Soundproofing walls without removing drywall- Green Glue compound

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welcome back to the channel in today's video I'm on a remodeling project where I'm gonna show you how I'm soundproofing walls without removing drywall I will be adding another layer of drywall over the existing wall where I'm trying to block some noise going through to the neighbor's house on this project I'm using a sound break drywall which is made for reducing noise so I will be applying a green glue compound which reduces the noise significantly to the back of this drywall then in the part 2 of this video I'll show you how to use the sealant and how you're supposed to hang the drywall leaving a quarter inch gap at all the seams and any electrical or plumbing penetrations and if you stick around to the end of the video I'll give you some quick tips on using the green glue products on wood framing before adding drywall and if you're new to the channel my name is Paul and I've been a drywall and painting contractor for over 20 years if you're looking to step up your drywall texturing and painting game be sure to hit that subscribe button and also the bail notification to get alerted whenever I post a new video let's get into this video well the first thing I had to do was figure out how I was gonna get the sound break drywall that comes in 4 by 12 foot sheets up to the 5th floor of this oceanfront condominium so the boom-lift comes in real handy I would have had to cut down the sheets of drywall into 6-foot pieces and get them up through the elevator otherwise okay so I'll be applying the green blue compound I cut about a eighth inch or a quarter inch sized hole on the tube of the green glue the biggest you want to go is a 3/8 inch then you also want to keep the perimeter about two to three inches free of the green glue so you can install the drywall without getting it all over your hand and there's no specific pattern to putting on the green glue the manufacturer just calls for one tube per 4 by 8 sheet of drywall you can use up to 3 tubes per sheet but they recommend that's the highest you want to go I'm doing 2 tubes on the sound break drywall which is 4 foot by 12 feet long ok so that's the first two so you can see how far I got with the first tube they're a little bit bigger than a regular sized tube of caulk so you do have to get the larger caulk gun as well also I just want to mention there is a slight odor with green glue products and it takes a couple days for that to go away kind of like paint you know it just has an odor so also to get the maximum allowed a x' to dry that should be the maximum soundproofing element that you'll get out of this so again I'm just going back and forth no set pattern that you need to put this on with just get it on there and there it is ready to get hung okay once the drywall is hung step 2 is applying the sealant around the perimeter and any electrical boxes or pipes or anything that has an opening you just want to fill it real good until it's almost squirting back out at you so all the factory seams all the butt joints the top and corner angles all need to be filled with the sealant once the sealant is put on you want to allow 48 hours and then you finish the drywall as usual I do have some tips and tricks that I've learned along the way for applying the sealant so you might want to check this video out I'll be uploading it in a day or two I'm still editing here's some pipes in the bathroom that I filled this place I did four different rooms I did their dining room so they didn't have to hear the neighbors or any plumbing going through that wall I also soundproof this area which is the media room I guess bathroom the master area these bathrooms the plumbing was kind of loud in the third bathroom alright so here's this garage ceiling that wood framing that I will be soundproofing in another video I used sound and fire block insulation and then I used a green glue compound to put on all the wood framing before I installed a 5/8 inch drywall I did this job by myself so I use my drywall lift so be sure to keep an eye out for this upcoming video and if you're looking to slip up your drywall texturing or painting game be sure to hit that round icon in the middle of the screen now to keep up with all my latest videos and if you have a friend that's a DIY err be sure to share this video with them on Facebook or Twitter check out one of these videos down below thanks so much for watching
Channel: Paul Peck DrywallTube
Views: 201,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soundproofing walls without removing drywall, soundproofing walls without removing drywall green glue compound, soundproofing walls, soundproofing existing walls, soundproofing existing drywall, how to soundproof walls from noisy neighbors, how to soundproof walls in house, how to soundproof walls, how to soundproof walls or ceiling, applying green glue compound, how to apply green glue compound, green glue compound on drywall, paul peck drywall, noisy neighbors, noise reduction
Id: tgvyaDRtqD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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