Sonic Frontiers Platinum Was A Masterpiece!

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Sonic Frontiers is my first Sonic game ever and I decided to go for the Platinum so I had moments like this I'm excited now yo what's gonna happen yo oh oh this is fire oh this is for Sonic and like this doesn't make any sense how why is it turning all three of these oh this is dumb hate this but shortly I will find out how hard it would be to obtain two early trophies on in the first level Superior ranking achieve rank s time for the first time in a cyberspace area in perfect run complete all missions in one cyberspace area both can be obtained early on but I just wasn't used to the game and its movement so we will come back to these two trophies later on oh so much closer oh man all right I'm just gonna leave it it's fine it's fine if I need to come back I'll probably come back twice is better than I first started is fine we'll just continue after some tutorials and cutscene it was now time to face our very first Guardian ninja and there are a total of 18 Guardians alone these Guardians are also important to a trophy later on after beating the first guardian we get our very first trophy okay nice all right oh I lost some rings in my rings [Music] oh let's go our first trophy unknown threats defeat at Guardian for the first time nice Guardians would drop a portal gear these gears are very important so don't forget to pick them up shortly after we unlock our very first skill which is called side Loop a skill used to find hidden secrets and using combat as well next we get our second trophy here called Speed Demon activated a power boost for the first time now that we know how everything works we must collect the seat of power to increase attack power seat of Defense would do exactly what it says and increase our defense and the very last thing is to collect memory tokens in order to advance the story and progress even further these are very important to keep note as well since they are linked to specific trophies later on after collecting the first Chaos Emerald I collected my very first Coco and these are important to collect as well since they are attached to a few trophies needed later on in the game now that we have completed the tutorial Island we get our third trophy the Journey Begins completed challenges will unlock more areas of the map as well as new rails to make getting around the island easier and faster but also will grant us a seat of power or seed of Defense as a reward for cleat can completing these small challenges after this one I come across the Elder Coco who can upgrade your speed or ring capacity talking to him will also grant us another trophy oh we got another trophy all right spoke with the Elder Coco for the first time can't believe that's actually a troph so I totally forgot to include this trophy into the script it's called combo convert so here it is on the screen it doesn't need his own segment so I'm just including it so you know that it's here and I didn't skip over a trophy next we get a cutscene to progress further into the story Sonic gets heated across the map by a huge Titan into an unexplored area of the map but this is a good thing because the next trophy is talking with the hermit Coco the one who will be essential to upgrading our attack power and defense at the same time oh okay he raised my Powers up to level five and six oh we get another trophy wads we're just unlocking these like crazy next trophy we get is an easy one that doesn't need his own segment but it's here on the screen swap of Destruction breaking break report now coming into our next trophy Celestial rain encounter the Starfall for the first time what celestial rain what is that an event that happens rarely in the game after a few days and night cycles if you have played breath of the wild think of it like that everything you have killed or destroyed returns but in a Sonic game it's used as a mini game to earn purple coins which are very valuable to our gameplay and while collecting these fragments the wheel would spin in any match of three would Grant you a sum of x amount of purple coins another easy trophy here that doesn't need a huge segment I know I read it wrong but just leave me alone I was very excited at the time [Music] oh we got a tricking for tranquility that's our next trophy what is that earn a hundred purple coins okay I wasn't even going for that but okay as we were talking about the purple coins here is where they are used at for fishing fishing in this game is very op in the sense that you can buy a limit amount of cocoa for upgrades but the fun doesn't stop there you can also buy the seat of power in seed of Defense as well the big here seems to have an unlimited amount of them so if you have enough fish points you could probably max out your attack and defense stat early on but you can also get Treasures that will unlock fast travels to the Elder cocoa and herma Coco making it easier to get around the islands now we get our first trophy here after doing the tutorial oh big encounter that's our next uh trophy okay complete the fishing tutorial while trading our points for some cocoa we accumulate a sum of 200 cocoa and another one for catching every single fish on This fishing spot so remember in the beginning of the video how you can get two trophies right off the bag while I tend to get those two trophies on this level those trophies are superior ranking in perfect run and just like that I think we got two of the most fun trophies in the entire game I kind of wish they did this for every level in the game okay I beat it under the time frame that's my first S rank okay nice oh Superior ranking we actually got that here Chief rank s time for the first time in a cyberspace area we got that here it's a little late uh but we got it awesome all right let's actually try and get everything for it the 50 rings and all the red uh red star rings I don't actually I didn't see I didn't see the second one at all a third one there it is got it got it all nice we got it all completed there we go S rank all the way baby do we get anything else no right oh there we go the perfect run yeah we get two trophies in your complete all missions in one cyberspace area got it done this was actually one of the easier ones to get it in so nice we can move on after making it to the waterfall we finally reached the final Chaos Emerald that sits at the top of the boss's head here's how my first Sonic boss fight went after defeating this boss we move into Aries Island yo what's gonna happen yo oh oh this is fire oh this is Super Sonic oh yo this is this is insane oh oh this is not I get hit oh okay oh this music is so rad I need to stop getting hit let's go let's go oh my God what now what now what now what now oh let's go oh this is insane oh my God so Dragon Ball Z this is insane [Music] this is so Dragon Ball Z oh my God there we go oh take that big guy all right another another one another one another one another one let's go so Dragon Ball Z I love it though this is crazy oh let's go oh my God I can't handle this is so crazy inside a Sonic game yo and why nobody else put me on hmm [Music] oh my God this super dope wow and we'll get a trophy for this I need it there it is the beginning Ariel defeated the Titan and completed the main story on Kronos Island the same gameplay Loop applies here on Aries Island collecting memory tokens but for Knuckles this time around I did forget to mention that in the Chronos Island it was for Amy but nonetheless we are still doing the same thing as before challenges repairing portals collecting memory tokens as before and upgrading our main four stats and also fighting every enemy and Titan we come across for future trophies finally reaching the final Chaos Emerald it was time to fight the second boss fight wyvern I'm only showcasing these boss fights due to it being my very first Sonic game and want to share the experience that I had going into them Super Sonic oh my God what are we aim at I don't know oh all right here we go here we go okay come on oh this is so insane let's go oh my God oh my God oh my God did I do that what is happening okay just like the last boss fight okay whoa what is going on oh my God okay foreign nope nope no you're not gonna get me right now I I'm prepared for the Prairies I learn how to Parry now is the third phase oh okay oh let's go this is insane I forgot about the QuickTime events what the buttons I totally forgot about that um is that it did we do it I don't think so I'd have been too easy oh come on this is insane oh my God I almost messed that up let's go let's go supersonic oh my God yes come on do it spike him or do something quicker time even oh okay bam come on I don't give up that easily oh we're gonna suffering fake damage to him with his own Rockets oh that was the way to do it damn and we get a trophy for this probably like 90 okay ancient Defiance all right nice now the loop of gameplay starts over again at chaos Island I'll have to go ahead and say that this island is one of my favorites thus far in chaos Islands we tend to pick up a couple of trophies while we are here because I'm a grinder at heart and when fishing a lot so the first two trophies we get here are herculin Hedgehog and Harden Hedgehog all right well let us get our next trophy here it's gonna be fully upgrading this entire skill tree I know I haven't showed it in the entire video because it really wasn't anything important but we have 50 skill points and really need I mean we have 51 skill points and we really need 50 to complete his entire treat let us get the last one and there we go unrivaled aptitude chaos Island would become the very first island that I fully explored and fix all the portals for giving us two easy trophies let's clean up after we beat the game ah chaos Island Explorer s complete all the challenges and fully reveal the map we get another trophy here this is the last portal we need there we go chaos Island memories complete all portals on chaos Island after the set of trophies we get to play this pinball minigame this instantly reminded me of the 3D pinball space cadet if you play this game you know how many times you beg your mom or dad to let you play this game on the weekend shortly after beating this mini game we will start the third boss fight there we go um mmm Fitz come on oh yo let's go let me Parry this boy you ain't got nothing on me where's the prom where's the prompt I'm ready for the prompt all these animations are insane let's go that was sweet that was awesome yeah I'm not gonna be able to use the songs in this in this game at all I'm pretty sure they're copyrighted so if you don't hear the original song I'm so sorry let's go let us Pummel you to death yep is this the last phase that took some time to learn what to do better I I I figured it out I figured it out let us do this we're gonna have to mash because we haven't mashed yet right right oh Mash yup yup oh bam Perry I'm gonna have to Parry right no oh oh we're turning it up oh come on super come on supersonic this is so badass I can't even cap this is so badass it's gonna oh oh we're destroying it are we using it against him [Laughter] Excalibur Sonic oh I don't even know that's a thing but yeah that that is awesome that was pretty sweet and we get a trophy at the end of this come on yeah there's the trophy futile resistance I got 100 on that island around those islands we would pick up a few trophies here as well before the final boss let's check out the trophies we get here first one is easy prey defeated all types of enemies so orano's island has the best fishing place because it gives you so many fish tokens for the bigger fish you catch making it easy to buy a ton of cocoa now we head back to the Elder Coco and we max out the speech that giving us Hyper Sonic Hedgehog next we'll be maxing out the capacity of our Rings giving us the next trophy Hardy Hedgehog so in ouranos Island I decided to complete all the challenges here as well to reveal the entire map and get the trophy Associated to it orano's Island Explorer next we would fix all the portals around the island making orano's Island memory our next trophy before heading into the boss fight I made it my choice to finish all the side stories in orano's Islands to help reduce the cleanup after beating the game granting us another trophy orano's Island expert now it was time to fight the last boss fight against Supreme that is something nice there we go let's go this just never gets crazy let's go let's go we already got him down to his second phase oh sometimes whoa yeah obvious flying come on we can do it let us continue this is this whooping as a can of whoop ass I know you got a third face I know you do let's go oh my God that was insane yo what is going on oh my God some of the craziest boss fights this is it this is awesome a sniper shot oh this is gonna be insane did I do it nope okay I messed up um game over get your hands off the Sonic merchandise how is this going to end oh hope across ages and complete the main story that's it oh the end oh that is not it but we got a trophy I was just going to end Super Sonic oh so Dragon Ball Z this is awesome oh he's like my stand like my JoJo stand oh this is crazy oh yep yep JoJo stand yo this this game experience has been over and land at peace as our next trophy okay let me get out of that I want to enjoy this too oh man is that it he's gonna have to flick it [Music] oh she's gonna have to go with it turn blue a white do I not keep the crystals they just go back [Music] I guess they're a one-time use huh [Music] I'm speechless this is gonna show the game title no I thought it would ah damn I I it's hated me like this this is this was good this was really good there we go all right well I'll see you guys once I get back into the game but just know that wow just wow after beating the main story it was time for the very last step clean up we headed back to the very first island to get the last few trophies we missed there after completing this last challenge we get Chronos Island Explorer trophy shortly we go and fix the last portal in order to get another trophy trophy should pop there we go Kronos Island memory next we view the last memory of Amy on Kronos Island and just like that the island is done moving us into our next Trophy this is an easy one but can be easily missed as well but you have to activate Phantom Rush 15 times here is how I got it come on there it is combo Cracker Jack okay I've been at this for 19 minutes but perform Phantom Rush 15 times outside a training simulator after this I go after the Trophy called threats identified defeated all Guardian types here's the last one that I needed for this trophy let me know in the comments which of the Guardians what's your last one get out of here hmm get back over here yeah threads identify defeat all Guardian types that was the only one that I was missing on Aries Island we come to the last Challenge and fully reveal the map for another trophy now would be the best way to go around and fix the portals netting us another Trophy and getting us closer to the Platinum now finally viewing the last Knuckles Side Story we get our next trophy and that is it right bam Arius Island expert or Airy heading back to chaos Islands we are missing one trophy here and that is to view all of the sage slide stories and we should get all the trophies needed for the Platinum wow this one ever she used to hate us oh there we go chaos Island Explorer so that was actually all of them and we got expert historian viewed all Side Stories complete and let the Platinum hop right there trophies completed trophy earned that is an awesome Platinum looking icon as well for the game and that is everything that is complete with all of the game if you guys did enjoy this video leave a like comment subscribe all that good stuff this was my actual first Sonic game and I overall enjoyed the story down to everything the details the level designs everything was fun um yeah that's it if you guys want to see me Platinum KO the kangaroo click the video on your screen and I'll see you guys all in the next video thank you
Channel: Weirdly Platinum
Views: 3,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: platinum trophy, platinum, ps5 platinum trophy, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic frontiers platinum, sonic frontiers platinum trophy, super sonic, super sonic theme, psn trophy collection, psn trophies, sonic frontiers, ps5 sonic frontiers, tails, knuckles, amy, sages, platinum trophy speedrun, sonic and friends, psn platinum trophy, super sonic platinum, platinum trophy ps5, ps4 platinum trophy, ps4 trophy hunting, trophy glitch
Id: aaCB6eZSqkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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