South Africa | Tour The Real South Africa's (Durban) home of the Zulu's and more

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hello everybody and welcome to the real South Africa we are in Durban and we want you guys to come and have an experience here in Durbin as well as you see the place is beautiful it's tropical it's nice and it's a great place for you guys to come on your next vacation now I know a lot of people are wanting to move move out of the U.S but hey I'm going to tell you right now you need to come visit first and then of course once you visit and you can see what's available then you can start making plans like the people that we've already brought to Durbin and of course is Johannesburg and Cape Town and every point in between but yes South Africa is a whole vibe and and and all I can tell you right now is that Durbin is a very nice place a very very very vibrant city which you're going to see on this tour that we're going to take you on Durban tourism brought us in and they was like hey let's talk about it so but right now I'm going to bring in y'all's favorite person Dr Latasha Blanton hey Dr Latasha Blanton if this is your first time watching please like share and subscribe what we do here is uh provide information on what it's like to travel to South Africa and show you information and things that allow you the opportunity to see what it's like to be here as a tourist and then of course make the transitions that you decide to do so so we're just going to show you how beautiful Durban is we hope that you enjoy it and we thank you very much for being on this journey with us and I hope you guys are absolutely digging what we're showing you obviously we want you guys to to tell your friends show everybody that there is an actual movement here in South Africa a lot of us African Americans are coming and of course you guys need options and of course we've been here for several years and what we can do is basically give you a good idea of what you can actually do here in the Republic of South Africa but stay with this video you would absolutely enjoy it because we're going to take you through the city you're going to see summer every everything and of course it ain't the whole city but we're going to show you a lot so stay tuned and we'll see you on the inside morning this is Mark Blanton from the real South Africa and you guys know exactly who I am I shouldn't have to say that anymore but anyway for those that are new to the channel obviously you this is Mark Blanton we do tourism big here in the Republic of Africa and we're going to be doing the same thing for you today we are being sponsored by Durban tourism and they want us here so we can actually bring what we see to you guys and Grand style so let me kind of show you where we are right now they were kind enough to to put us on one of their buses just to take us around the city so we can um you know show it to you you've been here several times before but when you do it from a tourism perspective you get a more in-depth view so let me show you where we are okay so if you look over there you'll see the beach this is a this is a beach line that goes all the way this I don't know it goes Way South for several kilometers so this is where we are now there's a pool over there and of course places to eat and it's early in the morning it's about nine o'clock in the morning so you're gonna see uh people just now waking up and having a good time so we're going to continue to bring these types of things to you and we really appreciate it so we will see you guys a little bit later on the tour and uh yeah there is a place to be I'm just trying to stay take a look all right are you guys enjoying the city so far I'm so sure you are I enjoyed every moment so far but we're going to keep on traversing the city and showing you exactly what we see just to give you an idea of all the things that Durbin has to offer in addition to its beautiful beautiful Coastline that runs all the way as far as you can see well yeah it goes far it goes all the way up to Mozambique and it goes you know all the way down you know past Port Elizabeth and all the way around through Cape Town and then that same coastline is it because this is the Indian Ocean that's what you need to need to know they go to Austin and yeah and they're you know the Indian Ocean um is a much warmer Ocean than the uh than the South Atlantic you know that's the one that a lot of us are familiar with the Atlantic Ocean so that's what you're going to see and we really appreciate our our tour guide and we really appreciate Durban tourism isn't that that beautiful I mean honestly it's beautiful I mean we're in the winter imagine in the summertime when all the trees are in full bloom and everything is nice you know what I'm saying that's why Durbin's slogan is isn't it like it's always sunny here or it's always warmer here something along those lines and I think that's true so I always invite people to come and experience 70 degree weather year round because Durbin really never gets cold it might get windy but that's expected when you live near an ocean or you're visiting there in Ocean but even the breezes are warmer off the Indian Ocean because it's the Indian Ocean and the water is warmer and you know the funny part about it is like I said that people in front of us I think they were from like Portugal or Spain or something like that they were speaking of like I was going to say they were speaking Portuguese but I could be wrong but it definitely was not any language that we're used to yeah so at the end of the day we all need to be coming here we all need to be feeling these these buses and then of course you know in everything else you know it should be almost normalized that we have you know the African American component here the diaspora here enjoying these beaches and and whatnot because like I said we we've walked these these Beach lines every day yeah and it never gets old I mean being near the water is tranquil it does something for you just to have your feet in the water if you are contemplating you know South Africa like this is something you should definitely consider it is something that everyone will enjoy Durbin has something for everyone South Africa has something for everyone so please don't exclude yourself it's definitely something that you'll be able to enjoy and like this place here this is the the marina it is massive and I think there's they're undergoing some Renovations as well but it is massive a lot of people that come to Durbin come here to just you know check out the marine life I think they got some beach life going on there too you can access the beach restaurants there's restaurants there here I think they have like a dolphin show and a lot of beautiful things in the aquarium for you to see so if you have kids or you're an adult that likes sea life that is definitely the place that you want to visit yeah it's definitely child friendly and like I said you can actually spend the whole day there it's a whole vibe you know you're going to hear me say that a lot here in Durbin now at this point here this is kind of like the area near the port there's a mass support here Durbin um you know you'll see a lot of Ships coming in depositing goods and then yeah yeah and then you would see a lot of boats leaving out this is an older section of Durban but at the same time they're renovating this area to make it a trendy area they're bringing in restaurants and so forth a lot of the buildings for what they said was protected because of how old they are and their significance in the community and whatnot but yeah it is it is it is interesting um down here and as you see they have strong infrastructure you're here everything you want as you know what you would find in any modern city is here in Durban so you shouldn't be thinking hey well I'm coming to Africa that I'm not going to be able to take part in you know stuff that you're normally used to we have that here as well but we just kind of want to you know show you you know what we see because you know I know a lot of people on YouTube like to you know show clips and things like that but as you guys know we've been actually out and as we say in these streets right Tasha out there in them streets yeah we get out there you know we actually get out there and we want you guys to so if we are bringing you here there's a good strong possibility that as you know as a as as our tour company does we actually show you places that we've been you know uh and we feel that's that's that's highly important and that's why we do it but so far is is absolutely beautiful um out here and we really appreciate Durban tourism for organizing this for us I think they're really motivated in the tourism space would you say satosha I think they are very motivated I appreciate them again for bringing us out you know the area we're looking at runs into uh what they call the Promenade which is a beautiful place that you're able to walk if you're a person that likes to walk along the beach along a beautiful brick path this is exactly what you'll have access to and when we talk about ports and what is actually able to be shipped here everything comes through this port yeah everything um this is the Nelson Mandela Cruise terminal it's not fully operational yet but they are having cruises that are coming here because here in South Africa you know just like in the U.S we cruise we have crew we have cruise boats that go all over you know the Indian Ocean and um you know there's no places that go Mauritius I know they go there yeah they go to Seychelles we hear about that a lot so we do have people who Cruise um you know you know this this country is very Progressive and they want things they want goods and services they want opportunities to travel and that's why we have so many airports you know we have you know international airports several I know this several I know Durbin has their own quite a lot of air airports I mean so I mean so it's intrigued yeah and trains too South Africa definitely has one of the most robust um economies for that reason so when you're looking at what the opportunities are here in South Africa do not leave Durbin out of the picture because there are lots of opportunities here but as we always say please come visit come take a look what do we do we we organize that we do we organize that so you know please give us a shout out please go to the you can obviously book your trip there but now we are entering one of the most uh famous markets of all here in South Africa we are that's the Victoria Street Market is it it is what do they do there they do everything there everything there so local Goods anything you're looking for can be found at the Victoria Street Market um I think Mark and I were mentioning earlier that even some of the traditional healer has come down to this Market to get their goods to practice their craft yeah they make their medicines and so forth and I think during covet it really helped because I think a lot of people were going more traditional than they were going 100 the hospital they was like no let me go my traditional healer they were getting healed yeah and they were getting healed I've heard enough stories and a lot of stuff came from those markets and keep in mind that Durbin has a large population of Indian people as well I think the largest Outsider in there in India and we know there's one billion people there and then of course their their brothers and sisters are down here and uh in Durban they were brought here to you know to work and do things like that so they so there's a strong um you know Indian presence here in in South Africa especially in Durban but yeah so like I said um honestly a lot of this reminds me of like certain parts of New York it just does you know when you walk down the street and you just get certain things and whatnot but I saw so many beautiful things I was like oh I can go get fabric here so if you are oh yeah Keen into haberdasheries I think that's what they call them haberdasheries there are lots of them here so all of you artsy crafty sewers seamstresses this is the place where you can get some fabric that no one else will have um and that's also something that you know is unique to what is available here in South Africa yeah I thought it was interesting too on this on this journey that some of the buildings going back to the early 1800s you know and I'm thinking man this is crazy they were uh well Us in the US we were still a lot of well we were still in the slavery um phase because slavery didn't end until 1865. um and I'm like I'm looking at some of the signs on the buildings and some of these buildings were standing way back in and and we're still using them today here in South Africa so they do have a historical district as well which carry a lot of history and and some of the I guess the city government as well is down here you know conducting business so it's it's a full-fledged City you can't yeah you can't say that it's not and they're working constantly to make to make mosque so they do all of this to make sure that each culture's history is preserved so it's not like they put one culture over the other they are definitely working hard to make sure everyone's culture is preserved that's another beautiful thing about South Africa they are doing their best to ensure that everyone's voice is heard when it comes to cultural things yeah absolutely so they felt it was the best thing because you know when we was speaking to Durban Urban tourism it was like hey can we get you guys a girl on the on the city bus and we was like okay we'll go and of course we're going to do more things you guys are going to see those videos as well you're just seeing this one now but yeah this is I mean this is Durbin I mean it it's it's it's beautiful in a in a lot of ways uh like I said you saw the uh the beaches um you're not seeing it right now but there's the mountains there's a lot there's a lot of mountains yeah uh what else do they have I mean they have some everything so so you can actually like I said come here as a tourist keep in mind you're only going to be here especially with the 6 10 and 13 days but it is a vibrant City and everything like right now do you see the um I think that was the that was another um Market I can't remember the name of it you guys can forgive me you can put in the comments things at the train stations down there but that's another vibrant Market where I don't know life happens here yeah yeah but I I would say Durbin is one of my favorite cities I'm not gonna lie um there's a you know a lot of upmarket stuff and then there's a lot of other places that go because we find different places to eat that you be like what is this place what's that one place we went to with the hamburgers oh Smoking Joe's um God I can't I think it's like smoking Joe's something yeah yeah yes a hamburger seriously they made like the best hamburgers the best hamburgers so there's lots of cool places to eat in South Africa Durbin Curry can't go pay a good money child a good money child table will set you straight the whole day I will say to people in joburg that uh that that eat uh Curry uh think theirs is the best and then of course the people that's in uh in in Durban think their Curry's the best it's just it is what it is you know listen you and I both know the best Curry is here in Durban yeah you cannot find a curry like the ones you find here in Durban so if you don't know what Curry is um you can try it when you come for a visit exactly and we I like this where we are now because I think it was um what was that gonna say it just it just it's so green and then I think this was the Morningside area um which was basically from what I understand somebody could always correct me like one of the first affluent areas in in Durban and then now of course everybody's moving to different areas um of course I'm sure it's still affluent there in Morningside but people are moving to the um slanga areas then moving to the belitos the zimbalis and things like that so um things are changing here things are very Progressive um in this city and so forth I had to make sure I washed my head because um some of those trees were trying to get me they almost took you out quite a few times it happens it happens luckily nobody got hurt but the tree was definitely out to get somebody that day um just looking at everything here you know I still think it's a vibrant City I still think it's beautiful and if you look way far to your left you'll actually still see that you can see the ocean so there's never really a bad view here in Durban I mean if you're not looking at the water you're looking at trees if you're not looking at trees you're looking at mountains at some point you have something beautiful to see everywhere you turn yeah so at the end of the day the food is good I would say that I would say coffee here is excellent there's there's so many coffee shops I've had good coffee and you meet you meet good people all the time that's really I mean it's I don't know it's just amazing here oh we're coming up on the cube yes yes yes yes yes yes yes so correct me in the other where you can see like three huge points in the city so have a look and let me know what you think about this beautiful city here in Durban all right guys as you see this city is amazing so many facets so many things going on here in urban South Africa and of course from a tourism perspective you can come and see it all you know obviously with us the real South Africa we got a lot more to show you and it's great when you're here because we actually take the time to make it make it palatable for you make it work for you it's a it's an amazing experience and so what I'm going to do now is show you where I'm at where I'm standing right now I'm in a area that kind of you know what let me just show you so this right here is a great View of Durban South Africa so if you ever thought that there's nothing here to see or nothing to do or nothing for you here as you're looking at the Indian Ocean Way off in the background and then of course Moses Madiba Stadium right there that big Stadium that's iconic here in South Africa and much more it's here so again with the real South Africa we love to do travel and tourism we like to bring these types of opportunities to you to see something different and if you know you're ever interested in Africa this is Africa I I can't express it anymore besides the logo that's on my hat so hey you know there's no need to try to figure this thing out you don't have to you know equate Africa with struggle or you know oh it got to be hard you know it can actually be a nice soft landing spot um For You especially if you're just coming on a six day 10 day or 13 day trip we actually got people here right now um in country that's that's impressed that's from New Jersey and they're impressed with Africa they're like I did not know so just gonna stop looking at me and you can look at the sights and sounds of the city and it's absolutely stunning so we'll see you here in sunny South Africa all right guys hope you enjoyed that um also too leave some comments let us know what you think maybe we can start a conversation you know right here on on the channel talking about Durbin I'm sure my Durban people will uh we'll chime in if you have a question about about anything but like I said the city is is very vibrant and like I said as the real South Africa we absolutely enjoyed we've sent many people we've brought many people to Durbin and they all go away saying the same thing I love Durbin you know we love it they always love the accommodations that we put them in they always love the the beach access they always love to access the good food and then they always say the people were extremely nice to them while they were here so you really you know they really can't complain but this right here is one of the most famous areas in in the city it's called Florida road or Florida street I'm really sure I think it's Florida road I think it's Florida road yeah um and what's lots of nightlife here okay I was going to say the night even though I'm showing the churches you'll see churches there's well there's that's how it's got to be yeah yeah you gotta leave your street life and go repent the next day yeah um so yeah so Florida Road uh is where we are right now and it is very busy uh during the day and at night and it's definitely a place where you can bar hop yep you'll meet some good people meet some great people eat some amazing food um and the entire street is just filled with entertainment and ways for you to be social so if you're a person that doesn't get out much and you're like I want to practice being an extrovert Florida road is where you want to go okay but yeah but this is this this is a gray area like I said you you will meet some good people and then of course you can stop at church and and pray real quick before you go down the street a little bit further because once you get a little further down the road it gets a little seedy and whatnot meaning that you're going to be you know drinking you're going to be medium local South Africans and that's one thing that I wanted to bring up you know a lot of people come and they say well I just want to meet South Africans well places like this is and just being in South Africa you're going to meet South Africans they're not going to be shy they're going to hear your accent and they're going to say hey there's an American and um they know they're going to meet you and talk to you and of course teach you something about about the uh the culture here in Durham well the first thing they're going to teach you is some Zulu yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're going to teach you how to at least say hello in Zulu um so they will definitely educate you and bring you in close because there's one thing I know about durbanites and that's what I'm going to call them yeah they are a very proud people most South Africans are but when you come from Durban and you are a proper Zulu yeah you definitely can feel the Cabana um what's the word I want to look for the pride yeah the pride and and being Zulu and and what it actually means to be Zulu so if you have any questions about what it means to be Zulu and you're in Durban Trust me you can ask anybody here and they will give you a full-on history lesson yeah and what it actually there it is yeah so it is Florida road uh and what it means to be Zulu yeah but now if you're one of these Zulus that Tasha keeps talking about first of all people they're more Zulus in South Africa than anything else yes that's that's important yeah and right here in kzn or Quezada Nutella we this is where most of the Zulus originate from even though they might be born um in joburg or somewhere else this is this is where they come from but if you if you've been in Florida road yeah I'm sure you have a story go ahead and drop it in the in the in the in the comment section don't out yourself but don't out yourself and don't get anybody else in trouble yeah because we doing what what happens in Durban yeah what happened in Florida Rose days on Florida Road I even have my own stories but anyway I mean we have fun but this right here is the is the is the big stadium that um hosts the World Cup events and some of the major um sporting events here in in Durban um it's an amazing place it looks it looks better in person it looks it's massive actually I always say it wrong it's like Moses yeah but I always say Moses Madiba but yeah yeah and like right now they're having a little sporting event uh no no remember oh yeah these people were getting recruited for this for the South Africa police sir no Metro yeah Metro trying out I don't know how that works for the Metro Police so they they're doing their thing you know people are you know looking to you know get some employment and keep us safe out here in these streets and they're making sure they're healthy enough and can keep up with chasing after the you know but I I I will tell you a little bit about our packages just a little bit you know like I said we want you guys to come and whatnot we want you guys to to want to come and we make it easier we have a website that is very very easy to navigate and we're going to talk about that at some point um so you can book everything you need on the website so you can get right there with your chair with your umbrella with somebody bringing you food and you just relaxing on this on this long stretch of beach look at how big the walkways are I mean you know just having access to that you know that's kind of where we start giving you guys access as a tourist we actually um it was funny you can actually rent a bike as well I saw a lady that I think was her first time right now I did a terrible job yeah yeah it was it was it was it was something yeah it was something so because like I said we're always down there yeah but anyway I don't want to talk about her too much at me I'm sure I'm sure she made it home I think she has a a man with her and I did see him shaking his head as he was walking away he was no help he was no help at all yeah we're not laughing at her it's just that she was like I'm gonna run a bike and figure out how to ride it like as an adult that's a little scary yeah but guys as you know we are the real South Africa traveling tourism where you know Americans um here um in the country and we we are bringing the tourists in from the diaspora to include you guys that are in America so you can obviously go to our website as you see we are pretty much immersed in tourism here so if you have any inkling of saying you know what I want to go to Africa I ain't never been I want to go then just give us a call and we will make it work for you um properly so I hope you guys enjoyed this video I'm sure Tasha got something to say go ahead and say it real quick Tasha the real experiences absolutely so we will see you guys here in sunny South South Africa hey guys what's up this is Mark how are you guys hope everything's going well for you things are going well for us absolutely I'm having a great time Durbin never disappoints ever yeah yeah yeah absolutely because uh I say it well because we're actually going to probably go well watching really soon so oh yeah we're gonna go well watching while watching watching the dolphin which is the Indiana second as well well you can probably see it behind us too yeah but let me let me show you what we're actually doing this is what we see and this is this is incredible the weather's finally breaking for us here you know keep in mind we're in Winter right Tasha we're at the end of winter but the weather is breaking it's 80 degrees today yeah um yeah I'm loving every second of it and you guys see all this beach line right here we want you guys to be a part of it too so hey all you could do is come with us the real South Africa here in South Africa so we'll see you soon in essay what you saw Please Subscribe and don't forget to hit the notifications button so you don't miss out on all things the real South Africa thanks again
Channel: The Real South Africa
Views: 76,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Travel, Black Travel Movement, international Travel, Passports, Africa, Expat, Repatriation, safari, soweto, African Diaspora, Black Lives Matters, BLM, Cape Town, Durban, Return to Africa, Move to Africa, Travel to Africa, Trip to South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, West Africa, Black Excellence, Bahamas, Cancun, Move to South Africa, Wode Maya, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Housing in South Africa, Ghana, African American, African Americans in Africa, African Americans in South Africa, Moving to Africa
Id: QwXrKIkLl7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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