Sous Vide BBQ Ribs - easy and delicious

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hello my name is chef Colin Roach and today I'm going to show you how I make wicked easy sous-vide barbecue with because to me there's nothing worse than biting in this really great-looking barbecue ribs and finding out there's still way too tough but that's not going to happen with today's recipe using sous-vide cooking so let's get started the first thing you're going to need is some type of dry rub seasoning mixture for you ribs now there's many recipes out there you can find them on the internet you can even buy prepackaged seasoning mixes if you want but I'm going to show you is easy one that I use for a lot of different things okay so one rack of ribs I would use the following mixture two tablespoons of light brown sugar okay these dark brown whatever you like it's brown sugar two tablespoons of granulated sugar put that in there too it's really going to add some sweetness then we're going to add about a half a teaspoon of table salt in there about a half a teaspoon of paprika you could use Spanish or Hungarian one's just a little sweeter doesn't really matter I also like to use about a quarter teaspoon of garlic cut again these recipes ratios are just a guide if you like more garlic add more and then I've got some onion powder about 1/4 teaspoon dump that in there again mix it all up get it all incorporated this is going to not only make the crust on our rib you know but it's also going to give it flavor and create that nice Bock that we want okay here I'm going to have mustard powder this is a great seasoning to add to it get about 1/4 teaspoon of that in there and lastly I have a combination of ground coriander and kind of a little pinch of chili powder thanks put that in there as well and now we mix it all in get it well blended this will be our spice mixture for a rack of ribs you might be able to get two but you want to be generous when you put it on the ribs because again that's going to what's going to provide that flavor ok there we go ok the second step after we've made our spice plan is to prepare our ribs now when you buy ribs in the store they'll cover the membrane or a thin membrane on the back of us a lot of people just ignore they leave it on but I'm going to show you an easy way is to remove that because it'll really add tenderness because that it's kind of tough and chewy and also to allow our spice blend to penetrate into the meat or a while it's cooking so let's do that right now okay okay so our three racks of ribs right here you can see a beautiful-looking on the back side this is where that membrane is that I want to remove again a lot of people leave it there but it ends up being very rubbery and tough when you chew on it which takes away the whole process of making your ribs tender also I put my spice blend right here it's not going to permeate a very well that that wall that membrane so I'm going to remove that so easy way to do that again is to use a paper towel okay and try to grab one of these ends on here and if you can do it in one piece that's great because you don't want it to tear but if it does it's not a real biggie so you can see this membrane here I just pulled up get it started and I'm going to grab it with this paper towel okay and I'm going to pull try to get it off one piece if we can and see it here in a minute so I'm pulling it up I'm removing it there it is that membrane pulling it pulling it try to keep up drip it a little bit sometimes they get cut so Kay I'm gonna remove that whole membrane and do this with all of our ribs so you can see that like Phil the Skinner remember and you can't really chew on that and it's not going to let our spices go through but now that we've removed it it's going to be a lot more easy to eat and also the spices will be able to penetrate okay that was pretty easy let's try another one here again turn it over and see it right there try to get it started on one end use your paper towel because it is kind of slippery and wet pull it up get it started and then just tear it up then trying to keep it in one piece if possible and it sounds a lot more difficult than it really is because once you get started with it's going to pull really hard to get it going but once it starts it just pulls right off easy peasy it'll make such a big difference in your ribs and your guests will enjoy them get rid of that when we do it on that burger okay turn around kind of dry use my little knife here to get it started the membrane off that first volume there a little bit grab it and pull it off this one rip maybe I can still catch it now so if it does pull into not a biggie we'll pull the first part off and we'll go back and get this little second part that we missed there we go okay now we're ready to seize it okay a third step is just to season the ribs but I want to cut them first because I need them to be able to fit into my soui bags you'll not be using any type of bag it almost fits a whole one but some people cut it in two portions two to three ribs each for a portion and do it that way or the other when they're done they can freeze them and they can continue to use them or you can just cut them in half so they fit in the bag your choice right and when you're going to cut them just kind of I'm going to do them a half so I'll find the middle here go down between the ribs through the meat like this at two racks there we can continue to do this with our others again somewhere in the middle cut down through if you want put it into twos and threes and make them in deport I - and go through that with this one okay so I got a two rib portion here I'll make another two rib portion on this side okay so you can do it like that if you like or just leave them in pack alright now we've got a season of generously so let's do that okay now that we've got our ribs generously season ready to go we're going to have to bag them put them in our their bags now once you back you don't have to cook them right away you could put them in the refrigerator for up to 1214 hours 24 hours and let them you know marinate a little bit in that dry rub really pick up some of those flavors or maybe it's not conducive to what you want to cook it or you can go directly into your sous-vide cooker and start to process we're going to cook these for about twelve to fourteen hours longer is okay as well just make some more tendon another take I want to tell you is once you bag them up if you know at the end you're not going to be smoking them more like grilling them or finishing in the oven you could add a few drops of liquid smoke to each pack I would say about four drops quarter of a teaspoon a man or a teaspoon and then as it cooks it'll pick up that smoky flavor and show in the results at the end okay so let's bag them so I'm going to put my wraps right in here this is my hat rack so I'll put that one in there I can add another half rack to it and then guys all these up I'm going to get into that cooker okay okay now that we have our ribs all packaged up and go our sube bags we're ready to put them into the cooker and start the cooking profit as you can see behind me I have my sous vide cooler which I showed in a previous video how to make I'm going to put them in there for 12 to 14 hours minimum and they're going to be really tender now when you add it into your cooking pot you can use a bag that seals which is what I'm going to use the water immersion method to get all the air out or you could use a vacuum sealer to seal your bag instead of having them all float around in that cooler I'm going to be using a rack I showed this in the video and amazing sube coolant it's adjustable and this is going to hold them upright you see I can put it right inside there and it will hold the bag up you know so it will hold it I could put one two three four five six racks in here so I'm going to put all my ribs in there I could add other things if I wanted to be beef short ribs upper legs and chicken for a couple hours you cook wild us cooler is cooking the ribs so this wrap is going to be very helpful as I mentioned we're cooking at 160 degrees for 12 to 14 hours you can continue laundering 20 hours 24 hours just going to a lot more tender so let's get those in the cooker right now okay as you can see I've got my a nova cooker here at 160 degrees I'm going to set the timer for 12 to 14 hours as soon as I get my ribs into the cooker so what I'm going to do is I just have to open up my lid here you can see that the water is circulating really nice I'm going to put in my rack that I'm going to make for an adjustment make it the size of the cooler put that in there it's warm and I'm going to add my first bag of ribs okay I'm going to use the water immersion method to get all that air out and I'll add my other bags and we're ready to start cooking okay so now that we've cooked our easy BBQ ribs for you know 12 14 16 hours somewhere in that range they're done so we would just remove the water the sous-vide bags of ribs from the water bath okay and then let me go into the last step which is finishing but however when you remove the bags if you're not going to serve them immediately you want to save them that's fine you can easily place the sealed sube bags ribs into a large container of cold water with ice to chill them down follow it which is exactly what I've done here see the fat has started to congeal once they've been cold you know through that ice water bath I removed them and you can store them in your refrigerator up to five days until needed so this is great something you can do in advance and then just pull them out when you're ready to serve those you just have to reheat them either by dropping them back into you know a warm sous-vide bath or you could take them out of the bag wrap them in aluminum foil and put them in the oven to bring them back up the temperature you have your already cooked we just need to do the finishing step okay so the last step finishing if you're going right from your su V water bath you just remove the bag the ribs from their sous vide bag driver the paper towel and then you need to decide are you going to grill or broil them in the oven for that finishing step they have you're going to grill the cooked ribs you heat your gas or charcoal grill to high use the pastry brush to coat the rims with barbecue sauce place them on the grill rack and cook until the sauce is caramelized a couple of minutes watch the ribs carefully though you don't want that sauce with all that sugar in it to burn and you turn and repeat when dimed remove them from the grill let them rest for about five minutes before you serve if you're going to broil them you heat your oven broiler to high same thing pastry bus put on some barbecue sauce put it on aluminum foil lined you know baking sheet so you don't have to clean it afterwards place the ribs under the broiler and cook until the sauce is caramelized about one to two minutes there to watch the ribs again they don't want to burn turn the ribs repeat and keep them going until they're nice and charred and caramelize get that Bart going then remove them let them rest for five minutes and to serve now the serving step is you want to paint them one last time with a layer of soft slice the ribs apart and serve they do a little extra barbecue sauce on the side okay let's see what that would look like again if you've cooled those down we need to reheat them before we can put them under the broiler or on the grill take them out of our bags Pat them dry get rid of some of that moisture okay and then we're just going to place them onto my lumina moil okay slow things up make sense out of them sides up come on up and the thrill goes right into the oven to bring them back up to temperature so that we can finish it okay so now that we have our ribs up to temperature as I mentioned we're just going to slide them with your favorite barbecue sauce oops we're on there generous and then we're going to turn them over make sure we get the sides and the back turn those over if it goes pretty smell wonderful what smell delicious nobody's got enough come off the bone here so I know they're nice and tender it's going to finish him by getting them some char and caramelizing this sauce so remember there's two different ways one under the broiler and two on your grill so let's do that right now okay so as you can see now we have our two rigs the one that was grilled and the one that was broiled in the oven and again as they're cooking we're going to be basting them all the time to keep them nice and moist don't they look great now the only thing you have to do is cut them and go ahead and serve so again to cut them into individual pieces just go down in between the bones nice and tender you can put them on there there's a grilled one then we'll put on a broiled one serve it with a little extra barbecue sauce or even give it a little paint if you'd like there you go wicked easy sube bobby key grips okay but as we know the real proof is in the pudding so here I have one of each let's test amount let's not fall off the bone like a pot roast it is so tender and juicy all right sue me really keeps that moisture in it caramelized valine you see the fat ugly excuse me you can see of that the meat on there the juiciness you got to try this bye thanks for watching you
Channel: Food Media Network
Views: 152,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ribs, BBQ, Sous Vide, Chef Roche, Dry Rub, Cooking, Grill, Broil, Recipe, Wicked Easy, DrChefColin, Anova, DIY, Cooler, Pork, Immersion Circulator, how to make sous vide ribs, how to make BBQ ribs, BBQ rib recipe, sous vide rib recipe, colin roche, how to make BBQ sous vide ribs
Id: OW5kjsbqQ8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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