Sons of Anarchy cast interviewed by Russell Brand 2012

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welcome to FX's sons of anarchy live premier chat I'm Russell Brand I am here literally in the SAMCRO clubhouse I'm loose I can touch things I can touch this puppy elfis I'm near people there's a bloke who plays Auto this is a genuinely exciting opportunity season five starts in a minute welcome all of you to your Clubhouse your creative home thank you for allowing me to come in here hello nice one this is a live chat before tonight's premiere episode of season five of Sons of Anarchy it's entitled sovereign and what makes this event very very special is that all of the questions that I'm going to be asking to your favorite characters come from you these are your questions and it turns out from these questions Kurt that a lot of your fans are as you might imagine from the fact that they're devoted to Sons of Anarchy are mentally unstable some of them yet many of the questions Ron do come from inside prisons and institutions I have chaired always found that a lot of people I think that strike up chats with you have been institutionalized at some time the first question is of course for the current SAMCRO president played by a beloved Charlie this is from Marcy Gray she's a fan mate she wants to know this I'm doing your work I'm doing your bidding here Marcy I'm just a conduit what do you think Charlie what do you think will be the main differences between Jax's and clays leadership of the club how will how will it change now now that you have seized control you know I think that clay had good intentions when he started running when he took over as president but over the years through his leadership it became more of a dictatorship than a democracy and I think that that's Jax's whole intention when he rises to power is to just bring this back to bear more of a democracy and let these guys have a say as opposed to just being barked orders that by by the big man but I think one of the interesting things that Jack saw in encounter through the course of this season is just realizing how difficult that is to to lead men in this type of world in in a democracy you know and sometimes you have to make the decision and you know for the greater good that's what I wonder is will the idealism as outlined in the manifesto and writings of John teller be able to be realized once you actually have that kind of power that's the interesting thing isn't it you know the you know one of the central backbones of Jax's struggle this season right well then I hope that answers your question Marcy because I've done it to the best of my ability the second question is for you Katie who have a course place fear SAMCRO matriarch or will she be in season five think we know how things are shaping up Katie now Lisa Saunders has a question for you that addresses the very matter that I just alluded to what will Gemma do now that she is not the queen of SAMCRO that's what Lisa wants to know and frankly all of us do well I believe Gemma thinks she is the queen of SAMCRO I don't think that she you know well Lisa we can have a conversation about that tarah now let's start well we have we will find out more about that in season five but the truth is is that it isn't it's an interesting position to be in to see how mother-in-law now deals with new bride and what the what the power struggle of that does become she had always wanted her son to sit at the head of that table I don't think she thought it out completely what that would do but that would mean for her position but I think that Gemma I don't think I think she's in she's in a struggle about her position but I think she's also in denial about her position so like if you asked her not me the actor I think she would absolutely deny the fact that she's not the queen she would say she was she would still see it as the Queen's weakening a little bit in terms of perhaps you know how far down the scale she's kind of slid you know and at least that's where it begins you know in the awareness of you know of the state of the state of the kingdom in and and perhaps your your role in that you know I think it's gonna lead to a lot of conflict with Vitara then you think so Maggie that there's gonna be loved even more conflict in this relationship now with Gemma I think so they're they're both pretty aggressive they're becoming aggressive Welsh Tara's become is increasingly becoming more aggressive and Gemma has always been aggressive and therein lies the problem well that's obviously something we'll be looking forward to in tonight's episode story and seeing some of these issues touched upon the next question is for Ron Perlman it comes from a man claiming to be called Vincent Garcia his question is quite psychologically challenging Ron and I like it's bear in mind that I'm merely the messenger here alpha love of the show Sons of Anarchy so don't shoot a messenger we challenge people right here what now this is Vincent's question not mine what is clay so afraid of he seems to off anyone who comes close to threaten his power why does he run on fear what's wrong with him what's motivating him Ben is just a lot of electric exclamation marks and like a picture of you with no clothes on that's from Vincent Garcia what is he afraid of Wow I think I think it's it's clear that clay is not afraid of very much but for some reason he's terrified that the secret of his what's the word I'm looking for past involvement that suggests a word in John tellers demise will and I'm not I'm never I'd love to put this question to Kurt because there's this thing that I see in clay where he life-and-death don't have a whole lot of difference for him you know he's one of those guys that's really gone to the edge and he's looked right into the jaws of it and it makes him fearless that he knows it's nothing that you know yes that is ever going to to to to rule over him is this this fear of dying which makes him an incredibly dangerous soldier his early years and makes him an incredibly dangerous leader in this world but there's this one sort of it's a it's a kryptonite thing you know it's like there's something pure about Jax that that scares clay yeah and and and that's like his kryptonite is that you're scared of the purity and decency and integrity the legacy of John teller that lives on in Jax that clay fears that right and it's not it's not a matter of what he's gonna do what he finds out it's the disappointment that I'm going to see on his face that probably scares me the most because he is this pure of heart perfect kind of be do you think that the character of clay maintains this of compassion and affability when he is so ruthless and merciless our is it cuz runs such a good actor that clay so identifiable and lovely what's going on I'm sorry I didn't hear anything else I'd like to compliment you on being very handsome her dramas a great actor and I just went I think everyone loves the character of Otto Delaney I look forward very much to those interludes they're wonderful but how can it be their character like clay adorable is always honorable how come I sort of like him a bit even though everything he does he's mean we all think that Jack should be President or Mew no maybe Bobby but like he's always doing bird and he's always banged up she can't run Sam crow from inside burn it that's English colloquialism Forster choking juvie so like how come he's so likable will you please tell me do you even really write this I don't need a mastermind baby yeah I think I think clay here's what I would say I think that clay is you know he has a line in the premiere where he sort of describes what was driving him last season and it really goes back to who he is as a man in terms of you know he's he's this guy that was you know probably you know I have a sense of Clay's background being perhaps like a military family and he was in the military and he's this guy who is has this this this sense of just you know being a soldier and and and being like completely driven towards one goal and that's all he sees and like like a soldier you tend to justify and compartmentalize the collateral damage that falls around you and I think there's something identifiable in clay that even though he's ruthless even though he's doing these heinous things at times there's a sense of loyalty and dedication to the goal you know and I think there's people people are attracted to somebody that you know just [ __ ] has at it and stays the course and and and and does it thank you thank you for doing the first swearing we are on the internet so swearing is [ __ ] permissible the next question is for you Maggie it's from Alison graves ooh mm-hmm Tara has clearly taken a place at the head of the table alongside Jax she has the means to blackmail Gemma with what she knows from the letters we know about that that's hidden information Gemma knows what he knows are we gonna see tarah become even more like Gemma this season or is she gonna use her position to help Jax go Nomad and escape what's going to happen well I think at the end of last season is pretty clear that there is no escape for the immediate time being so I think Tara sees her her role as that of somebody who needs to help her mate assume power and and also you know I I don't think her goal this season is really about getting out I think it's much more about learning how to live within and accepting the club as her family and and and the kind of like fierce loyalty that comes along with that hmm so John tellus dream may never be realized of a sort of a beautiful wandering band of vagabond hippies on bikes bringing peace and love everywhere certainly not with people like TIG in the sons of anarchy who I think is the most psychopathic like the dangerously psychopathic like of the bikers I'd like to pose this question on behalf of a lady claiming to be Sandra foster is she will never know what drives Tigs allegiances Kim there seems to be something unspoken about what he really wants and beliefs I've noticed that too as a viewer ther is a mystique and a mysteriousness that Sandra and I want unveiled no I don't ask no yeah I think it's changed a lot for TIG in the four seasons that we've seen right I mean that first season with sergeant-at-arms - clays side it was a pretty great start for him and we found out stuff that that Kurt he found out stuff about TIG that was just wacky weird stuff but he is loyal and he was very loyal to clay and I think what we've seen in the four seasons especially at the end of last year when the big lie happened - to him and he went off on his own and we did that horrible he's always killing the wrong girl somehow it's just I have nothing to do with it but I played it through so I guess we'll see where his allegiances really lied this year and I've said this a million times and Rossi is gonna laugh at me again but I'm off the leash I mean pigs really off the leash at the start of this year and and it's uh we prefer him on the leash in season five that there is no leash so more perversion more copper Fillion necrophilia all of the filius fatigue that we've got that to look forward to bones this is a question for you it comes via Rob Ellis who's one of our fellow humans here on this planet how does Boone feel about ending up in jail in three out of four season finales why does that keep happening with a straight answer which I don't really feel like you're very close this is our Watergate how do I feel about I feel I actually you know it's actually kind of a truthful situation for bikers because they are constantly in and out of jail so it's it's not that like this is unusual for a character in this series that they would be in and out of jail like on a regular basis in you get out you get in you go in you sometimes you end up staying a long time but hopefully doesn't happen with me I think Bobby oh this is the most of literary and reflective of the SAMCRO crew so it seems unfortunate and unfair that you keep getting these penal good for my reading very good for my reading Tommy this is an inquiry from one of the viewers called se Ferran when going over scripts do you find yourselves questioning your character's motives and saying things like what the [ __ ] you doing man it says that in italics [ __ ] you doing man yeah dearly every minute of every day it's like these when you see your characters arcs the situations that chips has to deal with do sometimes go what the [ __ ] is happening man that's what se wants to know when to seek wait later I'd say with a fox are finicky in what's [ __ ] happening you've made a classical journalistic error there I see you've given an actor an opportunity to say yes or no it's gotta be how what why where win this is a question for you Ryan ello mate this is from Betty Kenney Opie way it's so patiently to avenge his wife's murder after what clay did to his dad does he have any patience left or does he feel betrayed by his SOA sons of anarchy family hmm well yeah I mean obviously I think he feels betrayed you know his wife was killed his father was killed and then but you know but but I also think that Opie differs in a little way than a lot of people in the club that he's sort of more he sees his own involvement in what's happened and he recognizes it more but I think he's he feels betrayed by at all you know and you know he was betrayed by his second wife and then you know he had a big tiff with this one and you know but I think he made the choice to come back into the club and everything that's been sort of taken away from him was you know at the end of the day was his responsibility was his choice I hope you very much I think he's one of the moral centres of the show I think he seems decent base always bad stuff happens to him Kurt you don't get a lot of luck everyone keeps getting bumped off why you being so sadomasochistic towards the character of Opie I just listen to this stuff and I go wow that's really awful I just there's a really awful thing he said I had no idea I put you in jail three times that's awesome and season fives not over yet but no you know I I feel like you know the there's a there's an interesting dynamic I think that happens between Opie and Jax you know the fact that they are you know they they were literally friends since they were that high and and you know it's kind of the one guy I think that Jax you know can open up to and and and have these heartfelt discussions with and and I think what ends up happening is is is that he's he's he's been established as a character that has that has this sort of moral Center in the sense of vulnerability and I think it's almost like and I don't know if this was on some thematic thing I'm trying to say but there's the idea that it's it's not a good thing to be vulnerable in this world do you know what I mean like it's really difficult to be a sensitive vulnerable thoughtful guy living this kind of life I'm struggling just doing this interview but you know so I think that has a lot to you know I think that has a lot to do with it you know so I think in the characters of opiate X you could have the kernel of a brave new optimistic SAMCRO bill around the ideals of John teller now the next question is a little bit of I'd call it comedic relief is for you feel I hold you in great affection ever since season one when you was in that diaper oh I'll never forget that moment in fact it's just nice to know that I can in visit you in that position even now this is a question from Rhonda Mack if an episode was focused on your character what weird thing would you like us to discover a fetish a love of fruity drinks a high school nickname basically have you done any character research that's what Rhonda Mack we did go into a fetish at one point but we actually didn't show it in season two or one yeah where the underwear it was season one maybe underwear it was under the panties being flushed down the toilet and there was a scene that was deleted where he was sniffing he was stealing underwear and sniffing them and and then flushing them and really having this yeah and that was a big deal like with him so he it's funny that they asked that yeah he has those weird little things but um it was Unser's underwear and boone's underwear and that's where it got weird no no we just started where they were plunged up and Bobby always said something but we at the end of the day we decided it was way too weird and on the toilet that you might not like the guy might not like the guy ever again no something being kept out sons of anarchy this is a question for you now Dayton it's from Kevin Smith your character has gone through a tough time and now has to fight cancer along with everything else what do you think has been the hardest thing your character has had to overcome Dayton I think just trying to keep a balance and his job as a cop all the way through and you know and friend the club it's that's the hardest thing is just keeping the balance because I just read today in the internet a matter of fact at Johns Hopkins found two more stages as a cancer so we can go up to like nine so what that means your character balancing doing a balancing act constantly he's way out of control now that there are drugs coming in a charming like that I think that the law enforcement role dat SAMCRO provided he's been constantly compromised with some of clays terrible decisions I don't know how you were a law enforcement officer in your character can justify these terrible behavior and perhaps the cancer some sort of cosmic punishment you see it as chaos he doesn't see it as chaos he just sees a few things he has to stop let me know that his father lived seven seasons [Laughter] the next question is for you it's from Josh Gress what is the significance of that homeless woman's that appears multiple times throughout the first of all seasons of the show will their character be developed further in coming seasons what's going on justify yourself I always sort of you know to me it's a little bit of the if I go harken back to my pretentious Shakespearean archetypes it sort of harkens back a little bit to the magical component of Shakespeare and you know the and and I described it this way and and this is basically because I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing with her I say I describe it as you know she is who she is and she represents who she represents meaning that you know they're there you could you can view her as just being a homeless woman digging through garbage you could view her as having some sort of you know cosmic connection to the club you know you can you can you can understand her and and and the places where she tends to show up has pure coincidence or as something else and I just sort of leave it out there and there's no like big plan in terms of you know it all comes down and she's John teller and drag you know but but but you know I I do believe that there's all a find a place for it at some point or in the course of the season through organically kind of work it in and and just have a wink to all that you know I like that and also like that you've mentioned so Shakespeare one of the things I like about the show is the way the parodies Hamlet with Jack's being sort of like Hamlet under the Claudius style clay uncle so that's something you are aware of mate when you're like building your character and portraying it I mean in the beginning in the understanding of obviously in television you only get a couple of episodes at a time so trying to understand what the overall arc of this character would be I spent some time thinking about it and funnily enough just on a hamlet reference I don't know if you ever knew this but it was always my I do the I have of late but wherefore I know not lost all my mirth speech in American before every before every audition that's why how I would get into in American accent because I figure delivering Shakespeare with an American accent if you can do that you can do anything in American and and John linson was going out to the bathroom while I was doing that talking to myself and he said what that was that Shakespeare as he kept on walking he was Hamlet they got me this role because God saw me and really liked me and the big question was whether I could do an American accent and how help me do that no and Charlie Charles I'd seen Charlie in in Green Street and and while this pilot was in development while we were figuring it out I was doing a draft of an awful movie that Lexie was directing so I had watched all her movies and I'd watched Green Street and and I saw Charlie and and I said that's that's that's my guy and and I knew I'd had no idea of what he was doing or where he was and he turned out he was living in the States he you know was had taken some downtime from acting because he didn't find any roles that he wanted to do he was actually writing working on a script and and brought him in we had our little meeting and you know and and you know the dynamic sometimes when you're bringing people that have that you know I reached a certain level and you can't really ask them to read and it's first it's a meeting and it's all that stuff and and like right from the chump jumped charlie was just sort of like boom and you know he came in and he read and he and he did the you know he did it with the with the American dialect and and and this is I'll just jump to this this is my favorite story is that Charlie came in we love them John linson who executive-produced love me we went to we we we go to ICM where my agents weren't to have the network meet him and we're doing the big the network meeting and which is meeting that gets you the job yeah 30 people from the network and the studio sitting at a conference table and you go in and audition for them all like that with theater yeah and it's it's just him and all these lovely people ensues and and and Charlie's there and and and did you do the scene did you you did yeah the scene and then I went now and you pulled me back in right you read it one more time and then we're sitting around and then and then John Landgraf you know loved it and and and started speaking to him you know cuz he already gave him the job and he started speaking he didn't started speaking to him in terms of Malad to have you bet in the family and blah blah and it took Charlie like what about five minutes to realize that you actually got the job because you had no because I was still so flustered because the problem was we were gonna meet at two o'clock at ICM but ICM had just changed building and no one [ __ ] told me so I was all the way across town on time that I see em at the old building so I showed up in our late a little bit a little bit hot under the collar so that's the provenance of of course the great Jackson character but how on earth did you find your way into this program Katie how do you justify yourself well I don't even know if I should say it but but I just you know rumors but you're having sex with that man [Applause] this is the worst thing on the internet if I had said that you would have kill me well done I didn't think it'll be you that would lower the tone in this room right surprising it's a pretty tough competition myself and obviously now on that note this is from Krystal Adams who inappropriately laughs the most during filming who misbehaves the most cracks up breaks up chuckles and stuff chuckles you yes a little chuckle dizzy yeah some of the things that go on on this set I've heard about you've got your job now we've got to keep things under control let's go down let's go all the way down we've got another question for Kim so it is we could find ourselves in the gutter very shortly this is from Amanda Thomas a champion do you think that tick has true feelings for Gemma why do I have to answer that no hey do I um listen listen to me okay when I when I when I read the script in season 2 where Jem and TIG do the wall slam I said no not not doing it not didn't matter how much Kim loves Kate not not doing it so Kurt heard wind of that and said won't come and talk to me so I did and I said I mean I'm so loyal to clay he was so loyal to clay and sort of goats he goes to me well look what what happens right like right after that right I was right after that you go right to Opie and tell Opie that you killed his wife so so Gemma was going through this incredibly horrific season with what happened to her at the beginning of season two TIG was lost completely lost killed the wrong girl a brother's wife so we were both lost so he explained to me how this was just a happenstance thing that sort of happened but didn't happen and it really hasn't happened since so did that answer the question defined by his loyalty to men as opposed to his emotions towards women so that's the way that familial vibe works one of the things I like a lot about Sons of Anarchy is the way that it mirrors a typical family dynamic that even though they're sort of outlaws and that it's very traditional in some structural ways is that to take though is did he ever think about Gemma during quiet time I think that that love Charlie answers the question there's no actual relation going on between any of them but they're so their own little universe there so their own their soul attached to each other that there's very incestuous just in thought not not necessarily indeed so they're all and I thought that moment between the two was such a stress reliever it was just it was just kind of out of you know which happens a lot to the characters if you guys heard about it he'll describe it as just that moment where you just kind of fizzle and you know something goes on it's just to to get through the day like necessary catharsis I also like the idea of saying stress reliever that's a good excuse that's genuine take-home information for people watching you can say that was simply a stress reliever that was undertaking there with one of my colleagues at work we can all use in our private nice one this is a question for you mate it's from Katy Morris what does that men of mayhem patch mean what's going on with that how does the Sun earn it because I don't think all sons have one that's from Katy what does the men of mayhem patch that juice received sample me well first of all that question should be directed right towards Kurt sniffing and flushing which I'm sure it's not in maybe there are three who have it and one has an unholy one so three people have the meta mayhem Jax Opie and myself and then one has the unholy which is happy I'll explain it as AI wants me the mistake of asking a Hells Angel member what a certain patch meant on their jacket their cut you know and I said what is it what's that and and he looked at me and very politely basically said you know I can't tell you that because if I did I'd have to kill you so they're not getting up a patch and that's a clue and if I'd have one for over here but it's it's just basically you yeah you don't you don't ask you know so I sort of carry out that same mythology being difficult to research your writing project when the Hells Angels won't cooperate in that they were you know they were very polite they were very yes yes and and and I and I in turn was polite such company this is a question for you Katie it's from James Mullane mmm-hmm will you be doing any more cover songs for the new season I love your voice you sound great in the other cover songs you perform that's from James from Lane will you be thank you James yes I will be I'm not sure what this song is yet we've gone through a couple but I'm actually working on a new record a new Katie record and then it will there'll be a song from that that will be on the Sons of Anarchy soundtrack this year too but I just don't know which one it is yet with Jackson Browne yeah I did a Steve Earle song that Jackson Browne came and sang on with me called goodbye but I don't think we're gonna use that one I don't know but it'll be it'll be out and about so I'm glad people like that that's I love to do that the further thing to look forward to in season five which of course kicks off tonight with Episode one called sovereign we've got a question for you Iran it's from Keith White what has been the fan reaction to clay season four storyline have you had people coming up to in the street making demands of you questioning you hoping to hear that infectious giggle mmm couple of requests to often odd uncle or two you know bill collector yeah the the response has been precisely what one would have dreamed for which is you you know they don't know whether they hug your spit on you but the response has been excited people really genuinely get emotionally involved in our show which never ceases to delight me they have strong opinions about it they seem to veraciously set their DVRs around Tuesdays at 10:00 it's been it's been phenomenal there was a there was a a poll taken like around episode 12 of season 4 how many people think thought clay would make it to the end of the year and 81 percent said no 19% said yes I would have been in the 81 percent because I didn't I didn't see any way for him to get out of the mess he had put himself in knowing that the other personalities of the club and and how pure certain of the you know the do's and don'ts are that are laid out in sort of the unspoken constitution of clay being a beloved character of yours and also his touches upon the idea of how much of their goings-on of charming is subject to the analysis of the viewers like you said like to me that when the billboards around it was the circle and like I Jax was inside and clay was outside there was sort of speculation do you ever try and send subtle messages to your fans through the medium of I don't know semiotics posters imagery what not know most of my messages are not very subtle you know as far as the marketing stuff you know we have brilliant marketing and FX and they handle all that stuff including including the imagery and all those stuff because they they they thoroughly understand the show you know if there understand you know how best to position it and and and I love all that stuff you know and they shot him they shot at several different ways you know in terms of who was in the circle who was outside the circle and then it's it's really some of it is you know what's most visually compelling and what tells the greatest story what is gonna get people going hey wait a minute wait why is clay you know over over there you know and I think that was the decision to go with that with that poster you know in you know I have you know I I try to layer this show with a lot of different things you know in in terms of you know the not just the the Shakespearean archetypes but you know you know in terms of the absurdist humor and you know and and and I I have no problem using this as a vehicle for you know for some of those things that you're not supposed to necessarily put in TV shows you know what I mean and and and allowing that to allowing that to play out and continue to tell the story you know I try you know my my mo in in in the writers room is always about you know if you know if they if it's if I've seen it before I don't want to do it you know what I mean so and it's really true how do I push the envelope in terms of story in terms of narrative in terms of some of the absurdity of it how do I push the envelope on it and have it be you know surprising and thrilling and compelling and still keep it rooted you know and and and and and real and and you know and believable in the context of this big world one of the things I like is the dark comedy that comes into the world and I remember from my own time in a Hills angel motorcycle gang back in Britain that we had a lot of very good laughs there before it all ended with imprisonment and chaos told me what that comedy that we see on screen is there this is from Christy gue lass what has been the biggest laugh that you can recall in your time making this show under pressure you know what there's a lot of laughter so one this year come on help me out here was the biggest laugh come on come on you guys so many cricket to each other I know that's god I always say something because I saw me any this is the nature of this life spontaneous chat on the internet it's happening immediately people are gonna feel that kind of pressure you've had a lovely duck anecdote people of the internet if you're not happy you can go and masturbate anytime you like I'll stay here and masturbate will welcome it someone who saying disgusting in a minute look at the people that are present apparently I think that the the the the interaction that happens that you're picking up now with all these guys you know the the camaraderie and the the [ __ ] they give each other and you know is really you know you you know I utilize constantly on this show because it's that's to me that comes across on screen you know so you know that that energy you know when we write some of those comedic beats and and and some of this stuff you know you know isn't isn't necessarily scripted and you get that that's that sense of love and camaraderie and laughter and and and that only happens because of the personal relationships that have developed over time you know having a laugh once and then all of a sudden it'll be the same kind of thing on the page you know so that's kind of cool on screen stuff yeah I like that that's one of things I really enjoy is the camera I mean it's clear that you all really love each other and really get on I also like to come and visit a TV show Ron Perlman he's a something out I like coming on a TV show where you can't tell the crew from the cast pretty cautious everybody looks just big tattoed gazes it's wicked this is a question for you mate it's from Kelly more oh we all know Jax wants out of SAMCRO but what does he want SAMCRO to be once he leaves that's from Kelly Moore oh um I mean I think the reality you know I think that he would love sang crow just to be this kind of righteous collection of brothers who look out for each other and help each other and you know and defend each other when necessary I think he was actually gonna leave the only way you could ever get any pieces if the whole Club disbanded cuz I think the reality of him being able to walk away and live and any other life or in any other kind of world would would fall flat pretty quickly for him I mean how after living this existence can you go and live a nine-to-five type of job so you know I think the only way he could walk away is if the club somehow imploded exciting is that since that people are trapped you know there is no way out you're part of that code you're part that Brotherhood forever so it's very good question thank you this is for all of you is from mark see I feel about acting you know is that I absolutely hate it but what else are you gonna do like once you've started acting you kind of get hooked and the lifestyle and everything but I mean at the end of the day it doesn't really make one not happy you know I don't know if I've Hollywood is a shock filled with happy people that it is feeling really content and happy with the state of their life in that position in the world you know so that's what I just think we all face these dilemmas the imprisonment of our birth so that's a very good question nice one this is for all of yours it's from Mark C Fallon is there any way to leave SAMCRO that does not require you to black out your black or your back tattoo is there any way to leave it all there's bed in a box body bag you can leave a club in good standing yeah and keep in keep [Applause] giving head to ron Hubbard I mean you already point out your first show on September 11th how much more aggravation do people want in your lives surprising a light hearted beautiful affable staff Ian character the wise sage of the SAMCRO organization to him we turn now in this time of difficulty it's a question from Jay Mohr Oh for you mate what do you do in your spare time when you're not working on sons of anarchy do you have any hobbies hobby this place smells like a marijuana factory in the end I think that's what these lights are for is growing weed thousands of rabbits true John Steinbeck's rabbits and alfalfa rest just like the rest cause you slit work hard workers godsends lay under the tutelage of Kurt Sutter a hard taskmaster ok so we're one minute now so I think we should all just wrap this up it's gonna be an exciting season how did you feel about Kurt I'm no I'm very excited about season 5 I feel like you know to me I I you know we're building to this place of seeing Jax at the head of the table and you know I knew that I didn't want to in the series there I knew that I wanted to land there and have a few a few seasons to play out to see you know what that would all look like for me this has always been about Jax's journey in terms of what kind of man is he going to become and I think now he's in a position where he's makes decisions where we actually can answer those this is the season of Sons of Anarchy that's more important than all of us you've got a watch episode one sovereign tonight which is a word for king or ruler ain't it which is what Jax has now become thank you all of you for your fantastic contributions this evening thank you for your wonderful questions I myself know I'll be doing I'll be watching Sons of Anarchy while smoking weed and sniffing panties and flashing them away like a good little secret season four is available on DVD and blu-ray get ready for the premiere episode of season 5 of Sons of Anarchy coming up in a few minutes only on FX oh and someone's can we put em on the telly as well but that'll take care of itself [Applause]
Channel: Linn Einarsson
Views: 2,553,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charlie Hunnam (Film Actor), Ron Perlman (Film Actor), Katey Sagal (TV Actor), Maggie Siff (Musical Artist), Theo Rossi (TV Actor), Kim Coates (Film Actor), Kurt Sutter (TV Writer), Tommy Flanagan (TV Actor), Mark Boone Junior (Film Actor), Dayton Callie (TV Actor), Ryan Hurst (TV Actor), Sons Of Anarchy (TV Program)
Id: lfdYg3q0kqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 55sec (2815 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2015
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