Sonic and Tails Google Sonic Memes

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hey there inventors it's taeil's here and I'm back with my good friend Sonic here how's it goin Sonic hey buddy thanks for having me again what are we doing this time so today I have been googling some Sonic memes that I found and I wanted to share them with you means really oh okay we're doing fine we're doing the memes all right okay so first up how do you feel about this what do you think buddy what do you think I feel about this this is a monstrosity if the first Sonic that they created for the movie wasn't bad enough they added molded with Gollum no no no I would shoot that thing in the face you ain't going like rings Kanna so it works I guess my precious please first give me the ring what you wouldn't hang out with that probably a lot sorry no exactly no one could ever think that's way past cool when you tell Sonic to go slow yeah nobody I'm gonna drink my coffee and get out of here simple ass is that how you go so fast all the caffeine there's a lot of caffeine in my system I drink monster - so I'm asleep dude when your ultimate weapon gets destroyed by the heroes wannabe girlfriend ya wanna be is a very key word there two words technically I think you guys would be pretty cute together yeah you need to stop that buddy you need to stop trying to make that work Oh more dancing in the moonlight with Amy no okay why aren't you dancing in the moonlight with Tezuka mmm fans don't want me to be with any oh she's so hot that's not true they saw fan art there's a lot of fan arts on you - holding hands no there's another one for you seen our video you'll be quiet sonic alright alright touchy I am touchy right next to me oh look it's Amy oh great when Amy finds out Sonic is with someone else that's pretty accurate well you remember the last episode when I was with tails the Cohen Sonic and she thought what are you cheating on me with anyone not even with you are you complaining yeah I mean did she catch up to you milord did you just get away ha ha ha almost she is I mean I literally had to go like supersonic speed I to really go I'm sorry dude dad that's intense it was was I was panicking it was partly my fault but partly Barris me so I think we're even it is 100% your face even now bears me no we're not because you embarrass me first by bringing Amy and me on to do devianart then I got payback with me and sonica got payback on you and you brought Amy back in so we're not even buddy I've got a score to settle I love you no you don't if you did you would never have thought this is a proper movie dr. Robotnik now this is how you do it he looks like a walrus we so need to make a make a band this is happening I know right I mean I have experience I mean we have a baton with big and blades but that was a joke I don't know yeah yeah that was then then that went down like a lead balloon big is a great singer he is a great singer yes - good dose up to it right now do it Oh picture tag photo that is so accurate I cannot believe bad photos of me like why you look at that one yeah that is hideous is not flattering no that's not but Amy would so think you look pretty I guess I doubt it even I think she would say no to that tagged photo you want like Quasimodo can fly but uses a plane haha you use a plane to get me in the air that's why I can't carry me all the way up to the egg carrier and then dodge bullets and missiles is that you need a plane for that yeah a plane isn't just a vehicle guys it's also my weapon and you know I get tired Sonic's heavy I am it's so chili dogs and plus I get gassy on chili dogs you can't really smell anything when we're going that fast you have to bring up the bowel issues Sonic like I can't help it buddy those chili dogs repeat on me all right sorry funny let's just start circle area if you're like eight years old you are eight years old you know what I'm like he's doing the hand gesture of like you know if you if you stare at the circle you lose kind of game look at his eyes he looks like he's you know someone threw bleach in his eye or something it's still better than the first movie Sonic design that's all I can say imagine like that that whole scene you burst through the door and you see that easily I'm an abomination get that away from me when your mom takes away your phone evil chuckle you full I have 70 alternative devices though you fool I have 70 alternative devices I am an egg mustache so get a trim bro yeah like you know try wick sometime Bodi I can't help but feel like if he got himself a good woman maybe he wouldn't be so bad a lot of people ship him in Ella from Sonic X maybe I need to bring a grin on the TV in our video do you think it would debatable I might have to be there with you you know just in case something goes down this might happen maybe yeah we will try and negotiate something oh it's the shadow face from the comics me and face that's always his face I know but this is particularly from the comics where he oh yeah thanks but this is a redraw that's the face he always pulls when I'm around I love it yeah it's like that time he tried to play overwatch with us and we were like singing and talking Scottish and we were better than him - yeah stupid reaper mane [Music] [Music] okay I got this one Eggman you suck oh yeah check out the shades buddy you know what's really annoying that your your hat is coming out of your shoulder that is really bothering me maybe that's why all the other people around us are like oh my god cuz I have an abomination that is definitely it is this Sonic no I mean sure yeah go flirt with him yeah what is my Amy voice so accurate that was yeah it's almost too accurate if you know what I mean I'm scared you're scared you just did that to me I don't know where it came from okay I'm sorry never do it again buddy I will not do my Amy voice ever again you're a you're a guy act like a guy you're okay that time I sounded like tracer but no that was a joke that was a joke plus tracer doesn't chase me everywhere I go and ask me to marry her all the time so yeah how could anybody mistake shadow for you there's a huge difference dude look black and red first of all and then he's got his quills go up not down and he's edgy but super edgy yeah exactly those shoes are stupid he's got rocket boots yeah he needs rocket boots to be fast see what I don't know I don't use rocky boots if I had the same boots as him I would be faster than him so you call him faker really cuz he pretends to be fast right yeah he's got rocket boots we've all seen it yeah you're not Sonic oh is this sweet face it's an abomination get a loot of these-- that is creepy too well when you find him as much as I do you pick up on a few things this guy no way I can't believe this I did once and he really didn't like it so I'm it's okay it's half full it's half empty like my memories Oh Maria I can't do a silver you're gonna have to do it you do silver wait what was the question it's no use it's no use and Knuckles just being angry what that I or in a conch what notice me survived because no you know my knuckles is the CEMP I know you want knuckles to notice you dude know that that's not real that's not real that's been it's totally edited look I don't know actually wearing a skirt and shirt like that no but you might as well be standing like that why am i snow that's not know knuckles is not my senpai you say I want to be just like you when I grow up that's what you say I don't want to be like knuckles well this was boob sonic you you and ever different so totally different why I don't want to be like that knucklehead and we cool in that Oh shots fired I won this shadow doll from my GF she dumped me well your GF is no fun no clearly nice that's why you should be but Gina's like me and Sonic all right dude yeah we're eligible bachelors we are single and ready to mingle I don't wanna mingle no you do girls he's single girls sales is a single Pringle who's ready to mingle and I'm eight and I'm happy with my life thank you yeah well okay what about Zoe then no you don't talk about no why don't we talk about Zoe he's always lovely I've got to talk to Zoe she's fun hey when you talk to Zoe why are you talking to Zoe who said you could do that she's part of the group dude she is she doesn't come on my channel yet I'm waiting I'm waiting no but she hangs around like with us in general as a group that would be a great start particularly since you're her boyfriend yeah but you're not though you're was a lie Sonic stop it or I'm gonna call Amy I'm putting a stop to this right now you do that I'll call silly daughter on speed dial but she's on my friends list I can call her so he isn't gonna hit me with a giant hammer so there's that so how I wish yeah Amy won't hit me with a hammer I haven't done anything to her I can lie I can lie too they told me I could be anything so I became the Terminator look intimidating in that picture yes and I'm not gonna say which picture [Laughter] I have something to tell you tails tails if someone tries to touch you in a place or a way that makes you feel uncomfortable that's no good no unless it's Zoey because it's ed man in the shower the closest thing I will ever get in fanservice I'll take it Wow really looking looking cool with the shower cap there doctor scrubbing his scalp or something oh maybe it's maybe it's dead like a flaky scalp see this today nobody needs to see this ah sir III need to go lay down this was fun Sadiq yes yeah nauseating before yeah if you guys enjoyed today's video be sure to leave a like and a comment down below and if you're new here be sure to subscribe and enable notifications so you don't miss a video from me and be sure to also check out Sonic's channel that will be in the description below thank you buddy you're welcome Sonic until next time inventors
Channel: Tails And Sonic Pals
Views: 2,899,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tails, Sonic, miles tails prower, tails and sonic pals, tails reacts, sonic memes, sonic the hedgehog memes, sonic movie memes, sonic movie, dr eggman, sonic boom, Sonic and Tails Google Sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic and tails, sega, sonic x, sonic googles, tails googles, tails googles himself, sonic googles himself, sonic react, sonamy, sonic and tails google, google, tails vs deviantart, gotta go fast, funny sonic memes, memes, video games, sonic and tails pals
Id: xbe0ccckMAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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