Sonic Glitches 2 - Did You Know Gaming? Feat. Greg

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[Music] did you know the final boss of Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis has a glitch that makes him unbeatable if the player lands the final blow on Robotnik but then immediately hits him again before the piston reacts it becomes impossible to finish the fight the hit counter for the boss cannot go lower than zero so hitting Robotnik twice in quick succession will cause the counter to roll back to its maximum value this means that the player would have to land another 255 hits to win which is impossible before the timer runs out in sequences where developers didn't want Robotnik to die they would set his health to 255 points and make sure he wasn't on screen long enough to attack him hundreds of times however in Sonic 3 & Knuckles it's possible to exploit glitches and beat Robotnik where developers didn't intend in the hidden Palace zone it's possible to break a cutscene by panning the camera up then using tails to keep Super Sonic off the ground while fighting Knuckles this will keep the camera high when the cutscene starts somehow altering the next scene so that knuckles never appears instead of fighting knuckles Robotnik will attack where knuckles was supposed to be and then stay still allowing the player to hit him hitting Robotnik 255 times will bring his counter to zero and he will burst into a flicky if Sonic lands on spikes in Sonic 1 immediately after taking damage his invincibility frames won't activate and without rings the player will immediately lose a life while it's debatable whether or not this is a bug it was changed in sequels as well as subsequent re-releases off the game although more of an oversight than a glitch the mobile port of Sonic 2 also fixed the infamous spike related mishap mystic cave zone act 2 has a deep pit with spikes at the bottom the pit is a beginner's trap intended to kill the player if they rush into it if the player has unlocked supersonic the player is forced to wait minutes until their rings tick down to zero the pit became something of a meme in the sonic community and was fixed in the 2013 mobile port by combining it with another fan favorite talking point it became the entrance to the hidden palace zone a level from the original release that gained a lot - attention in the community there is a popular glitch in the classic games known as sipping normally the collision detection in these games is programmed to prevent Sonic from entering walls however if the player manages to force sonic into a wall then pushes against that wall the collision detection will shoot sonic in the opposite direction at great speeds this in effect make sonic zip across the level with enough speed it's possible to zip past the first pixel in a level however the game will read the players exposition as minus one a location that does not exist so it will instead position the player at the end of the level the maximum possible value this is known as level wrapping it's also possible to wrap through certain levels vertically in Sonic 2 3 & Knuckles if the player pans the camera to its lowest point and then jumps the game will scroll the screen down to find the player collision detection isn't loaded for off-screen objects however so sonic will fall during this glitch passing through geometry enemies and kill planes this glitch will only work in levels that have long vertical shafts which wrap endlessly to make the pits appear larger than the game can make them normally Sonic's position is tracked to the top left corner of the map however this point doesn't exist in an infinitely looping level so the left corner of the screen is used instead when the player pans the camera down and jumps it will read Sonic's vertical Y position as minus 1 and try to move the camera down to him similar to the zipping glitch the genesis version of sonic 3d blast had a secret where the player could wiggle or tap the cartridge to access a level select menu this is actually a result of the game thrashing and ironically only occurs because of Sega's strict quality assurance the company would subject each game to rigorous tests so that they would never crash after purchase this could often take weeks and a developer would have to repeat the process if their game failed to avoid this programmer John Burton coded the game to display an error message when it crashed giving him specific feedback on what went wrong and how to fix it however when submitting the game for testing Burton changed the error messages to redirect to a secret level select catastrophic errors including disconnecting the cartridge from the console by wiggling it would now open level select menu instead of an error message because the menu didn't seem like a glitch during the approval process whoever was approving the game would just assume it was a secret Burton's plan worked and the game was approved Sonic Adventure is notorious for its glitches and sequence breaks many of which are the result of its poor collision detection in the lost world area if the player restarts on a panel that allows Sonic to walk on walls they will begin to fall horizontally rather than vertically when the last checkpoint is loaded it's also possible to complete tails a section of windy Valley without touching the ground due to its vertical design tails only uses up energy while he is ascending so the player can press jump to begin hovering and then just guide tails down to the goal capsule it's possible to clip tails into Emerald coast from the hub world as well as Sonic's version of speed highway in the GameCube director's cut however it's impossible to complete both of these levels as they would not program for tails using the burger shop statue in Station Square it's also possible to clip characters through objects doing this allows Sonic to get the light speed - early and lets knuckles also access emerald coast in our last Sonic glitches video we covered an exploit in Sonic Adventure 2 where the player could get unlimited rings by selling items in the Chao garden however this isn't the only tower lated glitch in the game if the player stands at a precise distance from their Chow and drops an upgrade the Chows stat will be increased but the item will not be consumed the 2006 Sonic the Hedgehog game contains numerous game breaking bugs players can extend the distance of Silver's levitation by tapping the jump button repeatedly and can float indefinitely with E 1 to 3 Omega by using a similar technique it's also possible to lift Sonic into the sky by standing on top of an indestructible box and kicking it repeatedly to gain height these tricks let players float almost indefinitely and reach areas they aren't supposed to in wave ocean-going off a ramp early during the muck speed section can lead to Sonic falling short and landing on a bridge this always results in a death as players take damage when they collide with objects and it's impossible to stop moving during the SEC's touching certain loops at the wrong angle will cause the player to be catapulted off instead of completing the loop additionally loops don't have physics programmed and players can walk up them and stand upside down as if they were solid ground though this isn't normally possible glitches allow for characters who aren't sonic shadow or silver to complete levels doing so reveals that they have fully functional victory animations and voice lines implying that they once played a larger role in the game boss fights against silver are notorious for their numerous glitches if silver catches sonic or shadow while they are near a wall it's possible to create an inescapable loop silver will throw the player into the wall which causes them to lose rings however one ring will be collected unintentionally and silver will immediately freeze the player again they will be caught in a loop of being frozen thrown and collecting their single ring until they either exit or restart in the main menu similarly if silver catches the character while they are in the air he will throw them upwards until they hit the skybox and die it's possible to skip the trigger to change between 2d and 3d sections in unleashed colors and generations allowing the player to sequence break using this trick it's possible to dip underwater and immediately resurface while in 3d in the Sonic Colors level aquarium park it's not normally possible to go underwater here in 3d so the game will act as if Sonic is submerged allowing the player to jump infinitely using glitches like this the player can access other acts in the same zone because Sonic Colors will load every acts level geometry when entering a zone however it will only load items enemies and obstacles for the act the player entered in Sonic lost world if a player jumps on top of a bumper in frozen factory zone 3 the graphics would glitch out and display a harsh strobe effect this round the risk of causing seizures in some people and was quickly fixed with a patch however it's possible to access the strobe using another exploit if Sonic double jumps back onto a wall he's already climbing he can then wall run indefinitely in desert ruins zone 4 the player can use this to stick to a wall through the tornado which will warp Sonic beyond the kill plane this causes the stroke effective again a short demo for sonic forces was released in Japan in October of 2017 which forced the player out of the level after only one minute however by pausing the game on the same frame that a QuickTime event was completed the timer would freeze allowing the players have finished the level the full release of Sonic forces also had several glitches at the beginning of the first level if the player presses the stop button Sonic will fall to his death it was entirely possible for this to be the very first thing the players encountered in the game and was quickly patched out additionally if the player input of a frame perfect' pause during the double boost intro his animation would continue but at a slower speed with the effect still active this was also patched out of the game there were numerous glitches and technical difficulties during the 25th anniversary stream that revealed both sonic forces and Sonic mania in particular it was ridiculed for its audio issues including a high-pitched whine in the background throughout much of the early stream this hiccup was referenced in Sonic mania where an identical tone can be heard in the background after the player beats the boss in studio Appa let's act - did you also know that the Sonic series didn't get past the first game's title screen without having a glitch all that sonic adventures child garden had several easily exploitable glitches for more facts check out the last did you know gaming video on sonic glitches they are numerous [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DidYouKnowGaming
Views: 806,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic glitch, sonic glitches, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic 06, sonic boom, glitch, glitches, sonic games, easter egg, easter eggs, sonic remix, Gaming, dykgaming, didyouknowgaming, did you know gaming, sega, analysis, gameplay, beta, history, explained, the making of, making of, dykg, facts, & knuckles
Id: OovT17r9Gvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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