Soundproofing Panels for Under $5

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I'm gonna make some soundproofing it's gonna keep my neighbors happy and it's gonna have a little less echo for my viewers on YouTube if you want to save a few dollars at your hardware store look for pieces that aren't quite right maybe they've got a bit of a twist you can always haggle the price the sound deadening material is going to be standard sized towels they didn't have any white ones are kind of like these darker color that gives me some contrast than the walls what I'm going to do is just make a simple box frame you don't need a drop saw use a handsaw and they're going to be about 10 centimeters 15 centimeters shorter than an actual towel so I can fold it over and nail it down gonna be using this box jig that I made in the previous video I'll leave a link in the description thought I could get away with not pre-drilling the second piece gave me a bit of a split in all the timber I made quite a lot of these I mean didn't have any issues with it if you have a bit of a split it's fine we're gonna be nailing or pinning the material to the frame that's really going to keep it strong [Music] to me about an hour to make three of these and they came in at about $4 15 each [Music] this next step is really important safety first this could be dangerous [Music] I only ironed the first towel thinking that it would actually help doesn't really make a difference as soon as you start pulling these tight around the frame you're not gonna get any creases so I really wanted to do this quickly before the missus found though [Music] if you've got Hulk hands you can go ahead and use a manually operated stapler I'm just going to use the two-in-one nail off through the air compressor certainly makes it a lot easier another alternative would just be to use flathead nails and hammer [Music] for two sides all you really need to do is nail it down you're not really looking to get a super tight fit once that's done you come around the other side and try and pull it as tight as you can the reason we're making a box room and not just pinning a towel to the wall is you need an air gap whatever sound it does pass through this towel it's going to reflect off the wall and hit back the towel on the other side so it's imperative that you get this really nice and tight and you use a wide frame I did get this idea of a British youtuber sort of like at the Iowa guy did quite a few experiments of all these different materials and found that towels were actually the best especially for the price so don't go and buy this professional sound deadening equipment unless you've got a studio or something for the most part a towel is going to work fine I did double up just one of these thinking it's gonna make more of a difference I didn't find that it did so I think one layer is absolutely fine just makes them heavier and you're using more material which is costing more money [Music] no no yeah yeah unfortunately a garage is foursquare walls and a concrete floor so I'm gonna have to rearrange these a little differently maybe make some more put some on the ceiling just to reduce the echo in my videos especially being so light I was able to get away with a few of those little stick on hooks that go on the wall that you can remove without leaving any marks anyway guys about an hour under firebox thanks for watching
Channel: Mark Susak
Views: 20,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Home made clamp, woodwork, woodworking, clamps, clamp, DIY clamp, dust collection, mark susak, tablesaw, table saw, how to make a clamp, how to make clamps, home made tablesaw, home made table saw, home made dust collector, collector, cyclone, dust cyclone, shop tools, workbench, how to make a workbench, woodwork for beginners, woodworking for beginners, shop vac, speaker box, passive speaker, smartphone, android, how to, how to make, soundproofing, soundproof panel, soundproof
Id: PlcmWbcasGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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