Sony ZV-1F Review: What I Wish I Knew BEFORE Buying It!

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if you're a new content creator like myself and you're in the market right now for a very good affordable vlogging camera then this video is for you hey lovelies my name is Sia tarawali and welcome back to my channel so two weeks ago we purchased the Sony zv1f for my vlogging needs I told you guys that it just wasn't given what it was supposed to give with the Sony a6400 that we have this is more like a sit-down camera and my iPhone the black camera is good you know if you're starting out and you you don't have um money right now to like invest in a really good vlogging camera then you can use your iPhone I use my iPhone for a lot of videos but now you know we just wanted to invest into my craft because this is literally my full-time job now so I am gonna show you guys the things that I have learned about this camera because when I got the camera or even before I got it I had so many questions that I was asking and also even though I watched so many videos there were still things that I learned about the camera that I did not really see people talk about so let's get into it okay so apart from me wanting to invest in a good camera one of the other reasons why I got this cam camera is it is so intimidating to be a vlogger like you need to have so much confidence like when I'm telling you guys when you go out in public and you just like have a big ass camera in your hand and you're vlogging people stare at you and I have used this camera in public um maybe two or three times now and it's it's not it's not bad at all it feels like you're holding your phone so if you are like me and you just don't want to have a camera that has a big ass lens in front of it and it's just like bulky this is a good start this is a good start until for whatever reason you might want to upgrade later in the future so okay now let's get into the things that I love about the Sony zv1f first of all this camera is small very compact this can fit in your pocket if you have a small purse you know a swimming sometimes if we're going out we don't really want to always have big handbags or even a crossbody bag that's too big I'm not even a handbag type of person usually all my bags that I have they're really small this is amazing I could not do that again again with the Sony a64 that we have I could not just put that camera in my pocket or just put it in my small bag I always had to have like my backpack or a big tote bag or something this yeah not the case you can carry this however you want to you can just have it in your hand put like a little rope it has a space where you can put a rope you can get ropes from Amazon so if you're out vlogging you don't drop your camera and it's easy for you to Vlog also this camera is very cheap compared to other cameras this is like five hundred dollars um compared to like the Sony zv1 or you know Canon or whatever the case might be this is a good price I went to Best Buy before Tommy finally got me this one and we were looking at the prices and I was like okay yeah I know for now I just need a camera that's cheap and very effective and also with my research this is the one that we ended up going with so one of the things that I also noticed about this camera is when I first got it when you flip open the camera it automatically turns on now I did not know that and like I said I did not hear anyone on YouTube or Tick Tock say that so when I flipped open the camera and it came on I was like I was looking to tell me I'm like did you turn the camera off and you know I turned it off closed it and it was the same thing especially when the um when the screen is like facing down if the screen is facing up then that's different it will just stay off until you turn it on also this camera records in 4k so you get nice sharp and crispy video quality it looks different from you just using your iPhone your iPhone is great but when I'm telling you the 4K in this camera is a lot different from you having your regular iPhone also the flip out screen on the camera when you open it up you can fully rotate it so when you're vlogging you can like you know see yourself and I also love the fact that the screen pulls from the side instead of on top I don't know for some reason I just feel like if you want to add like a light or something you can put the lights right here the screen is still fully functional nothing is blocking the screen so I just love the fact that it pulls from the side this is great when you're vlogging another thing you guys should know is the camera is touch screen which makes it more interactive so if you want to do like a quick change you can just do whatever you need to do on the screen with your fingers so you don't have to necessarily like use the buttons all the time and it has like shortcuts that you can add on the screen also which makes your life so easy this camera also has picture profile so you can choose which one that works best for you and your skin tone or whatever environment that you're in it also has a wind filter and of course it comes with a built-in microphone I mean you can get an external microphone if you feel like you need to but for vlogging I don't think I am gonna need like an external microphone for this at least not right now in the future if I feel like I need one Sony has a really good one that you can get from their website or you can just get the rode microphone which is what I actually use to record my videos but yeah this wind filter helps with like if you're filming outside and it's too windy or just like too much noise this can help block out that noise so you get a nice audio on your video so people can hear you better for my vloggers we all know how important it is when it comes to exposure like we have really bad lightning in this house right so usually if I'm Vlogging I need so much light around me with this camera wherever you are the exposure adjusts to that so sometimes if you are working with like very low lights this camera is really nice and like I said it adjusts to whatever setting that you're in so it is amazing for vlogging rather than you having to carry maybe a big light or a ring light with you all the time this will lessen that load for you if you're a vlogger you you get what I'm saying okay now my most favorite part one of my most favorite Parts about this camera when I found that out I was screaming okay because I hate having to carry so many like charges with me this is a USBC so the charger that I use to charge my laptop my iPad Pro the same thing charges this camera so if I am traveling I don't need to have freaking 10 cables with me I can just have my one charger that charges my laptop my iPad and my camera which is so amazing I was so excited I was like oh thank God also apart from using it for like vlogging or YouTube it takes really good pictures I think 20 megapixels again I'm not a tech girly okay I can't really go dip down into that but it takes really good pictures so if you like film a YouTube video Vlog you can also use this for sit down videos so not just for vlogging you can use it for sit down videos whatever videos you want to use this camera for it's amazing you can use it for your IG reels your Tick Tock anything goes anything works I use it sometimes for my day in my live videos on my tick tock or my skincare videos I'll use this camera but yeah like I said it takes really good pictures so you can take pictures with this camera to post on your in your uh to post on your socials you can also take pictures for your YouTube thumbnail it is a good all-around camera and oh my gosh another great feature on this camera is the fact that when you turn it on and you're recording you will know that you're actually recording because it has like a red light that pops up on the screen that lets you know you're recording because sometimes let's be real you would feel like you're recording right you have certain cameras where you click record or you thought you clicked record but you did not record you did not click record and now you're just talking and talking and talking and nothing has been recorded and then when you're done you're like crap now I gotta do the same because I did not click record this there's no way for you to miss that you're recording or you're not recording it shows you that you are which is really amazing because the last thing you want is to like think you've recorded something and you actually did not record it this camera also has product mode which means when you're recording a video with the camera you can hold up something and it automatically focuses on the product right so like I said I do skincare videos and if I want to show products to the camera it will automatically focus on the product right and then when you take the product out of frame it will go back on you you can actually turn that on and off on the screen and it makes your life so easy if you're working with Brands and they send you products that you need to like do a video on nice and easy also the Sony zv1f has background defocus which means if you're recording you're in front of the camera it will kill all the distractions that you have in the back and the camera will focus more on you you know so people are not like distracted because sometimes you don't always have a really nice space for you to record you might have to record in front of whatever space that you have you if you live in an apartment where you don't have a specific place for you to record your videos and you probably have things behind you amazing because the camera will literally just focus on you right and kill all the distractions in the back also you can actually use this camera as a webcam to get like more of like a good quality if you want to if you go live on YouTube and you typically use your iPhone and you end up getting this camera you can use it as a webcam which is great because it adds to your video quality let's talk about the shooting modes that it has it has intelligent Auto it has manual it has shutter priority and it has a couple of other ones now intelligent Auto is my go-to this is the reason why I even wanted the camera in the first place because I just hate the fact that I had to change my settings all the time when I was vlogging with my other camera with this camera I don't have to do any changes when I'm Vlogging because when I put it in an intelligence Auto I am good to go I can go from inside to outside and what it basically does is it will adjust the iso and the exposure and everything else for you me and Tommy we usually fight when it comes to that because he is a manual guy like he likes to put the camera in manual so he can like tweak it play with the iso and I'm like nah leave my camera alone this is my vlogging camera I'm gonna do what I feel like doing I don't like the extra stuff I like the simple life like I said I am not a tech girly so I really don't have the time to keep changing my settings when I'm inside I gotta change it when I'm outside I have to change it and not just changing it but like I have to do these different steps no no we're not doing that so if you're like me and you're lazy and you just don't have time okay get it let's talk about slow motion this camera does it I did not know that Tommy recorded a couple of videos of the kids the videos were so cute like I said my husband likes to play with the camera right he will change the settings and I'm just like just leave it alone but you know what I'm happy he did because that made us know something that we did not know and also if all you do is just Vlog you can just set your camera how you want to and just leave it at that also a tip that I would give to people who Vlog or if you do want to start a vlogging do a test video I do that now even though my camera is set but I do it now I would do like a test video and just say something like hey guys my name is whatever and then I will watch the video again to see if I like it or to see if it has any sound so just be careful and just double check and make sure you're in the right place before you record an hour-long video or whatever however long video and now you're like I gotta do this again okay so the last thing I'm gonna talk about is the fact that you can download an app on your phone that helps you um you can like transfer the pictures and videos you can also use the app to take pictures you can use the app as like your shutter thingy that helps you like click record or take pictures like I said so it makes me your life easy okay guys so that is it for this video I really hope you guys enjoyed the video and you learned something that you did not know if you guys have any questions leave it in the comment section any feedback comment section as I go with the camera if I find new things that I feel like I did not know from me doing my research online I will make another video because I know a lot of times you know we get new stuff and we're like okay what do I do now right so I really hope this this video helped someone thank you guys so much for watching subscribe if you're new here turn on your post notification I will see you guys in the next video next Sunday love y'all bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Sia M Tarawallie
Views: 17,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony zv1f, best vlogging camera, sony zv-1f, sony zv1f review, vlogging camera, sony vlogging camera, sony zv-1, zv-1f, vlog camera, sony zv-1f review, sony zv1f footage, sony zv 1f, zv1f, camera review, sony zv1f full review, sony zv1f for youtube, best vlog camera, zv1f compared to the zv1, sony vlog camera, zv1f vlogging, sony alpha, zv1f vlog camera sony, vlogging camera 2022, new sony camera, best sony camera for youtube, best youtube camera 2023, zv1f and zv1
Id: JDbWPcNrdb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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