Sorry, I Haven't Been Well...

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what is up guys Dave back again for another Trucking Vlog and it has been a long time since I've said that man I am officially back uh I just want to make a video here letting you guys know where I've been where I'm currently at which is where you can see and what's been going on in my life since y'all last heard from me over a month ago probably about a month and a half now I think I don't know maybe going on two months since I made a video man I'll explain all that in duee time but I will say that I have officially come back as of today I literally just got my truck out of the shop here in Georgetown Kentucky Frontier transport on the door this time we're back in a freight liner boys um this truck is not nearly as nice as my Volvo was but it's fine she'll do um I'm not griping at all uh I'm just happy to be back in another truck and going out again man I'm excited I haven't driven for three months I told y'all that I was taking off during the winter I did and here I am um so I figured I would give you a truck tour of this Cascadia uh she literally just come out of the shop here like I said and I'm pretty excited actually has Frontier on the door now so it's not as confusing you know I tell people I'm like technically I'm Frontier I know it says online on the door and you know it was always Frontier transport I was a part of so I like that I actually have that on the door now and it's no longer online uh no offense to online it's all the same thing right but I'm just saying online I'm glad cuz it's easier to explain now you know cuz I am Frontier side of things so yeah here we go Dave is back in a freight liner man back in a freight liner can you'all believe it so I have not even looked over this freight liner at any of like the um features um we're going to see if it's like the other one that I had I literally just got in the truck I came around backed it up and just sat it right here and then started a video I threw my stuff in and that was all I did so let's go ahead and see what's going on when we open the door uh they did clean it up but I kind of stepped in all of this and in my truck and so it's dirty but it was clean when they handed it to me so it is what it is clean enough at least not griping too much I mean you know it's not perfect but it it is what it is I'm not griping too much man I ain't that serious I ain't that much of a caring now um anyways we're no longer going to have a CB up here we will have the CB here again so I had one here back when I worked with CFI and they put me in a freight liner for a short time I had my CB there so that's where the next CB will go um everything else looks almost identical to how my old freight liner was um except a little older uh I haven't even looked at what year this one is yet I don't know does it say on the door jam wait 2021 right here that says truck country freight liner 2021 make FTL model yeah so this is a 2021 freight liner so I mean it's not an old freight liner by any means it's just older um anyways so yeah I'm kind of upset I don't get my CV up here I don't like it here as much it's just kind of an awkward spot I feel like I really enjoyed it when it was up here and I had my little you know cord dangling here and everything else it was just nice uh biggest complaint when I was coming over here and backing these little ass mirrors dude how do y'all drive with these little how do you see anything in this bro coming from the the the Volvo man this is Tiny and then the front windshield not nearly as big and open as the Volvo was it's way more like you know what I'm trying to say like it's shorter oh I got a Nick there dude I just noticed that that sucks um but yeah we got these little ass mirrors like when you look over here the passenger side dude you can't barely see anything like how how do you see what you're doing over there that's terrible do I have a sunroof no I don't have a sunroof in this one dang I had one in you know what I never use that freaking Volvo sunroof anyway so it is what it is uh ELD is going to lock in right here I actually have it over there they gave it to me I'm excited to be back in a truck I really am uh I did not have a good 3 months I'm just going to let y'all know that I did not have a good time off I was uh planning on explaining all that to y'all in a little bit but let me finish showing the truck here it's pretty much identical to my other freight liner my favorite thing about freight liners is they are very roomy this is roomier than my Volvo was this is roomier than the Kenworth was uh they are the most roomy of the you know big truck brands in my opinion because I've been in you know Kenworth Volvo and freight liner so far and this is way more roomy uh I remember that when I had the other freight liner I was like blown away I was like holy crap cuz the Kenworth is so constricted man so that is the positive the small mirrors suck the kind of small front windshield sucks but on the other hand you have a really roomy back area it is kind of weird how low your bed sits though cuz the other ones the bed is a lot higher so it's really low I had to get used to that one and the other one if you're wondering Dave why don't you have a mattress they were actually about to put a brand new mattress in here in the shop and I stopped them because I always put my own mattress in here right because that's just you know I have a better mattress than what they put in these obviously I bought my own and usually what I have to do is I have to take their mattress out put it in my house and then put my mattress in and then if I leave or whatever happens I have to swap them again so I nipped it in the bud and told them hey do not put a mattress in here I'm going put my own and they are going to send me home it's Thursday the day of my orientation today they're going to send me home um tomorrow cuz I told him I want to go home to you know get my tools and pack up my truck and get you know stocked up and everything cuz I don't have anything except for Necessities because you can't just lug you know everything that goes in your truck around for orientation so they said that'd be fine I'm only a couple hours from home I'm in their Georgetown uh terminal they did say there is a brand new mattress up here on this top bunk which how do you get these down is it here uhoh is there a there's got to be a pull there's got to be a pull switch or something oh here we go dumb Dave trying to figure out this has got to be it right there we go okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to sleep on the top bunk for for today or I could move the mattress down here but that would I'll just sleep up here they said this one's in plastic so it's nice and new um I actually brought a blanket and pillow they asked me that too they like do you have blanket and pillow and stuff I was like yeah I was like I'm good uh so that way I don't have to move two mattresses now I just put one in here and I'm done um we have storage here I do remember this having a lot more storage than the the Volvo dead um right here microwave slot clothes here I'm assuming yeah I only stay out for a week now so it's like not really a big deal to you know stack up some clothes for the week um down here we got another storage bin I'm assuming that's where the uh bunk heater comes out of yeah there's nothing down here so these seats uh they probably seem better days dude that was the first thing I noticed when I got in here I was like man these seats are crappy again I don't think I've ever had a truck with nice seats I see these guys sometimes you know you know and you're at a truck stop and you know they pull in air they drive by you or whatever and they got these nice plush looking seats that they're sitting in I'm always in these freaking uncomfy ass seats man all day pisses me right the hell off anyways so that is the freight liner Cascadia that Dave is in um I don't know what else to show y'all this is the same thing I do every time I get a new truck or join a new company or whatever I show y'all we all knew I was coming back to online anyway so this is going to be my home away from home for 5 days a week so yeah boys this is where I'm at um anyways let me get a drink of water here cuz I've just been rambling on for freaking 20 minutes already so um yeah man uh as y'all know when I ended up making a video announcing that I was taking off for the winter uh I kept uploading videos for about a month you know maybe a little more month and a half something like that I kept uploading you know sticking to my normal schedule once a week I told yall I had a lot of videos built up and I did and um I still do I have a ton of videos still and I might you know show those here and there but it's going to be mostly you know content with the freight liner but there still may be some Volvo stuff coming that I have stored up um so you're probably wondering why I just stopped uploading videos um like I said I really didn't have a good 3 months off so let's um rewind a little bit and I'll kind of explain to y'all what kind of happened um as you know um at some point last year I don't even remember but you know had a life change in which I was uh single again obviously and uh I made y'all video saying Hey I'm doing pretty good again you know enjoying myself enjoying life again and all this other stuff and then I took off 3 months from Trucking and uh you know winter came and all the leaves fell and everything looked gray and dreary and for a little over a month I uploaded videos every week for y'all you know and y'all appreciate it and everything else and then I just got hit with like really bad depression dude like I am not a person that's often depressed or like just completely unhappy or um you know no mental health issues really ever you know like I just uh I don't know I don't know what happened I it must have been the weather change it must have been me you know at home and I wasn't really hanging out with anybody um wasn't really doing anything with any my friends wasn't really talking to anybody and like there's only so many times you know I I live like 30 minutes away from the city there's only so many times I can like you know go drive down the road to go get something or do something and uh I ended up just falling into like a really bad depression to be honest with y'all and I just suddenly like didn't like I had no urge to upload any videos I had no urge to do anything YouTube related um barely talk to any of my friends you know I was just in a bad mood one of my friends asked me one day like I didn't tell him I was depressed or anything but he's just like is everything okay with you like are you all right cuz you know I wasn't acting myself and everything and he's just like you you seem to be something's up lately and I'm like you know I told him up I was like dude I'm probably at the lowest point in my life that I've like ever been and that was like you know truthful telling him that like that's pretty much how I was feeling like I've never really been in a bad depression in my whole life like it's just not something you I'm not somebody that's often depressed or anything you know it's nothing I really have much experience with and um you know I don't really know what caused it like I said I mean I had some life changes and everything where you know I was in a lengthy relationship and then that ended but you know I was fine shortly after but it was like just everything at once then stopping Trucking and just being home the weather changing and my buddy was telling me you know the area that we live in or anywhere that's you know up north sort of like seasonal depression is a thing you know everything turns gray it's cold it's you know it's just not as uplifting as bright sunshiny spring and summer is and you know he said that might have something to do with it um and yeah I just wasn't happy guys like I was just I was just mad at the world everybody I just was not happy like nothing made it better and you know I stopped looking at YouTube I stopped uploading videos I stopped responding to comments I didn't say anything to anybody you know I used to post on like Snapchat and Instagram quite often I kind of just stopped throughout the winter I just had no urge to really do anything man and um that's pretty much my reasoning for why I uh you know wasn't around for a little while um I don't really have any excuse for it I just fell into a depression and didn't care about anyone or anything and just yeah kind of it sucked man it was pretty bad Funk um I'm starting to come out of it now like I said um I'm a lot better uh now that the weather started to change and now I'm getting back out and doing some things but I don't think that time off was good for me I mean I got of I kind of felt like I wanted a break you know it was nice getting a break especially when you do truck driving plus YouTube you know you do a lot of filming you do a lot of editing and all that stuff it's always nice to get a little break where I'm like you know when I first took off for the three mons I was so excited f it was like the first couple weeks I'm like wo I'm off every day boy let's go you know Dave's all excited freaking you know hooting and hollering and whatever and then just slowly man it's just I just went downhill man I don't I don't know why like I said I'm not usually somebody who's prone to stuff like that but it definitely got me this time man and uh yeah it just sucks it's like normal things that I used to enjoy I didn't enjoy anymore you know like I didn't enjoy really going and riding on my motorcycle I didn't really enjoy playing any video games which I would usually enjoy I didn't enjoy I didn't enjoy or want to hang out with anybody like you know my friend would like invite me like Hey we're I'm going to cook some dinner tonight if you want to come over hey we're going to go out to here if you want to come here hey we're going to go out of town to this place and I just no no no no no I didn't want to do anything and it sucked dude like I've just never had that kind of happen before and no matter what I did I wasn't having fun doing anything and it's just a really strange feeling so I want to tell youall about I'm not looking for sympathy or anything like that you know I'm I'm fine um you know I don't need like sympathy I'm not trying to make y'all feel bad for me I'm just explaining like what happened and caused me to kind of disappear and where I'm at now and uh yeah I'm definitely feeling a lot better now I will say um you know I'm definitely in a much better spot now that I just got the truck and the weather change and everything else and so I'll quit rambling about all that but there's that um I figured I would go ahead and give yall a rundown of that figured I would show youall the truck um let's go let's go look at the outside one more time I'll show youall before I end this video cuz we're not going to do anything else here I'm actually I did orientation all day today and I just drove uh what is it like 3 and 1/2 hours from Indianapolis to here to grab my truck and you know I'm pretty tired ready to lay down and relax um probably upload this video when I get back home uh tomorrow but let's just do a little full walk around here for y'all I'm trying to put my shoes on man they're not really going on properly oh [Music] shoot oh but yeah here she is she actually looks really nice on the outside I mean she's not terrible on the inside I know I said it what it's not as nice as the ball though was but it's not terrible um oh look at that we don't want that there we go I don't know how that happened they must have been fixing something but yeah here she is man here she is Dave has a frontier I'm actually kind of excited to have Frontier on the door now like I said man actually pretty excited about that got Indiana plates we got our toll pass up there that's what that blue thing is that's what I want to make I had that I had my easy pass in there make sure I'm covered um I had not done a pre- trip on this yet um I will do everything but the guy just backed it out of the the bay and I just brought it right over here and backed it in but it just came out of the shop so I'm sure it wasn't for somebody says oh you y it to drove it across the parking lot without doing pre-trip all the oil come out of it and dude it was just in the freaking shop dude it's fine to back over here until I can look at it and of course I'm going to take a full video of it and everything with my phone close up uh so any little bit of damage or anything that I see on this truck is documented before I take it so then if they ever say hey you did that no I didn't it was like it when I got it so I always do that for all my trucks too um we're going to do a full pre-trip on this thing um check everything pop the hood check all the fluids check everything under the hood yeah there she is man riding with Dave back at online Frontier with a nice old Frontier truck I'm about to get back got it man oh got if the stickers are good and yeah there we go man there we go I still got a catwalk I can walk up on too it's kind of nice well there's yall an update man that's what Dave's been doing I apologize that I didn't really have it in me to make videos for a while and you know took me a month and a half or so break of not uploading anything um hopefully you guys understand my reasoning that I explained to you and uh yeah hopefully I'll be back back to my normal self once I get going making videos for y'all we can Hoot and Holler when we go down the road and have fun anyways guys all right that's going to do it and I will holler at y'all later peace to a foreign place these open highways are calling our name and now it's time for us to escape escape to a world we don't know Escape into the great unknown escape to a world we don't know Escape into the great unknown
Channel: Riding with Dave
Views: 37,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trucking, trucking videos, trucking vlogs, swift trucking, alex trucking, rookie trucking life, alex the trucking guy, trucking lifestyle, variant trucking trucks, variant trucking company, gp trucking, variant trucking orientation, variant trucking driver reviews, trucking life, trucking news, alex sanchez trucking, trucking sim, trucking songs, trucking answers, trucking business, trucking industry, #trucking, usa trucking, trucking usa, trucking scams
Id: D8zxRfdUtQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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