Soo Who’s Replacing Lecrae?

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no well I'll tell you art I've been watching you with that kid a long time you're demanding too much from him nobody can be perfect so don't ride him so hard when he does something you don't like remember he's a person in his own right okay that's really nice Bobby Bobby can we go to [Music] Garden Bobby [Music] I [Music] need gets Malone passes deflected going to be stolen I think by the doctor yes he's got it he here he comes re Rock the baby to sleep and slam dunk and yet another Laker turnover worthy threw it away and the doctor made a sensational play not only the slam which he just cuffed in his hand I think having a promising Sports career is something most of us dream of the idea of making millions playing a sport you love is something only few can really achieve in this lifetime to those that make that dream come true they may end up spending a few years in the league While others maybe 10 or 15 years if their body holds up but what about when you're going on 21 plus years still keeping the same kind of production in the music industry you can see some similarities maybe some artists make it to five or 10 years if they're lucky and continually provide meaning depth and Trust to their music while Others May burn out for a quick 15 minutes of fame making service level music for whatever is popular and trending at the moment those whose music careers live to see beyond that five or 10 year mark prove to their fan bases that their music has had a long lasting impact with how they've connected with their listeners and for someone like thee that has definitely been the story throughout his career for someone who's made it their sole mission to show the Eternal value of following Christ through hip-hop pop lraa along with many other artists have shown that it is definitely possible to make a living by impacting countless Souls from ministering in prisons to touring across the world lra's pretty much done it all though like every great music career someone has to eventually pass the torch along lra's massive blowup during those late 2000s to early 2010s is something that ought not to be taken for granted as it would be a Gateway for a lot of us listening to Christian hip-hop right now but eventually a new school of artists are bound to rise one day being the face or name brand of Christian hip hop is something that can only go on for so long and while the impact and difference made is eternal a new face or faces begin to emerge what is up guys this video has been a long time coming but we are officially back welcome back to the channel before the actual video starts playing I just kind of wanted to prep you guys and intro you guys to a few key notes and points that I wanted to make that you guys should know before watching the video a few several things is that number one this video has been such a long time coming in terms of like the production and the idea of it it took me like I'd say 2 months to make but in actuality this video idea started way back in September like late September I was just at the time I was just trying to put anything out there because I started getting like a load of creativity and video ideas to make again and at the time it was just going to be a little y Fest I was just going to sit down record and just put it out there and just say whatever is on my mind but to be honest when I was in post-production I realized that this video idea deserved a lot more of my attention than I realized and I realized that there was a lot more that could be carved out from this video idea and like a lot more ideas and Concepts that could be fleshed out way better so what actually happened is I I just put it down you know I was focused on school and just like a butload of other things but when I finally had the chance to get around to this video idea I decided to pick it up again and really do it it's Justice and really take my time with this so I really hope you guys do enjoy this video another thing too to bring up is that while I was making this video idea I realized that I actually wasn't the first one to arrive to this video idea similarly enough Barson beats who if you guys know I mean like he's probably one of the biggest uh I mean if you're around CH you know this guy's in like every corner and comment section and just like just every crevice of chh and I mean like he's like I'd say probably the biggest supporter I've seen of chh in the last while but you guys should actually go watch his video because he actually did a similar video idea except his was I think it was seven artists that could be the next lrae so I'll link that Below in the description but uh you guys should definitely watch it stuff as well it's pretty good and also as well like I didn't want people getting the idea that I was like I don't know copying somebody else's video idea or anything like that so I kind of just wanted to you know bring him up and shout out his video so I mean like you know before you start this video or after you start this video definitely go watch his video as well for that now three when it comes to this video idea just generally I think when it comes to lrae and just like his influence and everything like that I mean like for a lot of people in modern ch right now people kind of reference back to lrae as like their first starting point or entry into chh kind of or at some point just like um being a big staple up there right and this video idea was pretty interesting to just like entertain and just like slowly and gradually make just because lra's been at the top for such a long time he's been the face brand of chh I mean if you talk to any church staff Pastor or even just non-Christian the first thing that comes to when they think Christian hip hop is lrae but then the idea does be to differ which is like at some point lrae can't be you know the face and name brand forever right artists generally in hip-hop I mean like they don't they don't really have like a there's no retirement age specifically in hip-hop but at some point artists do gracefully age out as a new batch of younger and hot artists come in and that's certainly not to say that lrae in his own right still isn't making amazing music I mean like cc4 guys like I think like he dropped that like 2 years ago um cc4 recently won a Grammy I believe but cc4 that's probably for a mixtape like I don't even think it was supposed to be no but for a mixtape I mean like it blew everyone's expectations out of the water so lrae he's always going to make Amazing Music we can't forget that but this video idea came more just out of just the Curiosity that like man like who who would hypothetically just be someone who could fill the cray shoes or exceed those expectations also as well when you do watch the video uh I want to make sure you guys understand that I don't want you guys to get the impression that like I'm trying to like Center this around the as if he's this person who jump started Christian hip hop and like when lrae was born that's when Christian hip-hop was born um that certainly isn't the case so understand that there are artists that have come before him that have made Christian hip hop as to where it is today so whether if it's just people who grew up with him like uh show Baraka Trip Lee different people along the way the whole cross movement era as well uh that was like a little bit just before the craze time and tunnel rats as well I mean like those were the people who from what I can find and date back to the most really kicked off Christian h hip-hop but there's definitely been people who have been doing this for a long time so it's not like lrae is like um the person who like started the Inception of Christian hip-hop or anything like that but for sure his blow up in that late 2000s like 2008 2009 to like early 2010 um definitely brought and raise Christian hip-hop to a whole new level also as well when it comes to like the basketball references you guys saw at the beginning of the video I thought it was interesting just because just in general like hip-hop and basketball are so synonymous whether if it's like seeing rappers at like All-Star games or just being around basketball players or just like you know um basketball players just wanted to be around the studio with rappers or just hanging out with them or whatever uh traditionally like hip-hop and basketball have always been synonymous whether if it's like uh cross culture through like sneakers jerseys um just a lot of different like representations and all that stuff but I thought it'd be interesting to bring up especially with LeBron I mean like LeBron and lrae are similar in the sense that like their level production and their longevity is what's kept them going for such a long time and to be able to create and make great music so for lrae to still be going strong in 2024 and LeBron to still be putting up like crazy numbers at his age because people generally at his age they'd be falling off and putting up like a imly like seven points a game but for this guy um it's amazing to see that also I mean like LeBron l i mean like you know what I'm saying like the name the name fits the name matches right it's meant to be also as well as much as I made this video out of entertaining the idea of like finding someone who's going to be the next lrae or someone who's going to JY J and everything U I'm not going to lie I'm going to just outright State my antithesis right now from the jump and say that in my personal opinion not from the video I made but in my own personal opinion I don't really think CH really needs uh a face name brand per se just because CH has gotten to a point where everything is spread out now like the the playing field is level and you can make music independently you can sign to label I mean like 10 years ago I mean I guess the goal for most artists was to sign to a reach cuz reach was really the only big record label out there on the market but now the playing field is leveled out to where if artists want you know they have the option to sign to a Capital Records or other record labels that have Christian hip hop divisions people are out here starting their own record labels or people are just simply going independent right um there's plenty of options out there to where it's kind of like L CR doesn't have to be the guy to do all the top just because for the longest time especially being the face name brand I mean he doesn't face it back as much now but back when he was the only person being the face name of the brand I mean like there was a lot to deal with I mean so if anyone remembers that like 2011 to I want to say 2014 like period era where like he had to deal with a lot of Illumina accusations and the the the this the this is a square but the this like you had to deal with a lot of that and people to this day almost still believe that he's still somehow part of the Illuminati man there was also that 2015 to I want to say 2020 uh period era where that whole social justice Arc where lrae was really pushing the boundary and question of like is it okay for a Christian artist to talk talk and speak on like social commentary from a Christian lens and it was like he was basically dogged and demonized for that right and it just came with so many things where it kind of L me to the point in conclusion that like I don't think Christian hip hop really needs that to be honest to move and push forward it would certainly help a lot to have like a face to reference to but real honestly I think the way it is right now it's doing well it's thriving and there's just so many artists out there also I mean this video like these are just my opinion guys so I mean like take it with a green of salt if you will I guess but uh yeah these are just my opinions and I mean like if your favorite artist isn't on here I mean again this video is just going to be me just building my case for the artist I picked and everything like that so obviously people will have their own list as well to make and also I also wanted to bring that up as well just because I understand while making this video I realized that there are actually a lot of people that have contributed to the success of where chh is at and also to the success of other artists so it's un like the artist I bring up it's not like they they were solely the ones that uh were Innovative at every single thing certainly artist along the way have helped them and given them uh a good hand and assist them to where they're at now and they're also behind like some of the your favorite moments and like your favorite songs in chh so you know let's definitely not get that twisted and you I just definitely wanted to bring that up and then Lastly lastly before we finally start off uh I will have a list of honorable mentions at some point in the video so we'll take a quick pit stop and I'll just quickly shoot at artists that I definitely consider over time while I was scripting and making this video but um I just realized like maybe there's like something missing there or there's something like they're doing well but there's definitely another level they can hit for sure but um I'll definitely mention that along the way so but other than that guys let's just start strong and get right into our first artist man what was that power button again all right found it here it [Music] is your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system at the tone please record your message out only I wasend made a promise to my baby that I'll never raise my voice that I'll never my [Music] voice now no big deal with someone who's been an interesting pick as someone to come after lrae for a particular set of reasons Dill early on was someone that rolls up the chain of breaking out as an artist and doing what a lot of artists first did when they first started out and that is just to gain listeners and build an audience you know pretty straightforward though over time we've seen that Dill has gone beyond that threshold in box and he's essentially grown into wearing different hats and broll in the space to the point that his contributions has basically carved a whole new Lane and Avenue for artists and a quick disclaimer everything I'm about to mention here wasn't obviously curated by Dill himself there were other hands involved in the vision and process of building up what we're witnessing right now in chh but I'm just more so talking about what his own contributions has meant to the space of Christian hip hop and how it's affected the space today Dill has definitely been one of the biggest voices and advocators for independent music and pushing that particular space forward him and a collection of other artists have come along and shown younger artist that is possible to make an impact and really make a living off making independent Christian hip-hop without having to rely solely on the help and marketing of a record label signing to a reach or a capital would be great for a smaller artist but artists today now have more of a blueprint and resource to make it out on their own and then adding on to this entire Indie theme you have the fact too that he was one of the founding creators of Indie tribe with which him and Mowgli were able to pick up some of the biggest names today around Christian hip-hop and go on to make some of the best music we've ever seen I think building Indie tribe led to a lot of music infrastructure that we would not only listen to but also experience as we will be introduced to the conception of smokefest which prior to that there's definitely been Christian hip hop related events going around don't get me wrong but not something to where we're seeing chh oriented music festivals and let me be specific I'm talking about summer music festivals his involvement with smokefest showed us that there was a boom and dying need for Summer music festivals in the and hipop space especially coming out of Co you know people really wanted to be outside and so as a result of One chh Summer Festival now we're seeing a growing Circuit of summer festivals lined up such as cero Fest glowfest and more on the way I think it's time and effort into putting on these festivals has really created an infrastructure in person for artists to connect and network while also giving us the listener a whole lot of value out of being able to fly in or drive down just to be able to see all of your favorite artists perform in one spot for the weekend and I'm going to reiterate again that I'm not saying that his involvement put him alone at the Forefront of everything he's contributed to but rather it's the fact that I don't think his contributions to the space can be ignored when we're talking about artists that have been a part of changing and shifting how we're listening and experiencing Christian music today other artists are definitely worth highlighting and vouching for but no big deal for me is someone who I'd say stands out lastly to touch on the music side of things there's just the fact that I'd say he's had one of the more influential runs in ch the last few years with some hit songs like King Jesus part one which then led to King Jesus part two with KB those songs were constantly hitting number one on the radio the last few years putting out many big projects over the years particularly his most well-rounded project in my opinion the lowercase tape a tape that really defined no big Deal's creative identity today and allowed him to set the stage and narrative to really talk about his life experiences sou than identity growing up his love for going independent and tying it back to what God was doing in his life throughout that time it's definitely a project I think a lot of people go back to with memorable features and also a project that has had a lot of people asking for when his next project could be cuz after all in the span of 5 years and yes literally 5 years he's been involved in dropping 14 singles more features than I can count cuz I lost count after 30 and collaborating on uppercase and low blow and seeing a solo project from him is definitely what the people have been asking about but understandably the likelihood of running three smoke fests him and mgle rebooting and collaborating with Indie tribe touring on the road domestically and internationally last year and the list goes on has likely been the reason why we haven't heard Dill drop a solo story SL project in such a long time it's that and planning and releasing an album is financially and strategically different than it was 5 or 10 years ago overall though if I were to list my reasons for no big deal to be the next person in line to hypothetically replace lrae including now being part part of a recent Grammy award-winning collaboration on cc4 then this is definitely [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] when you take a quick look into how cby first came up or really any small artist for that matter it's always interesting seeing how an artist first starts out and the leap of faith that they decide to take early on all the story is something out of an early 2000's movie plot just a kid chasing the American dream leaving your hometown at 19 to move to the big city of Atlanta making ends me at a grocery store while trying to find your way into a record deal through small yet potential connections waiting for your opportunity to catch the attention of some artist or label executive this is something many would have tried and likely failed at but when someone like Ace Harris who's in charge of AAR finally gives you that chance it can drastically open new doors if you just play your cards outright ja already had a decent following when Ace first signed him to Reach Records back in 2020 putting out pretty decent music at that time I would say his broken hearty P was probably some of the best music I had heard from him back then he wasn't known too well yet to Christian listeners despite being signed but that was cuz the work was just beginning for him Ace wasn't too sure if he should have taken a chance on the Georgia native as they had been going back and forth by email and meeting in person here and there but the two had sparked enough of a relation for Ace to see the vision and take a chance on Jai early on and the project that would confirm Ace's decision and fulfill his vision was Al's first album title Christopher this was an album that really pushed Hali into the spotlight of not only the mainstream Cade space but also the mainstream CCM space 10 years ago The Craze and excitement at youth groups or conferences was to hear L cray Trip Lee or some other member of 116 perform but now the youth or staff at those churches today are excited to hear new faces and names like Hali at the budding age of 21 Christopher had accomplished the sign to reach records and finally make a living off telling others about the Everlasting impact that Christ had made in his life so you would think that it wouldn't get any better than this [Music] [Music] right going into the fourth year of his record deal Hali unconsciously tapped into two big Feats that really helped his presence and visibility within the Christian music space a his massive collaboration with Force Frank that pushed a giant wave of online reception and viral content engagement between the two fan bases with highly requested songs like no longer bound and alter and B his m massive run throughout 2023 including concert favorites like walk featuring M CR love like that with Alex xan and toy desan used by you and the list goes on the most amazing part about all this though was how it unintentionally tied into opening up a portal of hunger for worship within hip-hop for the longest time people thought that it was just impossible to worship God through this genre and yet here came Hali someone who came along and not only showed that it was possible to infuse hip-hop songs within worship but also someone that has put an entire generation of Youth on board with this style and approach to the genre the thought out these concert sometimes was that there really wasn't much of a worship aspect even though chh artists have always aimed to make god-honoring music listeners still wanted to add a bigger element of worship at these events and Jai had answered that calling he is definitely not the first of his kind to pull this off but in 2024 he's definitely ingrained enough of this style and execution into hip-hop to where he is arguably at the Forefront of potential expanding a whole new space and meta within Christian hip-hop literally just hear your points knock them out all right man so before we get to the last artist for this video I quickly just wanted to talk about the AAL mentions for making this video um there were a lot of things to consider when it came to like the artists that I picked for this video and and whom I selected and obviously there's only certain artists I can pick cuz you know I'm pretty long-winded I could go on for hours talking about these artists I mean like this is literally my fifth take trying to record this section of the video alone just because one artist alone took me like 10 15 minutes to get through and I I have to condense that in like one to two minutes right um the point is is like there are so many artists out there you can only pick to highlight you know for this video right but I still wanted to mention these artists because I do believe they are successful on their own right they have it all like they're right there um I just think like there's definitely another gear and level they can hit and get to and all that stuff so I just wanted to like condense this section of the video fire off all my points mention each artist hopefully in less in a minute and kind of just like try and get to uh each artist what I think of them and where I think they can get to so let's go okay so one day from working up the ranks as an inter to signing Outreach she's definitely been quite successful in her own right not only as one of the Premier female artists around the space but more so as someone who's been able to find success tapping into her marketing and entrepreneurial side they're definitely some of the strongest features that make her a well-rounded artist and everything from interacting with her fan base through her Wing gang series to offering free bible study resources offering makeup products or services like artist Consulting have basically shown that she does an exceptional job at making her traits and personality a big extension of her brand and I mean at one point even partnering with Shopify on a massively successful marketing campaign like those ads used to be everywhere on Facebook though the only thing I'd say cuz there's really only so much you can squeeze in like a minute is that I kind of see one in the same tier of female artists in hip-hop generally that are successful in their own right but when it comes to Skilling up to Someone Like A Nicki Minaj who people view as a top 15 to top 10 rapper objectively like can they close that Gap because usually a lot of modern female artists are kind of in this Gap where they've reaped success by tapping into a naturally female audience but can they tap into music that guys can see themselves being more a part of just because the biggest artists that have gone beyond in hip-hop are usually the artists that have been able to Market their music into different streams of demographics and Nikki to a certain extent has been able to do this as well you know she aesthetically gravitates naturally to the female aesthetic and content but her sharp pen and aggressive wordplay has always drawn people in both males and females and I'm not saying that this is something W would have to do or emulate obviously as a Christian artist nor is this a concern of mine as she's always done well to her credit but it's definitely more of a curiosity I have at times about asking myself like are there more ways that she can stream and diversify her music branding is this something that she can test and explore more or is she just better off leaving the stor turn it sound like she doesn't have the backing of male followers either but it is the question sometimes of is this something that she can sharpen expand and cover more ground with in terms of the progress that she's made so far all right now Caleb Gordon I'd say that for someone that's been able to utilize the power of Tik Tok and short from content just generally I'd say that he was pretty much at the Forefront of those artists I benefited massively from accessing these platforms and finding the right formula for Success on these apps I mean with recent blowups like Rocky Roll 2 with Alana won that was a song that found its way into Super Bowl ads at one point big blowups on songs like West Orlando flow two years ago and just a barrage of recent hits like yesterday's gone I mean he's just been on the money when it comes to putting out great music releases and mastering self-promotion altogether on Tik Tok the only thing I'd say though is that while he's killing it crazy early on you know I'm not going to lie it does feel like he just got here as establishing himself as a young thriving artist kind of like a a Ty maxy for any NBA heads out there you know he's he's really good he'll give you 50 here and there uh pretty much an All-Star it's just you know the potential is there it's already taking off but it does feel like he just got here and I'd say that there's definitely more out there for him it's that and I'd give it a good two years before he really goes into his prime years and really exceeds his accomplishments that he's made up to this point Alex Jean and scooty [ __ ] it's really hard to keep an honorable mentions to like five people so I'm going to put these two artists together just because they have similar trajectories and features when it comes to being an artist you know one thing I hate is that I see a lot of artists claim to be versatile but there's a big difference between being able to do everything and doing everything well just because versatile or blend of genres is a word I see thrown often in a lot of artist profiles but for scooty [ __ ] that's definitely not the case as he's somebody that's been able to dip his hand into a lot of blends of music from what we've seen so far such as Southern crunk traditional blends of gospel and even some Blends as far as reggae and it's not the fact that he's able to produce all this music but it's the fact that he hits a wide variety of sounds at an above average to high level and he's very creative at it too overall I don't hear his name talked about enough but he's definitely an artist that I wanted to mention and same thing goes to Alex Jean just someone who I mean like this kid like blew up like I think literally off of a tick knock snippet of him just like playing like like a rock song and it was kind of like different for people to see that just like a Haitian kid from like Florida like picking up a guitar and just like making a rock song about God but like he took people for a ride with just not only that but like just showing off features of just like other aspects of his music so like that pop smoke like sound that he throws in into his mix and music just the fact that he has different pockets and just features overall uh to like kind of like just highlight in his music and I mean recently like I think he released a snippet of like of a song that he sampled with TS and um I don't know if that will ever be proved or not but like um Alex Jan is definitely another artist like scooty [ __ ] in a similar fashion you know he's versatile in his own right but he does it very well but yeah honestly I'd say for the both of them I would even lie um they're kind of in the same boat as Caleb Gordon I'd say so unfortunately you know they're so young but they do have their years ahead of them give it one to two years and I'd say they're probably going to make not only the best music of their careers but probably something that could go beyond Christian hip hop and really break into the masses now KB I don't know why but at some point point I was asking myself why I didn't swap KB out for another main artist featured on this video just cuz he's always been mentioned in any commentary or conversation online like when people ask for new artists to listen to KB is usually a recommendation followed after saying L cray or something like that and certainly he's given us Amazing Music throughout the years though the only reason I swapped him out was cuz I realized that when I was making this video I realized that I was essentially looking at artists in their early 30s or under to fit this criteria of making this video and I mean KB started out making music at an early age and has been making music for the longest time but at some point it's a matter of just like looking at younger artists who still have their years ahead of them and seeing what the future of CH is going to look like in the next 10 to 15 years he's definitely going strong well into his career with his music but you know at some point it's just a matter of looking into the people who are currently in his position when he first started out in music and seeing where they're going to end up themselves okay lastly before I move on to the last artist um I wanted to squeeze John Keith in here really because like I've really exceeded my recording time but um I wanted to add John Keith as well he's definitely an artist who I think is revamping and redefining the way people approach Christian hip-hop as well especially last year with like uh that whole I can't remember what it was I think it was aramos Aros um that whole album with just redefining how to talk about just like mental health and just like different things of that nature and how Christians view it um it was beautiful to see so seeing things like that and I mean someone who kind of like went under rusan's wing during that King's dream entertainment era to kind of like being solo to jump on the Indie tribe I mean like he's done pretty well for himself and he's kind of like definitely at the Forefront right there with the artists that are kind of like just redefining how we see chh but um I definitely wanted to mention John Keith in this bit and uh yeah now looking back when it comes to like the different types of contributions and things people bring to the table around chh I mean there's just so many things right I believe there's so many criterias even outside of this video that I could have had the chance to cover but when it came to a no big deal and ja's own contributions outright I think their own contributions like spoke out out the most to me and I've shown that they've been able to carve their own lane outright and so we've covered infrastructure we've covered worship but what about culture the last pick for this video may or may not surprise you but I think this artist has built one of the strongest cases for why they could be the next person to hypothetically be the next L CR the possibilities are endless it's lighten up still have a heart eject there's the CD spinning action [Music] danger miles y'all Point your hands this way to Miles cuz God just said he put miles on Miles a miles minut 45 minutes ago we knew that miles minut miles minut hey Mr miles minut and miles minut is being harassed by Coachella as they are Miles what's up man Hey listen man y'all be sling bro I'm just a a fan of your work putting on for for the West [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Coast let people serve God the way they are wired to serve God dare you try to bash me for this there's protesters outside how could the same culture make fun of this right me being sober me being to my [Music] wife cuz God just said he put miles on Miles now a big criteria to making this video was to consider what every artist was bringing to the table and contributing around chh making great music alone is not enough there are plenty of artists outside of this video that were worth considering but I believe that the third artist that stood out to me the most was Miles minic I remember when I first heard about him on a feature with Joey vontes back in 2020 and at the time I didn't hear Too Many West Coast references or shout outs in chh outside of Joe vontes but miles came in and showed not only that he was willing to step up to the plate and represent the West Coast but that he wanted to show that there was a whole movement and Revival happening out there you see for the longest time I've found that chhs sound was predominantly represented by either artists from the south or east coast respectively I think that Miles has come along over the last 2 or 3 years and sparked not only a movement sonically and spiritually but also something culturally I think that the way miles has always garnered success through his organic reach is something that has helped him expose a whole culture of Christian music around the West Coast everything along with his hit songs like sober show out big with a crve and Christlike have always been accompanied by some kind of crazy organic online engagement and I mean like numbers that would be pretty hard for an independent artist to hit consistently on their own another aspect too that has helped him grow that culture too is that he's been killing crazy numbers on Instagram reels with just how outspoken and volatile he is one day he's making a song speaking out against anti-christian TR friends calling out the world and then the next thing you know he's calling out Christians that are against his efforts to organize Christian hip-hop events around his community I see that his personality and brand go well together with his music and he's shown that his mission and music go Way Beyond just an area of the country in different instances he showed it on his holographic album with how a Sound and Music content is more than just an appeal for the West Coast identity he showed it on garnering enough success to be featured on the Bible app for daily devotions he showed it by organizing glowfest and showing that people are truly enthused and interested in Christian music out there and he shown that it's all been done by being organic and when I'm throwing this word organic around I'm not saying that artists aren't getting a genuine Engagement online but I'm just referring to the fact that I don't think I've ever seen anyone else with this type of impact and numbers for just how small of a scale he's been operating on especially as an independent artist it's great to see his impact around the west and Beyond whether if it's justu serving his community seeing him perform at Major League Baseball stadiums we're just redefining a new way of approaching and listening to Christian music I'm definitely excited for his new album that he's been quietly announcing soon and I definitely see miles establishing himself as a third hypothetical as someone who would possibly replace a crate in the future so music um I'm going to start a record label uh within the next few years I see myself being the next lrae I don't see me just being an artist that Fizzles away um based on what I have in my heart and What the Lord Has revealed to [Music] me all right now one more thing I wanted to add to this like bit about miles minich I know early on I said that there weren't too many people like before him that were really giving a presence to the West Coast and really like constantly like shouting it out and just like giving reference to it and I was saying that se change predominantly like it's lended and ear mostly towards like Southern Sound and influence and like the whole East Coast scene but I think it's disingenuous of me and I also mentioned artists throughout the years that have been making music out there in the west coast so whether if it's V Rose the dream junkies so everyone from rouson John gives the believe uh tunnel rats I believe there are definitely artists over the years that have put on for the West Coast it's just that Miles gave like a unique twist and experience and like perspective of it but yeah guys man this video was probably almost 2 months in the making I'm glad that you can make it to the very end of this video and I just wanted to thank you guys I I really do do um this is something I really didn't have much of a heart for making video essays like this but lately with just like the amount of ideas I've been inspired to make um video essays are something that I kind of slowly want to like reintroduce back little by little just whenever I kind of like get a big idea thrown out there that just comes to mind but uh yeah guys and yeah everything here I mean like it's really just my own opinion anyone can easily construct and form their own argument for why they would have like their three artists for you know the hypothetical know person to replace a cray but uh at the end of the day you know it's all fun it's all banter and it's really more so just to entertain the idea of it like I said at the very start of the video I think chh is pretty good where it's at and how it's moving forward so yeah now other than that guys thanks for watching and don't forget to follow me on Instagram where we're posting shorts that sometimes don't make it on to YouTube I'm trying to post more consistently there while saving bigger and more giant video ideas that might take longer to make here on YouTube so make sure you follow the page but other than that until then guys guys thanks for watching and we will see you in the next [Music] video okay War hold up thought he made [Music] this
Channel: SOULO CHH
Views: 1,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soo who’s Replacing Lecrae, Whos replacing Lecrae, Who will Replace Lecrae, Lecrae, Lecrae CC4, Nobigdyl, Nobigdyl Lowercase Tape, Hulvey, Miles Minnick, Miles Minnick Christlike, Bars and Beats Entertainment, Caleb Gordon controversy
Id: YuQu5yapIts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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