I don't know if I've told you guys before but I know I've mentioned it my first car was one of these this exact car right here well not this one but one just like it you know the SS hood on it too you know but pretty much a plain Jane Malibu that's what I had I want one of these again no power brakes but manual brakes manual steering yep no a/c it's a bare-bones car right here they want 5500 or best offer for it the other side looks a little worse for wear I'm pretty sure he didn't come with those buckets or that center console man it's just like the car I had at buckets and that center console automatic yeah I'm on the hunt for one of these but this was too damn rough for me rare man it's a rare supercab that's cool this place is right in Arlington excuse me I guess they're selling all these cars all right man that's gonna do it wrap it up for this the Southwest swap meet it's not it's not great yet so yeah and I'd say that it's probably gonna be a while before it's great again it's
Channel: Classic Ride Society
Views: 59,089
Rating: 4.6324787 out of 5
Keywords: Southwest Swap Meet 2019, classic ride society swap meet, the great southwest swap meet texas, southwest swap meet texas motor speedway, southwest swap meet ft worth tx
Id: 000cK5-0wwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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