South Park: Top 20 Times Kenny Was The Best Character

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I know we kind of all forget about you sometimes but you're smart compassionate you might even make a good counselor someday welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 times Kenny was the best character on South Park Katie what have you been up to buddy did you hear Kenny just won the Nobel Prize for combining dark matter and breast implants oh you old dog for this list we'll be looking at Kenny McCormick's best and most iconic moments on South Park what's your favorite Kenny moments on the show be sure to let us know below number 20. dancing to Peruvian music Peruvian flute bands have taken the town of South Park by storm they can practically be seen on every corner of the street initially the boys don't give it much thought that is until they quite literally cannot escape the music the sole exception however being Kenny I think Kenny likes it [Music] not once but twice we see Kenny get down and show off his dance moves as the music plays viewers can't help but feel both amused and entertained at how Kenny expresses his appreciation for the music genre leave it to the South Park creators to have such subtle brief yet funny moments during scenes number 19. screw you guys I'm going home Kyle gets sick so naturally his best friend Stan is feeling down about it he laments the possibility of losing his friend for good and feels powerless if a friend died I don't know what I'd do this is understandable but it ends up being in bad taste considering he's doing this in front of Kenny who as we all know has passed on multiple occasions without anyone even going as far as the Baton eyelash Furious Kenny gets up and exclaims one of the most iconic catchphrases of the series belonging to carpin it's muffled but it's another moment showcasing how iconic Kenny can be number 18. not letting Cartman have the chin Pokemon chin Pokemon is the Talk of the Town for the children in South Park and everyone wants a piece when Cartman enters the town's toy store he eventually sets his sights on buying the gym Pokemon toy named penguin he soon sees that there are none left and the last one has been taken by Kenny Cartman attempts to take it from him but Kenny doesn't let up what ensues is a hilarious tug of war between both boys [Music] we give credit to Kenny for standing his ground and not letting Cartman have his way become a watch Mojo Channel member and get exclusive perks like Mojo emojis loyalty badges priority comment replies and exclusive members only content including live list rankings with the Mojo staff and Peaks behind the scenes don't miss out number 17. Kenny lives another day on a trip to Costa Rica Kenny meets and develops a crush on a girl named Kelly the relationship is up and down to say the least but it's fortunate that Kenny got acquainted with her near the end of the episode he gets struck by lightning initially we expect this to be another typical gruesome end for our favorite orange Parker wearing fourth grader but not so fast oh my God they killed Kenny you bastards who who killed him they did who's they you know they they're they're bastards in an unexpected twist Cali comes to the rescue and saves his life alright so while he doesn't exactly do anything here we're just grateful and glad he survives and is able to remain alive the entire episode number 16 Kenny comes back for good speaking of living you knew we had to go with his return to the show for this list oh hey Kenny dude where have you been in season five the creators decided to kill off the character for good after growing tired of having to find new ways to get rid of him fortunately they missed his presence and decided to casually and nonchalantly bring him back at the end of season six's red slay down he was dearly missed so his reappearance was a sight to behold in turn making viewers cherish and appreciate him all the more we just love how it was made to seem like nothing had ever happened in the first place come on we gotta tell you what happened I'm sure glad it's over with yeah but I feel like things are finally back to normal number 15. trying to prevent his parents from having a child after his parents tell him that they are interested in having another child Kenny is displeased to say the least unable to Bear what may come if this were to happen he decides to take matters into his own hands he does whatever he can so that his parents do not conceive and takes drastic measures to do so good job now throw me one oh his schemes are childish but hilarious to say the least but we can't help but love Kenny's determination and be thoroughly entertained unfortunately it's his father who is on the painful receiving end of his son's efforts in the end he doesn't technically get another sibling so we suppose that means he came out on top number 14. Kenny Saves the Day e-scooters have caused chaos during Halloween trick-or-treating in South Park and it's up to Kenny and Mr Mackey to save the day since the scooters are activated by a telephone they head by a cell phone tower in an effort to turn off everyone's cell phones they managed to bring the tower down and the scooters cease to function this pairing was the one we least expected yet never knew we really needed however what truly has Us in all the feels is seeing Kenny's Joy of being able to trick-or-treat with his friends it was the last Halloween that still felt like Halloween it was the last time it was good number 13. Kenny attacks death as previously mentioned Kenny is no stranger to death however season 2's City on the edge of forever sees him quite literally fight back and take matters into his own hands in a reimagined memory boys look back on the time where they were pursued by the Grim Reaper while Kenny in reality met his demise during the encounter his recollection shows him confronting the figure head on and beating him up we love the idea of Kenny changing the course of his fate and doing so in such badass fashion it doesn't matter who you are don't mess with Kenny oh my God kill death you bastard number 12. Dr Kenny McCormick the South Park post covet specials take us 40 years into the future viewers get a glimpse at older versions of the boys and see how they're doing in life the only thing that comes close to being as shocking As Cartman converting to Judaism is Kenny becoming a world-renowned scientist While most often mentioned in passing due to of course not being alive in the future timeline during the specials fans can't help but get a kick at seeing how far Kenny has come in life the head of NASA said we have lost an innovator and a Visionary Kenny was so brilliant that most of the time we couldn't even understand what he was saying oh yeah and not to mention the fact that he was the primary force behind finding a cure for kovid and discovering time travel what a guy he says hopes you guys you guys watching this he spent his whole life trying to fix your broship and then realize this was the only way because you guys suck number 11. spin Blossom nut squash while attempting to help Chef the boys are captured by the Super Adventure Club the group which the former joined after leaving South Park Learning of the club's true intentions the club's leader calls security to get them off the premises but before being escorted out the boys retaliate and decide to rescue their friend how do they dispose of the Super Adventure Club member guarding Chef might you ask like this [Music] come on Chef this totally came from left field and we didn't even know Kenny was capable of such a maneuver number 10. sabotaging Cartman's NASCAR career for some strange reason Carmen believes that being incompetent and impoverished means you have the talent of becoming the best Nascar driver stupid enough to do NASCAR and it never will be dude I don't think just porn stupid people like NASCAR oh really hey hey Kitty you love NASCAR huh being the Super Fan that he is Kenny takes great offense to this and refuses to let Cartman get away with his insulting beliefs while potentially succeeding as a NASCAR driver and so Kenny takes it upon himself to sabotage his friends races going so far as to try and bring a sniper rifle with him and even leaping onto the track mid race you can't bring a sniper rifle onto the track look NASCAR's trying to change its image it's people like you that are giving NASCAR a bad name you might be able to buy one in the gift shop though his attempts are unsuccessful Cartman's career does crash and burn in the most humiliating way possible sorry dude I'm winning this race with the break bye Kitty number nine picture day let's go check it out for picture day Kenny got into his pocket backwards so that his ass shows through his hood look can't get over here just like with any other school there's always one kid who has to pull something ridiculous for picture day and Kenny has the best idea for his photos Kenny has put his clothes on in such a way that his butt ends up where his face should be hilarious oh a hundred percent but the joke stops being funny to Cartman once a couple mistakes Kenny's photo for their missing son and yes these grieving parents also have rare ends for faces honestly our biggest question was how come none of the other adults noticed Kenny was pulling a prank on them apparently one of you thinks it's fun to spoil their school pictures and thinks he's a comedian that person will be spending the afternoon in the principal's office oh Cool School photos aren't for joking around so you aren't getting your photos back Butters number eight working at CityWalk but mommy they have ice cream we can't afford ten dollar Ice Cream all right if you want nice things to go out and get a job for Kenny McCormick life is hard his parents are drunks and there never seems to be enough money for proper meals and a decent childhood and so he takes it upon himself to get a job at CityWalk how Mr Kim managed to get away with child labor is beyond us all right you Dennis you're working real hard I wish I could give you more luckily he does pay Kenny and we soon find out why Kenny took the job to begin with with what little cash he managed to earn from Mr Kim Kenny buys a doll for his sister what a sweet Big Brother wow [Music] number seven saving Hawaii [Music] and the rest of you have your head jump your butt well apparently Kenny is Butter's best friend you guys gonna make out Kenny on account of Butters being angry with everyone but him Kenny somehow ends up having to go to Hawaii for Butters Hapa Noah unfortunately a series of events leads to Hawaiians to believe that Kenny might bring an end to them forcing him to prove himself as a Hawaiian then let him prove himself trial by opaika though he disappoints with his surfing skills Kenny manages to turn things around with a little bit of help from Elvis Presley and a large supply of beverages with the Hawaiians having more ingredients for Chi-Chi's Kenny successfully saves the islands the [Applause] number six owning in Magic the Gathering God not breaker of Worlds plays a creature card Jesus Paragon of fierce Defiance now every red creature Gad knock plays will have a plus one attack if you've ever played Magic the Gathering you'll know how complex of a game it can become what with decades worth of cards made since 1993. however we didn't anticipate Kenny to be the ntg master between the boys I can block that with uprooted Minotaur throughout the episode Kenny obliterates his opponents with all of the powerful cards in his deck and he does so with great confidence doesn't matter if you have been playing for years or if you are only a chicken Kenny makes it clear that he has the perfect deck assembled and he is prepared to wipe the floor with you oh there is terrorist dumper this is absolute savagery friendship Goblin has been sent to the graveyard and now there is no one to block Pearl Lake agent number five commanding Heaven's Army golden PSP is king of all PSPs hail the holy PSP it works just like the ones we sent to Earth all the commands you make will be sent to the Troops down on the battlefield all Kenny wants to do is play his brand new PSP and Conquer The Game Heaven vs hell he's so enthralled with this game that he practically shuts out the entire world which gets himself hit by an ice cream truck oh yeah level four sweet surprisingly his PSP skills will be put to the test as the real heaven is about to be invaded by hell's Army and so God appoints him as the commander of Heaven's forces basically Kenny you are Keanu Reeves as expected Kenny does not disappoint and manages to fend off Satan and his minions though it did come with some casualties we have done it we have defeated the armies of Satan [Music] yeah number four protecting Karen but I'm all alone now you are not alone no matter where you go no matter what you do I will always be here as we saw in the episode where Kenny works at CityWalk he is one of the best Brothers we've seen on television an absolute role model this side of Kenny is shown once more in the episode the poor kid where he dons his Mysterion Persona Karen is having trouble fitting into her new school and is about to get beat up by Jessica Pinkerton who the hell is this how about you find another little girl to pick on luckily Kenny comes in to save the day he not only gives the meanie a taste of her own medicine but he also grabs Karen to bring her to safety Big Brother of the century folks number three becoming a princess [Music] for some reason Kenny does not desire to be a barbarian a ranger or even a cleric no when the boys are playing Game of Thrones Kenny wants to be a princess sounds absurd yes but it isn't until much later when we understand why he had this ambition to wage Kenny and his army in the console war tech company Sony gives Kenny what he needs to become a true princess [Music] [Music] with Sony's Medallion Kenny possesses the powers of a true magical anime princess and proceeds to stop entire shipments of Xbox consoles we have a feeling this was all just to give Cartman the bird [Music] he did what he flew down in a parachute and he what apparently he stopped Microsoft from blockading the shipment of PS4s to the ball number two being a true superhero and even the other Heroes do not know that unlike them I do have a power power they will now begin to understand and all will know who and what I truly am when it comes to playing superheroes Kenny is much much different than the rest of the kids see the kids Don their superhero personas because they're simply pretending to be superheroes Kenny on the other hand does possess a superpower being unable to truly die because there are some superpowers that make yours look like nothing trust me I know what what is your power [Music] I can't die under the guise of Mysterion he actually uses this as a means to legitimately fight crime acting as The Dark Knight to South Park's Gotham Kenny is absolutely the hero we don't deserve but the hero South Park needs who the fnh is that what does it mean that is not dead which can Eternal lie number one convincing Satan to dump Saddam Hussein meet Saddam Hussein my new partner in evil Satan is trapped in a toxic relationship with former dictator Saddam Hussein whereas the Dark Lord wants something serious Hussein wants only one thing things take a turn for the worse when Terence and Philip are executed fulfilling a prophecy that will allow Satan and his army to invade Earth however can he get some one-on-one with Satan a few times telling him to ditch Hussein so he may live a better life you're right I should leave him I'm just gonna tell him Saddam I'm going to Earth to rule alone Armstrong and I don't need him at the film's climax Satan finally reaches his breaking point and hurls Hussein off a cliff as thanks for building his confidence Satan lets Kenny make one request no stipulations Kenny being the kind soul that he is simply wishes for everything to return to normal thus saving South Park and the world yeah thanks for going back to hell for us your real pal goodbye you guys do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 651,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Streaming, TV, animated comedy, best kenny moments, best of kenny, best of south park, cartoon comedy, comedy, kenny, kenny funniest scenes, kenny funny, kenny hawaii, kenny mccormick, kenny princess, kenny satan, kenny south park, kenny south park funny, kenny south park movie, kenny superhero, keny wow, list, mojo, south park, south park movie, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: 5yFCZ8-sw_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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