Sonny Bill Williams hits back at residents opposing mosque he's helping build | A Current Affair

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sporting Superstar Sonny bear Williams is the front man for a new mosque the only issue local residents don't want it and An Almighty Feud has broken out it's nothing against being a mosque it could be a Buddhist Church it could be a church it could be anything it shouldn't be in a residential area we've stuck to all the rules and regulations and I just think it's a bit unfair to be honest now singing it Allah and all these sort of things at that stage that's when my daughter went and put cameras in at the front for my safety we've had to put cameras and it's not just us it's the whole street I don't think anyone understands the impact that this is having on all the residents [Music] we see this battle time and time again only this time it's a sporting Superstar who's been accused of using his Celebrity Status to get this controversial building across the line the penny is the big bad wolf Sonny Bill Williams is used to have big hits on the footy field and in the ring that now he's copping An Almighty spray for plugging the new mosque beautiful brothers and sisters we are here I'm joined by Chef Kamal alhamdulillah and we are here in front of the new Hurstville Masjid check you want to give us an update so please don't get me on Sunny Bill Williams no he he's got he he needs to be educated on all of this does that mean mosque neighbors are smashing the former football player for supposedly spreading fake news to begin with Biden lies now Sunny Bill Williams is hitting there I've been hit up so many times to do an interview about this and all I want is just some fear reporting right then let's kick things off with a disclaimer Williams is contracted to nine entertainment the owner of Channel 9 and this program Williams is also a devout Muslim and is promoting a controversial new mosque being built in Carlton near Hurstville in Sydney's South so check we're on the second floor and this is where the woman's musala will be neighbors have been fighting this development for years [Applause] after a lengthy battle in the New South Wales Landon environment Court the mosque was given the go-ahead to be built on the site of an old retirement home what's the difference to having a mosque here than a retirement village the Retirement Village didn't get many people going in constantly they have currently 20 people going in five times a day for the public place of worship Stella lives opposite the new mosque site she accuses Sonny Bill Williams of promoting future events there on social media that will see more people attend than what's allowed wedding services there'll be funeral services like you know a hub I would never have thought Sonny Bill Williams would be doing that either false advertisement in a residential area Williams makes no apology me I guess being I guess loud on social media for example about the places because I'm proud I'm proud brother that's it and there's messages all around Sydney so me saying that this place is open for worship in Charlotte soon you know not all the Muslims in Sydney are going to come here is mum Roslyn is dreading the potential increase in traffic yeah I might be working afternoon shift or night shift or morning ship you know I've got to block all this out now how am I going to block the noise out how am I going to get my sleep where's What About Us where the rate pays I understand their concerns but we've we've done our upmost we've done our due diligence we've knocked out knocked down pretty much half the potential mustard um to facilitate or to cater for more car Parks spaces I don't know about what more we can do man this fight's also been dogged by allegations of intimidation which Rosalind claims has left us scared to sit on her front porch well I've got to hide in my back out all the time hiding my house why should I have to do that I don't think it's right I'm sorry I'm sorry I can't control everything Williams might not be able to control everything but he is calling for common sense from anyone going rogue someone patience come on boys come on you know people of this community you know if we want to if I assess Muslims we want to um have this piece as a bit of a hub for our kids our kids kids to learn about our beautiful religion and and and making that possible we have to form relationships with those around us I can't find Tony Bill Williams so people abusing my mother if he can stop the harassment we might not get somewhere but we will still see how it goes so whose fault is this councils I mean it's councils all the way front of mind for Williams right now is getting the mosque built the rooster's Jersey that are painted in 2013 when we under won the competition he and close mate Anthony mundine have donated money and auction items towards the project it's Australia alhamdulillah thank God it's a you know everyone's everyone is free to worship what they want to worship and and practice that worship so that's all we're doing with time the neighbors will see we're good people you know so and and with time we can hopefully you know form a bit of a relationship let's hope so
Channel: A Current Affair
Views: 130,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aca, a current affair
Id: 7z7hthz2cXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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