SooOOooo...just how FAST is this PYTHON library for Data Science?

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if you use pandas for data science you are going to want to check out this Library what library exactly oh holders is a data frame Library written entirely in Rust is that you don't need a right for us to be able to use it but why should you use it it is ridiculously fast how fast exactly let's go take a look so in order to get started with polars you can pip install polars and that will install the library for you then in this particular case we're going to be importing polars and pandas at the same time just to Benchmark them and see just how well they're performing next we can use the command line magic time it to be able to compare just how long it takes to load up a data frame using CSV and CSV to see how long it takes to load it in using pandas if we run those two cells drumroll please we can see that on average it took polar's 9.44 milliseconds to load in our data set and pandas 35.5 this means the polars was 3.8 times faster than pandas what do you reckon full polish tutorial maybe tackle a kaggle comp let me know in the comments
Channel: Nicholas Renotte
Views: 175,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pkJtIAsJIxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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