SORTEDfood moments (28) that produce me from seed

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we've written a whole book on desserts in duvers so we should have plenty of options but the only recipe that is sticking at top of my mind snoop dogg's cookies it looks like you take to bed with you rather than the kitchen considering how big it is what [Music] that has to work and that is a cookie dough i'm making a cookie have you given me a really small loaf of bread so to begin our potatoes yes that looks like a cookie cuz yes that's not rubbish now ben is a bit excited by this bit we have our own development kitchen [Music] i'll mate [Music] i don't want to james i didn't want to either i'm really happy just here plenty of salt and pepper i'm getting into this now i'm getting far off to inside two very special men oh came along they are guests who have dedicated their lives to sorting food this is no tasting things lemony white chocolatey and just lemony it's lemony but what is it oh no it's orangey [Music] so today i'd rather be yoshi test our beans just try that bento that's the third time i've checked the other one there's still nothing in there yeah hey that was the one that was a good one wasn't it fun please now this is the maroon edition and also it is another long one well whatever this is isn't my concern what i can add to it is my concern [Music] so we can separate out the whites which we can save for all sorts of other beauties french meringue yes what else chocolate mousse i am going to melt some chocolate how often do you get to just have cake in both hands and just chomp on it i'm having such a great time french salad french dressing on it dressed accordingly thank you mario what's up next this has to melt before mike comes in because if it doesn't he's going to know that this is what i did [Music] this isn't melting quick enough should have put it in a microwave still could put it in a microwave what's he doing oh he's going to know that was me i know this is all about the wonder bag right but can i make it about me for a minute why have you got your hands in your pocket i left home early this morning before i left i harvested something i've grown for our curry home-grown chilies can't stand him the swagger hand and pocket my produce from seed oh my god it's time it's not lemony i have been keeping one party trick up my sleeve can i show you now hold on [Music] [Applause] interesting observation sourdough they are both sourdough yes i shouldn't be a normal what else do you like to serve with your bolognese a bit of me and a bit of parmesan a bit of you basil oh those lumps are lemon jamie did that because i smelled his hands earlier and they smelled smell like lemon why would we do french episodes ben do you come off flamboyant no just french oop nearly try again level two [Music] it's a grower could you not have waited for them to grow a little bit first it's not about the size it's about i mean very tasty b okay oh ebbers right take two i'm not even sure if this is gonna pipe but we'll find out i'm gonna put a tiny bit in this and see if it will pipe i mean it smells fantastic yep it pipes bellissimo spaghetti [Music] i'm excited for this so i but i just show it in a different way then i've never said this about a jam before but it's more complex oh this is ridiculous right come on [Music] okay ready yeah how many times do i have to ask put it on an android we're doing it it's just really expensive we have to wait for ben to sell his house after all that's happened there they have to lift up the floorboards and stuff and that outline of that guy in chalk just won't come up but as soon as he sells that house so illuminati confirmed i can talk about the seasoning right here it looks like two proud parents tucking their kid up for bed i've done nothing more than season and sear in a tiny little drizzle of oil i think the most depressing thing about this is that you could say that jamie made this and people would believe you oh oh wow my dad has already distanced himself from that if you go on my instagram i actually took a photo of a text he sent me where he basically said he wouldn't be seen dead in that cardigan but i might get the chance to prove him wrong one day implying that one day he will die and i will dress him in that cardigan that's dark it's really funny he's a good man that mike he is mike yeah he is i'm mike jr yeah bit like neymar a really simple crap sandwich oh like for me absolutely really can't be he's wearing his fisherman's hat he's just they're just he's blending it i'm just gonna say you look like you stepped right off the boat tuck it in no no you could try and make that look lighter bend there that was a bit of a struggle with it it's quite heavy it's cast iron full of beef just like me right open your mouth oh no hold your fingers clean wipe your fingers it's like feeding a child i'll tell you what the orange and the ginger you get from that chocolate is it's not very good is it it tastes alright there's it's not so it's like a bright green risotto with a roast chicken so everyone could dig into the rice chicken and have some risotto on their plate i hate to use the example of risotto because i know that's ben's thing i got so excited i stripped in the bedroom it's all shades of brown but it's just so comforting that's a weird restaurant we've just created cream cheese crab sandwiches and tone the height that's three chords three chords it's a weird shot set menu no no choice in the match let's let's let's look that's not the s oh oh sure it's like we're both thinking ahead and yeah you go with yours we've both simultaneously folded a cloth because you have to put that in the bottom we both read the instructions barry gets a six for turning up in here bulging out my suit again not there don't look there let's leave it there because that i think is a lot to uh fill a brain with certainly a microsize brain thank you for watching
Channel: Erdnussbuttertoast
Views: 44,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yvACqbRwzAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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