Songs you NEED to know for Oktoberfest! | Feli from Germany

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as a munich native if you're going to oktoberfest this year you have to know these songs [Applause] [Music] hello servos and welcome back to my youtube channel my name is fili i'm originally from munich germany but i've been living in cincinnati ohio on and off since 2016 but when you see this video i'm actually already gonna be in munich home sweet home because tomorrow saturday september 17th is the first day of oktoberfest or wiesen as we say in munich and when i say oktoberfest i mean munich oktoberfest which to me will always be what i mean when i say oktoberfest all the other events in the world that are modeled after it i'll always just call cincinnati oktoberfest or fredericksburg oktoberfest or whatever their names are but when i just say oktoberfest i'm exclusively referring to the festival taking place in munich a lot of people around the world also somehow believe that oktoberfest is like a nationwide holiday or cultural festivity that all germans celebrate kind of like carnival or christmas which is actually not the case oktoberfest is simply an event a foxfest a folk festival or internationally also often referred to as beer festival that takes place in munich every year at least whenever there isn't a worldwide pandemic going on and even though it's a huge event with about 6 million visitors every year the majority of germans especially those who don't live in that area couldn't care less about it and even in munich there are lots of people who don't like it and who don't go i'm not one of those people i'm super excited to go this year because i always loved it even as a kid when we just go for the rides and the cotton candy and everything and it's been five years since the last time i went so it's going to feel really great to be back by the way quick reminder i'm currently doing an oktoberfest sale on so all of my bavarian beer mugs are 15 off right now all the way through october 3rd which is the last day of oktoberfest 2022 and these are the exact same mugs that you'll see at oktoberfest and just in general at beer gardens and restaurants in munich and the rest of bavaria now the festival actually has a long history that goes all the way back to a royal wedding in the year 1810 that took place at the exact same spot where oktoberfest still takes place today there meadow and it goes on for a little over two weeks usually it's 16 days but this year because our national holiday german unity day on october 3rd falls on a monday it's being extended for that day and it's going on for a total of 17 days this year if you want to learn a little bit more about the history the different tense and all of the do's and don'ts definitely make sure to check out this video from two years ago because i really covered everything in here that you'll need to know before you go then i also have a video on all of the myths about oktoberfest including the chicken dance which spoiler alert you won't come across in munich and if you want to learn a little bit more about bavarian tretin the traditional clothing check out these two videos in this one ben and i talked about how to properly wear dental and lederhosen and where you can get them in the u.s oh and if you want to make sure that you pronounce all the german beer brands and breweries correctly i have a video for that as well i really have quite the collection of videos by now but today i want to tell you a little bit more about the music at oktoberfest so that those of you who are going this year can prepare a little maybe learn some lyrics but i'm sure this is interesting for everyone else as well just to kind of get an idea for what oktoberfest is like and what these crazy germans listen to when they're drunk and since you'll need the right wireless earbuds to listen to these songs all day long and practice for oktoberfest this video is sponsored by raycon and you'll even get an amazing 50 off your wacom purchase with my link in the info box below but i'll tell you more about that later first let's talk about the basics so oktoberfest is kind of like a big state fair right with lots of rides and booths and attractions and when you walk over it you'll hear different music coming from everywhere but what i'm talking about today is the music that you'll hear inside the big beer tents and there are 14 of those they're basically like huge beer halls and they all have a stage for live music now every tent has kind of a different vibe and obviously different bands because they can't all play at different tents at the same time but usually you'll get your traditional grass music throughout the day and then in the afternoon or at night there will be party bands with a singer and that's usually when everyone slowly gets up on the benches and starts to dance and sing along and there's certain songs that you'll just hear over and over again and i tried to kind of divide these into categories of english speaking songs because yes there's going to be plenty of that german classics so like german speaking songs that are a little bit older and have become iconic over the years bavarian songs by which i mean that they have bavarian dialect in them which in general is something that's very present at oktoberfest and german party schlage balaman songs even though you probably won't know what balamon is but this category is full of relatively new songs in standard german with very simple and catchy melodies and sometimes kind of vulgar and sexist lyrics i'm going to try and show you snippets of the songs as i go through the list but i'm not quite sure how this is going to work out with the copyright and everything so i can't promise anything but i'll also definitely make sure to link a few spotify and youtube playlists with these songs in the infobox for you and since i definitely won't be able to cover all of the songs in this video if you feel like i forgot an important one please go ahead and add that in the comment section below first and foremost a song that even the brass bands will play regularly throughout the day is this one [Music] it's called i'm posied like is another word for post meaning cheers and mutely kite is a word that's very important in bavarian culture it means something like coziness relaxation enjoying life kind of a mix of all of those i even have this phrase on my coasters by the way that also sell on feed from people usually take their beer hold it up sing along and then it usually ends with once soi sofa which means one two three drink in bavarian so this song and this little drinking phrase is definitely the most important one to know because you'll be doing this a lot throughout the day you'll also hear different chants and simple songs such as [Applause] here and there this one has different rhymes that go with it for example ali ali and strasse philip is [Music] [Applause] you'll also hear the band say the kruger the beer max to which the crowd will respond up [Applause] and then they'll also sometimes say literally means sex but in this case it's like jokingly calling your friends idiots or something and then the crowd will respond with pos do zac and then they say danke and the crowd says and sometimes it gets into soccer a little bit too and people will sing [Applause] which is an insult towards the soccer team of borussia dortmund that are the archenemies of fc bayern munich now getting into the list of english-speaking songs the second most important song of oktoberfest is probably this one angels by robbie williams [Music] this is really the song that everyone will sing along to with all of their heart and it's often also the last song of the night before the tents close at 11 pm and also the last song on the last night of oktoberfest and in some tents people even get sparklers and then sing along to it before oktoberfest is over and it's super romantic and cheesy [Music] [Applause] [Music] now the crazy thing is that if you're from the us you've probably never heard of the song and you've probably never even heard of robbie williams which is so crazy to us europeans because he's one of the biggest pop stars of the last 20 years and everyone knows this song and many other of his songs but for some reason he never became big in the us which is also why he lives over there actually because he can live a more normal life but anyway robbie williams angels write it down other songs that you'll hear a lot that might surprise many americans are take me home country roads by john denver that one's definitely an oktoberfest classic [Applause] but also sweet home alabama [Applause] sweet caroline by neil diamond as well as songs like ymca songs that everyone can do a dance to are always good summer of 69 bon jovi's it's my life as well as the song life is life by opus who the [ __ ] is alice and many other english-speaking hits such as we are the champions or we will rock you by queen one song that also became a big party song in germany i think because it was covered at some point is a baby which originally is by the american singer-songwriter bruce chanel from the 60s [Applause] everyone will always sing along though ah now in those oktoberfest playlists that i have for you guys a lot of these songs actually aren't in their original version anyways but they're on there in some kind of party cover version now before we get into the next category i want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor raikon and their wireless everyday earbuds that are literally perfect for everyday life they're affordable but still have an amazing sound quality and three different sound profiles that are perfect for listening to music or podcasts because that's what i do mostly i always have them in when i wander through the house to feed the cats what are the plants all that fun household stuff or when setting up furniture for example which i've been doing a lot recently i just like to listen to my favorite podcasts while i do that and what's really cool is that i don't even need to worry about where my phone is because you can walk up to 33 feet away so 10 meters away and you'll still have perfect quality with these and i don't need to walk back to my phone when i want to pause it or something either because i can control everything with the buttons on the earbuds i can play and stop skip to the next episode and regulate the volume and the battery lasts forever too they have a play time of 8 hours and then you just charge them in this case which has a battery life of 32 hours so honestly i only need to charge them every few weeks but of course the main reason why i like these so much is that they sit perfectly in my ears and i never have to worry about them falling out even when i lay down i don't have the same hassle with these that i've had with headphones in the past where you can't lay on the side and every time you move they're falling out these sit flush with your face and if you have small ears like myself you can just use a smaller size of the gel tips that they come with and i promise you they won't go anywhere i even wear them on the plane here's a super flattering clip that ben took of me on a flight to germany the other day because i don't have to worry about them falling out and rolling underneath the seat so long story short if you want to get a pair of recons too you can now get 15 off the already gray price all you have to do is go to philly from germany or simply click the link in the info box below and believe me it's worth it now let's move on to a few german classics there's a lot to share about each of these artists and songs but i'm trying to keep this video as short as i can so i'm going to limit this to like one sentence per song we have songs like marmoshtein and eisenberg by rafi deutscher from 1965. this is a true evergreen i'd argue that almost every german knows this course by heart it says marmoshtein and eisenberg alice alaska for by the way which translates to marble stone and iron will break but our love won't everything everything comes to an end but we'll stay loyal to each other [Applause] then we got the schlage classics by steph gaia and banzen by wolfgang petery for the last one the audience will do certain chants in the chorus it says das este vansen from shakespeare in the hiller that's crazy why are you sending me to hell and then everyone goes hello hello hello [Applause] [Music] and then there are two more of those parts where the crowd shouts something but it would be too complicated to explain now but this could definitely be one of those songs that you might look up the lyrics for and then learn these little chants then you'll also hear songs by nina for example like 99 red balloons no them by matthias greim by the munich band marina freiheit [Music] thousand and einen where you'll mainly just need to know the one line where they say there's also a few songs by the german punk band dietzel that everyone knows such as vestaland which is an area on the german island of zuld in the north sea and they have a song about that [Music] everyone also knows viva colonia by the cologne band the huna from 2003 [Music] but you'll also sometimes hear it sung as viva bavaria at oktoberfest to make it more about bavaria instead of cologne one of those anthem-like songs that you'll definitely hear is antagonism by the tottenhausen which is a legendary german punk band that's still active today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and then you might hear the late german legend singing about the fact that he's never been to new york or this classic flagger from the 70s by mariana he belongs to me like my name at the door [Music] getting to the songs that contain bavarian or austrian dialect or are fully in dialect first up we need to talk about this munich band with the beautiful not german name of spider murphy gang or spider murphy gang as we usually pronounce it their song skandal and sperbetsiak is not only an absolute banger to this day the lyrics also couldn't be any more german because they sing about a prostitution free area in munich in case you didn't know prostitution is generally legal in germany but for the olympics in munich in 1972 they made it illegal in certain areas downtown so that's the reason for the song and they're singing about a prostitute named rosie who just keeps working anyway while all the other prostitutes are standing around without work outside of the city limits [Music] and yes this is a song that i knew and sang along to even as a kid that's germany for you this song does have a lot of lyrics so it might be kind of hard to learn them but you will notice that all of the locals know the song by heart and you can always just learn the one line skandalum rosie another popular song by them is shikaria which is about the munich high society and then a very important austrian artist is andreas he's really become a superstar in the last few years hula palu is one of his most popular songs for occasions like these because everyone can sing along in the chorus even non-german speakers but he also has songs like isingalia fading [Music] austrian as well and it's about a town named first fed and feeling homesick few other more recent songs in dialect on my list are ham combs also by an austrian band [Music] which was a huge oktoberfest hit in like 20 12 or so [Music] by the relatively new band vox club [Music] just a little too commercial for my taste and are kind of forcing the whole bavarian thing a little too much in my opinion but most people do like their songs and last but not least let's talk about standard german party schlager songs i know i've used the term schlage a few times in this video and i haven't explained yet what it means but it is kind of hard to explain because it's a music genre that's pretty specific to germany or the german-speaking world and there are different types of schlage but when you hear me say this i usually refer to music with a very even beat it doesn't like groove it's just like boom boom boom boom it has a simple and catchy melody usually and relatively simple lyrics that are often a little cheesy and as i said earlier some of them can also get a little vulgar and sexist like the song lila that you probably won't hear at oktoberfest this year i've heard that the bands have decided not to play it but this song was the talk of the summer in germany because it's very sexist but anyway we have major hits like atom loss by helena fisher who is the biggest schlage star in germany nowadays and who has kind of brought schlage into a new era then there are a few songs that have dance routines that everyone's familiar with such as the figalit which is usually sung in bavarian dialect actually but there's also versions in standard german so i thought it fits better in this category but that's a dance that you should probably get familiar with before you go even though it's literally like a kid's stance but kids and drunk people are a lot alike right [Music] another song with a very popular dance routine is cowboy and indiana so yes the title is cowboy and indian i know [Music] [Applause] then we have the fiat the red horse [Music] then there are a few different songs by an artist called dj etsy from austria who has been making these type of party songs for a long time and his biggest hit is antenna steroid that song was huge when i was a kid he also does thing in dialect but not all of his songs are in dialect and they're very party schlage so that's why he's in this category another song by him would be einstein for example [Music] and a more recent hit is kwadu lagun by josh which is not necessarily as schlagery as the rest but this is the category it fits the best i think and it's about a woman named cuadro lagren whom the singer would like to ask out on a date [Music] which was also a huge oktoberfest hit one year [Music] and then we got the super appropriate song joanna by roland kaiser from 1984. that is you guessed it about a prostitute and this is one of those songs where people do chants in between the lines that aren't actually part of the original song i don't think and it's basically calling joanna vulgar things like du galazao duluda du drexel not very classy but if you think about it oktoberfest isn't necessarily about being classy [Music] and that was the last song on my list for today again feel free to add song titles in the comments below i'm sure i've forgotten a few important ones here and there and of course there are just so many other songs that you'll hear throughout those 17 days of oktoberfest but the reason i made this video is that i know how weird it can feel when you're in a new environment at a party and everyone knows songs and dances that you don't know so i think your oktoberfest experience is just going to be even more fun if you at least know kind of like what's going on and maybe know a few lines here and there now all that's left to say is have an amazing time at oktoberfest if you're going and maybe i'll see you there auf wiedersehen post and cheers [Music] you
Channel: Feli from Germany
Views: 241,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Germany, Munich, Cincinnati, Cultural Differences, Culture Shock, Kulturelle Unterschiede, Deutschland, München, Ohio, USA vs. Germany, Living abroad, Move to Germany, Life in Germany, Move to Europe, Life in USA, U.S., Deutschland USA Kulturunterschiede, Unterschiede Deutschland Amerika, Feli from Germany, Oktoberfest Munich, Oktoberfest 2022, wiesn 2022 münchen, Wiesn Hits, Wiesn Lieder, oktoberfest songs playlist, oktoberfest songs with lyrics, ein prosit der gemütlichkeit
Id: ffQiS3RB9LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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